When Angels Fall

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When Angels Fall Page 13

by Sherryl D. Hancock

  “Skyla!” Bettina called.

  Skyler remembered now why she hadn’t had any problems with drill sergeants yelling at her while she’d been in the Army. Her parents yelled all the time.

  “Well, come hea girl!” Bettina said, smiling a toothy smile as she held out her arms to her daughter.

  Skyler took after her father in height, standing taller than her mother by six full inches. She hugged her mother, noting that her mother seemed to be much slighter than she’d been years before. She realized belatedly that it had been over six years since she’d been home last. The last visit had been enough for her to stay away for as long as she could.

  Skyler heard her father lumbering down the hallway, and waited. Abel Boche’ was a large man, standing a full six feet, four inches with brawn to match. At least that had been the case the last time Skyler had been home. Her father seemed to have deflated a bit over the last six years. He still had his height, even if he seemed shorter due to the stoop he seemed to have developed, but he definitely had lost a lot of his brawn. Skyler couldn’t control the raise of her eyebrow at the sight of him and her father saw it.

  “Wha? I look old?” her father demanded, his voice still booming.

  Skyler did her best to suppress her wry grin, “I didn’t say a word,” she enjoined.

  “I know dat look,” her father snapped, even so he walked over to look her over.

  Skyler straightened her back, her eyes staring right back into her father’s, refusing to show any weakness in front of the man. He no longer intimidated her. He’d done his worst the last time she’d been home, she was no longer afraid of him. Her looks told him that.

  After a long look, Abel nodded, as if he’d confirmed something to himself.

  “So you came home after all, eh?” Abel said, moving to sit in his chair, his tone uninterested.

  “I couldn’t miss the phone calls I got begging me to do just that,” Skyler countered.

  Abel snorted dismissively as he used the remote to turn on the TV. Skyler shook her head, reaching into her back pocket for a cigarette and into her front pocket for her lighter. She walked through the house, heading for the backyard, just needing to get away from them for a few minutes. It’s where Sebastian found her a half an hour later.

  “How long did that take?” Sebastian asked from behind her.

  Skyler grinned, “’bout a minute.” She answered.

  Sebastian walked around to look at her. She was seated in one of the lawn chairs, her phone on her knee blaring out Linkin Park, and a number of cigarette butts on the ground at her feet. The song “What I’ve Done” was playing and Skyler was singing the words.

  The lines “Put to rest what you thought of me, while I clean this slate with the hands of uncertainty. So let mercy come and wash away what I've done.” Sebastian was pretty sure that his big sister was thinking of her time in Iraq. He didn’t know exactly what had happened to her, but he knew she’d nearly been killed and that two people in her crew had been killed. Skyler hadn’t come home after the incident in Iraq, but the military had told them a general story of what had happened.

  Sebastian had been sure there was more the Army hadn’t told them. He had hurt for his sister during that time. It had hurt him that she hadn’t come home, but he knew that their parents had everything to do with that. He knew that their parents were terrible to Skyler, but he’d always looked up to her. She was the toughest, biggest badass he knew, and he’d been so proud to tell his friends that his sister was an Army pilot over fighting the war. The fact that his sister had flown a Black Hawk helicopter was something he was very proud of and bragged about it even now. He hated that he’d lost touch with her.

  Now seeing her sitting in their childhood backyard, where they’d built a fort as kids. It all came back to him, and he realized how much he’d really missed his big sister. The fact that she was likely there to try and save his ass made him feel ashamed. He didn’t care if he disappointed their parents, fuck them, he always thought, but disappointing Skyler was a lot easier to handle when she wasn’t sitting right there in front of him.

  “So…” he said, sitting down across from her, blowing his breath out anxiously.

  Skyler looked at her kid brother, he was two years her junior, but she always saw him as much younger. He was a handsome devil, she thought as she always had. He had the blue green eye color she had, and the darker skin of the Cajun side. His hair, currently bleached blonde on top with a long fade, and the sides that were shaved close to his head was his natural reddish brown.

  “So…” Skyler mimicked, her grin wry as she waited for him to talk.

  She knew he was hoping she’d say something first, but she had no intention of excusing his current situation.

  “Don’t fuckin do that!” he said, his voice raised, but a grin on his lips.

  “Do what?” Skyler asked, leaning back in her chair.

  “You know what,” he said, giving her a narrowed look, “you’re worse than them!”

  That made Skyler smile evilly, “Why?” she asked.

  “Cause I give a shit what you think, damnit!” he said, glowering at her.

  “Then stop doing stupid shit, Sebo,” Skyler said.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he said, rolling his eyes at her.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Skyler repeated giving him a direct look.

  “I fucked up, okay? I know that,” Sebastian said.

  Skyler nodded, her look saying that she agreed with him.

  “But you’re here,” he said, chewing on the inside of his cheek in tentativeness, “so does that mean you’re gonna help me?”

  The look in Sebastian’s eyes went straight to Skyler’s heart, she could see that he was scared, and that he was looking to her to save him. It jabbed at her that she really had abandoned her baby brother with their asshole parents, it really wasn’t his fault that they’d always treated her like shit, and him like a king. She’d told herself over the years that he could have done anything else with his life, but she wasn’t as sure of that sitting in their backyard in the worst part of town.

  Skyler gave him a considering look, “I’m not sure that I’m as influential as our parents’ think, Sebo.” She said honestly.

  “But you might be,” he said, his tone all the little boy he had been with all the hope and trust that came with that.

  Skyler grinned, “I don’t know,” she said.

  “But you’ll try?” Sebastian asked hopefully.

  “I’ll try,” Skyler said.

  Sebastian blessed her with his most winning smile and Skyler couldn’t help but roll her eyes and shake her head. The little shit definitely had a way.

  “Now, let’s go hit the hood with that bad ass car you brought!” he said, smiling brightly.

  Skyler laughed at his enthusiasm. Moving to stand as Sebastian did the same. She was surprised when she was caught up in a hug.

  Sebastian was taller than her be a few inches, so his lips grazed the side of her head as she said, “Thanks sis,” quietly as he gave her an extra squeeze.

  Skyler was surprised when tears sprang to her eyes. She really had missed him. It was hard not to miss him. He was all charm and personality.

  They left their parent’s home in the Corvette, taking a drive through the neighborhood. Sebastian was hailed by a number of people, some even recognized Skyler, even though she hadn’t live there in years.

  “So what ya doin’ these days, anyway?” Sebastian asked her.

  Skyler grimaced, she hadn’t really shared a lot with her family over the years. She figured they didn’t care, so she wasn’t going to go out of her way to tell them anything. But it was sad that her own brother didn’t seem to know what she did for a living now.

  “I’m working for LA fire,” Skyler said.

  “You’re a fire fighter?” Sebastian asked, looking shocked.

  Skyler laughed, shaking her head, “No, sorry, I work air operations,” at his blank look she clarified, “I fly a rescue chopp

  “Oh, oh, I get it!” Sebastian said, “Dat’s pretty cool,” he said nodding.

  “It has its moments,” Skyler said.

  “Uh-huh,” Sebastian murmured. Convinced that she was holding out on him.

  “So, what else is goin’ on with ya?” Sebastian asked.

  Skyler didn’t answer right away, then shrugged, “Not too much.”

  “Is there a girl? Or is there a lot of girls?” Sebastian asked, his tone lecherous.

  Skyler chuckled, “Just one at the moment,” she said, her features darkening a bit.

  “Uh oh,” Sebastian said, “problems with that one?”

  Skyler blew her breath out, “Just complications,” she said non-commitally.

  “Ah, those,” Sebastian said nodding wisely.

  “What about you?” Skyler asked, amazed that she was having this conversation with her brother at this point.

  “Nah,” Sebastian said, “I play it fast and loose these days.”

  “These days?” Skyler repeated, her tone disbelieving.

  “Always,” Sebastian said with a devilish grin.

  “More like it,” Skyler said, laughing.

  “So is she hot?” Sebastian asked.

  Skyler handed him her phone, “She’s on there,” she told him.

  Sebastian scrolled through the pictures, coming across one with Devin and Skyler.

  “Holy shit, Sky,” Sebastian said, sounding impressed, “she’s definitely hot.”

  Skyler grinned, nodding. Sebastian continued to scroll through the pictures and came across the one of a hot Latina.

  “Who’s this?” he asked holding up the phone.

  Skyler glanced over, at the phone, grinning, “That’s Rose,” she said, “an ex.”

  “You don’t slouch do ya?” Sebastian said, grinning.

  Skyler shrugged shaking her head.

  “So how come she didn’t come with you?” he asked then.

  Skyler made a face, “It’s complicated right now.”

  “Complicated?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yeah,” Skyler said, glancing over at him.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  “Wit you?” Skyler said, letting her Cajun accent show for a moment.

  “No huh?” Sebastian asked.

  “No,” Skyler confirmed.

  “Okay, okay…” Sebastian said, holding up his hands in surrender, even as he grinned.

  It was a nice day, they ended up having lunch at an old hot spot for Skyler.

  Later, back at the hotel, Skyler checked her phone and saw that Devin had called a few times. She knew in her heart of hearts that she was being a coward not talking to Devin about how she was feeling about her time with Sarah. She knew she’d been the one to encourage Devin to help Sarah through this rough part of her life. And she still agreed with that, she just hadn’t known how it would feel knowing they were spending so much time together. It made her wonder if she’d been standing in Devin’s way when it came to Sarah. She’d decided that absenting herself from the middle of things would tell the tale.

  She dialed Devin’s number and got her voicemail, so she just left a brief message.

  “Hey, it’s me. Spent the day with my brother. Shit is the same here as it always is here. Talk to you later.” And then she hung up. She knew she was being distant with Devin, but she also knew that she didn’t want to look stupid if Devin ended up back with Sarah after all of this.

  That night Sebastian and Skyler went to a local bar and just drank and played pool. It was an easy night. Skyler knew she pushed it on the alcohol, but she made sure she was still okay to drive that night to drop Sebastian off at their parents’ house.

  The next day was supposed to be Sebastian’s first appearance in court. Their parents and a few other relatives were in attendance. The case ended up being continued until the following month, but Skyler took the opportunity to talk to the prosecuting DA, Matt Modela. While her family looked on, Skyler stepped up to the DA.

  “Good morning sir,” Skyler said, extending her hand to the man, she could easily sense that the man was ex-military by his mannerisms.

  The DA gave her a slightly suspicious look having seen her sitting with the defendant in the case, and it was also evident by their similar features that they were related. Slowly he extended his hand to her, his look cautious.

  “Skyler Boche’,” Skyler told him, “Sebastian is my brother.”

  “I understand,” Matt said, nodding his head, “What can I do for you Ms. Boche’?”

  “I was hoping I could talk to you about my brother’s case,” Skyler said, moving to stand in what any military person would recognize as an at-ease position.

  “I can’t really discuss the case, Ms. Boche’,” Matt said recognizing ex-military in Skyler.

  It occurred to him then that he’d read in Sebastian’s file that his sister had been a decorated Army pilot. He’d read that Skyler Boche’ had received the Medal of Honor, no mean fete for a woman in the military. She’d also been awarded a Purple Heart for injuries sustained in a crash. He also remembered thinking that Sebastian hadn’t been anything like his sister.

  “I understand completely, sir,” Skyler said, reaching up to rub the bridge of her nose in agitation, she hated to be in this position, “I was hoping to ask you about the possibility of probation.”

  Matt looked back at her in mild surprise, but out of respect for her status he was willing to hear her out.

  “That’s asking for a helluva gift, Ms. Boche’.” He said, his eyes skipping from Skyler to the faces of her family standing around them. “Under what circumstances?” Matt asked.

  Skyler paused, she wanted to be careful here, she wanted to keep Sebastian out of jail, but she wasn’t sure if her solution would be enough.

  “I work for the Los Angeles Fire Department, Air Operations, I had a chance to talk to my CO earlier this morning. He said he’d be willing to recommend Sebo– Sebastian as a probationary fire fighter with our department.”

  “That’s remarkable,” Matt said, impressed that Skyler didn’t seem to be trading on her Medal of Honor or her military background, even though he was sure she recognized him as fellow ex-military personnel. “But how do I know he won’t just go sell drugs in California?”

  “Because I’d beat him senseless if he tried,” Skyler practically growled as she shot her brother narrowed look.

  Matt had to grin at that statement and he believed Skyler Boche’ would do just that. He considered his case, and the impact this would possibly have on Sebastian Boche’s life.

  “You’d be willing to personally vouch for him?” Matt asked her then.

  Skyler took a deep breath, her look considering, but then she nodded, “I would sir,” she said, her tone respectful.

  “I understand you gave a lot to our country,” Matt said, his tone equally respectful.

  Skyler blinked a couple of times, nodding, her look grave, “Others gave more,” she said, her voice tinged with the tears that were in her throat suddenly.

  Matt nodded, uttering a “Hooah,” understanding exactly what she meant, he’d lost enough soldiers in his unit during his time in the military.

  He extended his hand to Skyler, “Your brother is very lucky to have you backing him up,” he told her, nodding his head to her, “I’ll petition the judge for two years’ probation,” he pinned her with a look then, “if he fucks up on your watch…”

  “I’ll bring him back to jail myself,” Skyler said, her tone no nonsense.

  Matt nodded, then moved to pick up his brief case.

  He extended his hand to Skyler once again, “Good to meet you soldier,” he said, giving her a direct look.

  “You too sir, thank you.” Skyler answered, returning his look.

  Matt’s eyes skipped to the Boche’ family, he was wondering why none of them had spoken, it seemed odd, but he’d talked to the person he was willing to trust. That was enough. With that he walked out of the courtro

  Sebastian grabbed his sister up in a hug, even as the rest of the family let out a collective sigh of relief. Skyler saw that her father was nodding, the look on his face conciliatory, but nowhere near grateful. She shrugged it off, she didn’t care if they appreciated what she’d done, or how far out on a ledge she’d gone for Sebastian, she hadn’t done it for them.

  “We have to go out and celebrate!” Sebastian said as they walked out of the courthouse, “I’m gonna be a fireman!” he said laughing.

  It had actually been something he’d wanted to do when he was younger, but it just hadn’t ever happened. He’d fallen in with a bad crowd after Skyler had left for the military and before he knew it he was making easy money selling drugs. The arrest had brought him up short and he’d realized that he was headed down a bad path, he just hadn’t been able to figure out how to get out of it. Skyler had saved him.

  That night he hailed her as his hero to anyone who would listen. They did some bar hopping, and when they drove into another parking lot, they’d noticed a lot of heads turning. They made a striking pair, Skyler wore all black, including her usual black combat-style boots. Sebastian was also wearing black, the two of them turned heads anyway, but the convertible red Corvette turned heads too.

  Inside the bar Skyler and Sebastian had just gotten beers at the bar and were leaning with their backs to the bar when a woman approached them. She had long dark hair, and a quite curvy body, easily noticeable in the tight dress she wore.

  “Is that your Vette out there?” she asked Sebastian.

  Sebastian glanced at Skyler, then nodded his head toward her, “It’s my sister’s,” he told the girl.

  The girl looked at Skyler, her look assessing, then she smiled brightly, “That’s a seriously hot car,” she said, stepping over to stand in front of Skyler, as she reached up to flip her hair over her shoulder provocatively.

  Skyler looked back at the girl, her look considering, “I’d like to say I own it, but it’s a rental.”

  “That’s okay,” the girl replied, licking her lips, “so you’re not from here then?”

  “Not anymore,” Skyler said.


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