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When Angels Fall

Page 14

by Sherryl D. Hancock

  “Where do you live now?”

  “In Los Angeles,” Skyler said, taking a drink of her beer and glancing at Sebastian who was making ‘oh my god!’ faces at her from behind the girl.

  “Oh, I love California!” the girl exclaimed, “I’m gonna buy you a drink,” she said then, moving up close to Skyler.

  Skyler held up her beer to indicate that she already had one.

  “A shot then,” the girl said.

  Skyler inclined her head.

  “What’ll you have?” the girl asked.

  “Ladies choice,” Skyler replied.

  “Tequila then!” the girl said, holding up two fingers to the bartender, who obviously knew her.

  “I’m Serena,” the girl said then, putting her hand out to Skyler.

  “Skyler,” Skyler replied, then nodded at her brother, “He’s Sebastian.”

  “Nice to meet you both!” Serena said, as the bartender handed her the shots, he’d added a 3rd shot grinning at Sebastian, who nodded gratefully at the man.

  They downed their shots. Just then the DJ changed the song he was playing and Pit Bull and Ricky Martin’s “Mr. Put it Down” came on.

  “I love this song!” Serena squealed, grabbing both of their hands and dragging them towards the dance floor.

  Sebastian and Skyler exchanged a look, neither of them believing this situation.

  Even so they found themselves singing along with the song as the three of them danced.

  The chorus, “Who has a lifetime, baby? We got the life right now? When you see what I’m planning, you’re gonna call me Mr. Put it Down!” was sung with gusto.

  After the song ended, the three of them ended up at a table together. There was a lot of talking, and a lot of flirting on Serena’s part, primarily with Skyler.

  “So how come you left Baton Rouge?” Serena asked Skyler.

  “I joined the Army,” Skyler said.

  “Wow, really?” Serena said, looking impressed.

  “She’s a pilot,” Sebastian put in.

  “Really?” Serena asked, her eyes lighting up, “That’s awesome!”

  Skyler looked over at Sebastian, narrowing her eyes at him. He only laughed, nodding his head.

  “She also got the Medal of Honor,” he added.

  “Sebo!” Skyler hollered.

  “Medal of Honor?” Serena queried, looking mystified, “What’s that?”

  Skyler chuckled, raising an eyebrow at Sebastian.

  “The president gave it to her,” Sebastian said, “you know, like Obama.”

  Serena’s eyes widened as she looked back over at Skyler. Fortunately, Skyler’s phone rang at that moment. She stood up, pulling her phone out, seeing that it was Devin, she walked away from the table.

  Picking up the call, even as she headed out the door of the club so she could actually hear, she said, “Hey.”

  “Hi,” Devin said, her tone subdued, it put Skyler on alert instantly.

  “What’s up?” she asked, keeping her voice purposely casual, even as she leaned against the nearest wall, and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it.

  “I need to tell you something,” Devin said, her tone cautious, “but I need you to hear me out.”

  On her end Skyler closed her eyes slowly, even as she took a long draw off her cigarette.

  “Go ahead,” Skyler said when Devin didn’t continue.

  Skyler heard Devin take a deep breath and blow it out, “Okay, look, Sarah kissed me today,” she said, speaking quickly, like saying it fast would make it hurt less.

  It didn’t hurt less. Skyler narrowed her eyes on her end of the phone.

  “Okay,” Skyler said after a long pause.

  “It wasn’t anything,” Devin said, “I just wanted to tell you.”

  “Because it wasn’t anything,” Skyler said, her tone flat.

  “Right,” Devin said, “I mean, no, I wanted to tell you, but it wasn’t anything, that wasn’t why I wanted to tell you.”

  “Okay,” Skyler said flatly again.

  On her end Devin was clutching the phone. She wasn’t sure what else to say, she didn’t want to go on and on with an explanation because that would make it worse, but Skyler wasn’t really giving her anything to work with.

  “Where are you?” Devin asked, finally, having heard the music when Skyler first answered the phone.

  “At a bar,” Skyler said, briskly. “Look, I gotta go, I left Sebo with a predator, I gotta go rescue him.”

  “Okay,” Devin said, chuckling at her end, honestly hoping that Skyler was really as light hearted as she sounded.

  “Talk to you later,” Skyler said.

  “Have fun,” Devin said, smiling.

  “You got it,” Skyler said, then broke the connection.

  Staying outside smoking her cigarette, Skyler banged her head against the wall a few times, wanting to hit something. Instead she discarded her cigarette and strode back into the bar and up to the bartender.

  “Tequila, double,” she ordered.

  The man handed her the drink, she downed it and held up her finger for another. When she downed the second shot, she turned to survey the bar. Serena and Sebastian were now on the dance floor, dancing to some pop song.

  The song transitioned to Rihanna’s “Don’t Stop the Music”. Skyler pushed herself off the bar and strode to the dance floor and straight over to where Sebastian and Serena were dancing. Sliding her hand around Serena’s waist, she pulled her close and began to move with her to the music pumping out of the speakers.

  The words “Do you know what you started? I just came here to party, but now we’re rockin’ on the dance floor acting naughty, your hands around my waist, just let the music play, we’re hand in hand, chest to chest and now we’re face to face” seemed to define the moment pretty well.

  Serena gave herself to the song and slid her hand up Skyler’s chest to rest her hand on Skyler’s shoulder. The girl could definitely move, Skyler noted, refusing to think beyond what was going on at that moment, letting the alcohol in her veins dull her sense of impropriety or the idea that she was cheating on Devin. As the music transitioned again, Serena’s hand slid around Skyler’s neck, pulling her head down so she could kiss her. Their lips met and clung for a long minute, Serena’s hands were in Skyler’s hair, and Skyler was holding onto Serena’s waist pulling her closer. After a couple of minutes though, Skyler pulled her head back, breaking the kiss, knowing she couldn’t do this.

  “I’m sorry,” Skyler said, stepping back, nodding her head to Sebastian who had stood by and watched the whole thing. Then she turned and walked away, heading straight out the door to light another cigarette.

  Sebastian found her in the parking lot a few minutes later. Without a word he handed her a double shot of tequila which she took and downed gratefully, then he handed her a bottle of beer. Skyler smoked and Sebastian stood by, looking around at the people walking around outside the bar. After about a half hour, Skyler and Sebastian went back inside and Skyler proceeded to get completely drunk.

  Sebastian got his chance to drive the Corvette, driving back to their parent’s home.

  “You gotta come in and sober up, Sky,” Sebastian told her.

  Skyler nodded, knowing she was far too drunk to drive back to the hotel. They made it into the house, stumbling over furniture and laughing at each other. Shushing each other and getting a good laugh out of that.

  “Gotta make you coffee,” Sebastian said leading the way into the kitchen.

  “You even know how?” Skyler asked, her tone showing her doubt.

  “Sure,” Sebastian said.

  “Do it!” Skyler said, laughing.

  There was a lot of laughing and spilling of water. Even so, they were both shocked when their father’s voice boomed at them from the doorway.

  “What da Hell is goin’ on in hea?!” he bellowed.

  Skyler and Sebastian froze like recalcitrant children, then looked at each other and burst into laughter, which only made Abe
l angrier.

  “Shut up!” he bellowed, slamming his fist down on the counter, “Stop dis stupidity! You!” he yelled, jabbing his finger at Skyler, “Comin’ hea and causin’ such a fuss! Irresponsible, no good…” he continued.

  “Whoa!” Skyler said, holding her hand up to stop his tirade, “Irresponsible?” she said, suddenly feeling a lot more sober as anger flooded her veins, “You have the fuckin’ nerve to call me irresponsible?” she asked, her tone sharp.

  “Don’ you cuss at me,” Abel spat, his eyes blazing.

  “I’ll cuss at you old man,” Skyler said, her tone dismissive, “I’ll say anything I fuckin’ want right now.”

  “Sky…” Sebastian cautioned, but she didn’t listen.

  “Who was it that saved your boys ass today? Huh? Who?” Skyler yelled, “It wasn’t you, that’s for damned sure!”

  Abel’s mouth worked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t even form the words.

  “What have you ever done that’s worth anything, dad? Huh?” Skyler continued to rage, “Nothin! That’s what, not a fuckin’ thing!”

  She was actually surprised when his fist caught her in the stomach, and she didn’t react fast enough to avoid the hands that grabbed her up like a rag doll and threw her against the counter knocking the wind out of her.

  “You low down piece of shit!” her father was screaming, “Come in hea like you da queen, think yer all dat! Well you ain’t, you’re just so low down disgusting dyke!”

  Skyler’s anger drove her to her feet and she charged her father, catching him in the midsection and ramming him into the wall behind him. He shoved her away from him, and caught her in the side with his fist. She twisted around, slamming her fist home on his jaw. Abel fell heavily and didn’t get back up.

  Skyler stood over her father, panting with her fists balled as she watched to see if he’d get back up.

  “What’s goin on out hea?” their mother called as she strode down the hallway.

  Sebastian grabbed Skyler’s hand and dragged her out of the house as they heard their mother wailing and screaming for Abel to get up. Sebastian shoved Skyler into the Corvette and jumped in the driver’s seat, starting the car with a roar. Throwing the car into gear he screeched the tires taking off.

  They drove for a while, both of them lost in their thoughts. In starting to calm down, Skyler started to feel the pain her chest was in, she’d struck the counter at the corner slamming her ribs into them. She knew she’d broken at least one rib in that encounter.

  “Need more alcohol,” Skyler said.

  “What hotel you at?” Sebastian asked.

  “Renaissance,” Skyler said simply.

  “Nice…” Sebastian murmured as he took a quick left.

  They made it to the hotel a few minutes after stopping at a liquor store and buying three bottles of tequila. At the hotel they got drunk and didn’t talk about what had happened.

  Two days later, Skyler was still consistently drunk and Sebastian was worried about his sister. So much so, that he decided he needed to call someone who knew her best. Picking up her phone while she was in the bathroom he looked at her contact list for names. He recognized Jams’ as Skyler’s co-pilot in the Army, he’d heard the name often enough.

  Dialing the number on his phone he got up and walked out onto the balcony.

  “Yeah?” Jams answered, his tone indicating he had no idea who was calling.

  “Is this Jams?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yeah…” Jams replied, “Who’s this?”

  “This is Sebastian Boche’, Skyler’s brother.”

  “Holy fuck, where is she?” Jams asked, he’d been worried sick about his best friend, and had been calling her phone constantly as had Devin. He’d been about to head to Baton Rouge himself at that point.

  Sebastian nodded to himself, knowing he’d done the smart thing in calling Jams, “She’s here at the Renaissance hotel in Baton Rouge,” Sebastian said, “but she’s messed up.”

  “Messed up, how?” Jams asked, his voice taking on a different timber.

  “She got into it with our dad a few nights ago,” Sebastian said.

  “Fuck…” Jams said, knowing how violent Skyler’s father was, and also knowing how big the man was too. “Is she okay? I mean, is she hurt?”

  “Yeah…” Sebastian said, “That’s the thing, I think she is, but she won’t do anything about it.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like Sky,” Jams said, sighing. “Okay, we’ll be on a plane tonight.”

  “We?” Sebastian queried.

  “Her girlfriend Devin will remove my head if I don’t tell her, she’s been worried sick about her.”

  “Okay,” Sebastian said, nodding, remember that Skyler had mentioned things being complicated.


  Devin paced in the airport as they waited for their plane. They’d managed to secure a flight with only one stop, which got them to Baton Rouge in just over five hours. The commanding officer for Air Operations had a connection with United Airlines and had managed to secure them seats on short notice. He’d told Jams that he was under no circumstances to come back without his pilot. Jams thanked the CO profusely.

  Once on the plane, Devin could not relax. She needed to know that Skyler was okay, but she had no way of knowing that. Jams had told her that Skyler had gotten into a fight with her father, and that Sebastian thought she was hurt, but wouldn’t get medical attention. That’s all they knew at that point.

  “I still can’t believe this,” Devin said to Jams.

  “Which part?” Jams asked, glancing over at her.

  “Her father actually struck her?” Devin said.

  “That’s what it sounds like,” Jams said, shrugging nonchalantly, “it’s not the first time, Devin.”

  “What do you mean?” Devin asked.

  “I mean, it isn’t the first time Skyler and her father have come to blows.”

  “They’ve fought before,” Devin asked, “physically?”

  “Oh yeah,” Jams said, “They got into a major fight last time she was home. That’s why she hasn’t been home in a long time.”

  Devin shook her head, unable to comprehend that level of violence; especially not with your own child. Devin was pretty sure she didn’t want to meet Skyler’s parents at this point in time.

  They talked about other things then, but Devin still couldn’t fathom what kind of man would strike his own daughter. Sure her parents were somewhat disappointed in her choice of career, but they’d never even considered spankings or anything like that.

  It was 11:30 PM by the time their plane landed in Baton Rouge. They got a rental car and used the GPS on Devin’s phone to locate the hotel. Jams called Sebastian and got the room number from him when they arrived.

  Sebastian opened the door to Skyler’s hotel room, looking both relieved and anxious at the same time.

  “You’re Jams?” Sebastian asked, extending his hand to the other man.

  “Yeah,” Jams replied taking Sebastian’s proffered hand and shaking it firmly.

  Sebastian’s eyes fell on Devin then, “And you’re Devin,” he said.

  “Yes,” Devin said, nodding.

  She was amazed at how much Sebastian looked like Skyler, his eyes were the same color, and although he had partly blonde hair, he had the same facial features that Skyler did. He was a very handsome man.

  “Come on in,” Sebastian said, moving out of their way to allow them inside. “She’s in there,” Sebastian said, motioning to the bedroom door.

  Jams nodded, glancing at Devin.

  Devin walked to the door, opening it quietly and peering inside. She saw Skyler lying face down on the bed, one tanned arm hanging over the end of the bed. And spotted a number of empty beer bottles as well as a couple of tequila bottles on the nightstand and the floor.

  “Jesus…” Jams breathed, taking in the scene.

  Sebastian hovered at the door, as Devin and Jams stepped inside the room.

nbsp; Devin walked toward the bed, she noted a couple of large dark bruises on Skyler’s arm and shoulder on her left side. She grimaced at the sight of them, afraid of what else she’d see in the next few minutes.

  “Skyler…” she whispered softly, reaching out to touch Skyler’s back gently.

  When Skyler didn’t even stir, Devin repeated her name, louder this time.

  Skyler moved then, making a groaning noise deep in her throat. Devin saw one blue green eye open then narrow, like Skyler was trying to figure out if she was seeing things. Skyler then lifted her head off the bed, with a look of utter confusion on her face.

  “Wat you doin’ hea?” she asked, her Cajun accent thick, her voice both harsh and gravelly.

  “We were worried about you,” Devin said, moving to kneel next to the bed, so she could see Skyler more closely.

  Skyler made a dismissive sound, “Why?” she asked simply.

  “We haven’t heard from you in two days,” Jams put in, as he stepped up behind where Devin knelt.

  Skyler closed her eyes, like Jams voice had been too painful on her ears.

  “’kay.” She answered simply.

  Skyler then dropped her head to the bed again, and it was obvious she was unconscious again.

  Jams blew his breath out, “Well that got us nowhere,” he said, his tone jovial.

  Jams put his hand out to help Devin up, then moved to carefully turn Skyler over to her back.

  Devin gasped at the dark bruise that was evident above the neckline of the tank top Skyler wore. Jams grimaced at the sight, then reached over and carefully gathered the bottom of the tank top to lift it so he could see her rib area.

  “Damnit,” he muttered, “she’s got at least one broken rib, God knows how much internal bleeding. We need to get her to a hospital now.” He said the last, as he reached down and carefully scooped his partner up in his arms. “Let’s go,” he said, motioning with his head to the door.

  Within the hour they were at the hospital. It took another four hours until anyone came out to talk to them. They’d been told that she had not regained consciousness. Jams wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or something much worse so he paced the entire time they waited for the doctor. When the doctor walked out from the double doors he looked around, the three walked over to him immediately.


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