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Vega Brothers: Khan: Secret Baby BBW (The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book 2)

Page 6

by Kim Fox

  “I think it’s time to bring the little guy to bed,” she said, squirming under his heavy weight.

  Khan stood up without a word and scooped up her little boy in his big muscular arms. He kissed Liam’s forehead and the sight made her heart flutter. It looked so natural when he did it, like a real father and son. Bailey had felt so guilty that her boy was growing up without a father. He didn’t understand why the other kids had one and he missed out. That was a hard thing to explain to a four-year-old.

  She put down her wine glass and followed them into the house. Khan walked through the pitch black rooms as if all of the lights were on. Oh right. He can see in the dark. She held his shirt and walked close behind him, smelling the warm rugged scent that she remembered so well after all of these years.

  They walked into one of the guest rooms and Khan laid their son on the soft king-sized bed. She walked to the bathroom, flicked on the light and closed the door, leaving it open just a crack. Liam sometimes woke up in the middle of the night and got scared of the dark.

  “Goodnight little bear,” Khan whispered as he tucked him in.

  Bailey walked over and kissed her son on his forehead. She loved watching him sleep. He always looked so peaceful.

  Khan stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. His warm breath tickled her neck sending a swirling of warmth through her that settled between her legs. It had been so long since she had been touched by a man like this and now that she had hard muscular arms around her she realized how much she missed it. And how much she missed Khan.

  “I still can’t believe that we made that,” he whispered in her ear. His deep sexy voice mixed with the wine and seeing how natural he was with her son was all coming to a head.

  “Show me where I’m sleeping,” she whispered.

  He took her hand and walked her into the room next door. “You can sleep here.”

  She stepped in close and looked up into his eyes. “And where are you going to sleep?”

  His lips parted as his eyes softened. “Wherever you want me to.”

  Bailey stood up on her toes and kissed his lips. He kissed her back with an urgency that surprised her at first but then filled her with longing and lust.

  His strong hands were all over her and she melted into his embrace as his tongue caressed hers. Khan had put her through a lot of shit and pain over the past four years but now she was ready to let it all go and accept him back into her life. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him when he said that he didn’t have a choice in leaving. She didn’t care anymore. All she cared about was his hands as they grazed over her ass and his lips as they locked with hers, making her pussy pulse and get wetter.

  He walked her back towards the bed until her knees hit the mattress. It was dark in the room. Too dark actually.

  “Where are you going?” he asked in a panic as she broke away from his embrace and walked to the bathroom.

  “You can see in the dark,” she said with a smirk as she flicked on the light in the bathroom. She closed the door, leaving it open a crack and just enough so she could see the sexy shifter who she had dreamed about all of last night. “But I can’t.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, staring at her with hungry eyes.

  Bailey could feel her heartbeat pounding so hard that it was making her whole body vibrate. It had been a long time since a man looked at her the way that Khan was looking at her right now. She wanted him to see more of her, all of her.

  He sucked in a breath and held it as she pulled her shirt off over her head. Her body had been much tighter and perkier the last time that he saw it. She quit the gym three years ago after paying for eight months in a row and not going one single time. Her body had taken some damage from the birth of Liam and it had never recovered. She normally hated the extra curves and softness but right now she didn’t care.

  Khan gulped as her shirt hit the floor and she reached around her back to unhook her bra. She had breastfed Liam and her breasts were never the same after. They weren’t as full and a little misshapen but Khan was staring at them, as she dropped her bra to the floor, like they were the most beautiful things that he had ever seen.

  His erection was rock hard and pressing against his shorts. She walked back over and he shook his head slowly while facing her straight on with hungry eyes.

  Khan grabbed her waist with a firm grip, leaned back, and took her all in.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, suddenly feeling self-conscious and covering the stretch marks on her stomach with her hands. “They’re ugly.”

  He dropped to a knee and pried her hands away. “No,” he said with flushing skin and serious eyes. “They’re beautiful.” He kissed the silver streaks of the stretched skin with soft kisses. “That was my son’s home for a time. These are the marks that he left.” He kissed them again as Bailey ran her fingers through his hair and let out a soft moan. Heated wetness was beginning to pool in her panties.

  He looked up at her with glossy eyes. “They’re the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.” There was no bullshit on his face. She believed him.

  “Come,” she said, pulling him up to his feet. She kissed him deep and urgent, lighting the fire between them.

  He guided her back until she laid down on the soft bed. Khan stood back up and pulled off his shirt in one smooth movement. He tossed it on the floor as she drank in his massive chest and rolling abs. The erotic sight was making her drunk with desire.

  He went straight for her jeans, unbuckling them and sliding them down her soft legs. Her panties were so wet and her pussy got even wetter as he slid them off next and tossed them to join her pants on the floor.

  Bailey’s chest was heaving, rising and falling to an erotic rhythm as she watched Khan position himself between her legs. He always loved to kiss her down there and she never objected. He was a master with his tongue and he often had her screaming his name, consumed in a raging orgasm before he even pulled his dick out of his pants.

  She let out a searing moan as his warm tongue glided up her glistening lips. “Fuck, Khan,” she groaned as he did it again. Her hips started swaying and she grabbed her breasts, massaging her nipples as his tongue slipped in and out of her, and between her folds.

  The fire was building inside her. She had long ago suppressed her erotic needs when there had been no one around to fulfill them for her. She had ignored and forgotten them but they were coming back with a vengeance now.

  Khan was just pouring gasoline on the flames as he worked his mouth on her pussy, already bringing her dangerously close to the edge. He slid a finger inside her and her back arched up like she had just got stunned by a taser gun. “Oh, Khan,” she moaned. “I missed that tongue. I missed your dick.”

  Her words spurred him on and he licked her with a new ferocity. He sucked on her clit and slid a second finger inside her wet channel.

  “You’re going to make me come,” she moaned. “It’s been so long.”

  Khan’s shoulders flexed as he devoured her in a frenzy. A taut swirl of heat began tightening inside her body and got tighter and tighter with every lap of his tongue, every flick of his firm fingers on her aching clit until it was all that she could think about. The tightness grew harder and harder until her teeth were clamped, her body was flexed, and her toes were curled.

  “Fuck!” she screamed as it all unraveled and the tightness released into waves of glorious warmth. The orgasmic surge rushed through her body, flowing into every inch of her from her fingertips to her toes.

  The heat and intensity were unbearable and she pushed Khan’s head away from her trembling legs as she gasped for breaths that wouldn’t come. “Fuck Khan,” she moaned. “Fuck that feels good.”

  Her eyes were closed as the orgasm still pulsed through her in dissipating waves. She finally caught her breath and took big gulps as he climbed on top of her with his hard dick grazing against her shaking thigh.

  She reached down and stroked his long hard c
ock as she tried to remember when he even took off his pants. It must have been when she was blinded by the orgasm.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this body for the longest time,” Khan said, kissing her breasts and swirling his tongue around her hard nipples, making her gasp.

  “Me too,” she admitted. It was the first time she had even admitted to herself. She had never stopped wanting Khan, no matter how many times she had told herself that she was over him.

  “Your body is even softer than I remembered,” he said, kissing the curves of her breasts. “Your pussy tastes better, your smell is so sweet. I’ve been so lost without you, Bailey.”

  “Me too,” she said, letting her honesty come forth. She licked her hand and then used her saliva to stroke him better. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  The purring of his bear was filling the room. She smiled as she took in the familiar but forgotten sound. She had always loved that. It sounded so primal and savage. It always awoke some animalistic need inside of her, like it was doing right now.

  “Come on top of me,” she moaned as he kissed a wet trail up her neck. “Come claim your mate once again.”

  He let out a deep sound that almost sounded like a growl as he climbed on top of her between her legs. She spread them wide for him and then gasped as he slid inside her.

  His cock was so hard and filled her perfectly. He started slowly at first and gradually picked up the pace, driving his strong hips into her, making her moan and making the tightness in her return for a second go.

  She clenched her pussy around him drawing grunts from him as he bit and nipped her earlobe. “You’re so tight,” he whispered in her ear in his deep voice. “This is the only pussy I ever want. I only want you. Forever.”

  Her head rolled on the pillow as he thrust inside her bringing her back to the edge. “Fuck, Khan,” she gasped as he slid his cock in and out of her. “You’re going to make me come again.”

  His strong shoulders tightened as she said it and he fucked her harder with a new intensity. “Come with me,” he grunted in her ear. “Come on my dick.”

  A long moan escaped her lips as the tightness clung back together, threating to unravel in a mind shattering orgasm. She held it desperately as she waited for her man to release. “I can’t hold it,” she whined. “Khan…”

  His body jerked over her and he grunted low and hard in her ear, signaling his release. She gasped as she let herself soar over the edge with him. The tightness exploded within her and tore through her body in the hardest orgasm that she ever had.

  Khan was calling her name as he filled her with his hot seed. She could barely hear it over the thrashing pounding in her ears and the blinding waves consuming her body and soul.

  Her man collapsed on top of her as the orgasm slowed to a steady warm pulsing in her body.

  “That was incredible,” she said as she stared up at the ceiling. “That was incredible,” she repeated in disbelief.

  “You’re incredible,” he said, kissing her cheek as he pushed himself off her.

  They laid on the bed and both stared up at the ceiling as they caught their breath.

  “Move in with me,” Khan whispered.

  She turned and looked at his side profile. Did I just hear that right?


  “Move in with me,” he said again. “I want to marry you and have you and Liam live here on the ranch with me.”

  She swallowed hard as she rolled back onto the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. Her heart was pounding as she thought about everything that could go wrong.

  Her lips parted as she stared.



  “It’s a bear!” Liam said, squealing in delight. “Like me!”

  Khan smiled as his son lifted up his plate and showed her the bear shaped pancake that Julius had just dropped onto his plate. It had little pancake ears and a face made out of blueberries.

  “Watch the maple syrup,” Bailey said, tilting the plate back up to a horizontal position. Liam’s maple syrup had dripped all over the table.

  “Are you a bear too, Julius?” Liam asked.

  “That’s uncle Julius,” Julius replied as he poured more pancake mix into the frying pan. “And yes, your uncle is the baddest, toughest bear in the forest. I’m a grizzly bear shifter.”

  “Cool,” Liam said. “But Khan is the bestest, strongest bear in the whole world.”

  Khan thrust his chest out, feeling proud. He was quickly growing very fond of the kid.

  Julius raised an eyebrow at Khan and laughed. “What kind of lies are you teaching this poor child?”

  “It’s not lies,” Bailey said, wrapping her arms around Khan’s bicep. “Khan is the best.”

  “The best at stinking up the bathroom,” Julius muttered as he turned back to his pancakes.

  “So what kind of work do you do, Bailey?” Ava asked from across the table.

  Bailey told her about her job at the veterinary clinic and the two girls started chatting, hitting it off. Everyone always loved Bailey. She was the greatest.

  Hannibal lowered the book he was reading and turned to Liam. “What are you doing?”

  Khan chuckled. Liam was bent over with his tongue on the table.

  “Licking the maple syrup off the table,” Liam answered with a wet and sticky chin. Khan laughed at the boy’s shameless honesty.

  “Stop that,” Bailey said, reaching across the table and lightly smacking the top of his head. “Where are your manners?”

  “I’m going to like this kid,” Julius said with a smile. “Now I’m not the only one here who likes a good table licking.”

  “Good,” Khan said, thrusting his shoulders back. “Because Liam and Bailey are moving in. We’re getting married.”

  Julius dropped the spatula on the floor as all eyes darted to Khan.

  “Khan,” Bailey whispered. “Maybe we should have-”

  “That’s amazing!” Ava said, rushing around the table to hug her.

  Hannibal and Julius had big smiles on their faces as they rushed over to congratulate them. Julius ruffled Liam’s hair but the toddler was too focused on his pancakes to have understood what Khan had just said.

  They all hugged Khan and Bailey and then started firing off a million questions. When is the wedding? When are they moving in? Where’s the ring?

  Khan didn’t have the answers to any of them. Bailey and him had barely talked about this last night. She agreed to marry him but then they fell asleep in each other’s arms. He probably should have discussed it with her first before blabbing it to everyone but he couldn’t contain himself. He was just too excited.

  “You didn’t even get her a ring?” Julius said, shaking his head.

  Khan grabbed the jug of orange juice and popped off the thin blue plastic circle around the rim. “Here you go, my love,” he said, twisting it in two and slipping it on her finger.

  She pulled it off with a grimace. “It’s a little sharp. Maybe we’ll just wait until we get something else. Preferably with diamonds.”

  “Big diamonds,” Ava added.

  Bailey smiled at her. “We’re going to get along just fine.”

  “Bacon!” Liam squealed as he reached across the table and snatched a piece of bacon from Khan’s plate.

  Hannibal, Julius, and Ava all watched and waited with wide eyes and parted lips for Khan’s reaction.

  He just smiled as Liam stuffed it in his mouth and gobbled it down. Hannibal gasped as the toddler reached across the table again for a second strip. Khan pushed his plate towards his son, letting him take another piece.

  “I don’t believe it,” Julius whispered.

  Hannibal stared at Khan with unbelieving eyes. “What’s happened to him?”

  A lot had happened to him but there was one thing in particular.

  He was a father.

  “Just stay,” Khan said as Bailey strapped Liam into his car seat. “We can go buy new clothes for both of you.”

bsp; “We’ll only be gone for two hours, max,” she replied. “We need a lot of other things and I have to feed the fish.”

  Khan’s heart was breaking a little at seeing them go. “What am I supposed to do?” he asked, feeling lost without them.

  Bailey closed the back door of the car, reached up and kissed him on the lips. “Go take a hot shower, relax, have some quiet time. Because you definitely won’t have any quiet time once Liam moves in.”

  Khan glanced past his mate to his son in the back seat. His mouth was moving rapidly as he had a conversation with himself.

  “Alright,” he said, reluctantly. “But hurry back. Please.”

  “I will.” Bailey kissed him once again and walked to the driver’s side as Khan licked the maple syrup taste of her kiss off of his lips.

  She stopped as she grabbed the door. Bailey took a deep breath, released the handle and turned, leaning on the car. “I know you were in the heat of the moment last night when you said all of those things,” she said, crossing and then uncrossing her arms. “If you want to take them back now, I won’t be mad.”

  “No,” he said, stepping forward. “I meant it all. I want you to be my wife, I want to be a real father to Liam, and I want you both to move in.” A feeling of panic washed over him. “Did you not mean it when you said yes?”

  His stomach hardened as he waited for her answer.

  It came in a kiss. She leaned up and kissed his lips. “I did.”

  Khan felt the weight of worry lift off his shoulders.

  “I’ll be back before lunchtime,” she said, opening the door. “It better be good.”

  It was going to be good. It was a beautiful summer day and Khan was planning on taking the two of them on horseback to the lake on their property, Bear Lake, for a picnic and then an afternoon of swimming. He couldn’t wait.

  And as soon as they left, Khan was planning on heading into town to buy a diamond engagement ring for her. A real one. Not one made out of plastic.

  “Bye,” she waved out the window as she backed her car up. Khan waved and smiled. She looked so hot in her aviator sunglasses.


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