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Vega Brothers: Khan: Secret Baby BBW (The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book 2)

Page 8

by Kim Fox

  “I want to,” Khan said in a voice that trembled. “I really want to.”

  Bailey reached out for her son to give Khan a moment. Liam climbed onto her lap and she wrapped her arms around him while Khan stared at the river trying to compose himself.

  “Khan has to go away for a little while but he’ll be back soon to play with you every day,” she explained.

  Irrational thoughts raced through Khan’s head. He could take his family and leave forever, change his name to something new and live on the run. That was a foolish dream, however. General Samson was the best at what he did and he would have them tracked down before his Friday night happy hour. The three of them would be in front of the firing squad if they got caught and Khan could never put his mate and his cub in that kind of danger.

  “I don’t want Khan to go away,” Liam complained. “Does he have to go, Mommy?”

  “Come,” Khan said standing up with a rock in his hand. “Let me show you how to get that twist of your wrist right so you can bounce the rocks on the water.”

  Liam jumped out of his mother’s lap and followed his new daddy to the river.

  Khan showed him the technique and watched as Liam tossed the rocks into the water unable to make them skip.

  Liam shouted in frustration as his rock sank to the bottom of the river without skipping. That was exactly how Khan felt; like his heart was a rock sinking to the bottom of the river.

  The four Vega brothers stood on the balcony watching as General Samson stepped out of the silver SUV. Khan felt his stomach harden as his bear began to pace inside him. His Kodiak didn’t like this man. And neither did Khan.

  “This is such bullshit,” Hannibal muttered. “He can’t do this.”

  “He can do whatever he wants,” Julius whispered.

  “Is he taking you now?” Alexander asked.

  Khan shivered as his hands clenched into fists. “I don’t think so. It’s just supposed to be a meeting. I’m supposed to leave in two weeks.”

  Alexander didn’t reply.

  “Private Vega!” General Samson snapped from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Yes, sir!” all four of them shouted at once.

  The general rolled his eyes. “Khan get down here.”

  Khan flinched at the mention of his name. He turned and took heavy footsteps as he approached the stairs, feeling like there was a weight on his chest. Please don’t make me go.

  He had come to terms with the fact that he was leaving. He would get through the missions as fast as he could to get home as quickly as possible. Maybe he would be out in two years if he was really lucky.

  “I have the mission plans in the truck,” General Samson said. “The insurgents are gaining a foothold in the mountain ranges outside of Chora. We need a bear shifter to sneak in there asap, so let’s get to work.”

  Khan dropped his head and sighed as the general turned back to his vehicle.

  “I’ll do it,” Alexander said, stepping to the top of the stairs. “Send me instead.”

  Khan gasped as he looked up at his brother. He hadn’t expected any of his brothers to volunteer for him. Especially Alexander. He didn’t even think that his polar bear shifter brother liked him.

  The general looked up at the gigantic man standing on the balcony.

  Alexander stood straight with his shoulders back and his chin in the air. “I know the hills of Afghanistan better than anyone, and I’m fearless. You’ve seen me in battle. My polar bear will make short work of the insurgents, sir.”

  The general curled his nose up as he thought about it. “Thank you private but we really need someone with the experience of a Commander. We need Khan.”

  Alexander raced down the stairs and stood at attention in front of the general who was looking increasingly pissed off.

  “With all due respect sir,” Alexander said. “I can do as good or better a job than Khan. My heart will be in it, sir. Khan’s heart and head will be back at home with his wife and child. His lack of focus and determination may affect the mission at hand. Sir.”

  The general rubbed his chin as he stared up at the huge polar bear shifter. “Fine,” he spat out, rolling his eyes. “As long as you can absorb bullets and heal it should be fine.”

  “Thank you,” Alexander said, standing straight and staring ahead into the horizon.

  General Samson nodded at Julius and Hannibal on the balcony and turned back to his truck. He paused in front of Khan on the way. “Don’t get too comfortable with the wife and kid,” he whispered. “I may need to call on you again, sooner rather than later.”

  “Alexander,” Khan said, feeling speechless as his largest brother walked back towards the house. The silver SUV of General Samson was driving down the road and off the Vega Ranch to the main road. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  Julius, Hannibal, and Khan watched Alexander with admiring eyes as they followed him into the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table.

  “Wow,” Julius said. “That was really cool of you, bro.”

  Hannibal jumped up, ran to the fridge and came back with a beer. He opened it and slid it across the table to Alexander. “You deserve a beer for that.”

  “You deserve a keg for that,” Khan said, still not believing that he would get to stay home with his mate and child.

  “No beer for me?” Julius asked with his hands open on the table.

  Hannibal grinned. “You can get your own beer. You didn’t do shit.”

  “You’re an amazing father, Khan,” Alexander said, taking a sip of his beer. “It’s been nice seeing you with your cub. You’re a natural.”

  “But to go to war for me,” Khan asked. “That’s too much to ask.”

  “You’re not asking,” Alexander replied. “I’m doing it.”

  Khan felt a nice warmth building behind his face. “Thank you, Alexander. Thank you so much.”

  Alexander shrugged. “At least I won’t have to get married now.”

  Hannibal, Julius, and Khan all dropped their heads when they realized what Alexander leaving would mean. He would be fighting overseas for the rest of the year and wouldn’t be able to get married. They would lose the Vega Ranch.

  The deed would be transferred over to the state of Montana and the state would go forward with their plans to build an amusement park and mini mall on the land that the Vega brothers always called home.

  “I guess you don’t have to marry Bailey now,” Hannibal pointed out.

  That was true but Khan wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  “We’re still getting married,” Khan said firmly. “We’ll do it this weekend so that Alexander can be there.”

  Alexander nodded his head before taking another sip of his beer.

  Khan thought of a nice way to thank him. It wasn’t nearly enough but it was all that he had. “Would you be my best man?” he asked.

  Alexander smiled. “I’d like that.”


  Bailey grabbed Liam’s tiny shoulders while Jodi stuffed the small decorative pillow with Bailey’s wedding ring tied to it into his skinny arms. “Go bring that to Daddy,” Bailey said as she pointed down the rose petal-covered aisle to the hot bear shifter standing at the end of it. Khan looked so hot in his black fitted suit. His hair was combed to the side and the scar down his cheek just added a dangerous look to his already dark features. Who would have guessed that there was a sweet, caring man inside?

  “No, wrong way,” Jodi said, grabbing the back of Liam’s collar. “That way!”

  “Oh,” Liam said, rushing down the aisle with the pillow bouncing around.

  “There goes your ring,” Jodi said, shaking her head.

  “That’s okay,” Bailey answered, tapping the round piece of plastic that was wrapped around her bouquet. “I brought a spare.” She had kept the plastic ring that Khan had given her off of the orange juice container. It fulfilled two of the four good luck charms: something new and something blue. Plus it was a nice souvenir that she would keep fo

  The brothers had set up a nice little ceremony in her favorite spot by the lake. Jodi had come over for her big day and was thrilled that she was getting married to Liam’s father. Bailey had asked her and Ava to be her bridesmaids.

  It was a small ceremony but it was more than she needed, more than she could have ever asked for. She was marrying Khan and that by itself was enough.

  Bailey peeked around the tree and smiled as Liam sprinted down the aisle and jumped into Khan’s arms. The huge bear shifter lifted his son up and held him as he waited for his bride. Bailey’s heart swelled with love. She couldn’t wait to walk down to the two men in her life.

  “Liam kind of brings a new meaning to the term, ring bear-er,” Jodi joked.

  Bailey, Ava, and Jodi were hiding behind a huge maple tree in the back, behind the chairs. “You’re up buttercup,” Bailey said to Ava.

  “Thanks for including me,” she said with a big smile. “I know we’re going to be like sisters.”

  Ava stepped out from behind the tree and walked down the aisle to the soft music that Eddie, an antelope shifter who worked on the ranch, was playing on his guitar. Bailey had liked Ava and was excited to get to know her a little better now that they were going to be sister-in-laws. Ava’s sister Elena, a hotshot news reporter from New York, was coming to visit next week. Bailey was excited to have another woman around. She felt outnumbered at the ranch with all of the super-sized, testosterone-filled male shifters running around.

  “You two are going to be like sisters?” Jodi asked with a jealous frown. “No. I forbid it.”

  Bailey laughed and pushed her sister forward. “Just go,” she said, smiling. “And no fighting with my other bridesmaid!”

  Jodi glanced over her shoulder and winked. “Love ya kid. You look hot as fuck!”

  Bailey giggled as her sister walked down the aisle next. She peeked out again and smiled as Khan was looking right at her. God, I love him.

  He was going to treat her and Liam right. She just knew it in her heart that he would.

  His three big brothers were standing beside him. Alexander was closest to him, the humongous polar bear shifter who had made her uncomfortable at first but was starting to grow on her. He had saved Khan from having to go overseas and she was extremely grateful. She didn’t know how she would have gotten through another four years without him.

  Jodi arrived at the altar, standing beside Ava, and Eddie began playing the Bridal Chorus on his guitar.

  Bailey stepped out from behind the tree and everybody gasped as they turned to marvel at her. She only cared about what one person thought. Khan was staring at her with parted lips, large eyes and a frozen face. Is he breathing?

  He never took his eyes off her as she walked down the aisle towards him. Khan always made her feel so pretty, so loved. She cherished every moment that she had with him and she couldn’t wait for more.

  She walked up and stood beside him with a permanent smile on her face. Liam was in his arms waving. “Hi Mommy!” he said in his squeaky voice.

  “Hi baby,” she whispered back.

  The minister began going through the ceremony while she held hands with Khan. She squeezed his hands tight because she felt so weightless and if she didn’t she just might float away into the sky.

  When the minister got to the good parts, Liam handed the pillow to Khan. Her groom smiled as he slid the ring onto her tingling finger. She took his ring off the pillow next and slipped it onto his ring finger.

  She felt breathless as the minister continued. They were about to be shifter and wife.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” he declared. “You may kiss the bride.”

  He didn’t have to ask Khan twice. He leaped forward, cupped her cheeks and kissed her like he never kissed her before.

  “Ew,” Liam complained, standing between them.

  She wasn’t stopping for anyone, even Liam.

  Khan was hers.


  “I can’t believe that Dad was right,” Khan said, shaking his head. He was having a celebratory drink with his three brothers at the bar.

  Julius nodded. “He really was. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you guys.”

  Hannibal scoffed. “I think you guys have lost your mind. Now that Alexander is fucking everything up, I’m never getting a mate.”

  “He’s not fucking anything up,” Khan said, leaning towards his largest brother. “He’s helping me out.”

  “Yeah,” Alexander said in his deep voice. “I’m helping him out.”

  “You could help us all out if you get married before you leave,” Julius added.

  Alexander shook his massive head. “Never going to happen.”

  Hannibal sighed. “Well, I guess we’re going to lose the ranch.”

  Khan wasn’t going to let that ruin his day. He glanced over at his beautiful bride who was laughing with Ava and her sister Jodi. He had never seen her look so spectacular. Her chestnut hair fell over her shoulders in waves and she had a gorgeous strapless wedding dress on that she drove into the city for. She looked like an angel.

  And she was all his.

  “The year is not over yet,” Julius said with a nod. “We’ll see what happens.”

  The four Vega brothers raised their glasses for a cheers.

  Khan grinned. “Two down. Two to go.”


  Bailey sat on the warm grass twirling the new ring on her finger as she watched Khan and Liam wrestle on the lawn.

  “Watch this, Mommy!” Liam said before throwing an imaginary fireball at her new husband.

  Khan threw his arms in the air and hollered out in pain as he tumbled to the ground.

  “Hey, don’t hurt him,” she said with a smile. “We’ve only been married for one day. I’d like to enjoy my new husband a little bit first before you destroy him with fireballs.”

  But the truth was that she had already been enjoying him; all night actually.

  Her wedding yesterday had been perfect. It was small and intimate with only the people that she loved there in attendance. It felt amazing to give herself over to Khan in an official way. It finally felt like her little family was complete. Liam got a father and she got a husband. It had been a good day.

  Liam ran over, turned and plopped down in her lap. Bailey squeezed him in a hug and kissed the back of his head.

  “Liam,” she whispered as Khan got up to his feet and walked over. “We have some good news to tell you.”

  “What is it?” he asked in his squeaky voice.

  Bailey smiled. She still couldn’t believe it. “Your daddy is not leaving. He’s going to stay with us.”

  “Forever?” Liam asked.

  Khan smiled and nodded. “Forever-ever.”

  Her little man jumped out of her arms and tackled his father. Bailey smiled as she watched her two men roll around on the grass. She didn’t realize how much she had needed to see this, how much Liam needed a strong male presence in his life.

  She felt so blessed that Khan was there to fill that need for him.

  “Where are we going to live?” Liam asked when they finally separated.

  “Here,” Khan answered. “Would you like that?”

  Liam nodded his head vigorously with a big grin on his face. This was a dream home for a little boy. There were endless rocks to turn over, animals to see, forests to wander through, rivers and lakes to swim in, and fathers and uncles to wrestle with.

  Liam glanced back at the gorgeous main house. “But I want to-”

  A tiny bear cub exploded out of him while he was in mid-sentence. Khan chuckled as the little Kodiak bear wandered away towards the forest, ignoring his parents. Bailey grabbed the shredded pants off the ground and sighed. She had sewed them up so much already that they looked like Frankenstein’s skin.

  Khan was watching the cute cub as it waddled away. “I guess I have some work to do,” he said. “He can’t be phasing out of control like that for long.”
r />   Bailey took a breath of relief. She didn’t have to deal with this all by herself anymore. Liam’s constant phasing had caused her so much stress and grief over the past few months. It was always on her mind and always a worry. It would be nice to hand that part of Liam’s life over to someone who knew what they were doing. To hand it over to someone who knew how to help Liam learn to control his bear. Khan was a Godsend as far as she was concerned.

  “He’s going to be able to control that one day, right?” she asked as Liam’s bear pounced on a blade of tall grass.

  Khan nodded as he walked over to her. “Don’t worry about a thing,” he said, leaning down and giving her a kiss on the lips. “I’ll take care of everything. He’ll be able to phase in and out of his bear form in just a few weeks.”

  Bailey exhaled in relief. “Thank you.”

  Khan glanced over his shoulder at the bear who was making his way into the forest. “Do you mind?” he asked. “I have to take care of business.”

  “Please do,” Bailey said, waving him away.

  Khan pulled off his shirt and Bailey leaned back on her elbows and watched as her new husband got naked. Fuck, my husband is hot.

  She loved his massive chest and ripped abs, and she was drinking them all up with her hungry eyes. She always felt so small and petite next to him, cradled in his strong arms.

  She truly hadn’t wanted anybody else during the five years that they were apart. During all of those lonely nights, and whenever she touched herself, she had always thought of Khan.

  Khan grinned at her as he unbuckled his pants. “Enjoying the show?”

  Bailey licked her lips and nodded. “Hurry back.”

  He smiled and turned away as he slipped down his pants and underwear. Bailey groaned as she gazed at his hard ass. Khan always had a nice ass.

  “It’s going to be about an hour or two,” he said, glancing back at her over his shoulder. “What are you going to do?”

  Bailey laid down on the soft grass and closed her eyes against the hot sun. It had been so long since she just laid around and did nothing for an hour. It sounded nice. “I’ll find something,” she lied. She wasn’t moving from this wonderful spot.


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