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Broken Promise (The Broken Ones Book 3)

Page 5

by Jen Wylie

  He shook his head and avoided her eyes.

  "Kei," Bo said sharply.

  "Should the broken prince be returned, those remaining must take shelter in the city."

  They all stared at him for a long moment.

  "You remembered another prophecy," she said finally.

  He shrugged a shoulder and finished with his boots. "It's been hovering there a bit, since we got Prince home. There is…" He paused and then let out low, irritated growl. "There is more to it, but it's just out of reach."

  You have done well, Kei. When you remember, let us know, Garen said.

  Kei nodded solemnly.

  Aro frowned, uncertain what to say to him. The prophecies he remembered frightened him. She cleared her throat. "One thing I did think of was for you all to remember making us a pack was my idea."

  Bo scratched at his scar, "Well it was?"

  No, Garen argued. I mentioned the power of a pack.

  "No," she said firmly. "Bo remembers correctly. None of you had anything to do with it."

  Kei sprang to his feet. "What are you doing?"

  "I wanted to save Prince. It was my idea. I told you what to do. I called the magic, or whatever it was that happened." She glared at each one of them in return. "I did it. Remember that." Her voice softened, "Please."

  "You can't take this on yourself, pup."

  "Of course I can, and I will. I'll not drag you all into this. The consequences are my responsibility."

  "But–" Bo protested.

  Do not demean her efforts. She means to protect us all. Garen turned to look at her. Yet she also knows we will stand by her side. The king may still punish us as a pack. Taking full responsibly merely removes the possibilities of individual judgment.

  "Yes, that," she agreed. You need to teach me to speak like that.

  Garen chuckled in her mind.

  Come to the dining tables, Rhee-En said. We will eat and then talk.

  Taking a deep breath, she relayed the information to the others.

  Bo grinned. "Good, I'm starving."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  They joined Rhee-En at one of the large tables, already set with plates of food.

  She tucked her cloak around her, glad she'd decided to wear it. Though the sky remained clear, a cold breeze bit at her skin. Kei didn't seem to notice, but then the cold never bothered him.

  "I should have worn mine," Bo whispered to her with a grin.

  From her other side, Kei elbowed her and handed her a roll. "You need to eat more."

  To avoid that topic she looked across the table at Rhee-En.

  He shook his head, anticipating her question. "Eat first."

  Disappointed, she filled her plate. At least she seemed to be getting used to his smooth voice again. "What kind of eggs are these?"


  She glanced up in surprise. "You have chickens?"

  The scars on his face twisted as he smiled in amusement. "We have a sustainable society, child. We tend our own fields and gardens, and raise livestock."

  "You don't just live off the land?"

  "No, though we do manage the wildlife as well, making sure we do not over hunt."

  She mulled that over as she chewed. "Where do you have fields?"

  He laughed again. "Our land is not only forest. There are areas here and there we can use for crops."

  "I see."

  "We are not always fighting the Vor," he explained. "When not on patrols or training, we all take turns doing the things that need to be done for us to live in comfort. It is also the duty of an alpha to ensure their people are fed and housed."

  "So you make everything?"

  "For the most part. We trade with other packs, as well. Things we cannot make we go to the human cities for." He brushed crumbs from his fingers. "We live a simple life, but we work hard for what we have and do not tolerate waste."

  She quickly finished the food on her plate. It took some effort not to fidget while waiting for the others. Rhee-En seemed in no hurry. She wondered if he ate slowly on purpose. She eyed his large frame, imagining the muscles hidden beneath his simple clothes. Perhaps he just needed to eat a lot.

  When he chuckled, her eyes snapped backed to his face and a flush heated her cheeks as she realized he'd noted her scrutiny.

  I had thought your interest to be with the prince, but if that is not the case…

  Her entire face burned and she ducked her head to hide behind her hair. No!

  He laughed out loud.

  Kei's hand brushed her thigh. What's wrong?

  Nothing! I'm fine. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her suddenly racing heart, and raised her head to glare at the alpha across from her.

  Kei growled low in his throat, sensing something amiss.

  Rhee-En's strange gold and blue eyes held his laughter even as he tried to keep a straight face.

  "I think it's time for us to talk," she said stiffly.

  Her words stole his mirth away and he tipped his head in her direction. "Very well. I spoke with the king late last night. As expected, he demanded to know what had occurred."

  "And you told him," she said wearily.


  Dropping her hands into her lap, she struggled to keep calm. She had to remain strong.

  "The king was…angry. Also rather surprised you had the power to accomplish this. He has many questions, for all of you, but especially you, Arowyn."

  "Are you to ask them?"

  He shook his head. "The matters in the north have been dealt with. He comes now."

  Her head shot up in alarm. "Now? When will he be here?"

  "A few weeks at most. Depending on any issues he must address as he heads this way."

  "Rot," she muttered under her breath.

  "I know I offered for you to stay with us, however at this time it would be best if you left our lands. I am uncertain if the king's anger will fade and cannot say what he may do." He paused again. "Do not take his anger lightly. Though he is a just and good king to us, he has little tolerance for humans."

  Kei's hand slipped over hers. "We will go to the city," he said quietly. "For the winter at least."

  The alpha shook his head slightly. "Have you considered taking a ship back to the west?"

  Aro's breath caught in her throat.

  Bo cursed. "It is that bad?"

  "I do not know," Rhee-En answered. "I meant what I said. I will support you as I can, but I cannot guarantee your safety against the king."


  She looked up at Kei, noting his concern, and realized her entire body had begun to tremble. "I can't go on a ship. I can't…" She turned to Bo, looking for understanding on his face. The last, and only, ship she'd been on had been a slave ship…and it sank.

  He reached out and rubbed her shoulder. "I know, pup. There will be no need for that."

  Remain safe within the walls until the snow leaves the fields.

  Her head snapped back to meet Kei's tortured eyes. Is that more of it?

  He nodded slightly, gripping her hand tighter.

  Rhee-En looked back and forth between them. "What is it?"

  "We will stay in the city," she said firmly.

  Rhee-En shook his head. "Very well. You will not be acknowledged as an alpha until the king passes judgment on the matter."

  Aro opened her mouth to reply. She hadn't expected to be, but Rhee-En continued before she could speak.

  "Some Were may be cautious and address you as such."

  "I don't understand."

  We do not have princes or lords, Garen told them. We show our respect to alphas in their name.

  "Garen is correct. I would imagine you would prefer Aro-En. Arowyn-En is a bit of a mouthful."

  Suddenly overwhelmed, she looked to Garen and then back to Rhee-En, uncertain what to say.

  You never called me that, she sent to Garen.

  He paced around the table, tail low. Please forgive me, I–

  I don't want you to! He
came up to her, and she turned to take his large head in her hands. We're family. Understand? We are different. She held his head until he pressed against one hand and moved back.

  "Will…" She paused, uncertain how to put her question into words. "Will your Were talk to us again?"

  "Yes. Do not hold their actions against them, they were merely being cautious." He turned his head and paused for a moment. "I must attend some matters." He stood and nodded to them all. "You may stay as long as you wish."

  "Thank you," she said sincerely and watched him walk away. When he was out of sight, her body slumped and she closed her eyes. What were they going to do now? Consequences, indeed. Prince would probably give her a daylong lecture if he were here.

  "We have a few weeks," Bo said into the silence.

  We should go as soon as possible, Garen argued.

  "I need to talk to Rhee-En again." She straightened.

  Bo raised his eyebrows. "About what?"

  She laughed weakly. "About this whole alpha, pack situation. Apparently I know absolutely nothing."

  This is a wise decision. There is much Arowyn could learn from Rhee-En, if he is willing to teach her.

  "Kei?" She squeezed his hand again. He looked off into the distance. I want to be stronger, she mind-spoke to him. I need to be strong for you. I need to learn all I can. "Was there more? To the prophecy?"

  His hand squeezed hers so tightly it hurt. "Should the broken prince be returned, those remaining must take shelter in the city. Remain safe within the walls until the snow leaves the fields. To leave invites sorrow and loss to fall down upon you. To follow will mean your death."

  His words were met with silence from them all.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  They returned to the cabin. Kei sat on her bed, leaning against the wall while she paced. Bo sprawled out on his bed, and Garen found a spot on the floor where Aro wouldn't step on him.

  "Stay, go? We need to consider both options."

  They debated both for a while. Aro paused as the wind picked up outside. Bo got up and closed the shutters on the windows.

  Once the bars were in place, he turned and crossed his arms. "I'll go. Find us a place. You stay a little longer and learn what you can."

  "I don't like the thought of you going alone," she admitted.

  I will go with him. Kei can stay with you.

  She nodded. "That could work." She grinned. "You can make sure Bo finds a place suitable for you and Kei. Not too cramped, maybe a yard? Not anywhere too busy." She turned and looked at Kei.

  He nodded. As long as I'm with you.

  "I'll see if I can find Rhee-En. If he's not willing to talk to me more, then we'll all go together. If he is, I'll let him know our plans."

  "There isn't much we need," Bo added. "We can leave at first light." He grinned. "I'm looking forward to being able to settle down for a bit."

  So was she, but after a quick glance a Kei, she didn't say so.

  Chapter 6

  Proposals and Lessons

  Aro left their cabin, leaving behind Bo, who wanted to once again sort through their packs.

  Feeling someone beside her, her hand went to her dagger as she turned.

  Kei rolled his eyes. "Pay attention," he said quietly while she scowled at him.

  "Don't sneak up on me." She removed her hand from the dagger Prince gave her, and noticed Kei's lips harden. Glancing at his waist, she saw he didn't wear his. Heading in the direction she'd last seen Rhee-En go, she changed the subject. "I can talk to him on my own. You didn't have to come."

  I don't trust him.

  Startled, her head snapped around to stare at him.

  With you, he added.

  I thought we could trust the Were? I don't understand.

  You don't understand men at all.

  Heat rushed to her cheeks and she looked away, concentrating on looking for the alpha. What are you saying?

  I don't like the way he looks at you sometimes.

  She didn't either, and Kei hadn't likely seen a lot of those looks or heard the comments Rhee-En sent only to her.

  He knows I love Prince.

  Kei snorted but didn't reply.

  He was right. She didn't understand men half the time. It frustrated her, because she should. She'd grown up with them and spent the last year with her boys. Realization struck her, and she let out an irritated breath. She didn't understand men when it came to women.

  They walked around the settlement quietly. They received the odd wave or smile from Were going about their day. Things remained changed though, and she wished they hadn't.

  Finally, they found him at the building holding the horses. She couldn't quite call it a barn or stable, though it did have a few stalls. The large structure contained an open area as well as a few rooms, but she wasn't sure what they used it for.

  Repetitive thumping reached her ears as she opened the door and slipped inside. Rhee-En stood by one of the stalls with two other Were, talking quietly.

  They nodded respectively and quickly left. She watched them go before turning back to the alpha.

  "Is there something you need, Arowyn?"

  "Garen and Bo are going to the city tomorrow."

  His brows drew down in confusion.

  "I wanted to ask," she started again, before he could say something. "If you had the time to talk with me more about the Were. About being an alpha. If so I would like to stay a few days to learn from you before I join them."


  She blinked in surprise at Kei's soft, but firm voice behind her. "Yes, we. Kei would be staying, too."

  "I see." He regarded her a moment before turning his eyes to Kei. "It should not be a problem."

  The thumping continued. "What is that?"

  He turned to the stall. "Your Elven steeds do not care to be indoors. Were you planning on keeping them in the city?"

  She opened her mouth and closed it again. The horses Prince gave her and Bo had been the furthest thing from her mind.

  "The city is not the best place for them. They are not like the horses you are used to. They do best with more freedom." He paused. "Do you need to take them?"

  Another thing she hadn't considered. "Not to ride," she said finally. "Kei and I don't really need them. But we have a lot of…" Her voice trailed off, uncertain if she should tell Rhee-En about the bags and bags of coins and jewels.

  "The prince rewarded you for bringing him home. We saw how laden down they were when you arrived. We are not human. You need not worry about such things with us."

  His words made her want to crawl into a corner and hide in embarrassment. Instead, she nodded once. "There is much I have to learn about the Were."

  A smile crossed his lips. He seemed pleased with her reaction. "Yes, you do."

  Perhaps we could leave most here. It would be safer for Bo, Kei said.

  You trust them with this?


  She found it hard not to roll her eyes. The thumping continued and she winced. "I have a proposition for you."

  Behind her, Kei let out a barely audible groan.


  Bad choice of words.

  Rhee-En laughed. "Please, do continue."

  Her cheeks grew warm again, but she wasn't sure if it was from her verbal misstep or the sound of his laugh. "Is it possible for us to leave the two Elven horses, and some of what Prince gave us, here?"

  He shook his head slightly. "If things weren't as they were right now…"

  "We will pay you for their keep and to watch our belongings. Not a favor. If things don't go well…" She thought a moment. "Part of our deal will be the horses and bags will be brought to the border to meet us if we ask. We can even make a payment in advance?"

  Rhee-En regarded her thoughtfully, his eyes not leaving hers. "A business transaction."


  "Very well." He turned back to the horses. "We will move these two out to pasture today."

  The thumping stopped. She raised her ey
ebrows in surprise.

  "I will have someone escort Bo and Garen to the border in the morning."

  "That's not–"

  "There is a route this side of the ravine they can use. He will not likely be noticed. It is how we go when we travel to the city," he added.

  She nodded her agreement. "Do you go there a lot?"

  "Myself, no. Some of the pack, yes. Though many go to Newhaven instead. You are more likely to find Were of Alar-En's pack in Westport."

  She nodded quickly, understanding. She'd heard him mention the alpha of the next pack to the north before. "Do they know about us?"


  He didn't say more and she decided not to press. "Thank you."

  She left, with Kei close behind her, to talk to the others about their plans. Another thought made her pause at the door.

  "Something else?"

  "What…" She paused, searching for the right way to ask. "What would be the worst outcome, with your king?"

  "He would kill you," Rhee-En answered mildly.

  Nodding once, she pushed by a growling Kei.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Everything will be fine, pup."

  She shifted from one foot to the other as Bo tightened a strap. "I know," she muttered. "I just worry."

  He finished and then turned to ruffle her hair, getting a scowl in return. "I'll pick a good home for us. I promise."

  "I know." That wasn't what she worried about, and he knew it.

  "Take care of Kei," he said softly.

  Pressing her lips together tightly, she nodded and then flung herself against his wide chest. His large muscled arms wrapped around her, holding her tight.

  Promise to let us know how you are and…and…

  I will. For as long as I can. They didn't know how far their pack bond would reach. Westport was at least three days away, and they'd never been very far apart. Quite possibly their link wasn't strong enough to reach that far.

  "We'll join you as soon as we can." She squeezed him tightly, strangely enjoying the sensation of feeling so tiny in his arms.

  He pulled back and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Be careful. Garen and I are only a thought away if you need us."

  The Were walked up and pushed his head against her side. Bo dropped his arms after a final squeeze, and she bent to wrap her arms around Garen's neck. Take care of Bo for me.


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