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Broken Promise (The Broken Ones Book 3)

Page 16

by Jen Wylie

  The rainbows pushed forward. Her vision blurred, sleep sucking her down.

  Pain brought her back. Though her eyes refused to open, she gasped as someone lifted her.

  "I've got you."

  She didn't recognize the voice. It was deep, gruff yet the tone had been gentle. The pain of her broken ribs, of her entire broken body, tore away any other thoughts.

  "What have they…oh, rot."

  The darkness descended only to be replaced by such a riot of color it stole her breath away.

  The rainbows were so lovely.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The dreams began like always, happy memories of the past. If they seemed more vivid, if she found herself more carefree, she didn't care. Dream after dream came and went, and she watched in happy silence, a content smile upon her face.

  When one dream ended and another didn't begin, she frowned and moved forward in the empty, pale light. A forest appeared and she relaxed, waiting for the scene to begin.

  "There you are."

  She turned at the voice, a smile forming and then faltering. Had she pleasant memories that involved Damon? She couldn't remember.

  He halted mid-stride, surprise crossing his face and his strange eyes whirling in sudden anger. "I see." His gaze traveled from her face down to her toes and back again. "Do you know you are dreaming?"

  Her head tipped to the side at his strange question. "Yes."

  "This is no normal dream. Who has done this? What did they give you?"

  "I was taken by Elves," she said calmly. "I don't know what they gave me."

  "You are in too deep."

  She didn't understand but smiled politely.

  "I am not a dream, Arowyn."

  Her brows drew together in confusion. "Of course you are." Yet his words sparked something in her mind. She wasn't watching herself talk to him. This wasn't something from the past. Those memories suddenly surfaced, along with the fierce hate and anger she had for him.

  "I am here," he said gently.

  "You're with Kei," she argued, though despite the harsh feelings within her, there was no force in her words.

  "Kei has been…irritable for over a week. He kept telling me something was wrong. Yesterday, he suddenly fell into a full fury, so I have come."

  His words distracted her from the anger. Kei…why couldn't she feel him now? "Am I still with the Elves?"

  He shook his head. "No, another has you now." He gestured toward her. "You are in no danger, I do not think."

  She looked down, surprised to find her own clothes gone and only a very large shirt covering her. It barely went to mid-thigh. She grasped the hem, trying to pull it down. She stopped suddenly, and raised her hands, the rolled up sleeves sliding down. Bandages covered them, all the way down past her wrists and across her forearms. Only her fingertips and thumbs showed. What held her attention was the absence of the chains. She pressed a thumb against the bandage on one wrist. Yes, even the strange cuffs were gone.

  "I don't understand," she whispered. What did he mean that another had her now?

  "You must wake up, or you will be trapped here until your body fails and you die."

  She blinked up at him. "But…it doesn't hurt here."

  His face softened. "The pain will make you stronger."

  Shaking her head, she grimaced. "I don't want to be stronger."

  "Kei needs you."

  "You took him from me," she snapped, the anger returning. "I need him, have needed him."

  "The prophecy is important. I needed–"

  "The rotting prophecy means nothing! I was supposed to be safe. We were supposed to be safe. So the prophecy promised, and we weren't!"

  Once again, she saw surprise on his face, this time from her sudden outburst. "Sometimes paths change. The seers speak only of the most likely events."

  She threw her hands in the air and turned away. There was no arguing with him. "When will you bring him back?" Silence met her question and she turned. "When?"

  "It has been more difficult than I thought," the Dragos admitted. "You will have him by spring."

  "When we are to return to the forest," she said darkly.

  He nodded.

  "And how broken will he be?"

  "He will be well enough. I am not a monster, Arowyn. He is well cared for."

  She held in an angry reply.

  "You must wake up, and I must return."

  Even the rainbows couldn't keep a scowl from her face. He turned and began walking away.

  "Tell him I love him, and I'm with him, even if he can't feel me. Tell him what happened, please, so he understands."

  He glanced back and nodded. "You know I dislike it when you tell me what to do. However, you did say please, and it is in my best interests not to cause a rift between the two of you."

  "Thank you," she choked out. She really hated the rotting Dragos. If she didn't need him to bring Kei back to her, she'd have tried to wring his neck with her bare hands.

  He disappeared into the light. Another dream came and a smile returned to her face.

  She forgot about her anger and the Dragos…and waking up.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  When her dreams were once again interrupted by the empty light she frowned, remembered Damon, and then huffed out a sigh. Had he come back?

  She moved forward and waited. Glancing down, she saw she still wore the same large shirt with rolled up sleeves. This time, however, the bandages were gone from her hands and only remained around her wrists. She contemplated that change for a moment and then gave up trying to figure out what it meant. At least her hands were clean, even under her fingernails. Faint pink marks and a few scabs on her knuckles showed she had indeed been in a fight. Multiple fights.

  When the light finally turned into something more her eyes widened in wonder. She stood before a huge arched window, set impossibly high. Outside, a moon cast its glow on a never-ending forest.

  Once again, confusion returned. She had no idea where she was. She'd never been so high or seen such a forest. Hope rose within her. Was this where Damon had taken Kei? Would she see him?

  Turning quickly, she froze, taken in by the surreal beauty of the room. She'd never seen such splendor, so much gold and cloth, the wood all carved in delicate designs. A huge four-poster bed across the room sat empty, yet a light on the table next to it cast the room in a lovely golden glow.

  The light caught her attention. Not a candle or a lamp, but a glowing golden ball. She knew where she was. In the palace of Rivenward. How did she get here? The wardwall kept out all living things and had even blocked her from speaking with Prince. Even if it was a dream, her thoughts should not have been able to pass. There was no possible way she could be here.

  Yet she was.

  Her eyes darted about the room, searching. When she found him, her feet moved a few steps on their own before she forced herself to stop.

  He sat sideways on a window seat, one knee up, an arm resting loosely on it. His head rested on the glass as he stared out onto the moonlit landscape.

  Her smile faltered. He looked healthy, so breathtakingly beautiful, yet his shoulders slumped, and the sadness on his face broke her heart.

  She took a few more steps toward him, her bare feet silent on the covered floor. "What's wrong?"

  Strangely, he didn't react to her words, merely closed his eyes. "I must stop falling asleep here," he murmured.

  Standing quietly, she struggled for something to say.

  "Why must I always dream of you? Every time I close my eyes, there you are."

  Her heart stopped in shock, and then started again, beating furiously in her chest. "I thought you'd forgotten me," she finally said.

  He let out a short, dark laugh. "We never forget."

  "Why…" She hesitated, but the need to know drove her to continue. "Why have I not heard from you? It's been months…and I… I thought…" Words failed her. She sounded so pathetic she wanted to smack herself.

  Opening his eyes, he
lifted his head a little but continued to look out the window. "Has it been so long? Strangely, it feels longer." His eyes closed and he let out a mournful sigh. "I miss your voice," he whispered.

  That he missed her, thought of her so often, set her lips to trembling. "I miss you, too. Everything…" She moved closer, stopping almost in reach of him. How she wanted to fling herself down into his arms and have him hold her forever.

  But this was only a dream, and she didn't know how much time they had. "When will I see you again? Or hear from you?"

  He shook his head. "I have tried. I am not permitted to contact you. I am not allowed to leave Rivenward." His brows drew together in anger as her heart fell. "They would not allow it even after–" He stopped abruptly, and his head whipped around to look at her. His alarmed face shifted to one of horror.

  Springing from the window seat, he bridged the space between them so quickly she took a step back in surprise. His hands caught her face, gently cupping it as his eyes roamed the cuts and bruises she knew must be there.

  "Did he do this?"

  His hands trembled against her skin. She tried to lower her head, but instead his fingers caressed her face like little butterflies and held her in place. Still, she wouldn't meet his eyes.

  "Lord Vesrin and his men. Did they do this?"

  She nodded slightly and risked a look at him. The fury on his beautiful face didn't surprise her. He pulled her into him, her face against his chest and a hand cradling her head.

  "I am so sorry, so sorry," he said softly. His body stiffened under her. "They will pay dearly for this. None can deny me retribution. Taking you bent our laws, but this, this has clearly broken them." He pulled back and took her face in his hands once more, eyes fierce and angry as they stared into hers. "They will not go unpunished."

  She understood then, that Lord Vesrin had sent someone to Prince already, likely of her in chains, and the other Elf hadn't yet arrived.

  "I will send someone…I…" His brows drew together once more as he looked away and then back to her, confusion written across his face. "This is a dream."

  How could she explain to him something she didn't even understand? "It is," she said finally. "But…I think, somehow, we are sharing it."

  "That is not possible," he said flatly. "I should say, it is not for us. The wardwall prevents–"

  "I know. Yet I am here."

  Emotions flitted across his face as she stared up at him. Reaching up, she rested a hand on his cheek. "I am here."

  "Perhaps you are even stronger than I thought." When she tilted her head to the side and looked at him in confusion, he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. "Here."

  She smiled at the gesture. "Not strong enough."

  "Tell me what has happened," he said suddenly, changing the subject. "You were supposed to be safe in the city."

  The reminder brought forth the misery and anger she'd pushed deep inside and she turned away. "The prophecy is rotting nonsense," she snapped angrily. "Damon took Kei. The Elves took me. They killed–" she choked on the words.

  Arms wrapped around her from behind. "No. That was not supposed to happen."

  "But it did!" She whirled around in his arms. "And I am alone!"

  "Do they still have you, Arowyn?"

  The question surprised her. For a moment she couldn't remember, but then she recalled Damon's dream visit. "I don't think so. I'm somewhere else now."

  "How can you not–" He huffed in frustration and then froze for a moment before his grip tightened around her. "How are you here?"

  She blinked up at him. "I'm dreaming?" She'd told him that already. "I've been having such lovely dreams, and somehow I came here."

  His eyes closed. "Is there anything…strange about your dreams?"

  A small smile crossed her lips, thinking of them. "They are beautiful. Happy. Is that strange? And surrounded by such lovely colors, like a rainbow."

  He physically jerked at her words. "They drugged you," he muttered.

  "Mmm, yes."

  His forehead suddenly rested against hers. "You must wake up."

  "I don't want to wake up. I want to stay here with you."

  He laughed weakly and pulled back. "Please, Arowyn. Wake up. For me."

  She frowned. "If I do, I don't know if I'll dream of you again."

  "I hope you do not." At her shocked look, he continued quickly. "What they gave you, it is addictive. It is deadly. You must wake up and not let them give it to you again. Do you understand?"

  She nodded unhappily. "Will you come?"

  "I…cannot. I do not know if I ever will."

  His answer didn't surprise her, but still brought forth enough anger and pain she straightened and lifted her chin. "You promised me you would. One day."

  His face hardened. "I did, and I am sorry for that."

  He might as well have slapped her. "Just answer me this, do you love me?"

  "Does it matter what I say? Either way, I will break your heart."

  "It does," she answered quietly.

  "I wish things could be different, but they are not," he said finally. "It would be best if I let you go."

  His words made her so angry she couldn't speak for a moment, only clench her fists and struggle to find the right words.

  She stabbed a finger into his chest. "You need to learn to find hope, Shael. Somewhere, along the way, you've lost it."

  He laughed, quietly, weakly. "What good is hope?" His sad eyes met her angry ones. "I had it once. You gave it to me, and I allowed myself to fall." He looked away. "And then I returned home, and the obstacles between us were greater than I had feared."

  "What did they do?"

  "What did they not? I will not waste our time speaking of it."

  She shook her head. Something, or someone, had broken him. Though he'd healed physically, life had still defeated him. She didn't know how to bring him back to life, how to make him hope and fight once more.

  "Hope gives you strength. It gives you the courage to fight. Hope makes the impossible possible."

  "Not always."

  "Not always," she agreed grudgingly. "I would fight for you," she continued earnestly, offering him everything. "Just give me a reason to do so."

  "It would not be fair to you–"

  "I don't care about fair," she snapped, flinging her arms wide. "Life is not fair. If nothing else, I've learned that. Answer me truthfully. Do you love me? Do you truly love me?"

  He shook his head, his eyes so full of pain her anger dimmed. "Why would you still want me when I have failed to protect you?"

  "Because you are worth it, and I believe in you." She shook her head, not understanding why he felt so little hope. "I don't want you to protect me. I don't need you to. What I want," she continued passionately, "is for you to be the strong and proud man I know you are and not let others push you down. What I want is for you to fight by my side."

  His lips turned up in a wry smile, and he chuckled, his fingers tracing a line along her jaw. "Always so fierce."

  She refused to give up. "Answer me," she said firmly. "Answer and I will wake up." She lowered her voice, "Give me a reason to fight for you, for us."

  "It would not be an easy battle," he answered softly. Yet his eyes searched hers and he took a step closer.

  "Nothing worth fighting for is easy." She looked to the side suddenly, panic rising as she watched the rainbows swirl and the edges of her dream begin to fade.

  Turning back, she opened her mouth to urge him to hurry with his reply. She never got a word out.

  His lips crushed against hers. Arms slid around her, bringing her closer as she cupped his face in her hands, kissing him just as passionately. Not seeing each other for months, and not knowing when, or if, they'd see each other again put an almost violent urgency into their frantic kisses.

  Her heart swelled and heat rushed through her entire body. She couldn't get enough of his lips. She couldn't get close enough. He kissed her deeply, tongue parting her lips to tast
e the sweetness of her mouth. She wanted to cry. She wanted to laugh. She didn't want it to end.

  He pulled away, breathing heavily. His eyes flicked up, and he sighed. He too saw the dream coming to an end. "Promise me you will wake."

  "I will."

  "Promise me you will take no more of it."

  "I won't." She hesitated for a moment. "I still expect you to keep your promise to me."

  He smiled and shook his head in amusement. "So persistent. I will try."

  "That is all I ask." It would have to do. Her eyes locked on his as he held her more tightly. "I love you. I love you."

  He bent his head and kissed her again until the dream faded and she found herself alone in a world of rainbows. The taste of him lingered on her lips. She closed her eyes, remembering.

  Opening them once more, she looked around and placed her hands on her hips. Despite her circumstances, a smile crossed her lips.

  Once again, he hadn't said the words. Yet for now, her hope had been renewed. She would not give up on him. She would fight to have him once again in her life.

  Perhaps one day, he would have the courage to fight for her, too.

  For now, she had a promise to keep. It was time to wake up. Color swirled around her as she thought herself awake, ordered herself to. A new dream began, yet she ignored it, concentrating on breaking free.

  "Rot," she finally muttered.

  Chapter 17

  The Price of Freedom

  Dreams were impossible to fight. They were not a living thing. They didn't care. No matter what she did, they continued on, one after another. Frustration grew into panic, which led to despair. She knew her time was running out. If she didn't wake soon, she never would.

  Dying in her sleep was not an option. When she died, whenever that may be, she wanted go down fighting.

  She paused in her increasingly frantic struggles, a distant melody catching her attention. It didn't seem to be coming from the current dream. Again, it didn't matter what she did. She couldn't find the source.

  Frustrated and weary, she simply listened for a time, ears straining in an attempt to make out the words. They never came, but the singer sounded heartbreakingly sad. The man's voice, though not one she recognized, wrapped around her, easing her frustration and pain. She relaxed so much the Fey power held tightly within her began to escape, filling her with warmth.


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