The Slave Trade
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African contract workers in, 745
Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1807 and, 573–74
Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1817 and, 608–9
Angola as commercial dependency of, 219–20
bagaceira society of, 137–38, 163
British abolition and slave trade of, 565–67, 741–43
British blockade proposal and, 735–36, 738
British merchants and slave trade in, 676–77
British search-and-burn policy and, 741–43
British Slave Trade Bill of 1842 and, 729–30
British treaties with, 609–11
coffee trade of, 629–30, 632, 634
Cuba contrasted with, 567–68
Dahomey slave trade with, 358–59
direct African slave trade and, 221, 298, 301, 303, 315, 328
discovery of, 105
Dutch and, 159–60, 162, 163, 164, 169–71, 183, 185–86, 187, 531–32
early African slaves in, 106
European settlers in, 170–71
final days of slavery in, 786, 788–89
France and, 106, 154
gold rush in, 220–21
Great Britain and nationalism of, 664–65
illegal slave trade in, 630–36, 744–45
independence of, 608–9
indigenous Indians as slaves in, 133–34, 163, 170, 220–21, 277–78
intra-Brazilian slave trade of, 744–45
last known attempt to land slaves in, 745
Malé’s revolt in, 635
19th-century slave trade as seen by, 730–33
number of slaves in, 185, 219, 542, 567, 635, 787–88
oligarchy of slave traders in, 631–33
16th-century black population of, 133
Portugal and, 105–6
slave revolts in, 611, 635
slavery abolished in, 743–44
slaves’ arrival in, 432–34, 723–25
slaves in return to Africa from, 801
sugar industry in, 105, 123–24, 135–38, 141, 159, 170, 187, 220, 278, 609, 630
U.S. naval patrols and, 727–28
U.S. slave trade with, 739–40
Brazilian Antislavery Society, 788
Brazilian Association of Liverpool, 571
Brazilian (Slave Trade) Bill of 1842, 729–30
Brazza, Pierre de, 789
Bredero, Gerbrand, 162, 452, 793–94
Bretoa, 105
Breves, 640
Brew, Richard, 329, 331, 351, 374
Brewster, Harriet, 781
Brewton, Miles, 268
Brian, Captain, 588
Brickdale, Matthew, 508
Brickell, John, 258
Briggs, Nathaniel, 503
Bright, John, 733
Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre, 496, 520, 524
British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 657, 734, 773–74
Britto, John de Costa, 429
Broadhead, Captain, 676, 695, 722
Broglie, Duke of, 623–24, 625, 626, 627
Brohuac, Captain, 579
Brooke, Captain, 615
Brookes, 13, 283, 415, 417, 419, 421–22, 438, 510
slave stowage diagram of, 510, 520–21
Brookes, James, 510
Brookhouse, Robert, 681
Brothers, 495
Brougham, Henry, Lord, 506, 557, 574–75, 582, 599, 658
Brown, James, 261
Brown, John (abolitionist), 731
Brown, John (slave trader), 14, 293–94, 297, 300, 303, 488, 520, 537, 544–545
Brown, Moses, 303, 487, 532, 797
Brown, Nicholas, 293, 325n
Brown, Obadiah, 261, 295, 569
Brown, William, 419
Browne, James, 215
Bruce, Commodore, 739
Bruce, Henry, 675
Brüe, André, 194–95, 472
Bruges, Jacome de, 53
Brunaud (slave trader), 547
Bruselas, Gerónimo de, 91
Bryan, Samuel, 501
Buatu, King of the Vili, 702
Bubb, George, 237
Buchanan, James, 732, 734, 764, 772
Buckeridge, Nicholas, 350
Buckingham, George Villiers, second duke of, 198
Buenos Aires, 435, 567, 577
Bug-Jargal (Hugo), 624
Bullen, Commodore, 651
Bulloch, James, 757
Bulwer, Henry, 749, 751
Bunch, Robert, 779
Buonaguisi, Francesco, 75
Burckhardt, Christoph, 301
Burgess, Thomas, 510
Burke, Aedanus, 518
Burke, Edmund, 13, 249, 345, 472, 481–82, 483, 498, 506, 514, 517, 525, 529, 782
Burling, William, 460
Burón, José Antonio, 736
Burón, Juan Tomás, 670
Burrell, Peter, 267
Burridge, Robert, 300
Burton, Sir Richard, 325, 746, 777
Busbecq, Ogier-Ghislaine de, 113, 794
Butcher, Thomas, 400
Butler, Benjamin F., 661
Butterfly, 661
Buxton, Charles, 777
Buxton, Edward Noël, 734, 764
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, 650, 658, 733, 777, 786
Byng, John, 474
Byrd, William, 461–62
Caballero, Diego, 118, 299
Caballero y Góngora, Archbishop, 450
Cabarrus, Dominique, 524n, 547
Cabess, John, 395
Cabeza de Vaca, Alvár Núñez, 96
Cabot, Sebastian, 96, 105
Cabot family, 271
Cabral, Pedro Alvares, 10–11, 86, 105, 314
Cacheu Company, 218, 219, 227, 292, 458
Cacheu River, 340, 681–82
Ca’da Mosto, Alvise, 22, 47, 53, 56, 57, 58, 60–61, 68, 324, 332, 337, 371, 373
Cadereyta, Marquis of, 178
Cadillac, Jean-François, 411
Cádiz, Rodrigo Ponce de León, Marquis of, 84
Cádiz Slave Company, 280, 327, 330, 396
Caesar, Julius, 26
Cagigal, Juan Manuel, 602
Caillé, René, 563
Cairu, Barão de, 732
Calabar massacre, 405, 495–96
Calabar River, 362–64, 697–99
Caldeira, Antonio, 112
Caldeira, Manuel, 117, 128, 141, 168
Caldeira Brant, Filisberto (later marquis of Barbacena), 609, 611, 636
Calderón, Juan Rodrigo, 211n
Calderón de la Barca, Fanny, 643
Calhoun, John, 769–70
Calixtus III, Pope, 65, 66–67, 72, 89
Callister, Anthony, 442
Callister, Henry, 442
Calvert, Charles, 208
Câmara, Leopoldo da, 740
Camargo, 745
Cambini, Niccolò di Francesco, 84
Cameroons, 145, 247, 364, 653, 699
Caminha, Alvaro de, 80
Campaña, Alonso de, 118
Campaña, Pedro de, 118
Campbell, Benjamin, 683
Campbell, Captain, 569
Campbell, George, 297
Campbell, James, 629, 667
Campbell, Neil, 682
Campo, Francisco, 723
Canada, 173, 191, 194, 235, 272, 274, 286, 482, 776
Canary Islands, 41, 50, 74, 76–77, 84, 87, 91, 94, 106, 112, 116, 121, 155, 158, 332
Cañedo, Valentín, 646–47, 747, 755–36
Canning, George, 13, 507n, 538, 540, 550n, 554, 577, 591, 596, 607, 609, 611, 612, 618, 636, 655, 656
Canning, Stratford (later first viscount Stratford de Redcliffe), 618
Canot, Theodore, 678, 684, 687, 690, 706, 717, 724–25
Cánovas, Antonio de, 113, 782–83
Cão, Diogo, 75–76, 81, 82
Cape Coast, 349–52, 576, 691, 692, 693
Cape Verde Islands, 58, 68, 71, 72, 75, 76, 87, 101, 102, 110, 111, 115, 116, 117, 139, 158, 163, 199, 210, 219, 225, 229, 253, 281, 292, 3
03, 313, 319, 336–37, 340, 680, 727
Capitalism and Slavery (Williams), 9
Cap Lahou, 690–91
Capo d’Istria, Count, 592–93
Caracas Company, 503
Caramança (King Ansa), 78, 347
Carçau, Jan, 217
Cárdenas de Montehermoso, Marquis, 601
Cardozo dos Santos, João, 633
Cardwell, Edward (later first viscount Cardwell), 725
Caribbean area, 12, 13, 123, 133, 180, 185, 212, 401, 450
Danish colonies in, 210, 255–56
Dutch in, 160, 170, 183, 186
English colonies in, 174, 210
French colonies in, 173, 191–92, 210
national monopoly companies and, 188–89
pre-European slavery in, 104–5
as source of slaves for North America, 206–7
sugar industry of, 91, 97, 99–100, 135–36, 187–88
see also specific colonies and islands
Carloff, Henrick, 176, 191–92, 198, 222–24, 349, 355
Carneiro, Antonio, 107–8
Carlota, 569, 633
Caroline, 617, 686
Carr, Sir Raymond, 641
Carreiro, Estevão, 424
Carstensen, Edward, 693
Cartagena de Indias, 434–35, 458, 504
Carteret, Sir George, 201
Casa Calvo, Marquis of, 548
Casa da Guiné, 64, 291, 432
Casa de Contración, 92, 94, 101, 121, 144, 163, 211, 246
Casa dos Escravos, 432
Casa Irujo, Marquis of, 604
Casa Montalvo, Ignacio, Count of, 533
Case, George, 489n, 565
Case of Our Fellow Creatures, the Oppressed Africans, The (Benezet), 491
Cass, Lewis, 663, 664, 764, 768–69
Cassano, Luca, 59
Casseres, Henrik, 223
Casseres, Simon de, 223
Castañas, General, 600
Castelar, Emilio, 778, 781, 787
Castellanos, Juan de, 104
Castellón, Jacome de, 100
Castellón, Tomás de, 100
Castillo, Santiago, 218
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Lord, 576–77, 583, 584, 585–86, 593, 595, 596, 599, 612, 613, 685
as statesman, 591–92
“castle slaves,” 562
Castro, Fray Juan (Fernández) de, 99, 212, 213
Castro Alves, Antonio de, 633
Cataño, Germino, 119
Cataño, Leonardo, 101
Catarina, Senhora, 338–39
Catherine, 261, 295
Catherine of Braganza, Queen, 199
Catholic church, 12, 64–66, 71–72, 124–26, 146–47, 199, 216–17, 637, 785
abolition movement and, 451, 456–58, 466, 665–66
and baptism of slaves, 397–99
bull of Gregory XVI and, 665–66
see also Christianity Caulker, Canray ba, 687
Caulker family, 344, 687
Cause des esclaves nègres, La (Frossard), 496
Caussé, Clément, 304
Caution and Warning to Great Britain and Her Colonies, A (Benezet), 472
Cavalcanti family, 635
Cave, Stephen, 773
Centurione, Gaspar, 99
Centurione, Luis, 70
Céron, 719
Cerqueira Lima, José de, 632–33
Chace, Samuel, 520
Chaînes de l’esclavage, Les (Marat), 466
Chamberlayne, Edward, 473–74
Chambert, Louis, 229
Chamfort, Sébastien, 266
Champlin, Christopher, 308
Champlin, George, 308, 615
Champlin, Robert, 308
Chancellor, William, 302, 310, 311
Chandos, James Brydges, first duke of, 238n, 239, 243–44, 301
Chandos, James Brydges, third duke of, 509, 514
Chaplin, Charles, 206
Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (Shaftesbury), 470n
“Charity” (Cowper), 488
Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor, 34
Charles, Archduke (later Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor), 230
Charles Edward Stuart “Bonnie Prince Charlie,” 10, 252, 266, 267
Charles I, King of England, 176, 197, 198
Charles II, King of England, 197n, 198, 241, 338
Charles II, King of Spain, 216
Charles III, King of Spain, 505–6
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 14, 97, 98, 100, 105, 114, 125, 126, 141, 792
Charleston, S.C., 268–70, 369, 437, 441, 502, 545–46
arrival of slaves in, 438–40
Charlotte Sophia, Queen of England, 489
Charming Betty, 260
Chateaubriand, François René, 14, 253, 276, 308, 595, 605, 625
Chateaubriand, René-Auguste de (father of the preceding), 253–54, 276, 306, 308, 431, 596
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, fourth earl of, 250
Chew (collector of customs), 614
Chief Black Eunuch Conducts the Young Prince to the Circumcision Ceremony, The (Levnî), 791
Chile, 103, 167, 267, 435, 503, 566, 567
abolition movement in, 577–78, 598
Choiseul, Etienne-François de, first duke of, 274
Chourra, Jean, 229
Christian IV, King of Denmark, 172
Christian VII, King of Denmark, 526
Christianity, 11–12, 23, 26, 29–31, 34, 35, 146–47, 336, 397–98, 505
Congo monarchy and, 82
denominations of, and slave trade, 298–99
in Ethiopia, 51
and fall of Constantinople, 66–67
Islam vs., 36–39, 65–67
slave trade and, 65–66
see also Catholic church
Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea (Zurara), 21–24
Cicero, 26, 29
Cicerón, 780–81
Cienfuegos, José, 601, 602
Cinque (slave), 718
Civil War, U.S., 597, 765, 769, 776, 778, 780
Claiborne, William, 549, 570
Clancarty, Richard le Poer Trench, first viscount, 612
Clapp, Joshua, 729
Clara, 661
Clarence, Duke of (later William IV), 13, 530, 536, 540–41, 546, 550, 555, 556, 786
Claret, Antonio, 756
Clarke, Gedney, 269
Clarke, Peleg, 295, 300, 427, 520
Clarkson, John, 498
Clarkson, Thomas, 13, 307, 415, 486, 492–96, 497, 498, 507, 509, 510, 512–13, 520–21, 524, 526, 530, 539, 550, 553, 585, 735, 776, 797
Claver, Pedro (later Saint Pedro Claver), 434–35
Clavière (abolitionist), 520, 524
Claxton, Ecroyde, 412
Clay, Henry, 617
Claypole, James, 298
Clayton, 428–29
Clegg, J. A., 562
Cleland, Colonel, 238
Clement XI, Pope, 458
Clenard (tutor), 113, 117, 119
Clermont-Tonnerre, Marquis of, 626
Cleveland, James, 343
Cleveland, Stephen, 534
Cliffe, José, 712, 713, 716, 717, 724–25, 737
Clinch, William, 244
Clinton, Lord, 156
Clobery, William, 176
Clodoré, Jean, 192
Clotilde, 770
Clovis II, King of Neustria, 35
Club de la Habana, 753
Cobb, Howell, 776
Cobden, Richard, 667, 733–34, 737, 798
Cobos, Francisco de los, 98, 100
Cochrane, Thomas Lord, 765
Cocking, Francis Ross, 748, 749
Cocks, John Somers, 506–7
Code Blanc, 484
Code Noir, French, 474, 484, 505–6
Code of Hammurabi, 25
Code of Laws, Justinian, 471
Code of Theodosius, 31
Código Carolino, 505
Código Negro Español, 505–6
Codrington, Christopher, 400, 401
Coelho Pereira, Duarte, 123, 124
coffee trade, 487, 532, 571, 599, 745, 751
Brazilian, 629–30, 632, 634
Cuban, 636–37
Coggeshall, George, 652, 679
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 189, 191, 192, 193, 228, 277, 292, 679
Colbert, Jean-François, marquis of Seignelay (son of the preceding), 193
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 155
Colet, Henry, 543
Colleton, John, 201
Colley, Captain, 311
Collier, Francis, 652, 694
Collier, Sir George, 594, 604, 617, 622, 715–16
Collingwood, Luke, 489, 515
Collins, Charles, 545, 551, 603
Collins, Henry, 260–61
Colombia, 104, 116, 144, 157, 210, 211, 504, 577, 598
see also New Granada
Colón, Diego, 91–92, 93
Colón, José, 773
Colonna, Egidio, 24
Columbine, E. H., 575
Columbus, Christopher, 52, 54, 75, 82, 84, 90, 91, 93, 94, 120
voyages of, 87–89
Comas, Francisco Antonio de, 543, 579
Commentaria (Ledesma), 127
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 471
Commercio del Rio, 574
Committee for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 493, 497, 509, 521
Compagnie de Guyanne, 361
Compagnie de Saint-Christophe, 173
Compagnie des Indes, 335, 436
Compañiá Gaditana, 396
Company of Adventurers, 174, 354
Company of Africa, 242
Company of Grão Pará and Maranhão, 340
Company of Merchants Trading to Africa, 226, 266, 295, 321, 339, 350, 378, 564
Company of Saint-Domingue, 243
Company of the Coast of Africa, 277
Company of the Isles of America, 173, 191
Company of the Philippines, 503
Company of the West, see Mississippi Company
Company of the Western Islands, 191
Comte d’Hérouville, 411
Conceiçao, 715
Concha, José de la, 754, 759, 778, 782
Conchillos, Lope, 94, 166
Condorcet, Marquis of, 496, 520, 521, 524
Congo, 13, 81–82, 108, 109–11, 134, 145, 160, 168, 183–84, 185, 221, 313, 323, 366, 399, 400, 563, 789, 795
decline of, 219–20, 227
Jagga invasion of, 128–30
Ndongo’s rivalry with, 131
in 19th century, 703–4
Portugal’s relationship with, 128–30, 219–20
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 451, 458
Congress, U.S., 500, 568, 569, 616, 618, 649, 660, 729, 753
anti-slavery legislation of, 544–45, 546
foreign slavery condemned by, 518–19
slavery debate in, 518–19, 551–555
Congress of Verona, 712
Congress of Vienna, 583, 584, 587, 591, 595, 598
Connecticut, 177, 206–7, 260, 286, 452, 772