The Slave Trade
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Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 472–73, 503, 613
Rush, Lieutenant, 762
Rush, Richard, 613
Rushton, Edward, 310
Russell, Lord John, 712, 735, 738, 742, 755, 768–69, 776, 777, 778
Russell, Jonathan, 545
Russell, N. P., 568–69
Russia, Imperial, 584, 585, 587, 663
Rutledge, John, 502
Ruyter, Admiral Michel-Adrianszoon de, 200
Rynders, Thomas, 772
Ryswick, Treaty of, 194, 224, 251
Sá, José Bernardino da, 632, 633, 701, 706, 732
Sá, Mem de, 137
Saco, José Antonio, 605, 641
Sá de Bandeira, Marques, 656
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 96
Saint-Barthélemy, 450
Saint Christophe, 173, 343
Saint Croix, 255–56, 527
Saint-Domingue, 10, 228, 229, 254–55, 266, 267, 276, 280, 294, 299, 306, 369, 444, 487, 505, 521, 533, 568, 584, 585
French slave trade and, 250–52, 277, 285
Leclerc expedition to, 548
Ogé’s insurrection in, 522–23
revolution in, 527, 529–30, 531, 538, 750
slaves’ arrival in, 436–37
see also Santo Domingo
Sainte-Anne, 411
Saint-Etienne, 192
Saint Eustatius, 170, 186, 255, 283, 435–36
Saint-James, Duke of, 625
Saint Kitts, 438, 491, 745n
Saint-Lambert, Charles-François, 483
Saint-Louis, fortress of, 333, 335
Saint Lucia, 173, 550, 584, 745n
Saint-Philippe, 411
Saint Thomas, 170, 186, 224, 239, 256, 526–27, 626, 652
Saint Vincent, 173, 274, 550, 551, 745n
Salamanca, Diego de, 141
Salas, Antonio de, 464
Salas, Manuel de, 577
Salcedo, Francisco de, 144
Salmerón, Nicolás, 781
Saltonstall, Richard, 453–54
Salvago, Nicolás, 178
Salvi, Jeronimo Carlos, 744
Salzburger family, 272
Samá y Martí, Salvador, 646, 648
Samo, Samuel, 685
Sampson, Anthony, 10
San Carlos, Duke of, 583
Sanches Caraçe, Diogo, 219n
Sánchez, Mateo, 604
Sandiford, Ralph, 460
Sandoval, Alonso de, 147–48, 169, 435
Sandwich, Edward Montagu, first earl of, 198
Sandwich, John, fourth earl of, 509
San Felipe, Marquis de, 542
Sanford, Samuel, 312
Sanguines, Olympe, 622, 675
San Jacinto, 772, 774, 776
San Martin, José Francisco de, 577
Sano, Buckor, 175
Sanromá, Joaquín, 781
San Sebastian, 143
Santarém, João de, 73, 80
Santiago, 320
Santo Domingo, 13, 89, 91–92, 95, 101, 116, 239, 267, 280, 504, 600, 603, 605
slave rebellion in, 104
sugar industry of, 100
see also Saint-Domingue
Santos, Joaquim dos, 633
São Tome settlement, 108, 135, 154, 169, 175, 222, 224, 303, 304, 347, 348, 361, 364–65, 388, 393, 396, 574
Dutch seizure of, 172
in 19th century, 700–701
Portuguese reconquest of, 184–85
Sarah (African King), 683
Sargent, John, 300, 321–22, 342
Sartorius, José Luis, 759
Sataspes, 48
Saunders, Thomas, 603
Savage, Richard, 455, 456
Savage, Samuel Phillips, 480
Savary, Jacques, 411–12
Savery, Captain, 281–82
Savile, George, 478
Sawbridge, Alderman, 513
Sayles, Jerónimo, 101
Scarmentado (Voltaire), 464–65
Schecter, Erasmo, 123
Schenley, Edward, 613
Schimmelmann, Ernest, 256, 526
Schimmelmann, Henrik, 256
Schmaltz, Governor of Sénégal, 626, 679n
Schoelcher, Victor, 742
Schomberg, Herbert, 741–43
Schôn, James Frederick, 687
Schuyler, Arnot, 261
Scotland, 205, 243n
Scott, Sir Walter, 243n, 624
Scott, William (Lord Stowell), 589, 672
Scriptural Researches on the Licitness of the Slave Trade (Hormoza), 509
Seasons (Thomson), 455
Sebastian, King of Portugal, 116, 130, 139
Sedgely, Samuel, 294, 297
Segond, Guillaume, 617
Seguier, Baron, 621
Selim I, Caliph, 121
Selling of Joseph, The (Sewall), 459–60
Semmes, Captain, 766–67
Senate, Louisiana, 765
Senate, U.S., 544, 546, 552, 616, 618–19, 718, 764, 776
Seneca, 27, 29, 30
Sénégal, 11, 22, 76, 173, 333–34, 335, 339, 383, 787
Sénégal Adventurers, 158
Sénégal Company, 193, 194, 242, 250, 251, 323, 341
Senegambia, 62, 110, 115, 117, 161, 203, 226, 237, 259, 332, 335–36, 339, 373, 376, 399, 403, 561–62, 789
slave markets of, 380–81, 383
Sense and Sensibility (Austen), 264
Septimius Severus, 26
Sepúlveda, Ginés de, 125–26
Sequeira, Rui de, 73
Serers, 57, 60
serfs, 29, 34–36
Sernighi, Girolamo, 85
Serrano, Francisco, 778–79, 782
Serrano, Licenciado, 101
Servir a un señor discreto (Lope de Vega), 121
Sessaracoa, William Ansah, 467
Seven Years’ War, 10, 265–66, 272, 282, 283, 285, 335
Sevilla, Pedro de, 140, 141
Sewall, Samuel, 459–60
Seward, Captain, 694
Seward, William H., 775–76
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, third earl of, 201
Shama, King of, 379
Sharp, Granville, 471, 473, 475–76, 485, 489–90, 492, 493, 497, 498, 499, 507, 550
Sharp, William, 473
Shelburne, William Petty, second earl of (later first marquis of Lansdowne), 282, 326, 327, 376, 486, 536
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 592
Shenstone, William, 455
Shepard, Michael, 705
Sherbo Island colony, 617–18, 686–87, 690
Sherbo River, 344–45
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 13, 538, 539
Sherman, Roger, 500, 518
Sherwood, Captain, 421
Shiell, Luc, 252, 306
Shipman, William, 774–75
Shirley, Antony, 140
Shufeldt, Robert, 773
Siaka (Shuckar), King, 688–89
Sicily, 40, 43, 70, 114
Sierra Leone, 10, 12, 48, 61, 69, 70, 72, 75, 154, 156, 173, 247, 271, 320, 341, 343–44, 345, 372, 389, 394, 546, 575n, 577, 599, 604, 611, 633, 651, 652, 713, 723, 785
British anti-slavery activities and, 576
ex-slave colonies in, 617–18
fate of freed blacks in, 653–54
in 19th century, 685–86
proposed slave colony for, 497–99, 540
Sierre Leone Company, 498
Sieyès, Abbé Emmanuel-Joseph, 496
Siglo, El, 779–80, 782
Sigüenza, Bishop of, 216
Siliceo, Sebastián de, 213–14
Silva, Guzmán de, 157
Silva, Simão da, 109
Silva Correa, Fernando da, 368
Silva Lisboa, José da, 278
Silva Pereira, Ruy da, 184
Silva Porto, João Alves, 631
Silva Solis, Fernando de, 211
Simmons, John, 283
Sintra, Gonçalo de, 58
Sintra, Pedro de, 69–70
Sintra, Treaty of, 106
Sismondi, Jean de, 585
Six Livres de la republique (Bodin), 148
Sixtus V, Pope, 117
Skelton, Elizabeth Frazer, 683
Skelton, William, 683
Skinner, Charles, 727, 728
“Sklavenschiff, Das” (Heine), 612
Slade, William, 660
Slaney, Humphrey, 176
Slave Coast, 73, 203, 221, 225, 226, 253, 322, 326, 354, 356–57, 401, 694
slave rebellions, 568, 792, 799
abolition movement and, 461–62, 545
on Atlantic crossing, 424–28
in Brazil, 611, 635
of Cinque, 718
in Cuba, 667, 747, 748–49
in Dahomey, 695
fear of, 461–62, 635, 638–39, 667, 747, 748–49
Islam and, 611, 695
in Jamaica, 462, 650
of Malé, 635
in Mexico, 104, 163
in 19th century, 717–19
of Ogé, 522–23
in Puerto Rico, 104
in Saint-Domingue, 522–23
by ships’ crews, 719
of Tupac Amaru, 535
in U.S., 462
of Yanga, 163
acquisition of, 370–80, 713–15
arrival of, see New World, slaves’ arrival in
Asian, 136–37
auction of, 632
baptizing of, 397–99, 434, 456, 505, 715
Berber, 332–33
branding of, 396–97, 582, 689, 715
breeding of, 570–71, 649
buyers’ preferences in, 399–401, 715
cannibalism feared by, 407, 410
caravans of, 368, 383–86, 660
Caribbean Indians as, 92–95
“castle,” 562
Christian, 180–81, 194
disease and, 716–17
East Africa as source of, 82–83, 111–12, 184
embarkment of, 406–8
ethnic diversity and origins of, 40–42, 399–401, 403, 804
eunuchs as, see eunuchs in Europe, 118–22
as form of currency, 563
geographic origins of, 116–17
“home” system and, 562
Indians as, 89–90, 96–98, 125, 133–34, 163, 452–53
interpreters, linguists and, 404
kidnapping of, 115, 368, 370, 375–77, 378, 379–80, 383–86
life expectancy of, 724–25
loading of, 702–3
Mayan, 645
mortality of, 631–32, 685, 713, 717
natural increase of, 269, 531, 567, 570
payment for, 440–41
Philippines as source of, 136–37
prices of, 402–3, 435, 439–40, 647, 650, 677, 734, 751, 780, 806–8
“privilege,” 308
as punishment, 32–34, 372, 373–74, 378–79
“refuse,” 237, 438, 439
in return to Africa, 635–36, 799–801
sacrifice of, 562
ships’ surgeons and, 395–96
smuggling of, 143–44, 156, 166, 189, 191, 210, 217, 247, 417, 436, 614–16
social class of, 399
stowage of, 716
from Sumatra, 626
theft of, 634–35, 792
treatment of, before sale, 382–87
war and, 372, 374–76, 714
white, 59, 91, 95, 105, 112, 136–37, 209, 256, 792
Slave Ship (painting by Turner), 490n, 786
slave ship cargoes, 315–31
of alcoholic liquors, 327–29
of cloth and textiles, 319–22, 676, 796
of cowrie shells, 324
of Enterprize, 811
of horses, 325n, 330–31
of Indian products, 321–22
of metals, 322–24
19th century, 676–78
of tobacco, 329–30
variety of, 315, 318
of weapons, 325–27
slave ships, 304–14
Africans’ attacks upon, 404–5
armament of, 311–12
captains of, 674–75, 678–79
cargoes of, see slave ship cargoes
classic passages used by, 313–14
clippers as, 765–66
crews of, 306–7, 310–11, 674–76, 717, 718
disease and, 716–17
“equipment” of, 655n, 659
fate of, when captured, 651–52, 722–23
insurance of, 312
names of, 305–6
naval chases of, 720–23, 727–28, 763
in 19th century, 674–76
rebellions on, 424–28
return journeys of, 440–42
sailing instructions for, 312–13, 809–10
slave decks of, 416–17
steamships as, 712, 739
surgeons of, 395–96
technical improvement of, 449–50
typical, 304–5, 410–11
U.S. builders of, 677–78
wages earned on, 306–7, 674
slave trade:
Africa as affected by, 794–97
African rulers and, 13–14, 42–44, 200, 792
in antiquity, 25–29
Arab conquest of North Africa and, 44–47
assessment of, 797–98
as barter, 11, 46–47, 60, 68, 115
Bible and, 23–24, 34, 519
Brazilian innovations in, 630–31
British Navigation Laws and, 188–90, 284
cargoes of, see slave ship cargoes
Catholic church and, see Catholic church; Christianity
cheating and, 394–95
classic passages used in, 313–14
coartaciín system and, 637n
and collapse of Indian population, 96–98
contraband, 143, 167, 229, 246, 323
cowries and, 324–25
criticism of, 124–27, 146–48, 162, 216–17, 309, 310–11, 450–53, 459–60
cult of “le bon nègre” and, 622–23
curse of Ham and, 23–24, 30, 162
in Dark Ages, 32–34
duties of, 78–79
ethics, morality of, 11–12, 35, 554
feudalism and, 34–35, 36
financing of, 295–96
as government enterprise, 291–93
Gypsies and, 299–300
illegal, 182–83, 191–92, 210–11, 229, 237, 239–40, 256, 272, 351, 534, 542, 552
Indian-Africans relations and, 122–24
in Middle Ages, 34–42
in Middle East, 510–11
monarchial capitalism and, 77–78
monopoly companies and, 101–2, 141–43, 188–90, 193, 225, 240, 256, 503–4
Muslim reform movement and, 195
negotiations in, 388–92
in North Africa, 510–11, 563
philosophic and religious thought on, 28–31
Portugal-Dutch conflict and, 159, 161, 162–63
profitability of, 442–45, 541, 542, 725–26, 751, 762
religious denominations involved in, 298–99
Renaissance and, 113, 115
Saharan, see transSaharan slave trade
and Spanish conquest of Portugal, 139–40
subsidiary, alternate commerce and, 449, 564–65, 633–34
survivors of, 799–801
technology and, 35, 449–50
time of year and, 393–94
“Turkish pass” and, 314
U.S. Constitution and, 499–501
Valladolid debate on, 125–26
Slave Trade, The (Morland), 509
Slave Trade Act of 1807 (U.S.), 570
slave traders, 293–303
country properties of, 296–97
ethics as concern of, 302–3
hanged, 774–75
negotiations by, 388–92
nonslave trade by, 293–94, 297–98, 331
number of voyages by, 301–2
as oligarchy, 542–43
bsp; partnerships of, 295–96
of Pongas River, 683–84
religious denominations of, 298–99
slave types preferred by, 399–402
of South Carolina, 268–69
typical, 293–94
Slidell, John, 758
Sloane, Sir Hans, 799–800
Slocumb, Benjamin, 770
Smeathman, Henry, 497
Smith, Adam, 9, 162, 282, 470, 478, 483, 486, 498, 516, 566, 656, 668–69, 788
Smith, Alexander, 686
Smith, James, 763
Smith, John, 487, 568
Smith, Joseph, 693
Smith, O’Brien, 518
Smith, Samuel, 487, 568
Smith, Rev. Sydney, 499
Smith, Captain William, 403, 426
Smith, William Loughton, 518
Smith v. Brown and Cooper, 474
Smythe, George Sydney, 573
Snelgrave, Captain William, 309, 324, 391, 469
Soares de Souza, Paulino José, 727, 742–43, 744, 797
Sociedad Abolicionista Española, 780
Société d’Angola, 252, 296
Société des Amis des Noirs, 496, 521, 589, 623
Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País, 505
Société de Guinée, 296
Society, 459
Society for the Abolition of Slavery, 518, 520
Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade, 658
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 490, 570
Society of Christian Morals, 623
Society of Friends, see Quakers
Society of Jesus, 298, 466
Society of Surinam, 187
Sococur, Juan, 675
Socrates, 28
Sokoto caliphate, 562, 789
Solis, Elena Rodrigues de, 164, 165
Solis, Francisco Rodrigues de, 178
Solomon, Job Ben, 799–800
Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes (Woolman), 460
Some Historical Account of Guinea (Benezet), 472
Somerset, James, 473, 476
Songhai Empire, 61, 62–63, 69, 114, 144–45, 334–35, 795
Song of Solomon, 27
Sonni Ali, Emperor of the Songhai, 61
Sonyo people, 160, 220, 366
sophists, 28
Sotheby, Commander, 682–83
Soto, Domingo de, 126, 146
Soto, Hernando de, 103
Souder, Joseph, 728
Soulé, Pierre, 757–58
Sousa, Gonçalo de, 82
Sousa, Martim Afonso de, 123
Sousa, Tomé de, 137
Sousa Breves, Joaquim José de, 745
Sousa Coutinho, Francisco Innocêncio, 279
Sousa Lopes, Manuel José de, 704
South Carolina, 156, 203, 208–9, 244, 246, 260n, 264–65, 269, 399, 462, 481, 502, 532n, 534, 544, 545, 548, 552, 569, 571, 615, 770, 793
Constitution and, 500–501
illegal slave trade and, 568, 570
onset of regular slave trade in, 257–59
rice industry of, 258–59
slave traders of, 268–69
South Carolina Gazette, 462
Southern, Thomas, 454
Southern Commercial Convention, 765