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Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters)

Page 3

by Robertson, Caitlyn

  But he and Honey were going to see the latest Bond movie at the cinema that evening. They’d catch a bite to eat in the restaurant next door before watching the movie, and then afterward he’d drive them back to Stormwind and they’d probably talk a walk through the paddocks to the river as the sun grew low in the sky and the cicadas sang in the bush. They’d sit on the fallen log by the swimming hole and talk about nothing and everything, about their future, and how many kids they wanted, and how they were going to decorate the house once she moved in with him. And then she’d let him kiss her, and he’d tell her all the things he was going to do to her when he finally got her into bed, and he wouldn’t want the evening to end.

  “Nah,” he said. “I’m good.”

  Koru nodded, his eyes warm. “Good man.”

  Chapter Four

  Honey sprayed the top of the counter with disinfectant and washed it down, then looked at the clock. It had just gone five, so she walked across to the front door and placed the closed sign on its stand in the doorway, then went through into the kitchen to find her father.

  “Where’s Dad?” she asked the twins, who were finishing off a batch of pies ready for the next day.

  “In the yard.” Missy stamped small triangles out of pastry to mark the batch of pies she’d finished as steak and cheese.

  Honey hesitated. “Is he okay?”

  The both glanced up at her. They weren’t identical and although both slim and pretty, they were very different to look at. Missy had blonde hair and favoured floor-length skirts and pretty blouses. Belle had pinned her brown hair in a tight bun and wore jeans and sporty T-shirts and sneakers. Nevertheless, both their expressions reflected Honey’s concern.

  “He’s been quiet,” Belle said. “But I guess that’s not surprising.” She smiled at her sister. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Honey hung her apron on the hook behind the door. “Out there I thought I saw…” Her voice trailed off. Belle looked interested but Missy had raised an eyebrow, and she reminded herself of Missy’s vehement declaration on the day after their mother passed away that when you died that was it—lights out. Most of her sisters and her father found it comforting to believe they were going to see Marama again one day, but Missy had refused to entertain any notion of an afterlife. It had been how she’d dealt with her mother’s death, and Honey supposed she couldn’t blame her for that, even if she wished her sister would be a little less…vocal about her beliefs.

  Honey smiled. “Nothing.” She walked toward the back door to the yard.

  “Aroha’s out there with him,” Belle called.

  “Okay.” Honey pushed open the door and stepped out.

  Her hand still on the handle, she paused. Her father stood by the door on the opposite side of the yard, obviously in the process of saying goodbye to the woman who supplied the café with wine. They stood close together, a little closer together than was natural for two people who didn’t know each other very well.

  Cam Summers was a fine figure of a man, Honey thought, knowing she was biased but able to view him as other women might see him, even though he was her father. Tall—six three in his bare feet—his light brown hair now edged with grey, he had strong features and eyes the colour of a stormy sky that creased at the outer edges with a dozen laughter lines. He wasn’t laughing now, though, his head down and his hands on his hips, and Honey could see from across the yard that he was trying to hold in his emotion.

  The woman standing in front of him rested a hand on his arm. Aroha’s forehead creased with concern as she rubbed his arm and whispered something Honey couldn’t hear.

  Honey brought her hand up to her mouth, breathless with emotion, feeling like an intruder to this personal, intimate moment of affection between her father and the vineyard owner. Clearly, Aroha was attempting to comfort Cam during a moment of grief just as any friend would do to another. And there was nothing too forward about Aroha’s gesture—she didn’t take him in her arms, or kiss him, or reach up to stroke his hair.

  And yet still the look on her face made Honey’s stomach swirl. Aroha liked him, and not just as one friend likes another friend.

  Honey had known the two of them got on well, and she liked Aroha, thought her fun and pleasant to be with, and she respected how hard she worked on the vineyard. But still, Honey hadn’t expected to discover this. And on the anniversary of her mother’s death, of all days.

  Did Cam return Aroha’s affection? He showed no sign of it at that moment, obviously too full of his grief to think about anything else. But the way he didn’t pull away from Aroha’s touch told Honey it wasn’t unwelcome.

  She bit her lip. Her mother had been gone a year. To Honey it seemed like nothing. The grief felt as raw as it had the day in the hospital when Marama slipped away, slowly and gently as a leaf in a stream. The thought of her father loving anyone else caused a lump to form in Honey’s chest, and her throat tightened and she held her breath until she went dizzy. Her hands clenched at the notion of another person thinking she could take the place of the woman who had been the centre of their family.

  And yet, it must feel like an eternity for her father. 365 days alone. He was a relatively young man, only forty-eight—it was no age to think about being celibate for the rest of his life. She knew Dex had found it incredibly difficult to go without sex for six months, and Cam wouldn’t only be missing the sex. He must be missing the other things that made it so special about being with the one you love—the cuddles, being able to discuss worries and fears with another person, just knowing you’re not alone. Was it so incredible to think he might eventually want to share his life with someone else?

  Without looking up, Cam nodded at Aroha’s whispered words and rubbed his nose before returning his hand to his hip. She gave a small smile, touched his arm once more and then slipped out of the gate.

  Honey hesitated, not wanting him to think she’d been spying on him, but not wanting to leave him if he was upset, either. At that moment, he looked up and glanced across to the building to see her standing there. She paused, unsure whether to turn away, but then he smiled and held a hand out to her, and she walked over and put her arms around him.

  He hugged her tightly. “Hey, sweetie.”

  “I wasn’t spying on you,” she whispered.

  “I know.”

  “Are you okay?”

  He nodded and kissed the top of her hair. “You?”

  “Yeah. Dex is taking me to the cinema.”

  “Nice. He’s a good boy.”

  She stifled a chuckle, thinking that her fiancé wouldn’t appreciate being called a boy, but she’d always be her father’s little girl, and Cam wasn’t going to change his ways now.

  They stood there like that for a minute, content in the warm sunshine to hold each other, she resting her cheek on his chest and listening to the steady thud of his heart, he with one arm tight around her, the other stroking her hair.

  “Aroha’s nice,” she said eventually.

  “Mm.” He sounded distracted.

  “She’s very pretty.”

  He drew back at that and studied her, frowning. “We were just talking.”

  “I know.”

  “I’d been thinking a lot about your mother, and Aroha asked me how I was and I…well, got a bit upset.” He rubbed his nose again. “She told me how lovely it was that I missed your mother so much. That I was lucky for having had a relationship like that.”

  Guilt swept over Honey. She’d assumed Aroha had been trying to make a move on her father, and that had been unfair. “That was a nice thing to say.”

  “It was.” He cleared his throat and met her gaze. “Nobody can replace your mother, Honey.”

  Her throat tightened. “Aw, Dad…”

  “She was everything to me. My whole world.”

  Her lips trembled. “I know.”

  “I don’t want you thinking… I would never…”

  She buried her face in his neck. Her voice, when she spoke, was nearly a
squeak. “I didn’t realise this would be so hard.”

  “It’ll get easier,” he said hoarsely. “At least that’s what they say. I can’t see it myself.”

  “I don’t want you to be unhappy, Dad.”

  His arm tightened around her. “Aroha and I, we haven’t… I wouldn’t do that to you all. I couldn’t, understand? I miss your mother too much. Sometimes I think I’m going to die from missing her.” He stood, rigid with held-back emotion.

  “Me too.” She wanted to wail, to throw herself in his arms as if she were six years old again, but the grief coming from him in waves made her hold back, and she bit her lip hard so she wouldn’t cry.

  She’d lost a mother, which was bad enough, but while they were alive Cam and Marama Summers had been inseparable. Their relationship had been tempestuous at times, and once Marama had even walked out on him and driven from their home in their only car to a friend’s house on the coast, prompting him to walk ten long miles in freezing November rain to apologise to her and fetch her back. Honey could still remember the day when they came home—the fierceness in Cam’s eyes as he promised he’d always treat her like a queen so she’d never do that to him again.

  It hadn’t worked of course—they’d argued frequently, usually, Honey thought, so they could have the fun of making up. They’d loved passionately, had seven children, and when Marama had died, part of Cam had died too. He was a shell, a hollow man, an echo of the vibrant spirit he used to be. And suddenly Honey wished with all her heart that he’d find someone else to fill his life again.

  Chapter Five

  She moved back and cupped his face with her hands, stroking his bristles with her thumbs. “I wouldn’t mind,” she said, surprising herself by meaning it. “If you and Aroha… you know. I wouldn’t mind.”

  A shadow of a smile crossed his face. “Dear Honey.” He turned his head and kissed her fingers. “Such a big heart. But let’s not talk about it. Not today.”

  She nodded, swallowing.

  He heaved a sigh and forced a smile. “So. Off to court tomorrow?”

  She let out a long breath, deflated. “Crap. I’d forgotten about that.”

  He laughed and moved away to put the lid on the rubbish bin he’d obviously gone out to fill. “I’m sure they’d let you off jury service if you told them you’re getting married at the end of the week.”

  She shrugged. “It’s good to do your civic duty. And besides—I’ve been called before. It’s only a one in ten chance you’ll get chosen, and even then the lawyers can challenge you if they don’t think you’ll decide in their favour.”

  “I guess.” He walked back to her. “So what movie are you seeing tonight then?”

  “The latest Bond. It’s supposed to be really good.”

  “Yeah, I saw the trailer. Looks great.”

  “You could always come if you wanted.”

  He grinned then. “I’m sure Dex would appreciate me playing gooseberry.”

  “He wouldn’t mind.”

  “He’s hoping to get you in the back seats and make out,” he advised.

  She whacked his arm. “Dad. We’re not sixteen. If Dex is paying fifteen bucks to watch a movie, he wants to watch the movie, not make out. Besides, there’ll be plenty of time for that at the weekend.” She giggled. Suddenly it didn’t seem so far away.

  Cam smiled fondly. “I’m amazed the two of you stuck with it. I have to admit, I didn’t think you’d be able to wait when you first announced it.”

  “Me too,” she admitted. “It’s been difficult in one way, but easy in another. I…respect him, I suppose, for being willing to wait for me. I just hope…”


  She gave a tremulous smile. “I hope he turns up.”

  Cam laughed. “He’ll be there.”

  She didn’t laugh back. “He’s done it before, Dad. What if he changes his mind at the last minute?”

  “Then Koru, Jude and Chase will drag him there by his hair.”

  “That’s not comforting. I mean what if he decides on the day he doesn’t want to go through with it? I don’t want a shotgun wedding. I want him to be there because he wants to be there.”

  Cam held her by the arms and looked firmly into her eyes. “What happened with him and Cathryn is nothing like what you two have. From what I understand, that was a bitter, destructive relationship that Dex had already decided was over, and that’s why she pulled her little stunt. Telling a guy you’re pregnant to get him to marry you is never going to end well. I’m just thankful he found out she was lying in time. She thoroughly deserved what she got, and I don’t think anyone blames Dex for jilting her at the altar.”

  He kissed her forehead. “But what you two have is completely different. He loves you—I can see it in his eyes. He suggested you wait until your wedding night because he wants to prove to you that he respects you, and to remove the shadow of everything he’s been through before. This way there’s no worry that the two of you are getting together for anything except the desire to be together.”

  Damn it. She’d tried so hard to be the strong one and yet here her father was again, comforting her. Why was she always so frickin’ needy?

  She smiled brightly. “I know. I shouldn’t worry. And I am looking forward to it, very much.” She cleared her throat. “How are the other girls? Have you seen them much today?”

  He shrugged. “Missy’s Missy. You know what she’s like. Belle seems okay. Daisy would never show it, even if she was upset. Jas went out to Whangarei early so I haven’t seen her, although she texted to check on me and said she was fine. Lily’s the only one I really worry about.”

  Honey nodded. “Me too. I’ll have a chat to her tonight when I get back from the movies.”

  He smiled. “You’re so like your mother. Anyone would think you were the eldest. But don’t worry too much. Concentrate on your big day on Saturday, eh?”

  “Yeah.” She grabbed his hand. “Come on, then. Dex will be wondering where I’ve got to.”

  She led him back into the kitchen to find it empty and the table tops clean. Voices echoed from the café, so they walked through. Jude had arrived, and he sat on the table next to the one where the others were sitting, Belle and Missy either side of him, Daisy leaning against the counter, arms crossed.

  “…get him drunk and then wax his eyebrows,” Jude was saying, and the others laughed. He was obviously talking about taking Koru out for his birthday. She was pleased they were going out. Her brother’s previous birthday had been non-existent, and they’d all been aware that every birthday after that would be tainted with the memory of their mother dying on the same day. Koru had been a rock for the family and a massive support for their father, and he deserved to have a bit of fun.

  “If my eyebrows are getting waxed, you’re getting a Brazilian,” Koru commented.

  Jude grinned, saw Cam in the doorway and raised a hand. “Hey, Mr. Summers.”

  “Hey, Jude.”

  As usual, whenever anybody said those words, they all broke out into the Beatles’ song and sang a few lines before falling into laughter. Honey smiled. The inimitable Jude would make sure Koru had a good time. Okay, so it would probably involve Jude plying him with too much alcohol and finding his best mate a nameless blonde for the night before finding himself a nameless brunette, but for once she didn’t care. There would be plenty of time for them all to grow up, and her siblings deserved a bit of fun.

  “Sure you don’t want to come with us, Honey?” Jude asked her wickedly. “We’ll find you a stud on the dance floor, some dude who’ll make sure everything’s working before this loser finally gets around to sorting you out.” He gestured at the groom-to-be.

  Honey blushed. Dex gave him the finger. Everyone else started laughing, and Cam rolled his eyes and went behind the counter to finish tidying up.

  “Are the rest of you going?” Honey asked her sisters, trying to distract attention from her hot cheeks.

  “We are,” said the twins together. T
hat pleased Honey. Koru wouldn’t drink too much if the girls were with him.

  “We’re heading off,” Daisy said, nodding at Reuben. Chase scowled, but they both ignored him. How long would it be before he gave up? He was like a puppy dog trailing around, Honey thought. She knew Daisy had feelings for him, maybe even loved him, although Daisy would never confide that to her. But no way would her ambitious, materialistic sister settle for anything less than a guy with his own house, car and lucrative career. Although she still handled the business side of things at Matariki, her life was now in Auckland. Chase wasn’t even in the picture anymore, and the sooner he came to terms with that, the better it would be for him.

  “Right.” Jude got off the table and extended his hand to Belle to help her off. “Let’s get going.”

  They all stood and spilled outside into the sunny courtyard. The bookshop had closed and the Italian restaurant in the corner was getting ready to open for the evening. The smell of jasmine hung in the air, the last remnant of summer.

  Honey hugged the twins, kissed the air by Daisy’s cheek, then threw her arms around Koru, who squeezed her tightly and held her for a brief moment, the only sign she’d had of any emotion beneath his carefully cultivated nonchalant façade. Then they all walked away toward the main road, heading for their cars.

  Honey cast a brief glance back over her shoulder. Her father stood in the doorway to the café, a tea towel in his hands, and he gave her a wave when he saw her look around. She waved back, swallowing against the emotion that fluttered in her stomach. Above his head, the sign glinted gold again in the sun, and she made herself take a steadying breath. Yes, he was alone, but they’d made it through the day, and he was going to be all right. He’d go home and Lily would make him dinner, and then when she got in later that night, they’d sit on the deck and have a glass of wine together, and talk a little about memories they had when they were all young. And maybe she’d cry a little, but that was okay. Everything was going to be fine.


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