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Bind Me [Pact of Seduction 1]

Page 2

by Stacey Kennedy

More rustling sounded before a trembling voice answered, “Hello."

  In the background, Reed could hear a couple of women giggling, and he wondered if he had the right telephone number. “I'm looking to speak with Marley Adams. Is she around?"

  "” The woman cleared her throat. “This is her."

  "I'm Reed Matheson. I've seen your profile on the castle's forum and am interested in arranging a night with you."

  He was met with silence and pulled the receiver away to look at the screen, curious if she had hung up, but the lit screen indicated she hadn't. He returned the phone to his ear. “Are you still there?"


  Reed waited a good thirty seconds before he concluded something was amiss and wondered if maybe this was a joke. “I'm not in the mood to be trifled with. I'd recommend the next time you ladies want to play a game, you choose another method to do it. Good night."

  "No, don't go."

  The desperation in her voice stopped him. Clearly something else was going on here. If this wasn't women being drunk and playing around, what could be Marley's hesitation? Then it dawned on him. “Is the problem because you're not alone?"


  Another round of hushed giggles sounded. “Right. Then I take it you don't want to discuss this with your friends there?"

  "Exactly.” Marley sighed.

  That sigh of hers sent a rush of blood straight to his cock. Her voice held a wonderful sensual tone that appealed to him and confirmed he had made the right decision to contact her.

  His reaction intrigued him. When had he been so interested in a submissive? Not since his ex-girlfriend and that knowledge sent a ping of pain to his heart, which he flatly ignored.

  He wanted to be the one to guide Marley. Something about her made his stomach clench, and the thought of not having her maddened him.

  Now understanding that she'd paused because she craved privacy, Reed took another approach. He scrolled back up to Marley's information, clicked on her e-mail address to open a new message, and attached his profile. “We'll keep this short then. I've sent my details to the e-mail address you've provided on the forum. Have a look, and we'll go from there."

  He heard shuffling again, some whispered arguing, before Marley gasped. “'re..."

  Reed chuckled. He didn't mind that his looks left her speechless. Hell, hers had done the same to him. “Do you approve?"

  "He's gorgeous,” a woman said, not Marley.

  The sound of a slap followed by Marley's grumble informed him she'd just issued someone a punishment for speaking so loud. “I'm interested,” was all she said.

  That was enough for him. “Read through the castle's rules and follow them accordingly. It'll take you around twelve days to get all the documentation you require, so let's meet two weeks from tonight. Come to the restaurant at the Castle Dolce Vita at seven p.m. When you arrive, you will ask for and always address me as Master Reed. Understood?"

  "Mm hmm."

  Her response made him tighten his jaw. “You will answer me with words, not sounds."

  "Okay...sorry. I'll be there."

  He would rid her of that behavior. He preferred that his submissives to speak forthrightly and for their responses to be clear. “Very well. I look forward to seeing you then."

  A long pause followed before Marley whispered, “Me too."

  Reed waited for her to hang up first, and as her friends in the background laughed, he heard Marley exhale, long and deep. Nervous? Excited?

  He could only be pleased he'd gotten to her first. Many Castle Dolce Vita doms would want her, but he'd snagged her. His throbbing cock reminded him he'd gotten lucky tonight.

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  Chapter Two

  Marley—or rather her friends—decided on her attire. She wore skintight jeans, a low-cut black silk halter top, and knee-high black leather boots with four-inch heels. She'd been dressed in everything from skirts to all leather to a bikini top with jeans. But this outfit made her most comfortable. Still sexy, yet casual.

  They had all agreed the pact hadn't been made in a drunken state. But Marley still held reservations. Not that the idea didn't appeal to her; it did, especially after the short conversation with Reed. The man had a voice that traveled like liquid heat through her body, and she couldn't deny the tingles that erupted between her thighs at the idea of meeting him, but she was still nervous, really nervous.

  Marley had obtained her police check and clear test results. Now the time had come to meet Reed.

  After half an hour of palm-sweating, gripping-the-steering-wheel hell, the castle in Bowleys Quarters came into view. The photos online hadn't done the building justice. The castle was stunning, surrounded by evergreens all dusted with snow. She pulled into the parking lot to the right, which was stuffed full of cars, then put the car in park and sat for a while.

  You made a promise. Finally realizing that if she stayed any longer, she'd drive away, she undid her seat belt, grabbed her purse—documents included—from the passenger seat, and exited the car. Her heels clicked against the stone path that had been cleared of snow. A thin walkway of sorts led to a big wooden door. She tried to open the door handle, but it didn't budge, so she knocked twice. A small peephole opened, and a blue eye stared back at her.

  "Name?” the man behind the eyeball asked.

  "Ah...” What have I gotten myself into? “I'm here to see Master Reed.” The term felt awkward: she never thought she'd call anyone Master. “My name is Marley Adams."

  The door jiggled, then opened. “You've been authorized to enter.” The man wore black plants with a matching T-shirt that had Castle Dolce Vita written in bold white letters across his chest. All muscles—all business.

  The outside of the building was castlelike in appearance, but the inside was the exact opposite. She stood in a large foyer. The ceiling soared thirty feet high above her. Wooden balconies wrapped the foyer, showing off four different floors, all lined with doors leading to who knew where.

  The bouncer led her to the back of the castle, gestured for her to enter the restaurant area, then returned to his post at the front door. Marley stepped into the room to find a typical restaurant, simple in design. Rich cream fabric lay over tables with intimate place settings. Candles were spread out around the space, giving a relaxing glow to the atmosphere.

  "May I help you find your table?” a soft voice asked.

  Marley glanced over her shoulder to see a small woman, twenty-two or so, standing next to her with a beaming smile. “Has Master Reed arrived?"

  "Oh yes, he's here and waiting for you. Please follow me."

  The server strode by Marley, and she forced her feet to work. She'd never been bold, brave, and she'd certainly never done anything like this before. She passed by the row of tables and noticed the customers were dressed in everything from business attire to sexy clothing, which did include leather outfits. Some couples were talking, some eating, and some staring adoringly at each other.

  The server rounded a corner, and Marley spotted Reed sitting at a table against the back wall. He spun a bottle of beer in his hand, not looking at Marley, but when her heel scuffed against the floor because she stumbled and bumped into the waitress, he glanced up. His deep blue eyes swept across her body, which caused heat to rise and spiral straight to her center. Her breath quickened, but as Reed stood, her lungs froze. Broad shoulders led to a wide chest, and with his inviting lips and stylish dirty blond hair, he charmed her.

  Then the sexy man spoke. “Marley.” His voice rumbled—it was somewhere between a gravelly tone and a deep growl, one that made her tingle between her thighs.

  She managed to find her voice. “Master Reed.” He grinned and nodded. He pulled out her chair and gestured for her to join him. Marley sat, unable to take her gaze off him. The way his mouth turned up so slightly when he smiled didn't make him look soft, but made him appear more confident.

  "Would you like to order now, or do you need a
few minutes?” a woman asked.

  Marley glanced to the gal beside her, surprised the hostess had left and the waitress had taken her place. She'd been so caught up in Reed all she could do was laugh. “No food for me, thanks. A glass of wine will do just fine."

  "No alcohol,” Reed said. “I prefer you not to have any in your system before I take you into a scene."

  "Oh, um...a glass of water then."

  The waitress glanced at Reed. He shook his head, and the server left to fetch Marley's drink. Reed looked at Marley then, his gaze intent and focused on hers, yet he said nothing.

  Was he waiting for her to say something? If so, what was she supposed to say?

  Reed's intent was purposeful. He needed to see Marley unraveled. Her reactions to his silence would show him what kind of woman she truly was.

  "I'm not sure why you're not saying anything, but I want to go through with this, you know."

  He hid his smile. “I suspect you do want to continue with our night, since you're still here.” He'd seen a flash of the strong woman within her, and he planned to draw that part of her out.

  She raised her head, and uncertainty filled her expression. “Why then are we just sitting here not saying anything?"

  "I demand my subs start the conversation, especially with you since you appear to have some hesitation in that regard. You apparently have nothing to say."

  Her green eyes lit up as she laughed, her dark hair fell over her shoulder to trail along her breast, and her lips captured his gaze—it all stirred his cock. “Okay, well then, you should have said you wanted me to go first, because I have a few questions."

  Yes, he could clearly see she did. Her inquisitive eyes screamed a thousand questions at him. “You may ask anything you'd like."

  Marley sighed, and her gaze lifted to the ceiling as she clearly processed her thoughts. She glanced back to him with a serious expression. “Well, I suppose my first question is, you're not married or dating anyone, right?"

  Reed found her question sweet, and it showed him her morals, ones he approved of. “No, I'm not involved, but you should know penetration play normally does not happen in the scenes I create—if that is a concern of yours."

  "Oh, I thought we'd be..."

  His response obviously disappointed her, and he took note of the little pout that formed on her mouth. He'd rectify her disapproval. “But that's not to say you won't orgasm."

  "Oh.” Marley's cheeks burned red. She glanced down to her hands, fiddled with her fingers before she looked up and the blush vanished. “So do you live a normal life?"

  "What's normal?"

  "You know, everyday job and such.” She exhaled deeply. “I guess what I mean is, are you the dom persona outside of the castle?"

  "Yes, I have a typical life outside of the castle walls, but my personality isn't different. I am who you see now. The scene created for you is more about you than me, anyway. I'm merely there to bring pleasures into your life you've never experienced."

  She nodded, appearing content with his response. “I suspected as much from what I've read about BDSM."

  It'd been so long since a woman intrigued him enough to ask questions outside of the usual ones to discover her limits and safe word, but he couldn't stop himself now. “You've never dabbled in the lifestyle?"

  Marley shrugged. “I've never had anyone to do it with."

  "Tell me then, why have you searched this out now?"

  "My friends and I made a pact. We're each going to fulfill our ultimate fantasies, things we'd never do before but something we've always dreamed of doing."

  Now he understood the telephone call two weeks ago, and who the others were. He leaned forward in interest. Her answer was a first for him. He'd heard many reasons that drew a woman to this lifestyle, but the thought that he'd be her fantasy aroused him, and he needed to hear her reasoning behind her choices. “Why did you agree to such a pact?” He ran his finger along her inner wrist and felt her quiver.

  "Be-be-because.” She steadied herself, then spoke in an even tone. “I'm a teacher, always disciplining and being in control. The idea of being on the other end intrigues me—I want to be the one to obey. The idea of adding pleasure into the mix makes me hot."

  All things he'd give her, and it pleased him she spoke so frankly. Her skin beneath his finger felt inviting, only causing him to wonder where he'd find other soft skin on her body. “Are you willing then to give yourself over to me completely, trust me enough to take you to a place you've never been, and fulfill your fantasy?"

  "Yes,” she whispered. “I've come here to do that."

  Resolved to do right by her, he drew his hand away. He wasn't surprised to hear her gasp at the loss of contact. He left her heated gaze and nodded to the server. She hurried to their table with documents in her hands.

  Reed took the papers and pen and waited for her to leave before he spoke next. “We need to get the details handled before we arrange anything between us.” Marley stared at the papers wide-eyed. Reed chuckled. “Having a change of heart?"

  "No. It's just seems so serious, but I guess the rules are in place for a reason.” She reached into her purse. “Here's my background check and test results."

  He took the papers from her, scanned them—both were fine—and then he responded to her earlier remark. “There are things to go over before I take you into a scene, and rules the castle has set in place that must be followed.” He waited for Marley to respond, but she only nodded, which he did not find acceptable. “As I told you last night on the telephone, I prefer to be answered with words."

  "Oh,'m okay with what you've said so far."

  The woman who spoke forthrightly appealed to him much more than the nervous, shy one she hid behind. “You need to sign the consent.” He handed her the waiver. “Read over it, and you'll see the rules of privacy. What happens here, stays here."

  Marley read over the paper, then peeked up at him through heavy lashes. “The privacy bit I like."

  "Most do.” Reed laughed.

  "Not you, though?"

  "I am who I am, Marley. I've made no attempt to hide what I enjoy sexually, but of course I do not speak freely of the lifestyle in my day-to-day life. If I were confronted, I would not deny I am a dom.” Time to show her the challenge she made couldn't hold up. “Would you deny you have an interest in the lifestyle?"

  She stared at him for a moment, blinked, then signed the waiver. “What's next?"

  He'd let her cop out for now, but the defensive technique wouldn't last long once he got her in the scene. “We need to discuss your limits. What you'll do and what you won't do.” He arched his eyebrow. “Have you thought about your limits?"

  "Of course, a thousand times,” she said it, and immediately her mouth formed an O, indicating she hadn't meant to be so bold.

  He could hardly wait to free her of this behavior. From being around her so far, he imagined discussing what she would do might make her feel uncomfortable, so he took another approach. “Tell me what you won't do."

  "Menage, anything anal, and no clamps."

  None of her answers surprised him, nor did the fact that she had a hard time holding eye contact with him, looking everywhere but at his gaze. “Flogging?"

  "I-I...” She inhaled sharply and lifted her chin. “I wouldn't mind flogging as long as it doesn't leave me bleeding."

  Not in his limits either, but he'd definitely add color to her skin and enjoy every damn minute of it. “How do you feel about being bound, gagged?"

  "Bound, yes. Gagged no."

  "So vaginal play only?"

  Reed thought he'd seen her blush before, but he hadn't seen anything yet compared to the color her skin could turn; her cheeks burned crimson. “I—we—you...” She chuckled nervously before she straightened her shoulders. “Yes, only that."

  He wrote down her list of limits. “Look over what you've told me; if you agree, sign your name at the bottom and put your address on the top for legal pur
poses. As I stated, your information will not be shared or seen by anyone other than myself and the legal department here at the castle."

  "It feels as if I'm signing my life away,” Marley said.

  Reed stood, approached the side of her table, and tucked his finger under her chin to bring her gaze to his. “No, you're signing to discover the life you've missed out on.” He brushed his lips across hers merely as an introduction.

  Marley leaned in to take more of his mouth, and here she'd get her first lesson. He backed away from her and tightened his hand on her jaw. “You don't take. I will give you what you need, always. Staying in line and being disciplined will bring you pleasure. Be sure to remember that tonight.” She stared doe-eyed at him. “I need to bring the documents to the office. Go back to the doorman, and he will locate Raven for you. She'll help you prepare for the scene."

  Reed stroked her jaw lightly. Marley sighed as her eyelids fluttered. He dropped his hand and then headed for the door. He'd been given a treat tonight, and damn would he savor her.

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  Chapter Three

  Marley watched Reed walk away from the table; she was slightly confused as to what to do next. He'd said something to her, but being the fool she was, she didn't hear a word. She'd been too focused on his soft lips. Was she to follow him?

  Instead of sitting there looking as ridiculous as she felt, she hurried to find him. In the main foyer, Marley scanned the room, but Reed was nowhere in sight. The only other person was the doorman, who approached her.

  "You have to wait here,” he said as he walked by her and headed toward a door to the left of the restaurant.

  Butterflies flew in Marley's stomach, but she clamped down on them; she couldn't lose her nerve now. As she exhaled to smooth her anxiety, the bouncer returned, and with him was a woman dressed in a sexy leopard-spotted minidress.

  He strode past Marley and resumed his place at the door, while the woman waved her toward the staircase. Who was she? Marley hadn't expected to be introduced to a woman and couldn't quite figure out what her involvement was here.


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