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Keep From All Thoughtful Men

Page 33

by James G. Lacey

  Armed Forces, U.S.

  all-outers as counterweight to

  contracting authority and

  feasibility study and

  opposition to War Production Board

  production requirements and

  relations with War Production Board

  super-priorities committee and

  USSR and, objection to military aid to

  Army, U.S.

  division activation schedule

  manpower needs of

  production planning and

  requirements estimates of

  See also War Department

  Army Air Force

  Army and Navy Munitions Board (ANMB)

  Office of Production Management and

  raw materials estimates

  Army division goals

  Army Industrial Staff College

  Army reorganization

  branch chiefs’reaction to

  impact on procurement

  implementing instructions

  Army Reorganization Committee

  Army Service Forces (ASF)

  Army strength estimate

  Army Supply Program

  Arnold, Henry H.

  “arsenal for democracy,”

  Aurand, Henry

  automobile industry


  Baruch, Bernard

  Batt, W. L.

  Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, Baron

  Belcher, Donald R.

  Bethlehem Steel Corporation

  Biggers, John

  Blaisdell, Thomas

  Brest invasion

  Brigante, John

  Britain. See Great Britain

  British Chiefs of Staff

  British gold reserves

  British staff system

  Brooke, Alan

  Budd, Ralph

  Bundy, McGeorge

  Bureau of Research and Statistics

  Burns, James

  business community

  lessons drawn from World War I,

  price controls and

  resistance to production changes

  business cycles

  business taxes and depreciation

  Byrnes, James



  consumer consumption in

  defense expenditures

  war outlays in

  Casablanca Conference (1943)

  myths concerning discussion at

  Center for Military History

  Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Preparations (Watson)

  Churchill, Winston

  in planning for European invasion

  Tobruk and


  Civil War mobilization level

  Clark, Mark

  Clay, Lucius

  Clayton, Will

  CMP. See Controlled Materials Plan

  combat ship construction

  Combined Production and Resources Board

  consolidated balance sheet


  in feasibility study

  as gross national product percentage


  moratorium on new

  in Victory Program analysis

  write-off of plant construction costs

  consumer outlays

  consumer production and consumption

  conversion of, to military production


  per capita

  Victory Program and

  during war years

  consumer spending

  contracting authority

  Controlled Materials Plan (CMP)

  copper supplies

  Coy, Wayne

  Crete campaign

  cross-Channel invasion, proposed (1942 and 1943)

  Churchill reaction to

  debate concerning

  Marshall and

  Operation Bolero and

  Operation Roundup and

  Roosevelt as advocate for

  See also European invasion


  Danford, Robert M.

  Davis, Chester C.

  debt market

  debt monetization

  defense expenditures


  Victory Program and

  See also production requirement estimates

  Defense Plant Corporation

  Dieppe raid

  Dill, John

  division activation schedule

  Douglas, William O.

  durable goods


  Eberstadt, Ferdinand

  Eccles, Marriner S.


  as basis of major-state war

  in histories of war

  in strategic planning

  in World War II,

  economy, U.S.

  dollars in expressing

  Supply Priorities and Allocations Board and study of

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Elliot, Harriet

  Embick, Stanley

  Emmerich, Henry

  European invasion

  Churchill on timing of

  divisions required for

  feasibility study impact on

  Marshall on timing of

  pre-invasion requirements

  Roosevelt on timing of

  strategic planning for

  timing of

  See also cross-Channel invasion


  feasibility. See production feasibility

  feasibility board

  Federal Reserve Bulletins

  Federal Reserve System

  bond interest rates and

  in debt monetization

  member banks’role in

  in monetary base adjustment

  in war financing

  financial revolution

  impact on economic basis of war

  World War II and

  Forrestal, James F.


  in allied strategic planning

  mobilization levels during Napoleonic Wars

  mobilization levels during World War I

  in Wedemeyer’s Victory Plan

  See also cross-Channel invasion

  Frankfurter, Felix

  Friedman, Milton



  consumer consumption in

  defense expenditures

  economic policies of

  hyperinflation in

  offensive against

  plan for defeat of

  in war financing

  war outlays in

  war reserves of

  Gerow, Leonard T.

  Ginsberg, David

  Great Britain

  in American strategic planning

  consumer consumption in

  cross-Channel invasion plans and

  defense expenditures

  financial crisis in

  financial revolution in

  Napoleonic Wars and

  production collaboration with

  war plans and

  Great Depression

  Green Books

  Gross National Product (GNP)


  in feasibility study

  as feasibility tool

  war outlays as percentage of

  Guyer, Lawrence


  Harrison, William H.

  Harrison, William K., Jr.

  Henderson, Leon

  Hillman, Sidney

  Hindenburg, Paul von

  Hinrichs (labor expert)

  Hopkins, Harry

  Hull, Cordell



  income accounting. See national income and product accounts

  industrial facilities


  limitations in

  in production feasibility

  Somervell comments on

  write-off of construction costs

  Industrial Mobilization Plan (IMP)

  Industrial Revoluti

  inflation rate

  “The Inflationary Gap” (Keynes)



  defense expenditures

  economic policies of

  scrap metal shipments to

  war plans and

  Joint Board

  Joint Chiefs of Staff ( JCS)

  Casablanca Conference and

  feasibility study and

  on Operation Gymnast

  on Pacific operations

  joint requirements ledger

  Joint Strategic Survey Committee (JSSC)

  Jones, Homer

  Jones, Jesse

  Julius Caesar


  Kaiser, Henry

  Keynes, John Maynard

  King, Ernest

  King, Gregory

  Kirkpatrick, Charles

  Knowlson, James

  Knox, William F.

  Knudsen, William S.

  Kuznets, Simon

  background of

  economic estimates and

  establishment mistrust of

  on feasibility concept

  feasibility study and

  feasibility study text

  on German war production

  importance of work of

  national income accounting and

  production estimates and

  reply to Somervell’s comments on study

  requirement estimates and

  supreme war production council and

  on War Production Board Planning Committee


  labor shortage

  labor supply

  in production feasibility

  war employment

  (Appendix 4)

  landing craft production

  Leahy, William D.

  Lend-Lease program

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lloyd George, David

  logistics, in histories of war

  Lubin, Isador


  machine tool requirements

  manpower goals, Army

  Maritime Commission

  maritime transport

  Marshall, George C.

  Army reorganization and

  on Brest invasion

  on cross-Channel invasion

  feasibility study and

  on Operation Bolero

  on Operation Torch

  on Pacific operations

  on production estimates

  second front and

  timing of European invasion and

  troop basis estimates and

  Matloff, Maurice

  May, Stacy

  in Bureau of Research and Statistics

  consolidated balance sheet and

  establishment mistrust of

  motivation for

  Nathan on

  national income accounts and

  Office of Production Management and

  on pacifism

  production reports of

  production requirements and

  supreme war production council and

  Victory Program and

  War Production Board and

  May Papers

  McCloy, John

  McNair, Leslie

  McNarney, Joseph

  McNutt, Paul V.

  Meiklejohn, Norman J.

  merchant ship construction

  Mexican War mobilization level

  military procurement

  Army reorganization and

  contracting authority and

  feasibility study and

  justification for service control of


  production efficiency and

  production schedules and

  War Production Board and

  Miller, Adolph C.

  Millett, John

  mobilization levels

  in American wars

  prior to French Revolution

  Wedemeyer’s estimates on

  World War I,

  World War II,

  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  monetary contraction

  monetary expansion

  monetary policy

  debt monetization

  Treasury Bills and

  in war financing

  monetizing the debt

  Monnet, Jean

  Moore, R. C.

  Morton, Louis

  Moscow Protocol

  Mountbatten of Burma, Louis Mountbatten, Earl

  munitions barons

  munitions program. See Victory Program

  “must items”

  feasibility and

  Roosevelt on


  Napoleonic Wars

  Nathan, Robert

  on aluminum production

  on difficulties in acquiring production estimates

  economic estimates of

  feasibility board and

  feasibility study and

  importance of work of

  on industrial facilities

  on Monnet

  “must items” and

  on National Defense Advisory Commission co-chairs

  on Nelson

  personality of

  Planning Committee Document No.

  production goals and

  on raw material shortages

  Somervell and

  statistical revolution and

  on steel production

  supreme war production council and

  as War Production Board Planning Committee head

  National Bureau of Economic Research

  National Defense Advisory Commission (NDAC)

  assessment of

  effectiveness of

  organization of

  National Income, 1929–32 (report)

  National Income, 1929–35 (report)

  national income and product accounts

  in conversion to military production decision

  impact on business cycles

  political use of

  rearmament program impact on

  substitution of gross national product for

  Victory Program and

  national income estimates

  naval procurement

  Navy, U.S.

  production planning and

  requirements estimates of

  war plans and

  Navy shipbuilding program

  NDAC. See National Defense Advisory Commission

  Nelson, Donald M.

  on consolidated statement

  feasibility board and

  feasibility study and

  on military procurement and contracting authority

  on munitions industry

  personality of

  on Planning Committee mission

  plant construction costs and

  production estimates and

  requirement revisions and

  Somervell and

  super-priorities committee and

  as Supply Priorities and Allocations Board head

  supreme production council and

  as War Production Board head

  Normandy invasion

  North American Company

  Norway campaign


  Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

  in agency proliferation

  Office of Price Administration (OPA)

  Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply (OPACS)

  Office of Production Management (OPM)

  assessment of

  in conversion of civilian industries

  creation of

  mission of

  organization of

  replacement of

  Office of Production Management Planning Committee

  Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion (OWMR)

  OPA. See Office of Price Administration

  OPACS. See Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply

  Operation Bolero

  Operation Gymnast

  Operation Huskyr />
  Operation Jupiter

  Operation Roundup

  Operation Sledgehammer

  Operation Torch

  OPM. See Office of Production Management

  “Organization for Production Control in World War II” (Yoshpe)

  OWMR. See Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion


  Pacific theater

  parachute production

  Patterson, Robert P.

  “Paying for the War” (Keynes)

  Pearl Harbor attack

  Pearson, Drew

  Peloponnesian War

  Petty, William

  Plan Dog

  Plan Orange

  Plan Rainbow-5

  Planning Committee Document No.

  Planning Committee Document No.

  Planning Committee Document No.

  Planning Committee of War Production Board

  disbanding of

  feasibility study and

  impact of

  role in Victory Program

  scope of activities

  See also War Production Board

  price controls

  price stabilization

  priorities committee, super

  priority rating system

  private consumption

  production capacity

  business resistance to expansion of

  dollars and national income figures in expressing

  estimates on

  inadequacy of

  military control of procurement and

  production collaboration

  production feasibility

  approaches to

  economic statistics in

  goals and balances

  importance of

  industrial facilities in

  labor supply in

  margin of error in

  minimum goals in

  “must items” and

  national income accounts in determining

  raw materials in

  realistic and ideal maximum criteria of

  variants in

  production feasibility board

  production feasibility study

  approaches to

  Army disregard of

  assumptions of

  criticism of

  data sets used in

  defense of

  first study

  gross national product and

  impact on invasion timing

  industrial facilities and

  Joint Chiefs of Staff decision concerning

  labor supply and

  margin of error in

  maximum productive effort and

  military production and

  military response to

  minutes of meeting on

  raw materials and

  recommendations of

  resistance to

  results of

  Somervell’s comments on

  text of

  troop reduction as result of

  production goals

  for 1942

  for 1943,


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