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Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)

Page 14

by Slaughterbown

  “Greetings! I am Prince Anas, son of the God-King Xeran! It is a pleasure!”

  The sultan and the princess slowly advanced. “Welcome to my humble city! My…I have never seen an army of this caliber!” he remarked.

  Anas threw his head back. “This is but a fraction of our empire,” he laughed.

  “Incredible!” said the sultan, shaking his head.

  Elijah could hear their words perfectly, and with each passing sentence, he felt his stomach tighten more and more.

  The distinguished looking Prince Anas bowed slightly. “I am here to take your daughter’s hand in marriage. I heard that her beauty even captivates the gods. I see that the rumors are true.”

  Natalia didn’t take her eyes from the prince.

  Karam spit and then started to walk around in circles, never taking his eyes from the proceedings below. His face grew redder and redder.

  The sultan lifted his hand. “If I may ask? What makes you worthy of taking my daughter’s hand in marriage?” His shaky voice suddenly trailed off.

  Anas laughed along with some of his guards. “Well, let me show you.” He glanced at Natalia and grinned. The only sounds were the animals as they wrestled under their burdens. The throngs inched closer. “I am the son of the God-King! I have the largest military force the world has ever or will ever see! Radwan!” he commanded.

  The red-plumed warrior, a head taller than anyone else, broke ranks and positioned himself abreast his prince. “Not only do I have the most powerful army in the world, I have the greatest warrior! Radwan has killed tens of thousands in his time! No one can match the skills of Radwan!” he proclaimed.

  Anas turned and shouted, “Tariq!” The robed man with the scepter stepped out. “Ah, yes, Tariq. The wisest man on earth! A man who really does know all the secrets of the universe!” Side by side, Anas continued, “And he even knows a few tricks.” As if on cue, Tariq raised his scepter and struck the ground. Instantly, the ground surged and screams from the crowds rose from every street. But they were quickly dampened by an erupting roar from the lone crate. The wide-eyed middle elephant reared up on his hind legs, trunk flailing, and screamed out. The other two danced sideways as he thudded back down to the ground.

  Karam clenched his fists in the air. “What is this madness?” he shouted.

  The entire group, peering down, backed farther from the roof’s edge.

  The sultan wrung his hand and glanced at Natalia. Her face drained of its color. “If I have not made myself clear yet, I have something else that will absolutely show my power and control,” claimed Anas.

  The sultan stammered. “I…”

  Anas continued, “But first. I want to introduce you to my sister, Gabi.” A woman stepped around the warriors and to Anas’s side. Elijah was transfixed. He had never seen a woman with such a strong body. He couldn’t help but stare at her thighs as they flexed in the sunlight. He thought, Her legs look stronger than mine.

  Karim smiled at the ground. “Great! Another princess,” he mumbled.

  Anas’s voice boomed out again. “Gabi. Why don’t you do the honors this time?”

  She immediately walked up to the sultan and the princess. “Hello, Natalia. I have heard so many wonderful things about you.”

  “Thank you,” replied Natalia.

  Then she turned to the sultan. “Thank you for having us here, Sultan,” said Gabi.

  The sultan nodded.

  “When you see my brother, look upon him, not a mere mortal, but the son of a god! It is the will of our father that we rule this world with an iron fist! You have the privilege of having my brother as your husband. Any woman would die for this opportunity, but today, it is freely given to you. Accept it as a gift from the kind and gracious God-King, my father. You are chosen for this opportunity. Now I will show you the great power that my brother truly holds. Voran! Show the sultan and his daughter the power of Prince Anas!” proclaimed Gabi.

  The white, tall warrior immediately turned toward the crate and made his way through the silence.

  Elijah stopped following Voran for a moment as thoughts of losing Natalia to this prince filled his mind.

  Karam’s face, still red, momentarily stared off at the wavering mass of soldiers surrounding the city, but quickly turned back to the street below as Voran approached the crate.

  The massive metal links dropped to the ground just after Voran twisted his large black key. The horsemen prodded their horses as the sides to the massive crate creaked open. Then, standing in the brilliant sun was a beast that Elijah had never seen. He strained to get a better look, but the crate sides were in the way. Its golden skin shimmered as it flexed its cramped muscles, slowly sending a glare Elijah’s way. The thick tufted mane of matted, blond hair barely moved in the breeze. The crowds suddenly gasped as it blinked slowly and tested the ground. It lifted one of its massive rear legs, dangling it for a moment, but as soon as the chain rattling started, it quickly dropped. Elijah barely noticed the brown fur wrapping its knees when the beast’s two heads emerged from behind the crate wall, one a lion head and one a goat head. Voran stood firm before the beast and yanked the chain around the lion head, catching its blond beard in the rough links. Moaning, the animal shook its lion head and ventured out even farther. That’s when Elijah saw the serpent body of the ferocious goat’s head. It began from its hind end and circled up and over the lion’s head. As it bobbed back and forth, it swooped down and hung low between two enormous horns protruding from the lion’s head. He gasped as the sun illuminated the fanged claws on its feet and fangs from both mouths. They didn’t make a noise.

  Gabi shouted, “Enter the chimera!”

  Karam kicked the bow lying on the tiles. “Impossible! That is impossible!”

  Elijah’s eyes grew wide.

  Gabi shouted again. “Stand in awe at the power of the prince!”

  The sultan stepped back. Natalia was speechless.

  Anas stepped up to Natalia and took her hand. “I look forward to meeting with you, Natalia,” he said with a tender smile.

  Natalia smiled at the ground.

  Elijah sucked in a deep breath as those words floated to him. He felt his chest suddenly tighten as he clenched his fists.

  “I stand in awe!” said the sultan as he clapped. Immediately, the crowd mimicked their leader in honor of the prince and his invincible army. Elijah covered his ears.

  Karam kicked the bow again and stomped away.

  Elijah was transfixed on Natalia as she talked with her new guests.

  “Tonight, we will have a feast! We will celebrate Prince Anas, the marriage of my daughter, and the great God-King!” shouted the sultan and he turned to go.

  Chapter 19

  Natalia took one last look at Voran and the chimera before she stepped inside. What a bizarre creature, she thought. She felt as if her life had just been turned upside down as she entered her familiar surroundings. Immediately, she jumped back at the sound of a fast-moving kitchen cart. The usually quiet palace entrance was alive with the hustle and bustle of countless servants running to and fro under the barking orders of their overseers. “Not there,” shouted a man dressed in bright red, perfectly matched to his sweating face. As soon as the sultan stepped through the doors, quiet ensued, but only for the briefest moment. The cart started rolling again, just as Anas, Gabi, Radwan, and Tariq entered. The red-covered man glanced at the small entourage just long enough to see their tall, spear-bearing soldiers before he disappeared down the hall.

  Natalia quickly ignored the commotion as it moved further away. She was filled with the most compulsive of desires to stay close to Anas. His towering frame captured her attention just as seductively as did his bulging upper torso. Now out of the heat, the hall lights flickered against his skin and commanded attention. She couldn’t help but follow the curves of his wel
l-defined muscles. She thought, How strong this strange and powerful man appeared. He and the sultan quietly discussed their own business, but Natalia couldn’t tell what they were talking about. Her heart beat far too fast for her mind to slow down to care. She wanted to know more about this man. Her soul suddenly filled with desire to feel his power and protection. He glanced her way, but she turned quickly, being careful to hide her thoughts deep within herself.

  The two men stepped into the hallway. “We have prepared a feast for you and your advisers, Prince Anas. Forgive me. I did not expect the entire army to show up at my doorstep. For if I did, I would have had my servants prepare a bigger meal,” said the sultan.

  Anas chuckled. “The army outside your walls is merely a drop of water in the vast ocean of men that my father has under his control,” he replied.

  “That…that is very impressive,” stammered the sultan as he swallowed hard.

  Anas was quick to answer. “Of course it is,” he said, grinning.

  Before long, they had reached the main dining room. “Here we are,” said the sultan as he stretched out his hand at the huge table before them. It was teeming with overflowing platters of meats, fruits, breads, and sweet desserts. Everyone stopped and stared as a lone servant placed even more food before them.

  Anas grinned again and turned to Natalia. “Thank you. And where will you be sitting?” he asked.

  After a slight pause, Natalia quietly responded, “Oh…I…I usually sit by my father in the corner.” Her tender hand lifted toward the end of the long table.

  Still focused only on her, Anas continued, “May I join you?”

  “Yes, Prince Anas,” she giggled and then bowed toward him. She found herself fighting to block out thoughts of Elijah and the bandits. How glad she felt about her knowledge of protocol and etiquette while in the mighty man’s presence. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her father quietly observing, smiling.

  Without hesitation, Anas graciously slid the chair out for her. Natalia thought that she could feel his probing thoughts against her neck as she came closer to the table.

  “Thank you,” she said as she stared straight ahead.

  Anas’s handsome face was still grinning as he replied, “It is my pleasure.” He sat next to Natalia and quickly glanced toward the end of the table at the sultan. Across from him sat Gabi, with Tariq to her other side. Radwan refused to move from his post standing directly behind his prince.

  Natalia sat in silence as her heart raced ahead, throbbing, pulsing, beating almost erratically. She hadn’t eaten so slowly in her entire life and had to remind herself to take another bite. All she could think about was impressing the prince. She wondered if she even could as she chewed mouthful after mouthful of succulent lamb. Her every movement was decked with grace, ever so careful, ever so calm. Today, for the first time in her life, she felt like a princess and didn’t want to lose the feeling. Anas’s presence demanded it somehow, and she was intent on delivering to his expectations.

  Gabi broke the silence. “You have a beautiful palace,” she said.

  The sultan bowed quickly. “Thank you. It was built over a century ago. It still remains strong, even after all these years.”

  “I see that,” replied Gabi as she glanced around at the tall ceilings.

  A loud sound suddenly came from the end of the table as the sultan cleared his throat. “When must you decide on your wife-to-be?” he asked Anas.

  At first, Anas paused. “When I say so,” he finally uttered.

  “Ah…of course,” replied the sultan with a shaky voice.

  Anas looked down at his plate and took another bite of lamb.

  The hooded Tariq glanced around and stopped at the sultan. His low, hoarse voice was unmistakably clear. “The God-King demands that the world bow to his name. Where do you stand?”

  Once again, the sultan cleared his throat. “Why, of course! We want nothing more than to solidify our allegiance to the great nation of Artelon! I have offered you my daughter in marriage! And I would offer you much more!”

  Tariq chuckled. “Would you offer your head?” came his reply.

  “What?” exclaimed the sultan. He quickly wiped his forehead with a thick white napkin.

  All activity came to a grinding halt. “We are all willing to die for our god,” said Tariq as he cocked his head. “Are you?”

  Natalia could feel the warmth of Anas’s body beside her and could barely focus on those last penetrating words. Her hands shook slightly as she glanced into Anas’s caring eyes.

  “There is no need for that, Tariq,” interjected Anas, as he placed his tanned hand over Natalia’s. “They are not used to being under my father’s blessings,” he continued, smiling.

  Tariq chuckled quietly, still staring at the sultan.

  “We would be nothing but honored to be under the banner of Artelon!” exclaimed the sultan abruptly. He threw back his shoulders and glanced at his other guests.

  Gabi put down her fork and turned toward the end of the table. “If you are to fight under my father, there are several things that we need to address. One, your city. It is poverty stricken. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of beggars on your streets! Whatever you do must be done to please my father! If he ever saw that sight, he would be completely disgusted!” she said.

  The sultan’s eyes dazed over. “Yes. I…” he stammered.

  Gabi leaned forward. “Not to mention the crime in your city. We heard of the dead prince, the one that wanted to take your daughter’s hand in marriage,” she said, never taking her eyes off the sultan.

  Natalia instantly gasped as she covered her mouth with her napkin. Thought of Elijah suddenly appeared, especially his recent conversation of how he said he took care of it. She felt as if someone punched her in her stomach when she asked herself, “Did he kill the prince?”

  The sultan glanced at his daughter. “Yes, I know,” he replied as he lowered his head.

  Tariq interrupted, “This city must be purged of all the insects that pervert your city. It must be safe and clean in a way that is fit only for a god!”

  Head still lowered, the sultan replied, “I understand.”

  Tariq raised his voice. “You will remain sultan. However, the city will belong to the God-King, as does everything else in this world.”

  His edict was met with total silence.

  “Is that a problem?” questioned Tariq.

  “No, it is not, I know my place,” mumbled the sultan.

  Natalia’s eyes widened as she gazed upon her father. She had never seen him like this before. Her heart suddenly pounded in her chest. What was happening? she thought.

  Anas reached in front of her and spooned a mound of eggplant onto his plate. Natalia watched as the muscles in his arm gently flexed. She felt her worries quickly dissolve.

  Suddenly, the sultan lifted his head and shouted out, “Bah! They must all die!” he exclaimed.

  Tariq wasted no time with his reply. “And they shall.”

  Gabi and Anas both chuckled at the same time, causing Natalia to squirm in her chair.

  A sparkle exuded from the sultan’s eye. “I have one in the dungeon. I was going to have him executed,” he exclaimed.

  “Let us handle it,” replied Tariq with a raised hand.

  “Of course,” nodded the sultan.

  Tariq stood up and turned to the sultan. “We need your forces to be ready for the coming battle. Soon, the God-King will send his entire army overseas and destroy the crusaders! He will burn their cities to the ground, and finally, we will be rid of their kind and their false god! It will be glorious.”

  The sultan rose from his chair. “My men are at your service!”

  “Good. We will need to take them away for a while. To train them to become worthy of fighting in the God-Kin
g’s army!” Tariq replied.

  Anas pushed back from the table. “Oh, how I tire of politics,” he said as he rose. “I would like to see your palace, please.”

  “Why, of course, prince. I can have an escort for you available in—” said the sultan as he bowed.

  Anas turned to Natalia. “Your daughter would be perfect, thank you,” he said with a smile.

  Natalia felt her chest flutter, once again, as she glanced up at Anas. Out of habit, her eyes darted in the direction of her nodding father.

  The prince and princess looked at each other and smiled as Anas reached out his hand. Just as soon as they touched, Natalia shivered. She couldn’t help but notice how smooth his hand was.

  The sultan blurted out. “Why don’t you show him our armory?! Or the gardens?! Or—”

  “We will figure it out for ourselves, thank you,” came Anas’s quick reply.

  “Oh, yes of course.”

  Before Anas took her arm, he turned to the sultan. “Tariq will fill you in on all that you need to know, Sultan. I have other obligations that I am called to.”

  “Yes, Prince Anas.” Once again, the sultan bowed.

  As Natalia passed Mera on the way out of the dining room, they smiled at each other just before the woman bowed to the royal couple.

  Excitedly, Anas asked, “Do you like living here?”

  Natalia shrugged her shoulders. “It’s all that I know,” she replied.

  “I do not think you belong here,” said Anas as his eyes searched hers.

  Natalia stared down the hallway. “Oh really? Where do I belong?”

  “You do not belong in a desert, Natalia. You belong in a vast jungle, free to roam wherever you wish, like a tiger. Or possibly in the mountains, high up in the sky, higher than the clouds themselves, where you can fly high, like a bird. Or maybe you wish to swim in an ocean, like the dolphins?”

  Completely captivated, Natalia replied, “That sounds perfect.”

  “Will you take me to the highest point in your palace?” asked Anas, ever so quietly.


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