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Sabato: The Cross

Page 19

by Mj Fields

  “How do you know?” Nikki is pushing her. I don’t like her. At least her friend Paige had the common decency to tell me to my face how she felt.

  “That’s between him and me, Nikki. I won’t betray him.”

  “How would it be betraying him? Come on Mel, give me something.”

  “Fine, he doesn’t want to hurt me. He doesn’t want me to cry, he doesn’t want me to wear cheap panties or get STD’s.”

  Her friend Paige starts laughing and then so does Mel. “And he has mad skills.”

  I have to bite my tongue, because she is amusing.

  “Like the stage thing?” Paige asks.

  “Paige, really?” Nikki scoffs.

  “That was nothing.” Mel giggles.

  “You were a virgin, for fuck’s sake,” Nikki says.

  “Was,” Mel says. “I am sooo not a virgin anymore.”

  The three of them laugh. Mel laughs the hardest, “Even my mouth is not a virgin.”

  They laugh more loudly.

  “And I’m pretty sure that later, I’m gonna get a little ana—”

  “Enough!” Wow, that was Paige. “Don’t even.”

  “I haven’t but,” Mel and Nikki laugh. “Pun intended.”

  “You two bitches are sick.”

  “Are not,” Melyssa laughs.

  “Is that what got you the proposal? Did you say, ‘Oh, hot, Italian, scary mafia dude, I am a sexy little virgin and I want to know how—”

  “He doesn’t know. And for the last time, he is not involved in his father’s business.”

  “How does he not know you’re a virgin? And how do you know he’s not, Mel? Come on!”

  “Cause I’m pretty sure my cherry got popped by a crop.”

  They all start laughing again.

  “True story, though. Don’t go looking for action if you can’t handle the—”

  I knock on the door then, having heard enough. I really need to have a conversation with my wife. I don’t wait for permission before going into the bathroom.

  They are sitting on the counter and they all jump up when they see me.

  “Shellfish-free dinner is being served.”

  They scamper to the door.

  “You,” I grab Mel. “Need to give me just a moment.”

  “I saw dental floss on the counter,” Paige laughs. “Don’t tie it too tight.”

  “Go away!” Melyssa laughs.

  When they are gone, she is looking down.

  “Look at me.”

  “Nope.” She shakes her head.

  “That other thing that you needed to tell me?”


  “This is a topic that needs to be discussed.”

  “Yet, can never be revisited,” she shakes her head. “Let’s just skip over that, shall we?”

  “I wish you had told me.” Sabato is growling, practically roaring at me.

  “Why? Would you have been gentler?”

  “No,” he answers, and I look up, surprised. “What? That’s not what you wanted.”

  “So, you would have just rammed it in there?” I almost laugh.

  “Yes. Only I wouldn’t have stopped when you freaked out. I would have kept going and you would have liked it. Let us assume that your first time...that it counted...with the crop.”

  “Let’s not assume, let’s just go with it,” I yawn.

  His face is hard now. “Am I boring you?”

  “No, I’m just tired. I’ve been feeling pretty crappy these past few days. But the good news is, Valentina brought my medicine.”

  “Have you taken it?”

  “Well, no. I’ve been a little busy.” I look down at my ring.


  “Did you pick these out?”

  “Of course I picked them out. Who else could possibly—?” he stops, gets it, and then takes a deep breath. “I picked them out. No one else.”

  I smile, because I like that answer. He leans forward, corralling me against the counter’s edge.

  “I still want to fuck you, sick or otherwise. You smell delicious, look stunning and—”

  “We have guests,” I grab hold of his lapel and pull him forward. “But after they leave, you can fuck me.”

  “Mmmkay,” he winks.

  He grabs the bag of medicine off the bed as we pass—including the birth control. “You’ll take these before you eat.”

  “You will, too.”

  “You are extra sassy tonight.” He pulls me toward him.

  “You can blame it on the girls. They bring it out in me.”

  “Actually, you should thank them. That may win you some extra spanks to that ass of yours.”

  I smile a big cheesy smile and he rolls his eyes. “Sei impossibile.”

  “Me?” I ask. “You just told me I was impossible right?”

  He nods. “I did.”

  “You’d better watch it bud, I am catching on.”

  After we sit at the table, Sabato opens the bag and pulls out the pills. I scrunch my eyes shut when I see him looking at the oral contraceptive packet.

  “No kids in the near future, huh?” Zandor jokes and everyone laughs.

  After he hands me the antibiotic, Sabato starts to close the bottle, “You too.”

  He shakes his head.

  “I’m serious, if that thing gets infected, you’ll be the one hurting...boy.”

  “Boy?” His head tilts to the side.

  “Okay, man.”

  “Much better.” He squeezes my knee under the table and pulls it towards him, spreading me.

  As the plates are being set in front of us, his hand travels up my thigh slowly, inch by inch. I attempt to close my legs and he makes a very quiet tsk-ing sound.

  His fingers stroke the skin of my inner thigh, slowly driving me crazy. Up and down, up and down. I take his hand to stop him. He pulls our hands up, kisses mine, then hooks his foot around my ankle and pulls my leg apart. He sets my hand on the table and then his hand is quickly between my legs again, but higher up this time. He is barely touching me, but when he applies pressure, he does it exactly in the right spot.

  I am writhing under Sabato’s touch and he is acting like nothing at all is going on. He knows exactly what he is doing, what I can handle, and how much I can take.

  Concurrent with the assault to my lacy shorts, conversation is flowing. Nikki and Paige are no longer giving Sabato snarky looks and I am happy they aren’t.

  Whenever the conversation shifts from me, he starts again.

  After a few minutes, he leans over and whispers, “Are you still tired?”

  I shake my head, no, as he begins rubbing me again.

  When the plates are being cleared and I am ready to just give up and ride his finger, Zandor gets a call. He excuses himself and when he returns, he looks at his mother and then Sabato.

  “Please excuse me for a minute.” Sabato stands, pats my shoulder and walks away, leaving me sitting in a pool of my own dirty desire.

  “We need to do a toast,” Paige says. She reaches out her hand, pulls me up and grabs a bottle of ridiculously expensive champagne.

  Nikki and Valentina join us and we all sit together on the couch.

  “Where did Abe go?” I ask Nikki.

  “Apparently there is an all-male conspiracy.”

  “All male and Aunt Joe,” Valentina giggles, as she hands us all glasses and fills them up. I look at her warily as I take the glass.

  “Mel, we bury this. I like you.”

  “Bury what?” Paige asks, as she takes a drink.

  Oh great, I think. Paige doesn’t let anything go.

  “I’ve been with Sabato.” Valentina says it like it’s no big deal, but both Nikki and Paige’s heads whip around to look at me.

  “It’s in the past. I’m sure she doesn’t want her brother to know.” I shrug. Ooooo, good one, me! I silently pat myself on the back. “So let’s let sleeping dogs lie, shall we? Plus, Laney would probably be upset thinking I’m upset and well,
Laney doesn’t need to be upset.” I drink the glass up and then hold it out to Valentina, “More please.”

  She smiles and fills it up. “Of course.”

  “So Nikki, when will you and Abe get married?”

  “When we have time. We are both on the go nonstop and when we do have downtime, well, we like to spend it together.”

  “You should just do it, like Sabato and Mel,” Paige says and takes another drink, “This stuff is good.”

  “Be careful, you’ll get a headache,” Valentina says.

  “Listen Chick,” Paige jokes. “Fill this bitch up and keep it coming. We are celebrating.”

  “All right then, Chick,” Valentina laughs, “How about you, Mel?”


  By the time the men and Momma Joe come back, we have drunk an entire bottle and almost finished a second. I am tipsy and will not look into the eyes of my husband.

  I giggle out loud, thinking: husband. I’m married, and my parents are gonna be pissed. I tip my glass to finish it off and it gets snatched from my hand.

  “How much have you had to drink?”

  “Well, less than I intended now that—”

  “How much has she had to drink?” He snaps, and Nikki and Paige laugh.

  “Nikkolette?” Abe’s voice mimics Sabato’s level of annoyed, which is just enough to make the girls and me giggle like school children.

  “You two are in so much trouble,” Paige laughs. “Spankings all around and grounded, you’re both—”

  “Okay, let’s get you two out of here,” Abe says, as he takes Nikki’s hand and gives it a sharp tug up.

  Her eyes meet mine and we both have the same look. Yep, no doubt about it. We are both getting spanked.

  “I hope you know what you’ve signed up for,” she says, as she bends down and kisses my cheek. Then she whispers, “I want to compare notes.”

  “Nikkolette,” Abe growls.

  “Abraham O’Donnell,” she growls back, then laughs. She bends again and gives me another sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Congratulations. I love you girl. Call me when you’re not too...tied up.”

  “Miss Bassett.”

  She looks up at him and smiles. “Mr. O’Donnell, you may want to start working out a time to change that last name.”

  “Oh?” He seems mildly amused.

  “Indeed.” Nikki says. “Let’s go, Paige.”

  Paige gives me a hug, then gives Valentina a hug, to my surprise. “Thanks for getting me here.”

  “You’re welcome,” she says.

  “Melyssa, change of plans: you and I are going home for the night.” Sabato seems irritated, but I don’t understand why.


  “Home. Do you think you can manage to walk out of here?”

  “If I can’t, then I suppose you’ll have to carry me, hot stuff.”

  “Jesus Christ, how much did you drink?”

  “It’s not my fault, not my fault at all.”

  “Well, whose fault is it?”


  He looks around and then back at me and shrugs.

  “It’s a shame we don’t get to use this suite, it sure is beautiful.”

  “Valentina,” he says, as he pulls me up. “Feel free to stay here tonight. And thank you for all your help.”

  “My pleasure,” she says, with that sexy accent that probably makes him wonder how the hell he ended up with the sloppy drunk American girl.

  Now that I am on my feet, though, I decide I have had way too much.

  “Congratulations.” I hear them all say as we walk—and I stagger—out the door. “Franco,” he says as we walk out. “Valentina is staying here tonight, feel free to do the same.”

  I look up into the angry bodyguard’s eyes, the same guy that Sabato was scrapping with just a few days ago.

  “If she stays, I do,” he snarls.

  “I’m well aware of that.”

  Huh. That’s...interesting.

  Once in the elevator, I look around.

  “Different elevator,” I shrug. “See? I’m not that loaded.”

  “It’s the service elevator. We are using it because the New Jersey police detective that wants to question me is on his way here.”

  “Here, here?” His eyes narrow, and he nods, “Wow, then we better make a run for it.”

  “Now how will you run, when you can’t even stand?”

  I lean in and whisper, “They got nothing on me, so if they get close, just leave me behind, okay? I got your back.”

  “You have my back?” He shakes his head, rolls his eyes and says something in Italian. “No more drinking, Melyssa.”

  “Right, got it, noted.”



  He shakes his head. “This is serious.”

  “Sure is.” I nod and lean back against the wall of the elevator.

  Sabato takes off his jacket, folds it over his arm and loosens his tie.

  I close my eyes and lift my arms up above my head. I am sexy. I am sexy and married to the sexiest man in the world. Even if it’s only—

  “Melyssa, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Waiting for you to take me.”

  The elevator comes to a stop and he takes my hand, gives it a tug.

  “Oh, I’m taking you. Home, to sleep it off. Let’s go.”

  I hail a cab as I half hold up my wife, who has further made me realize how wrong I was about her, when I first decided she was the answer to my problems.

  When a cab stops in front of us, she laughs. “Taxi cab confessions?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s a show. Maybe this is one of those cabs.” She climbs in and her dress rides up so I see the lace of her little panties. I want to redden that ass, but she’s drunk.

  Once in the cab, she sits facing me, smiling and chewing on her lip.

  “Thirty Park Place,” I instruct the cab driver.

  “Are we playing Monopoly?” She asks, with a bigger, goofier smile. When I don’t answer, she sits back and pouts.

  “You’re angry with me.”

  “Melyssa, I really would like you to just be quiet for a while all right?” Her bottom lip puffs out and I know this sign. “Come here.”

  She scoots over and snuggles up to me the way I imagine a kitten would.

  “I could behave, if it wasn’t for Elsa.”

  “Excuse me?” Who the fuck is Elsa?

  “Well you see, when I first saw you, there was a giant thaw in Arendelle. She is the queen down there and well it was frozen. And she didn’t have anyone to play with, except for Olaf and well, he’s probably dead now because it’s summer.”

  “Melyssa, you are making absolutely no sense.”

  “I made perfectly good sense, until Elsa wouldn’t shut up and that’s your fault. Well now, Arendelle is completely gone.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry about this, but can you wait to go crazy after we get to our destination?”

  “I’m making perfectly good sense. Arendelle was frozen, now it’s melted. Elsa is not a princess of anything, anymore. Arendelle, melted, she got picked up by the Navy or something. Now she is a whore floating around on the USS Ronald Regan, just waiting for you with one of those flag things that landing people use. She’s just hanging out, waiting for you all naughty like, ‘Oh, Sabato, look at me! I’m Elsa, your dirty little whore!’ all waving that freak flag. Actually, I think she has a flag in each hand.”

  “Right. You’re making perfectly good sense. Melyssa, shut up. Just, for Christ’s sake, be quiet.”

  The cab driver laughs and I am immediately annoyed.

  “Frozen,” he laughs.

  “Apparently not.”

  “The movie.”

  “See? He knows!” Melyssa laughs.

  “My kid watches it,” he laughs again. “‘Let it go.’”

  “Yeah see, I’m not crazy. Tell him, I’m not crazy.”

  “Melyssa,” I snap in her ear.
br />   She shrugs. “Not crazy.”

  She leans back again, seemingly content, but I am still just as fucking confused.

  When we pull up in front of our new place, I pay the cab driver and she, whoever the hell she is, has fallen asleep.

  I carry her in and the doorman smiles when he opens the door.

  “Good evening, sir.”

  “Started out that way,” I nod, as he pushes the elevator button.

  “Hope it ends that way too, sir.”

  “Thank you, Alfred.”

  “Congratulations.” The way he says it makes me laugh. Yes, apparently now, I laugh when I am horrified.

  We are in the elevator when she opens her eyes. “I don’t feel very well.”

  “You don’t say?”

  “You’re mad.”

  “Yes, but I’m not sure which one of you to be mad at. You, or this Elsa.”

  “Neither, she really likes—” She covers her mouth as the elevator door opens. I snatch her up and set her in front of the trashcan in the hall. She throws up, three times.

  “Let’s go.” I take her arm and walk across the hall, then I punch in the code to open the door.

  “I feel better now.”

  Her eyes close and I lift her up and walk into the apartment.

  “You certainly don’t smell better.”

  “I suck.” Her eyes widen and she looks around. “Where is the safest place for me to be right now?”

  “You’re safe.” I kick the door shut behind me.

  “I mean if I get sick?”

  “Probably the bathroom.”

  “It’s lovely here. Beautiful.”

  “You match its beauty Melyssa-Elsa.”

  She giggles and hiccups. “To the bathroom?”

  “Good idea.”

  I walk through the foyer and down the hall, to the master bedroom.

  “What do you think? Is this better than the cabin?”


  “Will you be comfortable here?”

  I set her down on the bathroom counter and she smiles sickly. “As long as you’re here.”

  She is nodding off and I am just as exhausted. “How do you feel about a bath?”

  “Probably best.”

  I unzip her dress and she stands. It falls to the ground and I am left to see her tits sticking out of the corset I bought for her. She is fucking stunning.

  I start the bath and watch her reflection as she pulls the pins from her hair. Strand by strand, her hair falls down past her shoulders. She cocks her head to the side and runs her fingers through it, shaking it loose.


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