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Dragon Isle Boxed Set, Books 4-6: Lost to the Dragon, Beware of Dragons, and Catching the Dragon

Page 13

by Stern, Sophie

  And if she wanted to be with Gabriel and Anthony, which she did, she was going to need to get very vulnerable, very open, and very fast.

  What was the worst thing that could happen? They weren’t going to reject her. They never had before. They loved her. They had forever. Even when they were young, Gabe and Tony had always looked after her. They had always watched over her.

  They had always been there.

  “I liked being shared,” she said. “My boyfriend at the time thought I was submissive and I disagreed. He took me to a club and I saw a lot of different things. It was easy to figure out what I liked and what I didn’t.”

  “And you liked ménage sex, love?” Anthony asked. He was unlacing her corset now, and Audrey stood very still. Soon, Anthony would see her breasts for the first time since she was a teenager. Oh, they had never fooled around, but she had grown up in dragon country. She wasn’t weird about nudity. They had gone skinny dipping more times than she could count. She had no weird qualms about her body.

  But she had changed over the years. She was a bit curvier and her breasts sagged a little. She had a few stretch marks on her thighs and a little bit of cellulite. It was hard to wrap her mind around the fact that the guys had shared Jasmine before and probably many other slender, tiny subs. Maybe they had only shared dragonwomen. Audrey wasn’t sure.

  But no one had complained about her breasts before. She didn’t have any crazy ex-boyfriends who had ruined her for sex or anything crazy like that.

  It was just that she only had eyes for Gabriel and Anthony.

  And now it was time for them to see her: really see her.

  “I liked it,” she whispered, blushing. “My boyfriend and I slept with one of my friends. A woman. I’ve never been with two men before.”

  “Ah,” Gabriel said, sliding a finger up. He hovered above her flesh before finally meeting her gaze.

  “Please,” she begged him, quietly looking at him. He smiled and obliged, sliding one solitary finger inside of her. She clenched around him, trying to keep him there, not wanting him to take it away. She’d finally gotten just a little taste. She wanted more. So much more.

  “You’ve never been with two men before?” Anthony asked. The final laces slid from the corset and he tossed it to the side. Now she was completely exposed to her men.

  Her men.

  She had no doubts they would follow through with their promise. They said they were hers. They would be. Audrey sat very still as they both gazed at her.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” Gabriel said, sliding another finger inside of her. “I knew you would be.”

  “I can’t wait to eat you up,” Anthony whispered in her ear. He palmed her breasts one at a time, then eased his mouth down to her chest. He sucked on one nipple and played with the other one just a little bit. He twisted and pinched, but lightly, gently.

  She was going to need so much more than that.

  Her breathing grew heavy as her arousal grew. Oh, she wanted to come so badly. She was so close she could taste it. Anthony started kissing her again and she relished the reprieve from talking. There was way too much talking. It could all wait until later. All she wanted was to come, then to have them both inside her. She wanted them to own her body. She wanted them to take her, use her, complete her.

  Just as she felt the pressure in her body begin to grow, both men suddenly stopped touching her.

  “What?” She asked breathily, surprised, not quite able to stop her arousal. She reached between her legs to rub her clit. She was so close. So close. Anthony grabbed her hands and hauled her up so her body was pressed against his. He held her wrists above her head.

  “Oh no, none of that. You’re ours now and that means those orgasms belong to us.”

  “What?” She moaned. “I’m so close. I need to come.”

  Anthony just shook his head. She looked to Gabriel. They couldn’t be serious. Gabriel’s eyes usually twinkled when he was joking around, but they looked quite serious now.

  “We want you so much, Audrey,” Gabriel whispered. He kissed her softly on the forehead. “But not here. Not in the club.”

  “Your first time should be at our home, in our bed, with both of us.”

  “But, can’t I just come first?” She was so desperate, so needy. She wanted them so badly that it hurt, but she already knew she was going to leave the club sexually frustrated.

  She didn’t even have Jasmine there to help relieve the feelings welling up inside of her. Fuck, Jasmine! Was she all right? Audrey had barely even noticed when her friend left. She’d been so distracted by the way the men were looking at her. Was her friend okay?

  As if reading her mind, Anthony swept her into his arms and kissed her. She instantly relaxed in his hold. She felt tiny and petite against his large frame.

  “Jasmine will be fine. Let’s get you home, little one.”

  “But, your club-”

  “Will be just fine without me for one night,” Anthony finished her sentence. Gabriel draped a blanket over her and Audrey appreciated the small amount of modesty. She snuggled against Anthony as he led her out of the room and down the hall. If the dungeon monitor was surprised, he didn’t show it.

  “Please tell Kade to close for me,” Anthony murmured to the guard. The man nodded and disappeared. Audrey thought it must be nice to have people around who could do your bidding whenever you needed them to.

  Gabriel and Anthony led the way up the back staircase, through the deserted mansion, and into the star-filled night.

  Everything was about to change.


  Anthony tenderly set Audrey down on her feet. She immediately lifted her head and started looking at the stars. Did she even know what that did to him? Her neck was elongated, her head thrown back. All he wanted to do was lick her soft, silky skin. All he wanted to do was pull her close and never let her go.

  Without a word, he and Gabriel slipped out of their clothes and dropped them in one of the baskets by the front porch. One of the submissives would check the baskets later and launder the clothing so it would be ready the next time they wanted to play. In exchange for helping with all of the laundry, she received one-on-one training with one of the Doms.

  “So how is this going to work?” Audrey turned back to the men, seemingly unembarrassed. She had to know how gorgeous she was. She just had to. There was no way a woman like Audrey had any self-doubts. She was perfect: a vision.

  Anthony raised an eyebrow. “Boy meets girl meets boy, they fall in love, shenanigans ensue.”

  She giggled. “No,” she said. “I mean, how are we getting back to your place?” She motioned to the men. “There are two of you and only one of me. Whose back am I riding on?”

  Anthony exchanged knowing glances with his partner. Back? Riding? With those legs? If Audrey climbed on Anthony’s back and wrapped her long, lean legs around his body, he would be climaxing before they made it halfway home. Gabriel obviously felt the same way. No, they would have to do things a little differently tonight.

  “We’re going to play a game,” Gabriel said, coming up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her breasts, holding them up. “But first, Anthony’s going to suck on your nipples a bit more. Aren’t these lovely nipples, Anthony?”

  Anthony nodded.

  “Very lovely,” he moved forward and knelt in front of Audrey, not caring for a second that his knees were now in the soft grass. He might have dirt on his legs later, but he didn’t care. He needed this, needed her. He sucked one nipple between his teeth and nipped gently. A wave of arousal wafted up from between her legs and he smiled to himself.

  Oh yes, his Audrey liked a little pain. He sucked on her breast then, teasing her with his tongue, then finally released her. He repeated the treatment on the other breast. While he sucked on her, Anthony cupped Audrey’s ass with his hands, forcing her closer to him.

  She moaned, thrusting her hips forward.

  “You want me to lick your pussy, sweet
heart?” He murmured from between her soft breasts.

  “Yes, oh yes, please,” she moaned. “I need to come so bad. I’m so close.”

  “How close?”

  “The closest,” she murmured. Her eyes were closed now, her head back.

  “But if I let you come now, we won’t be able to play our little game.”

  “What game?”

  “I’m going to fly us home. All of us,” Anthony said. Her eyes shot open and she looked confused.

  “Even Gabriel?”

  “Oh yes,” he chuckled, standing. “Especially Gabriel.” His friend nodded, and he knew Gabriel would handle everything from there. All Anthony had to do was focus on getting home without coming during the flight.

  He could handle that.

  He hoped.

  He closed his eyes to focus on the shift and felt the tingling sensation that came before his body began to grow larger. He’d been doing this since he was a young teen, but still enjoyed the way he felt powerful and majestic during a shift.

  Most dragons shifted so often and frequently that it simply felt like second nature. That had never quite been the case for Anthony. He always had to focus his entire being on shifting. He always enjoyed the rush of power that came as his body grew and elongated.

  His skin vanished and was replaced with scales. He knew they were shimmery and hard and beautiful. He’d had many women lick his scales during his years as a dragonman. He had never really cared to have a female touch him while he was in dragon form, but now he found himself wondering what Audrey would do.

  Would she lick his scales? Would she slide his tongue over his large body? Would she feel soft and delicate against him?

  He didn’t have to wait long to find out. He looked down and saw Gabriel and Audrey waiting in silence. They had moved back to give him room, but now he knelt down so they could climb on top of him.

  “You’re so gorgeous,” Audrey murmured. She walked over to his head, as if she’d down this a million times before, and wrapped her arms around his long neck. She was so soft and warm against him, so sweet and lovely. He wondered how he had managed to live so long without this in his life.

  She kissed his scales then, just as he had hoped she would. She allowed her tongue to flick out and trace one close to his face. Just like that, he was hard again, and Gabriel was pulling her away.

  “That’s enough of that now,” Gabriel said. “I think our wonderful dragonman is having a tough enough time holding onto his sanity without you torturing him anymore.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Audrey began. “I didn’t mean to give him a hard time.”

  Anthony watched as Gabriel wrapped his arms around Audrey and yanked her close.

  “Darling, it’s hard because we’ve wanted you for so long. Both of us are wondering if we’re dreaming, if this is really happening. Both of us are wondering what’s going to happen when we finally get you home and if we’re going to have to chain you to the bed so you never leave.”

  Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would, and I will. Now climb up on Tony’s back like a good girl so we can start the game.” Audrey hesitated only for a second. Then she climbed up and sat close to Anthony’s neck. She scooted around for a second, trying to make herself comfortable. All Anthony could think about was the fact that Audrey’s pussy was rubbing around on his back.

  “Hold yourself together, brother,” Gabriel pet Anthony’s neck in an unusual tender moment. The dragon nuzzled against his friend’s hand, content for a moment in the realization that they were finally about to do this with Audrey. After all this time, they were finally going to have her.

  He climbed on Anthony’s back and scooted forward so he was sitting behind Audrey, then Anthony leapt off the ground and soared into the air.

  This was going to be the longest flight of his life.


  Audrey looked up at the stars as Anthony flew her back to his mansion. Their mansion. She felt so small in the universe, but suddenly, the universe didn’t seem quite so overwhelmingly huge. Gabriel wrapped his arms around her and held her in place, rooting her. He gave her something to lean on, and not just physically.

  “What’s the game?” She whispered, but she could already tell. One of his hands rubbed on her thigh. The other played with her nipples. She leaned her head back so she rested against his broad chest.

  “I’m going to play with you, pet. I’ve had to wait a long time, so I’m going to make it good. I’m going to rub you and kiss you and touch every inch of you.”

  She could guess where this was going.

  “But I’m not allowed to come?” She ventured.

  “You’re not allowed to come,” he affirmed. “Such a fast learner,” he bit on her ear. She had a feeling he wasn’t going to make this easy for her. In fact, he was probably setting her up to fail. That was what dragons did.

  “What happens if I come?” She could already tell she wouldn’t make it. She was soaked. Her pussy was so wet that Anthony’s back was wet now, too. If Gabriel wasn’t holding her in place, she might have slid right off the back of her dragon.

  She hadn’t felt this alive, this excited, this aroused since she arrived on Dragon Isle, and the night had barely begun. What were they going to do to her once she was finally alone with them?

  “Every time you come, I get to crop you ten times.” He bit her ear hard and she shouted, but he gripped her close to his chest. He wasn’t going to let her get away from him. Not tonight. Not now that he’d finally caught her.

  “That doesn’t seem like a very fair trade,” she murmured, but the truth was she thought it was very fair. Would he tie her up before he cropped her? Would he hit her thighs and bottom? Would he work her skin until it was a bright, steady red?

  Then would he move on to other places?

  “I think you like the idea, darling. I think you’re picturing all the ways I’m going to devour you with my toys.”

  “So what if I am?” She murmured. His hand was still working her nipples and she regretted that her legs were spread so far apart. That was the problem with riding on a dragon’s back. You literally had to ride it or you would fall off. She wanted her thighs to be closer. She wanted to rub them together, but it wasn’t happening. She needed to get her legs closer. She needed to come.

  Gabriel swatted her thigh sharply.

  “Stop wiggling,” he told her. “Just tell me what you need, darling? Tell me.”

  “I need to come,” she said, not embarrassed at all.

  He traced a finger up her soft folds, barely touching her clit. She groaned and threw her head back against his body, desperate for more.

  “More,” she said. “Please, sir, more.”

  “You’re not allowed to come, darling, I thought I made myself clear.” His hand left her pussy and instead cupped her breasts. He massaged them both deeply, tenderly.

  “Please,” Audrey begged. “Please. I need to, just a little, I…” Her voice trailed off as Gabriel’s teeth sunk into her neck. She arched back against him as the climax she was only half-heartedly fighting finally took over her. Waves of pleasure rushed over her. She thought she heard Anthony growl as he flew through the air, but she couldn’t be sure.

  All she knew was that she felt better than she’d ever felt before, she felt safer, hotter, sexier. She felt complete. She felt wonderful.

  “That’s ten, love,” Gabriel nipped at her again and her body sagged against his flesh.

  It was going to be a long flight.


  When the trio arrived home, Gabriel carried Audrey inside.

  “How many orgasms did she have, again?” Anthony asked with a chuckle. He was already hard, already aching to slide inside of her, but he wasn’t going to rush this. They had waited far too long for it to speed through.

  “Audrey?” Asked Gabriel.

  She groaned and buried her head against Gabriel’s chest. A wave of excitement rushed through him.

; “Darling? Answer Anthony.”

  “Five,” she grumbled with a pout. She turned to Anthony and stuck out her bottom lip. “Do I really have to be punished?”

  “Sweetheart, I’m going to punish you and you’re going to love every second of it.”

  She huffed out, but he just chuckled and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Baby, I’m getting a lot of different emotions from you right now: nervousness, excitement, anticipation. You know what I’m not getting?”

  She shook her head.

  “Fear.” He laughed and kissed her forehead, then marched in front of them to the sitting room. He started a fire while Gabriel gathered her in his lap on the couch.

  Gabriel held Audrey close and stroked her soft hair. He had dreamed of this moment for so long, it didn’t seem possible that it was finally happening, yet here they were.

  “Are you ready for this, love?” Gabriel asked. He had to give her one last chance, one last opportunity to walk away. Once they went through with this, he was never going to let her go. Never. Audrey was theirs and would be for the rest of their lives.

  In response, she straddled him and placed her hand on his cheek. Anthony sat down next to him and she placed her other hand on his cheek.

  “I have never wanted anything as much as I’ve wanted you two,” she murmured. “I don’t know how we’re going to make it work or how we’re going to handle everything life throws at us, but I want you. Both of you. Now please,” she murmured, her voice going soft. “I’m ready for my punishment.”

  With that, Audrey climbed down off the couch and looked around the room until she spotted a chest. It was pushed in the corner and to the untrained eye, looked like an antique hope chest someone had made long ago.

  In actuality, it held toys and love items. Audrey wasn’t fooled for a second. She went to the chest and opened it. After rummaging around for just a second, she turned around. She had a crop in her hand.

  Well, wasn’t this just a lovely surprise? Gabriel had expected Audrey to be playful about her “punishment,” but he hadn’t expected her to be such a willing participant. His partner was breathing heavily.


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