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Legacy of the Blade: The Complete Trilogy

Page 52

by Joseph J. Bailey

  Duaga – a demon lord. Also, a Lord of Chaos.

  Duer’dun – the souls of the damned. Infernal, disembodied demonic entities.

  Dyunda – literally, ‘expressions of the heart-essence’. An elemental term for the patterns, movements, expressions, and flows within the spirit, essence, or soul of an individual.

  El’amin – literally, ‘true prayer’ or ‘the world’s true prayer’. An elemental term for themselves.

  Elemental – creatures of magic sustained by primal forces of nature. Natural enemies to demons. Called el’amin by their kind.

  Elemantus Magisterium – wizards highly attuned to elemental forces and the elementals themselves. Also called the Elemental Speakers.

  Empyrean Aegis – see Aegis.

  Empyrean Gate – the great Seal forged by the forces of Heaven to protect Uërth from the incursions of Chaos. The fall of the Empyrean Gate allowed demonic forces to reenter Uërth. See the Chaos Gate.

  Empyrean Guard – noble Knights sworn to defeat the legions of Chaos. The most blessed Knights wield Angel Swords. Also called Knights of the Undying Light and Empyrean Knights.

  Empyrean Knights – see Empyrean Guard.

  Essence – the soul, heart, or intrinsic magic of a living being, place or object. Also, the source of magic.

  Etheric orbits – paths for energy to move through the body.

  Fall – a reference to the defeat of the Heavenly Host by the forces of Chaos, evinced by the rain of Angel Swords from the heavens.

  Fey – races with greater innate magical talents than men, including dryads, dragons, and sidhe, among others.

  Flesh Dancer – see Al’zakara.

  Fornost – a small, isolated kingdom ringed by mountains, inhabited by men and fey, known for its valiant warriors, game, and lush forests. Homeland of Alric.

  Front – the frontlines where men, their allies, and those few remaining members of the Uërthly Host attempt to prevent Chaos’s incursion into the mortal realm. The Front wages war directly beneath the Chaos Gate.

  Gate – short for energy gate. Primary means of access and expression of magical energies and forces.

  Gate of Light – one of the access points to Kun’Daer. Also called Leyalia G’nost.

  Goer’naq – a large, granitic elemental.

  Graven Wastes – a largely uninhabited wilderness in northern Maeron.

  Greensward Valley – a lightly populated valley in southern Maeron.

  Guraem – a general elemental term for mortals, particularly humans.

  Heaven’s Mark – magical coins used as currency across Uërth.

  Heavenly Host – the massed forces of Heaven. Defeated by the legions of Chaos in the Fall. See Uërthly Host.

  Heaven’s Edge – see Doeren Muer.

  Hedge wizard – a wizard of low ability or skill. Often, an untrained spellcaster or one who survives on innate talent.

  Hellspawn – a broad term for demons.

  Humanity – a general term inclusive of sentient humanoid beings native to Uërth.

  Hun’zar – literally, ‘sharer of water’. An elemental term for mortal friendship.

  Il’alen – city of the sidhe within Leyalia D’anuer.

  Il’dyaeria Ashentaré – literally, ‘speakers of the true voice’. Sidhe name for Singers.

  Ilya – an apprentice Singer.

  Infernal Plains – wastelands north of Doeren Muer. Also called the Infernal Wastes or the Wastes.

  Infernals – demons.

  J’andre Fulminants – an order of fanatics using self-sacrifice and voluntary possession to capture and destroy demons.

  Jon Longshadow – a town guard in Balde.

  Juel’dara – literally, ‘devourers of heart-essence’. An elemental term for demons.

  Juel’dathra – literally, ‘devourers of all essence’. An elemental term for a demon prince or a greater infernal power.

  Juel’soth – literally, ‘devourers of hope’. An elemental term for demons that specifically hunt elementals.

  Juel’vuermua’di – literally, ‘devourer of fiery life-energy’. An elemental term for demonic dragonkillers.

  Kerraboer – the principal fastness of the Empyrean Guard. The focal point of the Front. The primary point of resistance before the Chaos Gate.

  King’s road – although not necessarily managed or overseen by a king, a general term for any maintained roadway throughout Maeron.

  Knights of the Holy Sword – an elite division of Empyrean Knights led by Lord Chalmeire the Bright.

  Knights of the Undying Light – see Empyrean Guard.

  Kun’Daer – a city hidden inside the mountains of the Dragon’s Teeth. Also called the Undermount.

  Laric – Alric’s father, an Empyrean Knight.

  Leyalia – literally, ‘light’. A sidhe name for Light.

  Leyalia D’anuer – literally, ‘light’s bridge’. Sidhe name for Doeren Muer.

  Leyalia G’nost – literally, ‘light’s gate’. Sidhe name for the Gates of Light.

  Light – that which is holy, heavenly or divine. Also, energies or magics from celestial sources. Considered by some scholars to be the true source of the less refined essence. Sometimes thought of as refined, sublimated, or rarefied Chaos. Called yaera by the sidhe.

  Light Rider – see Yaera Leyalia.

  Lightsworn – a general name for a champion of the Light. Most often, Empyrean Knights.

  The Little Book of Spells – a comprehensive, interactive guidebook on arcane endeavor that reveals its teachings as the magical adept becomes ready, gaining more skill and understanding.

  …loel… – a yaera’l working with the sidhe.

  Loer’allon – literally, ‘Light’s edge’. Alric’s Angel Sword. Blade of Light and Truth.

  Longruen – literally, ‘the fiery heart-essence of true self’. An elemental term for the soul or essential nature of a being.

  Lord Chalmeire the Bright – an Empyrean Knight of great renown. Leader of the Knights of the Holy Sword.

  Lord of Chaos – a Duaga.

  Lord Ruler – the leader of the Empyrean Guard and commander of Kerraboer.

  Loremaster – a highly knowledgeable scholar, often versed in the ways of arcane Craft and intellectual arts.

  Lucius – Saedeus’s pet rock and force of nature. Companion of Maeraeth. Friend of Ilya. See Luecaeus.

  Luecaeus – literally, ‘heart of the earth’. Given name of Lucius, elemental, force of nature, and pet rock.

  Luistaer – a great city in southern Maeron.

  Macroverse – the multidimensional multiverse. See also Multiverse.

  Maeraeth – a young human wizard. Apprentice to Master Nomba.

  Maeron – one of Uërth’s major continents.

  Magic – the deliberate manipulation of Chaos or Light, or any other energies of Creation, in various manifest states. The more refined the magical symmetries, the greater the Art.

  Magisterium Arcanum –an order of elite magic users dedicated to the highest Art and applications of Craft.

  Magistrate Goodkind – the magistrate of the free town of Balde.

  Mason – a shopkeeper in Balde.

  Mayor Rathsburn – mayor of Taere in the Greensward Valley.

  Meera – a village in the Greensward Valley.

  Meyrna – Master Nomba’s most accomplished apprentice in the Greensward, now a powerful wizard in her own right.

  Mua’di – literally, ‘life-energy’. An elemental term for magic.

  Multiverse – the myriad universes, planes, dimensions, and layers of reality encompassing the totality of existence. Also, macroverse.

  Narblung – demon dung. Often used as a curse.

  Nether Abyss – a general reference to the deepest, most dangerous parts of the Abyss.

  Nether realms – demonic realms or planes. See also, Abyss.

  Noema’dar – literally, ‘stone singer’ or ‘earth singer’. An elemental name for Ilya.

oema’jin – literally, ‘earth’s gateway’. The portal to the elemental realm on Uërth.

  Noema’kan – literally, ‘earth’s heart’. A living mountain within the homelands of the el’amin.

  Noema’lun – literally, ‘stone dreamer’ or ‘earth dreamer’. An elemental name for Maeraeth.

  Master Nomba – wizard. Teacher of Maeraeth.

  Nomba’s Aegis – Maeraeth’s name for Master Nomba’s unique protective ward against demons.

  Northern Reaches – a largely undeveloped, unpopulated wilderness region in northern Maeron. Balde, lying within its southern extent, is one of the forested region’s few inhabited areas.

  Oblivion – the realms of Chaos.

  Ogre – a race of giant humanoids known for their strength and toughness.

  O’nila Lagund – an adventurer in the Scarlet Company.

  Plains of D’rith Sinae – a vast, open expanse bordering Kerraboer. Once home to fertile river valleys and thriving communities, the area is now a wasteland overrun by demons.

  Power – high magic.

  Priests of D’almere – an order of monks dedicated to the embodiment and furtherance of the divine Light.

  Puppetmasters – see Ysigoth.

  Raoul – an elemental.

  Raynard – a large rock. Cousin to Lucius.

  Saedeus – mushroom farmer and reluctant adventurer.

  SAG – Saedeus Award for Genius. Personal recognition given by Saedeus to himself in honor of acts of true intelligence, foresight, and wisdom, or, rather, the general lack thereof.

  Scarlet Company – a heroic band of adventurers.

  Seal – a protective ward of unmatched Craft. The Empyrean Gate was a heavenly Seal that formerly capped the Chaos Gate.

  Sidhe – fey creatures of great, innate magical ability. See Alaurana Leyalia.

  Sigil Armor – see Aegis.

  Sigil Shield – see Aegis.

  Silvaeron – the Unending Wood. A vast forest wilderness stretching across much of the Northern Reaches.

  Singer – magical practitioners who sing the words of Creation. Called Il’dyaeria Ashentaré by the sidhe. Called djen’caer or ‘soul singers’ in the Old Tongue.

  Skaerholme – a village in northern Maeron.

  Skauorea – a golden dragon, leader of a dragon flight in the Dragon’s Teeth.

  Skin Dancer – see Al’zakara.

  SMU – the Saedeus Mark of Unbravery. A special award given by Saedeus to himself for deeds of particular cowardice and general lack of bravery in the line of duty.

  Solitary Mountain – a peak in the Dragon’s Teeth Range.

  Song – the expression of the words of Creation by a Singer. Also the intrinsic form or manifestation of those words of Creation within an object or being. See Singer.

  Soul Eye – magical vision enabling the discernment of the essence of beings and things.

  Soul Sight – see Soul Eye.

  Southern Reaches – the more populous region of Maeron.

  Taere – a hamlet in Greensward Valley.

  Theuron – a large, magically shielded city in Maeron.

  Uërth – the world. One mortal realm of many in the boundless Macroverse.

  Uërthen Stoics – an order of fanatical monks and mages who confine their souls to protected reliquaries to better combat demonic hordes.

  Uërthly Host – the alliance of mortal and angelic beings tasked with protecting Uërth from the marauding legions of Chaos after Heaven’s Fall.

  Ueryan – a sidhe Yaera Leyalia.

  Ul’Jheera –a prominent wizard in the city of Luistaer.

  Unbroken Range – a nearly impassable mountain range on the northern border of Silvaeron.

  Undermount – see Kun’Daer.

  Unending Wood – see Silvaeron.

  Valdueren – majestic eldritch trees common to sidhe settlements.

  Voice – the expression of a Singer’s song. See song and Singer.

  Vuermua’di – literally, ‘fiery life-energy’. An elemental term for dragons.

  Ways – permanent portals linking two locations.

  Wera’dun – literally, ‘partner in living transmutation’. An elemental term for those whose spirits are bonded for common purpose.

  Wizard – a magician of great skill and power.

  Yaera – literally, ‘the Light’. A sidhe name for the energies of Creation.

  Yaera’l – literally, ‘of the Light’. A sidhe name for creatures of Light.

  Yaera Leyalia – literally, ‘those who ride the Light’. A sidhe Light Rider.

  Ysigoth – a nebulous demon that gathers and controls the dead, creating armies of minions to do its bidding. Sometimes called Puppet Masters.

  Yurka – large, powerful reptilian herbivores. Thought to be unintelligent dragon kin.

  About the Author

  When not at play with his family, Joe enjoys reading, writing, and relaxation. When he can, Joe also practices various martial arts in which he has attained the Victim level of proficiency.

  In addition to the Legacy of the Blade trilogy, Joe is also the author of the Chronicles of the Fists trilogy, Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry, Everygnome’s Guide to Paratechnology, Nemesis – A Good Guide for Bad Guys, Confessions of an Angry Dwarf, Contagion, and Octopocalypse.


  Heaven has fallen.

  The legions of Chaos have overrun the world.

  Uërth is in ruins.

  With the Heavenly Host’s fall, Angel Swords rained from the heavens, littering the world in what was.

  Only the most honorable and purest of heart are able to take up the Angel Swords and wield them against the throngs of Chaos. These mighty Empyrean Knights are all that stands between Uërth and annihilation.

  Soul Stealer

  Saedeus is neither pure of heart nor honorable. Nor does he wish to wield an Angel Sword.

  He just wants to be left alone with his mushrooms.

  And his pet rock.

  But he might not have a choice.

  When he inadvertently takes the soul of a dying Empyrean Knight into himself, his world, and his obligations, grow forever larger.

  With the help of his pet rock, the spirit of a heavenly knight, and the sword of a fallen angel, he might be able to make all the difference.

  If he doesn’t die first.

  Wild Mage

  Maeraeth is neither a hero nor a great warrior. Nor does he wish to become an Empyrean Knight.

  He just wants to be left alone with his studies.

  And not be killed by demons.

  But, with the destruction of the Chaos Gate, Uërth may have a chance at redemption.

  If the hordes of Chaos can be contained and if no more portals to the Abyss are created.

  Maeraeth’s teacher, Master Nomba, has other plans for him. Plans that involve both containing demons and preventing their arrival.

  So much for his studies.

  And not being killed by demons.

  Stone Singer

  Born in a secret enclave safe from demonic depredations, Ilya has Chosen.

  She has Chosen to leave her life of security for one on Uërth, despite all its risks.

  Armed only with her Voice, a runic staff, and her training as a Singer, she must venture out into the desolation after the Fall.

  Now she just has to survive long enough to make that Choice worthwhile.

  And make a difference wherever she is able.

  In spite of finding herself in a world overrun by demons.

  Copyright Information

  First Edition: October 2016

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, places, ideas, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 by Joseph J. Bailey. All rights reserved worldwide under the Berne Convention. No part of this document or the related f
iles may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.

  If you have this file (or a printout) and did not pay for it, you are depriving the author and publisher of their rightful royalties. Please pay for your authorized copy by purchasing it through the appropriate retail channels.


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