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The Front Range Butcher: A Jarvis Mann Private Detective HardBoiled Mystery Novel (Jarvis Mann Detective Book 7)

Page 27

by R Weir

  I snorted, “Barry, you aren’t exactly the love doctor. Have you ever had a steady relationship in your life?”

  “Just because I’ve never had one myself, doesn’t mean I can’t spot one for someone else.”

  The modern car kept warning him about his lane recognition, as his animated gestures while talking, had him taking his hands off the wheel, causing it to drift into the other lane. I was beginning to wonder if I’d make it home alive.

  “We had our chance and I blew it,” I said. “Though I’m not the complete hound you are, even with April I still have the wandering eye and temptation.”

  “Yet you’ve not stepped out and slept with another woman since you started seeing April.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Even when tempted. Like with Milani. You could have taken her. Hell, a naked woman, jumping on your lap and clawing at you is hard to ignore. You certainly wouldn’t have ignored it in the past. I couldn’t have ignored her. Seems to me you’re trying to prove to yourself, you’re a better person now and won’t give into temptation.”

  “The situation with Milani seemed wrong.” I admitted.

  “Still it sounds like the one you had with Emily White, who you gave into. Lesson learned I guess and this time you didn’t let your dick control you. I would say that is progress. Growth even.”

  I nodded. Still temptation was all around me. Was it in my blood to stay with a woman long term? April and I clicked on many levels. Still it wasn’t the same feeling I had with Melissa. With her it was not only passion but deep-seated love. Maybe it was there with April, but with Melissa around, it seemed I couldn’t give myself over freely. Who knows, maybe I was shrinking myself, making the whole situation harder than it really was.

  “Jarvis, let me tell you something,” added Barry as we neared my home office. “I’m a hound. There is no doubt about that. But if the right woman came along, someone who plucked all the strings of my heart, I’d give it up in a second. What about you?”

  “Plucked all the strings of my heart?” I asked. “Did you turn into Taylor Swift while you were away?”

  Barry laughed. “Now she’s one I’d give up my hound ways for!”

  “Doubtful. But it would give her good material for a song after you played her before moving onto your next conquest.”

  He started playing an air guitar when he stopped in front of my stairwell, singing in a high voice something like “Barry popped my cherry” followed by some other nonsense. I got out as quickly as my leg allowed me, so I didn’t have to hear anymore.

  With the walking cane they provided me, I made it down the steps and plopped down on the sofa. The leg still was throbbing but doing better. Another scar to my body, which were adding up. Doctor had said a week or so, and I should be fine. I was a fast healer, so I expected sooner, though it had only been forty-eight hours. And I had no intentions of sitting still for too long. There was still much to do.

  They had taken away my weapons. The Beretta and Smith &Wesson .38 were being held by the FBI as evidence. I wouldn’t be getting them back anytime soon. Going to my small safe, I took out my backups, which I’d acquired years earlier after similar issues. One 9mm and one .38, including holsters. I couldn’t be without weapons, especially now. The danger level was still high.

  I decided to make some dinner. I needed calories, since they hadn’t fed me well while incarcerated. I pulled out one of the pounds of hamburger from the freezer and put in in the microwave to thaw. There was a chill in the air, and I wanted something hot and chili sounded good. I wasn’t a master chef by any stretch, but I could whip up something on my own that could tame the growl. I had a can of chili, and once the meat was thawed, I browned it in a pot, drained the grease, added the chili with some water and a little mustard. It was simmering satisfactorily, so I sat back on the sofa.

  Agent Alegre didn’t seem to want to talk much, just threaten. I hadn’t shared anything that I’d learned, only that the two men were there to trap me and kill us both. Belinda was still unconscious, so they hadn’t gotten anything out of her. When she came to, it would be a matter of what she would say. Fear might keep her from saying much. But with death teetering and ready to take her, there may not be much for her to lose. Other than maybe her son.

  I laid back and closed my eyes. My leg was still throbbing, but I was holding off on any more pain meds until bedtime. Sleep was an important part of the recovery process. Hearing the boiling I stood up with the help from the cane, hobbled over and stirred the pot when I heard a knock on the door. I grabbed my gun checking through the peep hole. It was Bill, so I let him in, relieved it wasn’t more drama.

  “April wanted me to check on you,” he said, sniffing the air. “Something smells good.” He was still dressed in his police uniform.

  “Chili,” I replied. “I’d invite you to dinner, but I’m sure the wife has that already handled.”

  “She does. Mostly April wanted to make sure you were alive. Since you aren’t the best at keeping in touch.”

  “FBI had my phone most of the day. Barry drove me home and commanded my time with his stories. Hunger came before social time.”

  “How is the leg?” He looked down seeing the bandage.

  “Hurts. You know how it is, having been shot. I’m lucky, it could have been worse. I’ll be dancing before you know it.”

  “Good to hear. Be sure to rest. I know you well enough to know you think you’re Superman and can magically heal in a second.”

  “More like Wolverine,” I said, with a smile.

  Bill didn’t smile, though he didn’t frown either. His disposition often didn’t change much.

  “Came by to tell you to stop in and see Mallard. I think it’s about your other situation. The rape and child porn. I have a feeling he is acting as a liaison with the Sex Crimes unit and Gail.”

  This was good news to hear. “Gail is the one who arrested me?”


  “Do I need a lawyer with me?” More time on Barry’s meter didn’t thrill me.

  “Informal, I believe. You’re smart enough to know what not to answer.”

  I told him to let Mallard know I’d be in tomorrow morning and he left. I sat down with my chili, crackers and milk, enjoying a quiet evening alone, ever vigilant and never far from my gun.

  Chapter 51

  The pain pills worked well, so sleep was the most refreshing and the best I’d had in several days. No one tried to kill me, which was always a plus. My car had been delivered, and I tested if my leg could handle the strain. It was still too tight having to bend it, so I walked upstairs to the Salon to see if anyone could give me a ride to the station.

  Kate, the owner and landlord for my home office, was working, along with three of the other ladies. The place was quiet, though they had a couple of customers in chairs getting work done. I had helped Kate out of a jam with her cheating husband a few years back and we’d become good friends. She saw the cane, but wasn’t at all shocked.

  “One of these days I hope I don’t have to go to your funeral,” she said, looking at my leg pointedly. “Seems you’re always hobbling or taking a beating.”

  “Occupational hazard. Just a little lead poisoning.”

  She smiled. “Not sure how you keep your sense of humor, but at least I don’t need to worry about you sitting and moping in depression.”

  “I can’t drive and need to go down to Police headquarters for a meeting. Can one of you give me a ride?” I pleaded.

  “Lyft too good for you?” she joked, talking about the driving service that was popular these days.

  “Too expensive.”

  “Nothing new there. Give me a few minutes and I can drive you. Good thing I don’t have the Harley today.”

  “I’d have no issue riding on the back with you. My macho ego wouldn’t be hurt.”

  “Nice to know you’re a progressive male.”

  Kate dropped me off at the station and said to call if I needed a ride bac
k. I limped in and was instantly stopped by a couple of officers who knew me, wondering what had happened now. After talking and glossing over the story, I found Mallard’s office and he was looking through some paperwork. I took a seat and he gave me a nod.

  “Thanks for coming in. Let me see if I can get officer Newton down here.”

  He made the call and she arrived after ten minutes of waiting. She didn’t acknowledge me in any way, just found a chair and sat down to my right. She had long brown hair tied into a ponytail in back. Her dark blue pants suit showed not a single wrinkle on her 5’8’ slender frame. In her hand was a coffee cup, the steam rolling out of it. I’d never cared for the smell of coffee. Most found the aroma invigorating, while I found it unpleasant. She sipped on it slowly, cupping it in both hands, before speaking.

  “Detective Mallard says you’re basically a good guy and that I should listen to your side of the story. I’m here with an open mind about what happened with the minor who has accused you of rape.”

  I looked at Mallard with surprise.

  “Don’t even say it, Jarvis. This is serious stuff you’re being accused of.”

  I was hesitant. “Not sure I’m safe to speak without my lawyer.”

  “All off the record,” said Newton. “There are some issues with the witness statement. I want to hear what you have to say and see if it’s worth pursuing.”

  “Off the record,” I said carefully, looking at Mallard.

  “Completely,” he replied. “You can trust her and me.”

  I knew Mallard, but I didn’t know her. I’d heard she was a tough nut, with a strong arrest record that normally led to convictions. I had no idea if she’d give me a fair shake or not. But I trusted Mallard, so I took his word she was on the up and up.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “When did you first encounter her?” She was taking in the aroma of her coffee while listening.

  “At Boone’s. She was working there as part of the wait staff.”

  “Boone’s serves alcohol.”

  “Yes.” I shifted in the chair, trying to get comfortable, my leg throbbing.

  “Then you assumed she was an adult.” She wasn’t looking at me, only listening.

  “I did. And so did they. The background checks they did confirmed it.”

  “What happened when you first met?”

  I gave her the story about the incident in Boone’s with her boyfriend. At the time I thought it was real, but now I’m not so certain.

  “You offered to help her going forward?”


  “Was she a paying client?” She sipped her brew, savoring it.

  “No. I was being a good guy. Though I was offered two for one beers by Nick the bartender. Don’t tell the IRS.”

  Officer Newton wasn’t writing anything down, but I could see she was making mental notes of everything I said. Mallard was listening, watching reactions depending on who was talking. He had a keen observation skill, like most detectives.

  “Tell me about the next time you met?”

  “She called several days later and said her boyfriend was coming over and she was scared. I drove over, and he left right as I arrived.”

  “Did you pursue him?”

  “No, she called me in and wanted me there to calm her down. Started crying and then made a pass at me.”


  “She lunged at me and kissed me. I pushed her away, but she kept coming back. I finally told her to stop. Her blouse was undone, and I buttoned it back up, telling her I wasn’t going to do anything physical with her and left.” I threw in some hand gestures for effect.

  “Didn’t that put up a red flag in your mind?” She shifted in her chair, crossing her legs, expertly balancing her cup so as not to spill.

  “It did. But I dismissed it as her being emotionally confused. I thought I’d put an end to it by telling her no. I was wrong.”

  “Which leads us to the night in question.”

  “Yes. She knocked on my door late that night. I didn’t want to let her in, but she said she was scared. Against my better judgement I did.”

  “I see. Then what happened.”

  “She sat down for a minute, asked for beer, which I gave her, assuming she was of age since she worked at Boone’s. She took a drink, stood up, opened her coat, showing she was naked and poured the beer on herself and me. Then she jumped on me and started scratching and clawing, saying she wanted to have sex, though in a more derogatory term. I did my best to push her away and eventually had to pry her off me and throw her on the sofa. I yelled at her to leave, which she did.” I did my best to show my displeasure at what happened.

  “Any ideas on where the flash drive came from?” Her head turned, looking at me for the first time.

  “None. I assume she planted it while I got her a drink. Were the pictures of her?”

  “Yes, and videos. Other younger girls as well.”

  I sighed. “I had nothing to do with it or was involved in anyway. That type of porn makes me sick.” I nearly spit out my disgust at the thought.

  “Fair enough.” She looked at Mallard and he nodded his head. “What about the Emily White case a few years back? Where you became involved with a client.”

  I wondered when that was going to come up.

  “Well firstly, she wasn’t a minor but a consenting adult, though a crazy one. And yes, we became involved, though it certainly wasn’t something I’m proud of. I’ve learned from it and have no intentions of becoming involved with a client again, no matter how tempted.”

  “And were you tempted to get involved with this young lady?” Newton’s eyes were reading me now.

  “Absolutely not. It never crossed my mind. The way she attacked me, came onto me, wasn’t normal. I’m in a good relationship with a wonderful woman. I would never jeopardize it over a cheap fling. Looking back, I should have known it was a setup from the beginning. There are times when I’m a little too trusting of people.”

  “You say setup. A setup for what?”

  “I don’t know yet. I plan on finding out, but I was not pursuing it until I knew I wouldn’t be trampling on your case. I’m assuming you have learned she no longer is living at the address she gave?”

  “Yes, we have learned this. And if you weren’t pursuing, how did you know this?”

  I looked rueful. “I might have pursued that one item. I left it alone after that, on advice of counsel.”

  Newton stood up. She found Mallard’s drip machine and filled up her now empty cup, adding some cream and sugar, before sitting back down. I could practically hear the wheels turning in her head on what to say next.

  “Boy, you like your java strong,” she said to Mallard.

  “Puts hair on your chest,” he replied.

  “Oh joy. More hair I need to shave off.”

  She got back up for more sugar until she found the right taste. She continued to stand, still working on what to say.

  “It would seem that the case is not as strong as I’d like. The evidence, including the rape testing, doesn’t have your DNA attached anywhere. The skin under her fingernails from the scratches do, which you acknowledge she inflicted when she jumped on you. The accuser is now absent and no longer available to provide additional statements. I’m inclined to drop the charges, from what I’m hearing from you.”

  I was jumping up and down inside but remained calm. “Thank you. I appreciate you listening to my side of the story and keeping an open mind.”

  She walked on over and turned serious. “But let me make this clear. If she shows up again and provides testimony against you, I’ll refile the charges. And if you so much as go near her again or this case, I’ll be inclined to file obstruction charges. Is that clear?”


  She turned on her heals and headed out the door.

  The room remained quiet for a minute, when Mallard looked me right in the eye. “You won’t be leaving it alone, will you?”

  I shrugged, smiled and stood up with the help of my cane and walked out the door.

  The man knew me well.

  Chapter 52

  The Butcher wasn’t waiting any longer, not caring what his orders were. He needed his fix, after having to wait for many days. He was now sitting in the parking lot of the Super Target, surveying all the activity, knowing what he was looking for. His eyes scanned those coming and going. She was there working inside, he’d spotted her when strolling through the store earlier, as a confirmation. Her shift normally ended at six, it was simply a matter of how long it took her to change and leave. Maybe even do a little shopping of her own. There was no concern as he was there ready to approach, her car was parked further out in the lot per policy, his car only a few spots away.

  It was cooler today, the breeze making for a feeling of early fall, the temps were in the lower sixties, with clouds filtering the sun. He had a light jacket covering his arms, a ball cap covering his shaved head, sunglasses shielding his eyes and thin leather gloves were covering his hands.

  His heart skipped a beat when he thought it was her coming, but it was just another woman walking with two bags in her hands. She was lovely too, but not like the one he cherished. She was kind and helpful when he asked for assistance. Her touch of the hand to his shoulder sealed the deal in his mind. It was as though she was asking him to love her. There was no one else and he had to have her. Imagining her glistening body lying there, waiting for him to explore, left him tingling with lust. There was nothing like it on Earth, the rush he felt. It had been ingrained in his head since childhood. His mentor grooming him for this day. There would be no mistake this time. He was feeling bold and daring, like never before.

  It was nearly twenty after six when she walked out. Jill had her blonde hair loose and flowing in the wind. She was a little on the heavy side by society’s conventions, but she wore it well, her jeans and shirt showing all her curves in a grand way. She walked calmly, unaware of any danger, two Target bags held in her left hand, keys in her right. He pulled his car up closer to hers and stepped out.


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