Mystery at Oakfield Hall

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Mystery at Oakfield Hall Page 5

by Irena Nieslony

  “Oh, you would mention that, wouldn’t you, Miss Smarty-pants,” John spoke. “You’ll be laughing on the other side of your face when you’ve spent all your savings and this house is still decrepit.”

  “Well, I think you’re doing a great job with it,” Steven said. “It’s already looking better.”

  “I don’t know why you’re taking her side.” Barbara spoke. “Part of this house could have ended up being your inheritance.”

  “I just respect Uncle George’s wishes, Mum. It’s not a matter of taking sides.”

  “Please can you all stop fighting? It’s my birthday and I want to have a nice time,” Sarah piped up.

  Everybody shut up and stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Luckily the doorbell rang, disturbing the silence. Sarah rushed to get it and found James standing on the doorstep.

  “Hello birthday girl,” he said, giving her a kiss on both cheeks and handing her a gift. “Many happy returns.”

  “Thank you, James,” Sarah spoke excitedly. "Do come on in.”

  Sarah, her family and Mary all went into the sitting room, but Rachel hung back with James.

  “Hello darling,” James said, giving her a soft and gentle kiss. “I won’t ruin your lipstick. I’ll save the proper kiss for later.”

  “It’s so good to see you, James,” Rachel said, her voice quivering a little.

  She could hardly believe he was back and looking even more gorgeous than before he went to New York.

  “You look amazing, Rachel,” James said, his eyes gazing deep into hers. “I have missed you.”

  “And I’ve missed you,” Rachel replied, as James lightly ran his fingers down her back.

  “Come on James,” Sarah shouted from the sitting room. “I’m just about to open your gift.”

  “Until later then,” James said.

  Rachel nodded, feeling both excited and nervous at the same time.

  * * *

  By nine o’clock Oakfield was buzzing. Everybody seemed to be having a good time apart from Sarah’s parents and Arthur and Joan. Sarah hadn’t wanted to invite her uncle and aunt, but Barbara had insisted. Arthur’s son Mark, and his wife, Katie were also there. Sam and his son, Tony, had made their excuses.

  At about five past nine, one of Sarah’s friends whispered in Rachel’s ear that there was an Inspector Taylor to see her. She had forgotten about him and was annoyed that she had to leave the party to give her statement.

  Going into the hallway, Rachel saw the Inspector hovering near the front door, looking as dismal as usual.

  “Inspector Taylor, I had forgotten you were coming. Do you want to sit at that desk over there to take my statement?”

  “Yes, that would be fine. I don’t want to keep you from your party.”

  “It’s not my party. It’s Sarah Robertson’s,” Rachel said irritably.

  Hadn’t she already told him this?

  They sat down and she very quickly told him about the phone calls she’d been having. She didn’t want to spend one moment longer than she had to with the detective.

  “Of course it could be someone ringing the wrong number,” Inspector Taylor commented.

  “What? So many times? I hardly think so. No, someone was trying to frighten me, and they were succeeding.”

  “When was the last time you had one of these calls?”

  “Last night, though of course I could have had one this evening, but the phone is out here. All the calls have come to the land line. I wouldn’t have heard it with the music blaring out in there. Is there anything else you want to know?”

  “No, I think that’s it.

  Rachel was looking forward to getting rid of him, but she didn’t like being rude. She felt she had to offer him a drink. He was bound to refuse, so what harm would it do?

  “Would you like a drink before you go?"

  “I wouldn’t mind one,” he replied, much to Rachel’s surprise.

  “Oh, well come into the sitting room then.”

  Rachel led Inspector Taylor in and got him a light beer. No sooner had she got it that Mary joined them.

  “Hello, Inspector Taylor. How nice to see you here. I didn’t know you were invited.”

  Rachel tried not to smile at Mary’s last comment, knowing that she had made an extra special effort with her appearance that evening.

  “I wasn’t,” Taylor replied. “I came to take a statement from Ms. Fisher.”

  “Oh, well you’re here now so you might as well stay a bit longer.”

  “I must see where James has got to,” Rachel spoke, thinking that Mary would appreciate being left alone with Taylor.

  Rachel went to join James, but as she got to him, she noticed that Inspector Taylor was still staring at her.

  “James, can we move somewhere else please. Inspector Taylor is looking at me. I have a feeling he thinks I’m making everything up. I don’t know why, but he definitely doesn’t like me.”

  “Ok, darling, whatever you want. I’ve a good mind to ask them to put another detective on this case.”

  “Oh no, don’t do that. I don’t want any fuss made.”

  “If you’re sure?

  “Quite sure.”

  For the first time, Rachel felt a little annoyed with James. She liked being independent and doing things for herself, not that she minded having the door opened for her once in a while, but this would be going too far. If she wasn’t happy with Inspector Taylor being in charge of her case, she would sort it out herself.

  James, however, was oblivious to her slight change of mood and put his arm around her, knowing that Inspector Taylor was still watching them. He was determined to show the detective that if he upset Rachel, he would have him to deal with. As far as James was concerned, he and Rachel were a couple now.

  “Rachel, darling,” James continued, “Put down your glass and have a dance with me, please.”

  “Oh, I don’t know....”

  Rachel was feeling a little disconcerted. She had been waiting for this evening since James had left for New York, dreaming of how romantic their reunion would be, so why on earth was she annoyed with him for something so trivial? Perhaps she couldn’t completely forget what he was like when he had been a little boy. Possibly she was more wary of him than she thought she was.

  “Please, just one dance,” he pleaded.

  What was the harm of one dance? Rachel decided she was probably over reacting so she smiled, put down her glass and they joined all the young people. She could feel the eyes of Arthur, John and Barbara on her, but she didn’t care. They hated her and there was nothing she could do about it. Well, she could give them the house, but she wasn’t going to do that; they didn’t deserve it.

  Once Rachel started dancing, there was no stopping her, but after about ten minutes, James paused for a moment and Rachel noticed he seemed a little out of breath.

  “I’m afraid I can’t keep up with you, Rachel. You’re much too fit for me.”

  Rachel grinned, though she was surprised. James looked particularly fit and trim.

  “Shall we go and finish our drinks then?” she said diplomatically.

  As they walked back to their drinks, Rachel saw Inspector Taylor stomping out and a very forlorn Mary standing alone. She signaled Mary to come over.

  “You don’t look too happy, Mary. What’s up?” Rachel asked, sounding genuinely concerned for her closest friend.

  “I’m going to have to admit you’re right. Peter Taylor is quite an obnoxious man. He’s got no right looking so handsome, yet have no soul.”

  James laughed.

  “It’s not funny, James,” Mary exploded.

  “Oh, don’t be so miserable, Mary. You’ll find someone else soon enough. You always did when we were younger.”

  “What are you insinuating, James? Mary asked crossly.

  “Nothing. I’m only saying that lots of boys were attracted to you, nothing sinister.”

  Mary glared at him, thinking he meant something else altogether.r />
  “Come on you two, play nicely,” Rachel intervened, taking a sip of her wine. “This wine tastes a bit odd," she said.

  Mary took it from her and had a gulp.

  “Tastes fine to me,”

  “Hey, that’s my drink,” Rachel laughed, taking back her glass.

  “Do you want me to get you another drink, Rachel?” James asked.

  “No, this will be alright, but you could get Mary a glass of wine. White is it, Mary?”

  Mary nodded and looked quite smug as James trundled off to get her a drink. He didn’t look too pleased that he had been sent off to get his sworn enemy a glass of wine. He had never liked Mary and it showed.

  “So, Mary, what happened between you and the detective?”

  “Oh, Rachel. I was just being too pushy I suppose. I probably told him more than he wanted to know about my ex-husbands and when I asked if he was married, he told me it was none of my business and stomped off. He also spent more time watching you and James than looking me in the eye. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he fancied you.”

  ‘Oh no, Mary, that’s impossible. He’s equally rude to me. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m imagining that someone’s trying to kill me.”

  “Well, I’ve forgotten about a relationship with him already. I’d rather go back to either of my ex-husbands and you know what I think of them.”

  “Here you are,” James said, returning with a glass of white wine for Mary and almost shoving it in her hand.

  “Hey be careful; you almost spilt it.”

  “Sorry,” James said, but Rachel could tell he didn’t mean it.

  Mary took a long drink and then put the glass down.

  “I’m just going to pop to the restroom,” she said.

  As soon as Mary was out of earshot, Rachel spoke to James.

  “You could have been a little nicer to Mary,” Rachel said. “She’s been through a hard time with her last husband and I’m sure it took a lot of courage for her to talk to Inspector Taylor.”

  “Nonsense, Rachel, she was always a flirt, even as a young teenager. I still can’t fathom why the boys went for her though. She was, and still is, a little on the large side.”

  “So what, she’s pretty and clever and has a great personality.” Rachel remarked, feeling annoyed with James again. "Plus she’s my best friend, so anyone who wants to go out with me must get on with Mary as well.”

  “Alright. I’m sorry, Rachel. You’re right; I’m basing my feelings now on what I thought of her as a kid. If you and I did that about each other, we wouldn’t be together now. I apologize. I will try my best. Do you forgive me?”

  James bent down and started kissing Rachel’s neck. She felt a shiver go through her and she thought how sincere he had sounded. Yes, she would give him another chance, but he had upset her twice today, so he wouldn’t be getting many more chances in the future.

  When Rachel finished her drink, James went to get them both another and some food for all three of them. While he was gone, Sarah came up to her.

  “Thank you so much for letting me have my party here. Everyone’s having a wonderful time.”

  The sitting room led onto the terrace and the enormous back garden and some of the guests had ventured outside. They had been lucky in that it was a warm summer’s evening.

  “I wish your parents and uncle were enjoying it, at least a little. They all look as if they had been forced to come here.”

  “Mum’s enjoying herself in her own way, going into the kitchen and telling the caterers what to do!” Sarah laughed, but then became serious, noticing a change in Rachel “What’s up Rachel? You look a bit faint?’

  “I don’t know. I suddenly feel a bit dizzy and very sick.”

  Mary, who had come back from the restroom, also looked a little ill.

  “Are you alright Rachel?” Mary asked. “I don’t feel too good myself. I’ve just been sick.”

  As James came back with a tray which had on it three plates of food and two glasses of wine, Rachel started to sway helplessly. He shoved the tray at Mary and grabbed Rachel who fainted into his arms.

  * * *

  When Rachel woke up she didn’t know where she was. All she could think was that she was having a feeling of déjà-vu. It didn’t seem that long ago that she had woken up not knowing where she was. Her vision now was a little blurry and all she could hear were voices arguing.

  “She needs to go to the hospital,” Mary spoke. “There was something in her glass of wine. She said it tasted funny. I was sick as well, but I only took one sip of it.”

  “Oh, for goodness sake, Mary, it’s your imagination. It’s probably food poisoning.”

  Rachel recognized the man’s voice as being James and even though she felt awful, she was annoyed that he was having a go at her friend after she had asked him to be nice to her.

  “Nobody else is sick,” Barbara’s loud voice filled the room, hurting Rachel’s already fragile head. “How dare you accuse my first class caterers of poisoning the guests? They have certificates, you know. You were a horrible child, James, and you’re no better now.”

  Rachel struggled to sit up and despite James telling her to take it easy, she refused to be silenced.

  “Please,” she said in a husky voice, unable to speak normally. “Please don’t argue. It’s not doing any good and it’s ruining Sarah’s big day.”

  Then her head started to hurt even more and she got stomach cramps.

  “Oh dear, I feel like I’m going to be sick.”

  Mary and Sarah helped Rachel to the restroom, telling James they could manage. Everybody stood there awkwardly for a few moments until Barbara decided that the party should continue. After all, Rachel could just go to bed.

  James, however, was unable to stay in the sitting room and went to wait for Rachel outside the bathroom. It wasn’t long before she came out with Sarah and Mary.

  “Do you feel any better now, darling?” James asked immediately.

  Rachel shook her head.

  “What about you, Mary?” Rachel asked.

  “I have stomach cramps, but I’m not as bad as you.”

  “I’m starting to get muscle cramps as well,” Rachel added, sitting down on a chair by the bathroom door. “It’s not pleasant at all. Perhaps I should go to the hospital.”

  James was about to speak when Mary butted in.

  “Don’t you dare say anything, James. I know Rachel better than you. She never makes a fuss about her health. You practically have to drag her to a doctor, so for her to suggest going to the hospital, she must feel there’s something wrong. I’m going to ring for an ambulance and I’m going to go as well. Don’t you remember that someone tried to kill Rachel at George’s funeral? Well, I think there was something in her drink and I had some of it too. We both need to be tested. Someone’s out to get Rachel and we need to find out who.”

  Both James and Sarah were staring at Mary, astounded, but then they looked at Rachel.

  “Oh my God, what’s happened to her now?” Sarah asked.

  Rachel had fallen on the floor and was lying contorted having a fit of some sort. Was it too late?

  Chapter 5

  Rachel heard the arguing even before she opened her eyes. Still half-asleep, she couldn’t quite make out the voices. Then she realized she was in bed and she was wearing a nightgown. It didn’t feel like one of hers, so where was she and who on earth had changed her clothes?

  Reluctantly, as she didn’t want to face whatever had happened, Rachel slowly opened her eyes. It gave her a shock that the first person she saw was Inspector Taylor. She wondered immediately what he was doing at her bedside and why he was staring so intently at her. She looked away quickly, feeling embarrassed by his gaze and then saw Mary and James and wasn’t surprised that it was them who were locked in an argument.

  “Listen, someone is trying to kill Rachel. There was poison in that glass of wine. You just wait. The doctors will find something.”

  “You’re so m
elodramatic, Mary. It’s a bit extreme killing Rachel for a house, well, part of a house, and a run-down one at that. It could only have been Arthur or John as Sam wasn’t there, or either of their wives I suppose, but I’m sure someone would have seen them do it.”

  “Not necessarily,” Mary replied. “The lights were subdued and there were lots of people in the room. I think it would have been easy to slip something into Rachel’s drink.”

  “Please you two, stop arguing,” Rachel whispered.

  ‘You’re awake” James exclaimed and rushed to her bedside. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “Am I in the hospital again?”

  “Yes, you had a fit and passed out.”

  “Why are the police here?”

  ‘Mary’s convinced you’ve been poisoned.”

  Rachel looked over at Mary.

  ‘I’ve told the doctors that you’ve probably been poisoned and I have too, albeit inadvertently. They want to take a sample. They’ve already taken one from me. I’m sure it was in that glass of wine of yours which you said tasted funny. Remember? I also had a drink of it. I’m sure that’s it, because I’ve been sick and have had terrible stomach pains.”

  James rolled his eyes, but luckily Rachel didn’t see.

  “You’re very quiet, Inspector Taylor,” Rachel said. “What do you think?”

  “I think we need to wait and see what the doctors have to say. It does seem a coincidence that something has happened to you twice.”

  Rachel raised her eyebrows. This was a turn up for the books. Peter Taylor, the great detective, wasn’t dismissing this threat to her life.

  ‘’I feel all out of sync,” Rachel said. “What on earth is the time?’

  “Just after one,” Mary replied.

  “Oh Mary, what about your children?”

  “Don’t worry, the babysitter agreed to stay over.”

  “You mustn’t worry about anything, Rachel,” James said, stroking her hand. ”You need to relax and let us take care of you.”

  Rachel turned and looked at James. He suddenly looked appealing again and any doubts she’d had about him flew out of the window. She knew the doubts had mainly risen because he and Mary didn’t get on. Mary was her closest friend and she was always defensive of her and vice versa. However, she couldn’t give up on James because of Mary. She hadn’t had feelings this strong about a man for a long time and he was perfect in every other way. Rachel had totally forgotten about the times he had been a little chauvinistic, or perhaps she didn’t want to remember. Possibly this was because Rachel liked him up on that pedestal she had built for him.


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