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The Rosewood Institute

Page 4

by beltedone

  Wo Tun was pleased to notice that after the first week, 9 would continue his exercises at night on the chin up bar. His physique was progressing nicely, and he was sleeping better.

  9 started to do pull-ups by climbing up on the pull up bar, wrapping his legs around the bar, hanging down and using his stomach muscles to pull his body up. Denied alcohol, he was experiencing the amazing high one gets from sustained physical activity. It is highly addictive.

  * * * *

  6, the California girl, was participating in her second interview. She was kneeling on the floor in Lady Victoria’s office as Lady V asked her a series of questions. She was getting used to being naked all the time except for the shiny steel belt locked around her waist that covered her pubis. 6 would have been a model if not for her curves. She was full and lush and beautiful in her fullness.

  Once a competitive athlete, Wo Tun had enjoyed whipping her into shape. He used flexibility training on the females to bring out the finest in their bodies.

  “You are sleeping better?”

  “Yes, Miss, I am. Wo Tun works us night and day. I am exhausted at night.”

  “Good. He has a talent for getting the most out of people. You know, you were a mess when you came in here. Hallucinating, screaming, fighting off imaginary demons. Meth can destroy, and you were weeks away from permanent mental disease, not to mention your gums were a mess. How are the implants?”

  “They are fine, Miss. I can eat naturally, and my smile is nice again.”

  “You’re far more polite than at our last session. Wo Tun must have worked his magic on your attitude.”

  “Yeah, he spanked my ass raw. Took a long time too. He would gently rub my buns then spank me so sore I screamed then caressed my buns again. He did this over and over again until I was balling like a baby.”

  “Sounds like him. He told me once that he particularly loves spanking lily-white American buns until they cry, and they can’t stop crying. So don’t misbehave. Next time will be much worse.”

  6 looked down at the floor and said, “Yes, Miss.”

  “And the cravings? How are they?”

  “Physically, the shit is out of my system, but I still want meth. I want it really bad.”

  “Eventually that will go away too. At least you will learn to keep it at bay. But you must really work at that. I’ll help.

  “So, the big question, how did a beautiful blond California girl come to be in a crack house in Harlem turning tricks for another hit of meth?”

  6 blew out some air and said in a whisper, “Do I have to tell you the story of my life? I don’t wanna.” She said the last sentence in a little-girl voice that revealed the hurt child inside her.

  “You can tell me or Wo Tun. Which will it be? Remember, his methods are more direct and painful.”

  6 thought, rubbed her buns, remembered her last punishment, and said in that small little girl’s voice, “Ok, there is not much to tell. I lived on the beach near LA. You’re right, I’m a California girl from the blonde hair to the perky, cute boobs.”

  She giggled and said, “I got into surfing, was good enough to win some local contests. I loved the beach, the surf life, and the waves. I was good. I was really, really good. Have you ever been inside a perfect eight-foot wave when it curls over you and all you see is water all around you? God, what a rush!

  “Some said I could go all the way and win the big competitions in Hawaii. So, I got a sponsor and landed on the North Shore. The first few contests I won or placed high in the competition. I got a few interviews with the outside sports magazines. I was generating buzz. Being tall and strong, I could out paddle any other female surfer, so I always had better position for great waves. On the board, I had cats’ feet.

  “I was cocky. I guess too cocky. I surfed a contest at the Pipeline where the waves are perfect ten-feet-tall tubes but break in 20 inches of water onto coral and rocks. On the last wave of the day, I mistimed the break and wiped out bad. The wave bounced me off the rock bottom, picked me up and bounced me off the bottom a few more times then spit me out like used trash. When it was all over, I had a bad head laceration that required thirty stitches to close; my arm was broken in three places. After surgery and rehab, I was left with an arm that couldn’t push me on a surfboard and never would. All my dreams gone on one lousy wave. They tried to fix the tendons in my arm that were damaged three times before they gave up.

  “I used up all my money feeling sorry for myself, tried the BMX scene for a while as a competitor then as the only female mechanic on the circuit. But I couldn’t shake what I missed so bad. I started smoking meth, and after the first hit, I was hooked. I’d do anything for a hit. When I was too fucked up to work, I whored myself out. Some guy who enjoyed balling me was going from Vegas to New York. I landed here; he pushed me out of the car in Harlem and drove off.

  “Do you mind my asking? What is the fascination with my sorted past? I’m just here to entertain the customers, right, Miss?”

  “You are a work in progress, dear. Consider yourself a foreclosed house, or as they say in the trade, a fixer-upper. To get you to a point I can make a profit off you, you have to be mentally healthy as well as physically healthy. So, we talk. Maybe we solve a few issues, so when we place you in a nice home, they will be happy with you, and you will be happy. Right now, I have an appointment with a newbie. But I want you to stay.”

  Lady Victoria pressed a button on her desk, and a wooden wall panel flipped revealing a stout, straight-backed chair with metal straps at the neck, arms, and legs.

  “Sit in the chair, dear.”

  “Yes, Miss.” 6 sat in the chair. A retracted steel band went around her neck, clamping it to the chair back. Bands went around her wrists, clamping to the chair arms and around her ankles, clamping them to the chair legs.

  “I don’t have to remind you to be perfectly quiet, do I? I could easily use an isolation hood.”

  6 looked down at the floor again and said in her hurt little-girl voice, “I’ll be good, Miss.”

  Lady Victoria went back to her desk, pressed the button, and the chair disappeared along with 6.

  Wo Tun led 9 in and pushed him to the ground. “Kneel when in the presence of Lady Victoria, worm.”

  Lady Victoria went behind her desk and sat down, dismissing Mr. Tun.

  Lady Victoria said, “Wo says you have made great progress. You can do fifty pushups, fifty crunches, and fifty chin-ups. Your arms, chest and legs are forming nicely, Good boy.”

  He looked up and said, “Thank you.” He hesitated and said, “Miss.”

  “So what is your story, worm?”

  “What do you mean? I was walking down the street, saw a sign for a free massage, and wound up here.”

  “Don’t play with me, worm. I know your history. What made you like this, a sorry alcoholic using a bottle to kill himself.”

  9 said in a quiet voice, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “You’ll tell me, or you’ll tell Wo Tun. And his methods are not as pleasant.”

  He said in a whisper, “I can’t.”

  She thought of pressing him harder, but he might retreat into himself. She didn’t need him anymore closed off than he already was.

  “Very well. We will come back to you some other time. You are irritating me with your behavior. If you irritate me, there will always be consequences. This year can be enjoyable for you or hell. It is your choice. I find that you sluts are unused to dealing with the consequences of your actions. It is why you are how you are.”

  “Miss, please, I know I can’t have any booze, and I’m dry right now, but could I have just a sip? Honest, just a little. I’ve haven’t gone this long without booze in so long.”

  “Silence, worm. My animals do not use alcohol. Get used to it. I can see you are not ready for privileges. Let me tell you the rules here. One, you will obey all commands when they are given, or you will be punished. Two, you are here to pleasure my guests. If you are in danger or feel you are
threatened, you can deny service. If not, you will satisfy the sexual desires of the clients no matter what they request. Three, when you are not servicing clients, you will do chores to help maintain the facility. Do you have any preferences, such as maintaining the plants, cleaning the cells, or some other task? Do you have any usable skills besides accounting?”

  “Do you have a kitchen? I like to bake.”

  “Interesting. You just told me a bit about yourself. Tell me about baking.”

  “I’ve always liked to be in the kitchen. All the good smells are there. Mom taught me how to bake bread when I was little, and I was hooked. I like working with flour, and I like making people happy with food.”

  “All right then. You will be assigned to kitchen duty, and I will judge your cooking. We have a wonderful Asian cook, but I tire of General Tsao chicken. And he is always complaining about not having enough help.

  “Four, your sex is mine for a year. You will be fitted with a chastity belt unless there is a special party that requires your cock. I doubt if there will be such a party. Five, you will be polite and respectful at all times. There are a lot of things I can tolerate, but disrespect is not one of them. Do you understand?”

  9 nodded.

  “Six, you will address me at all times as Miss or Lady Victoria. Seven, you will kneel in my presence or in Wo Tun’s presence. Eight, in my absence, Wo Tun is in charge.”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  “Good. I’m going to buzz Wo and have him take you back to your cell in a few minutes, but first, we are going to have a lesson in pleasuring. I will start you as a pussy licker. If you are good, we will teach you to be an all-around whore. There are four levels here: pussy licker, apprentice whore, whore, and senior whore. I think I can make a first-class slut out of you.”

  Lady Victoria pressed the button on her desk, and 6, hidden in the wall, whirled around, still bound in the chair.

  9’s jaw dropped. Bound to the chair was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Blond and beautiful and big. Even sitting down, he knew she was over 6 feet tall. 9 barely 5’7” loved tall, strong women.

  Lady Victoria took note of 9’s response.

  9 just stared at the amazing curves, the full breasts, and the inviting lips. To 9, she was the perfect woman.

  To 6, he was a little guy in need of a shave and a haircut. She remembered her first month at the Institute and how good that first shower felt after weeks alone in her cell. She thought he might clean up well. He stared a lot. Probably hadn’t seen many naked women in the flesh.

  Lady Victoria said, “Come here, 9. I am going to give you a bit of instruction in pleasuring.”

  Curious, 9 crawled over until he was close to the immobile 6.

  Lady Victoria pressed a remote on a bracelet on her arm, and 6’s chastity belt unlocked. She moved it aside so that 6’s vagina was exposed. Lady Victoria then used a pointer to instruct 9.

  “This is a vagina,” she snickered. “Have you ever pleasured one before?”

  “I’ve been with hookers and some girls in college. I’ve made love before.”

  “Stupid little man. I am not interested in your ten-second thrashing under the sheets that ended all too soon, leaving your partner disappointed. I’m talking about giving your lover the sweet, strong contractions and spasms that make her scream and drive her nails into your back.”

  “Guys do that, Miss?”

  Sighing to herself, Miss Victoria said, “Consider this Anatomy 101. Your basic female vagina is like a beautiful, delicate rose. Would you take your palm and roughly rub it on a rose?”

  “No, Miss.”

  “Good. You would be gentle with a flower, and you should always be gentle with a woman’s rose. See the edges there. Never neglect them. Just like a rose has petals, a female has soft petals too. A female’s rose is closed, and you have to gently open it with your tongue. You touch, kiss, lick, and lightly nibble those lips. Remember, it is all about mood and your partner’s head. You slowly get her in the mood and relax her. When she is talking to you using moans and groans, you move forward to the clitoris.”

  She placed her pointer on 6’s clitoris, moving it up and down with the pointer as if she was a lab specimen.

  9 could see that 6 was uncomfortable being manipulated that way, but she said nothing.

  “Women like a slow, perfect motion. If you make your tongue motion perfectly smooth, without jerks or stops, you will please your client. At some point, she will lose control. Then, you can go a little crazy. Move your tongue side to side. Put your entire face in her vagina. Don’t forget your nose. Smell her; use it to tease her. Women enjoy a man who gets into her and does not hold back. Never hold back.

  “Also, how do you think desire is built? All at once?”

  “No, I like a good tease or foreplay before getting down and dirty.”

  “Very good answer. Desire is built like a fire in a fireplace. One uses paper and tinder. Small sticks and bits of wood. Only then are logs used. It is the same with humans. Start by kissing and licking the feet. Slowly, very slowly, move up the leg, taking care to give special attention to the inner thigh. A woman’s inner thigh is definitely an erogenous zone most men seem to give short shrift.

  “That is enough for now. I will give you some on-the-job training at the next Ladies’ Luncheon. Then, I’ll bring you back here for advanced training with 6. She is a tough cookie. When you can make her cum, you can bring a statue to orgasm. I’ll give Mr. Tun some ideas to strengthen your tongue until then. And 9, I’ll tell Mr. Tun to have you fitted for a belt.”

  She locked 6 back in her chastity belt, called Tun and had him escort both of them to their cells, which turned out to be next to one another.

  9 spent the night in heat from the session with Lady Victoria. He forgot about wanting booze. There were many other sessions with 6 and Lady Victoria until 9 was judged adequate to participate in the festivities, as the Lady called them. He made 6 moan in a lesson. He just wished he could do it for real.


  The Ladies Luncheon

  The day began in the usual way for 9. Breakfast was promptly at six followed by two hours of strenuous exercise that left 9 exhausted. Wo Tun kept pushing 9 harder and harder, but 9 had never been in the physical condition he was in now. Things were about to change for 9.

  Wo Tun fetched him from his cell and led him down an old brick corridor to shower stalls. Wo Tun told him that from now on, his cell door would be unlocked electronically, and he could go down to the shower room by himself. If he screwed up in any way, this privilege could be revoked.

  He was instructed to wash the filth off of himself. There was only one setting on the shower nozzle, very hot and 9 let the water wash him clean. Next, he got to shave off two weeks of beard (not much for him with his fair complexion) and generally do all the grooming that one does.

  He was instructed to shave off all his hair from the waist down. That was a new experience for him and took a while to accomplish. He’d never seen his cock hairless, and it looked strange exposed like that. He nicked his legs a few times, but Tun had a styptic pencil he used to stop the bleeding.

  Tun seemed to enjoy the fact that the pencil was a painful bite on 9’s leg. “Baby,” he said to 9.

  There was even a barber chair in the corner of the facility with an older gentleman barber waiting. It felt strange to sit in the comfy barber chair after so long on the lumpy mattress, but he soon found himself discussing the Mets’ chances for next year with the affable old gent. The barber cut his hair shorter than he usually wore it, and with his fair blonde locks shorn, it gave him a slightly younger look.

  When he was popped out of the chair, Wo Tun sprayed him with cologne and directed him over to another stall with a sign over it that said “belting station.” Wo Tun strapped him in the stall so he was immobile at the top but accessible at the bottom.

  “I can make this easy or hard, worm. This will take some adjustment on your part. You will pee si
tting down from now on. You will not be able to touch yourself. After a while, it will feel numb down there.”

  “What the hell?”

  With that, Wo Tun picked up a stainless steel band from a shelf, put it around 9’s waist until 9 heard a click, then a band dropped from the belt between his legs and behind him. He heard another click as the band locked into something behind him. Immediately, he felt the two plates in the rear band that pushed his rear open.

  “This hurts.”

  “Quiet. You’re feeling the plates. They are so you can keep clean back there. They also make it easier for people to use you back there. You now have a male pussy for the clients’ use. I am sure they will use it well.”

  “I want this off. I didn’t agree to this shit.”

  Wo Tun quickly unstrapped 9, flicking the buckles free and picked him up by the throat with one hand and said, “You are a puny, little man. When you beat me in combat, I will gladly take your belt off. Are you willing to try? When you came here, you were weeks away from dying of your addictions. We cleaned you up. You can pay us back by cooperating. Whatever you are asked to do by the ladies, you will do. If not, you and I will have a discussion. My fists will do the talking. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” 9 said sullenly.

  “And another thing. You will smile at the customers. Be pleasant. Talk to them. Find out what they like and chat about it. You will be perfectly pleasant. Now, come with me, 6 and the others are already in the sun room.”

  Won Tun led 9 to a new room. It was bright, beautiful, and very luxurious with the sun streaming in from big windows. The room had a view of a small park that set its tranquil mood. The floor was expensive, off-white travertine tile. The walls were white, as was most of the furniture that was not glass. There were ferns and colorful flowers hanging from the ceiling that gave color, as did the decorative floral pillows. It was a very nice, elegant room.


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