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The Rosewood Institute

Page 10

by beltedone

  He pushed her down on the silk pillows.

  There was so much softness and luxury in his world. All sensual materials, hot atmospheres, and semi-naked slaves, not like the coarse wools, covered bodies, and bare woods and cold climes she was used to. Everything in this world was designed to please and excite.

  That first time, he laid her down on the pillows and entered her with one strong thrust.

  She gave a little squeal before he started a strong, powerful stroke that forced her to grasp his shoulders and mew like a kitten. They came together and were united by it in a way few ever know. It was a consummation. It changed her.

  The second time he took her almost shattered her. It was stronger than the first and made each and every neuron in her body scream. Her physical scream was louder than the first yet not loud enough for the sheik.

  The third time was insidious. He sat upright, lifting her like a rag doll and easing her on his still-hard cock. He would lift her like she was as light as a feather then slowly ease her down on him. He did this over and over at the same slow speed, driving his member deeper and deeper inside her, filling her up like she had never been before. She tried to struggle and hug him. She begged him to go faster as the orgasm was coming excruciatingly slow, but he would not end the dance. On and on, his magnificent muscles lifted her and eased her down. She wanted the final act so badly and knew it was there in the background, waiting for her, but he denied it to her as he brought it to her at his own speed.

  She moaned in frustration then hyperventilated and held her breath. She let out that breath, expelling all the air from her lungs, then held her breath for the longest time in her life and still the elusive orgasm came at its own speed. Then, he gave one final thrust.

  In that final thrust, when the sheik’s semen flowed like honey into her, she experienced Le Petit Mort—the little death—and all her preconceptions of life and the world were swept away. In that moment, when her heart started to beat with her lover’s heart for a split second, connected to him only by his throbbing member, in that moment, she realized the wonders of the world were loving and being loved. And she fainted, her beautiful yet sweaty body jerking like a puppet on strings. She slumped on the sheik, exhausted, her entire body spasming out of control but not before she screamed like she had never screamed before. She screamed hard enough to break glass goblets. She screamed in joy and pain both. She screamed because, up to that point, her life had been hollow, and now, it was full.

  All that could be heard was a loud, low laugh from the sheik.

  * * * *

  The lights went dim.

  Lady Victoria came back onto the stage and said, “I hope you enjoyed our little tableau tonight and that it will inspire you to new heights in your own bedroom.”

  Unbeknownst to her, one guest was leaning over to his wife and saying, “Big deal, someone had great sex. We could have stayed home and rented a porno.”

  Lady Victoria said, “Please give our two erotic actors a hand. They did an amazing job.”

  The sheik and the damsel came up front to stand on either side of Lady Victoria and took a bow.

  Lady Victoria used that moment to grab a piece of flesh from each and pull. The crowd was aghast. Lady Victoria ripped the latex flesh-covered material off of them both, revealing that the sheik was actually 6 and the damsel was actually 9. It had been a complete role reversal.

  A gasp came over the crowd. They had no idea what they had just seen and experienced.

  Lady Victoria said, “I can assure you that they actually felt what they felt. There was no acting here tonight. Every orgasm was real. Each has been given a strong drug and been hypnotized. The best special-effects monster makers from Hollywood were used to alter their sex. Now, I’ll snap my fingers, and they will come out of their trance. They will remember everything that happened here tonight.”

  Lady Victoria snapped her fingers, and the two who had been sedated and hypnotized came out of their trance. That is when all hell broke loose.


  Even Mice Have Teeth

  9 came out of the deep trance he was in, saw the vagina hanging down from his groin, and felt the breasts on his chest. He said to Lady Victoria, “You bitch. How could you?” And stalked out of the room much to everyone’s surprise.

  Lady Victoria called out to Wo Tun to take over and found 9 in a corridor, kneeling on the hardwood floor, crying his eyes out, his plastic female prosthesis on the floor beside him.

  “Why? Why did you ruin it? How did you know, damn it? How did you know?” He beat at her legs.

  “In my office now, slave, or spend the next month in isolation,” she barked.

  When 9 got into the office, he stood in defiance. He had gone past sadness to anger. Pure red-hot anger. He held his fists up to Lady Victoria and shook them.

  “How the hell did you know that was my ultimate sexual fantasy? Who told you? Do you have bugs all over? I bet you’ve bugged our cells. And why did you have to fulfill it that way in front of those perverts? Why did you have to make it dirty? All my life I’ve wanted a woman to take me like that, and you made it wrong and bad. All my life I’ve been searching for someone like 6. Damn you, Victoria. Damn you to hell.”

  Victoria was shocked. A calm, calculating woman, she had no idea until that moment that she had just pressed the ultimate buttons in 9 and stalled for time to re-establish control. At that moment, Wo Tun came in.

  “Lady Victoria, I led the guests down to the playrooms, and they are enjoying themselves. 6 is still curled up in a ball on the stage. 4 is with her. What happened? What went wrong?”

  “Apparently, I spent $50,000 on hypnosis and a special-effects body artist for nothing. I thought the crowd would love it, and they did. And I thought 6 and 9 would enjoy the role play. 9 is small and fair. 6 is large and broad boned. It was a natural.”

  9, still angry, said, “Never do that to us again without our permission. We are not animals to be emotionally manipulated like that. You have no right to screw with us emotionally like that. You almost go us killed at the pony ranch; now this.”

  Wo Tun growled, “Be careful how you speak to the lady, scum. Did you forget she saved your life by detoxing you? Don’t you realize how much that stuff costs? Do you think you get to live here for free? Don’t you realize she gave you a chance at a new life?”

  9 yelled to Victoria, “And you can keep this fat gorilla away from me and 6. I’ve licked what you wanted me to lick and taken cock when you wanted it. I’ve sucked and fondled. I’ve been a good little boy but no more.”

  “Gorilla,” Wo Tun screamed, and for a man trained in the martial arts, he made a clumsy grab for 9 to break him in half. Tun was more than a bit surprised when 9 quickly and expertly ducked under the grab and came up inside Tun’s killing zone, so he couldn’t make use of his long arms and lethal hands.

  He was holding a sharp switchblade letter opener he had grabbed from Lady Victoria’s desk, and he pressed it to Tun’s neck. The point pricked the skin, drawing just a bit of blood. “If you move, I’ll kill you. I swear to God.”

  Tun stood perfectly still.

  Lady Victoria yelled, “Put the letter opener down now, 9. I know you are mad, but don’t do anything foolish. If I inadvertently hurt you in some way, I am sorry. Go to your cell. I’ll send 6 in with you, and you can be with her tonight. We’ll talk about this some more when everyone is calm. We have guests to attend to.”

  9 started to hand Wo Tun the letter opener, thought better of it, and threw it across the room just missing Lady Victoria’s head. It imbedded itself in the wood paneling almost to the hilt.

  From twenty feet away, with an unbalanced weapon, it was a hell of a good throw. Tun looked like he wanted to rip 9’s head off.

  He growled, “If Lady Victoria wasn’t here, I’d kill you.”

  9 surprised everyone in the room (including himself) by saying, “Don’t let that stop you. We could end it right here and now. I’m not afraid of you

  But 9 turned to go down the corridor, and Tun followed him, grumbling about the next time 9 raised a blade, he would kill him.

  Later, two couples chatted.

  * * * *

  9 hugged 6 and told her what happened.

  “You did what? Tun has 5th degree black belts in two styles of combat. He’s a fucking lethal machine. He disarmed my old pimp with a piece of paper and left the guy a bloody mess. My old pimp was a lethal SOB and could slice and dice with a switchblade. And you got inside on him and put a blade to his throat? Please, honey, never do that again. The next time he’ll kill you.”

  “I have been training with the cook whose a knife expert. It was all reflex. I wasn’t thinking; I was just doing. I think Wo Tun almost pooped himself. At least Lady Victoria promised not to drug us anymore.”

  “Just don’t push it, okay? I want you in one piece. I kind of like having you around.”

  “Okay, back to being a good little slave, but we have to talk about something first.”


  “How did you feel about the sex play tonight?”

  “Well, to tell the truth, it was amazing. I never experienced sex as a man. I loved it. Wow, can I get a cock soon?” She chuckled.

  “It was really good, wasn’t it? Do you mind being the top?”

  “Baby, I’ll top you any day of the week if you like that I’m you’re top.”

  “You know, if there was a way to get out of here, we could go together.”

  “I’d like that.”

  They curled up in each other’s arms, exhausted. Soon, they were both sleeping and dreaming of Arabian nights.

  * * * *

  Another couple also chatted over brandy in Lady Victoria’s office after listening to the conversation between 6 and 9.

  Wo Tun swirled the expensive brown liquid in the snifter, warming it with his palm, and took a drink, feeling the warmth down to his toes. He liked the luxuries of the West, and he liked Lady Victoria. Instead of training people to kill, he was helping a few become better people. She had an evil mind almost equal to his own.

  “He’s still pretty slow. If I’d tried to grab him any slower, he’d have known I wasn’t really trying. But he’s much stronger, and he is clever. He fights clever. I’ve always had problems with the small, quick “Bruce Lee” types. Like trying to crush a cockroach in the dark.” Wo Tun chuckled at his own analogy.

  “But you must admit, he’d have never tried to do that just a few months ago. We’ll see how they do now. Cut back on the stressors, and let love take its course then pounce. Maybe an easy assignment or two.”

  “The two old ladies are asking about babies. We could see how they do away from the Institute.”

  “Great idea. That will give them a chance to rest a bit. As old Jon Luc used to say, ‘Make it so.’”


  Babies in Love

  Infantilism: A fetish where an adult gets sexual gratification from acting like a helpless baby or an adult enjoys dressing and treating an adult as a baby.

  So, it came to pass that the next outside assignment was a particularly pleasant one for 6 and 9. Lady Victoria had two clients, two older sisters who loved infantilism. They took adults, put them in baby clothes and treated them just like babies for a week. Lady Victoria thought it was one of the gentler kinks and would give 6 and 9 a chance to bond away from the Institute.

  6 and 9 were driven by Wo Tun in the Institute SUV (allowed to ride on seats) to an old, secluded, run-down mansion in Westchester County straight out of Dickens with the prerequisite elder dames in attendance. The façade was three stories of solid red brick with four or five outbuildings is disrepair. They entered the dark hall, naked as instructed without even their chastity belts to cover them.

  An elderly voice called out in a cigarettes-and-whiskey drenched way. “Their things are in the changing room on the left. Please put on all the items there. We do not come down the stairs until the babies are ready.”

  Wo Tun directed them into the changing room. There were diapers, plastic pants, baby hats, arm restraints, pacifiers, and hand gloves. Large jumpers and other baby clothes were on hooks on the wall.

  Wo Tun said, “I’ve been here before. It is not a bad assignment. They will treat you like six-month-old babies in every way. You just have to do what they say. You will have lots of free time in your nursery and lots of cuddling with the ladies. The worst thing about the assignment is reverting to an adult. Lots of slaves get used to the pampering.”

  Tun put 6 on the changing table first. He lifted her legs, powdered her, diapered her, and used the arm binders on her so she could not move her arms in front of her. He put the hand binders, which were gloves with no fingers on her hands. She couldn’t grasp anything with them on. He then locked a pacifier in her mouth via a strap around her head and put her on the floor.

  He said, “Babies don’t walk. You will crawl now.”

  While this was going on, 9 couldn’t suppress a giggle or two at how silly 6 looked.

  Tun said, “Quiet. Stay in character. These women pay us a small fortune to do this now and then. Cooperate.”

  He did the same for 9, and it was 6’s turn to giggle through her pacifier. Both Tun and 9 frowned at her. Tun put 9 on the floor and called out, “Your babies are ready.”

  Two old dowagers came down the stairs together. They were in matching white cotton dresses out of the Victorian age with frayed lace at the collars and cuffs. They wore far too much makeup that seemed caked on their face. Their strong, sweet perfume came through the door before they did. They were obviously in their 80s or beyond. One was named Dorothy and the other Camilla.

  They came into the room and made a fuss over their two new children.

  “They are the cutest yet,” Dorothy gushed.

  “Look at the blonde baby girl in the pink diaper. She is adorable.”

  “I just love the little man,” a thrilled Camilla said. “You did very well this time, Mr. Tun. These are the very best ones yet.”

  “Take good care of the little ones, ladies. I’ll be back for them in a week.”

  “Oh, thank you, Mr. Tun. You know we take good care of our precious babies. They will be fat and happy when you come back.”

  Dorothy picked up 6, which was surprising since 6 was a big, broad-boned girl and thus a bit heavy. Dorothy didn’t seem to mind as she carried 6 into the pallor. Camilla did the same for 9. They sat on the ladies’ laps. With their arms bound, they didn’t have much movement, and the ladies seemed to know just what to do to make them feel helpless.

  The pallor was straight out of a Victorian novel. It was dark with heavy drapes that kept any light from penetrating. All the furniture was dark, ornate, hand-carved, and must have cost a fortune in its day. There was thick dust on everything as nothing had been touched in years.

  Dorothy said, “I know you babies can’t understand what we are saying, but I like to repeat for myself, because I’m getting up in years. Mother is not as young as she once was. First, there will be wakey at eight then morning feeding. If the weather permits, there will be a pram ride in our park. Back to the house for lunch. Then some pallor time and indoor play. Then nap. Then supper. After dinner, there will be a bath, bedtime stories, and bed by six. Babies need lots of sleep. Did I forget anything, Cammie?”

  “No, sister. I know I am going to have so much fun with these two. There are games to play and lessons to learn. We will help them grow to be good boys and girls. Being it is near lunch, we should go prepare their baby food.”

  “Cammie likes to teach, babies. I am sure you will learn a lot this week. Won’t that be fun?” She clapped her hands together, and 6 and 9 did the same, trying to be in character.

  They picked up both babies and took them into a dark room with a huge crib with high bars, a closed top, and a lock on the front.

  “After that long ride, maybe the babies could use a nap while we prepare lunch.”

hey were put in the crib together. A blanket was put over them, and the crib was locked.

  “We will be back in an hour for you, my darlings.”

  For an entire week, 6 and 9 were totally helpless. They were spoon fed baby food, which was far better than 9 had feared while sitting in large, specially made highchairs. They were put in a large pram and walked around the large, overgrown park. The mommies had many acres of property and took a different path each day. The ladies would reminisce about a world that had vanished many years ago. They did have a maintenance man to help them around the house, but besides the man who made no comment about the rather large babies, they saw no one. They took long naps together in comfort.

  Tun was right. There was a lot of cuddling. 6 and 9 held each other and fell asleep that way.

  Both of them started to love bath time when they would be put in warm, soapy water together and gently scrubbed by the ladies who would tell them how pretty and handsome they were. They would laugh through their pacifiers, splash, and have a good time. Both babies felt good. Their bodies were continually caressed, and they were loved. It was a bit like going back to childhood and having a “do over.” There was nothing sexual in the ladies touching of them, although everything the ladies did for them was with love.

  The downside was the diapers. They had to pee and poop in them and it took a while to get used to “doing it” in their pants, so to speak, and the feeling of being unclean down there until they were changed. Also, they were changed like real babies, which meant cleaning their genitals and rears with wipes. That part they could have done without. Once 9 got an erection from Camilia’s wiping, and she scolded him for being a bad, naughty boy. He couldn’t help himself. The touching down there was too much and after having non-stop sexual contact at the Institute then going to no sex at the mansion.


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