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Page 27

by T. K. Leigh

  “Harder,” I beg, feeling like a different person.

  With a growl, his grip on me tightens and he yanks my head back. “Like this?”

  “Yes,” I exhale, pulling my lip between my teeth to quiet my cries, unsure how much longer I can reel them in. The way Drew moves inside me, the way he makes me feel, erases my ability to control anything.

  Instantly, he releases his hold on me, then leans his body over mine, slowing his motions. With each gradual withdrawal, he pushes back into me, deeper, fuller, more intense.

  “I love watching you touch yourself. Do you have any idea what a turn-on that is?”

  “I have a good idea,” I tease flirtatiously.

  He brings his teeth to my neck, nibbling. “I’m going to stop moving, but I want you to keep playing with yourself. I want you to make yourself come around my dick while I watch.” His motions slow, barely noticeable. But that doesn’t stop me from touching myself. I’ve never done anything remotely this intimate in front of anyone before. But with Drew, it feels right. I can tell he’s enjoying it almost as much as I am by the way his grip on my hip tightens, the way his erection gets even thicker inside me. It must be taking every ounce of restraint he possesses not to drive into me. I thought I’d need that, but this, feeling him inside me but not moving, is incredible. It gives me all the control, all the power over my own pleasure.

  My eyes roll into the back of my head as the familiar tingling sensation runs through me, the same one I experienced several times in the past few hours. I didn’t think I’d be ready again so soon, but Drew seems to have a unique effect on my body. One I can’t quite understand.

  “That’s it.” Drew’s voice is guttural as he folds his body over mine, clamping his teeth on my neck. “I want your cum soaking my dick.”

  That’s all it takes for me to reach my breaking point, burying my face in the pillow to muffle my cries, my body shivering. Drew doesn’t give me a chance to catch my breath as he thrusts into me, his motions determined, his teeth still clamped on my neck. It’s painful but so fucking exhilarating. This is what sex is supposed to be like, not something I have to do to stop whomever I’m with from seeing how unhappy I am. This feeling, this sensation, this unparalleled high is what I’ve been craving for too long. I stopped believing it existed, but it does. It’s so real, just like my love for this man moving so passionately and erotically behind me.

  “More,” I beg, sensing he’s close to unraveling. “I need more.”

  “Goddamn, baby.” He pushes into me a few more times before stilling, jerking against me as he finds his own release.

  We remain motionless, the only sound that of our heavy breaths echoing in the space. Finally, when I don’t think my legs can take the pressure much longer, he withdraws, placing his hand on my stomach to support me as I lower my body onto the mattress.

  “That was incredible,” he manages to say.

  I wipe at the beads of sweat forming on my forehead. “I think I can cancel my gym membership. Especially if you keep fucking me like that.”

  His laughter fills the room. “That can be arranged.” He leaves me with a soft kiss, then gets up, heading toward the dresser.

  I roll onto my side, propping my head in my hand as I admire his physique. He’s always been in incredible shape. Broad shoulders. Firm chest. Sculpted abs. All tapering into that chiseled V that causes most women to forget their first name. He grabs a pair of shorts and slides them on before yanking a t-shirt over his head. After rummaging through his drawers for a few more seconds, he pulls out another t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He turns around and approaches me, tossing the clothes onto the bed.

  “They’ll be enormous on you, but it’s better than putting your wet dress back on. Do you need me to go grab some things for you somewhere?”

  “Most of my stuff is at Wes’, although I did leave an overnight bag at my dad’s yesterday. I was supposed to stay there last night. You know. The old tradition that the bride and groom not spend the night before their wedding together. But I kind of ran out on the rehearsal dinner after he told me what he did.”

  Concern crosses his expression and he sits on the corner of the bed, brushing my hair away from my eyes. I marvel at how he can be a passionate lover with an erotic tongue one minute, then turn into this empathetic, devoted man the next.

  “So you left things unresolved?”

  I nod. “I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t be around him, knowing he kept that from me for so long, knowing he watched me suffer, watched me cry myself to sleep for weeks, months, and he was the reason for it.”

  “And that’s why he didn’t want you to know,” he says, offering my father more sympathy than he deserves, especially after what he put him through. “Why I didn’t want to tell you.”

  “He always told me to trust him, said he knew what was best for me. And I did that blindly for years when I should have questioned him all along.”

  He brings his mouth toward the top of my head, inhaling, then leaves a kiss on my temple. “We’ll work it all out. I’ll be by your side through all of it. Promise.”

  I smile, linking my fingers with his. Before, I had trouble believing any promise he made me. Now I can. If Drew says he’ll be by my side, I’m confident he’ll be there. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you.” He stands, heading toward the door. Just as he’s about to disappear down the hallway, he looks back at me. “And for the record, if I were in your father’s shoes and it was one of my daughters…” He shakes his head, taking a moment to consider his words. “I don’t know. At first, I was convinced I’d never do something like that, especially to someone my kids knew for as long as we’ve known each other. But we both know I wasn’t a good guy in high school. I dated a lot of girls. And I slept with a lot of them, too. Your father knew that. If my girls ever brought home someone like me, I’d think the same thing your father did. That they’re only after one thing. So, as much as you want to hate him, I understand why he did it.”

  The corners of his lips turn into a smile as he meets my eyes. Then he closes the door.

  Chapter 29


  Laughter makes its way to my ears as I head down the steps, the aroma of bacon and maple syrup assaulting me the instant I emerge onto the first floor. I take a minute, adjusting my damp hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and rolling the waist of Drew’s shorts so they’re not so enormous on me.

  “Auntie Brook!” Charlotte’s voice calls out. I swing my eyes to see her looking at me from her position on one of the stools in front of Drew’s massive eat-in island. “Do you want waffles, too?”

  With a smile, I square my shoulders and walk toward them, acting as if their father hadn’t just fucked me like he did.

  “Wait,” she blurts out, turning her furrowed brow to Drew. “Am I still supposed to call her Auntie Brook if she’s your girlfriend?”

  I cock my head at Drew, placing my hands on my hips. “I’m your girlfriend?”

  He turns off the gas on the stove, moving the pan of bacon to the counter and placing it on a trivet. “Well, girlfriend doesn’t seem right for what you are to me, but I suppose it’s the best title…for now.” Winking, he grabs a set of tongs and serves the girls a few pieces of bacon.

  “For now?” I approach, still uneasy about how to act around him while in the presence of his kids. This is new territory for me. I’ve never dated or slept with anyone who had kids. I awkwardly attempt to keep my distance, wishing I had something other than his clothes to wear, but Drew wraps an arm around me, dragging me against him.

  “I like to consider it a temporary title.” He gradually lowers his mouth toward mine, treating me to yet another one of his kisses. I doubt I’ll ever get my fill.

  I remember my younger days, how desperate I was to experience my first kiss, how I didn’t think I’d ever hit the number of kisses most people experienced in their lifetime. Now I know I will. In fact, I have a feeling I’ll far exceed
the two weeks most people spend kissing. I could kiss Andrew Brinks for two weeks straight and still hunger for more.

  Momentarily forgetting where I am, I melt into him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Then the sound of giggling cuts through and I pull back, although Drew tries to prevent me, despite our audience.

  “Oooh! You guys are kissing!” Alyssa teases. It brings a smile to my face. I was most worried about her being okay with this. She’s older and much more reluctant to trust people. I don’t fault her. I was the same way. To hear her joke makes me think it’s all going to be okay. That we’re all going to be okay.

  Drew returns his attention to the waffle maker and opens it, scooping the waffle onto a plate, adding it to the pile he’d already made.

  “Hey, Dad?” Alyssa’s tone turns serious.

  He shifts his gaze to hers. “What is it, sweetie?”

  “Since there’s no wedding, I was wondering…” She trails off as she brings her fork to her waffle, hesitating.

  “What is it?” he presses once more.

  “Well…” She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “It’s just…” She inhales a deep breath, returning her eyes to Drew’s. “Tonight’s game seven of the Stanley Cup and it’s here. I’d hoped…”

  We laugh at the seriousness on her face. “That we could go?” he finishes.

  She nods.

  “Do you think we’d miss it? No way!”

  Both girls squeal in excitement, dancing in their stools.

  “They truly are your daughters,” I comment in mock irritation.

  “Every girl needs a little hockey in her life.” He winks as he heads toward the counter, grabbing the freshly pressed pot of coffee and pouring some into a mug. After preparing it the way I prefer, he hands it to me, leaning toward my ear, his voice a whisper. “And every woman needs a hockey player in their bed.”

  “Is that right?” I smirk, pulling back. “So this is community service for you?”

  He shakes his head with a lascivious grin. “No. It’s more like Brooklyn service. All Brooklyn. All the time.”

  I bite my lower lip. “I like the sound of Brooklyn service.”

  He brushes his mouth against mine, making my flesh tingle. “So do I.”

  Girlish snickers sound from the island. “You guys are kissing again,” Charlotte comments.

  “Get used to it,” Drew shoots back, then presses his firm lips against mine. I can’t help but sigh, loving how he makes no move to hide his affection for me, even in front of his kids.

  His hand finds my ass and he gives it a squeeze.

  “Shut the front door!” a familiar voice exclaims, breaking the moment.

  Drew and I whirl around, staring at a very bewildered Molly and an extremely satisfied Gigi standing just off the entryway. Molly’s eyes are wide, her mouth even wider as she gapes at us. Gigi crosses her arms, smirking, as if she predicted this would happen.

  “Hi, Auntie Molly!” Charlotte says, barely looking up from her waffles. “Auntie Brooklyn isn’t going to marry Wes anymore. Instead, she’s Daddy’s girlfriend. They had a sleepover last night.”

  Molly shifts her stunned expression back to me, her surprise waning as she waggles her brows. “You did, did you?” She takes a few steps toward us. “Did you have a pillow fight, too?” She leans closer. “Did Drew win?”

  “It looked like he was winning,” Charlotte answers around a mouthful of waffle.

  Her comment catching me off-guard, I choke on my coffee, shifting my gaze to Drew, his face an adorable shade of red.

  “He wasn’t winning,” Alyssa claims. “They were doing it.”

  “It?” Charlotte inquires.

  I eye Drew, praying he’ll put an end to this.

  “Yeah. It.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Okay, you two,” Drew interrupts. Finally. “Finish up, or no hockey game tonight.” That’s all they need to hear. All conversation ceases as they focus on their breakfast. “I’m investing in some better locks,” he murmurs, his mouth brushing against my temple.

  “Good.” I tilt my eyes toward his, chewing on my bottom lip.

  “Tell me…” Molly’s voice cuts through our moment and we both look at her. “How did you go from marrying Wes to having a ‘sleepover’ with Drew?”

  “He asked me to dance,” I respond with a shrug. It sounds silly and insignificant, but it’s the truth. Drew was right. No words could have told me what his heart did. “The instant I was in his arms again, I knew it was where I was meant to be.” I take a small sip of my coffee, lowering my eyes. “Of course, as we all know, I can be stubborn, so I still tried to fight it. It wasn’t until my father…” I trail off, the happiness of being with Drew dampened by the truth of what my father did.

  Drew drapes an arm around my shoulders and squeezes, reassuring me it’ll all work out. Molly steals a glance at him, questioning. He nods, their interaction leading me to believe Drew told Molly what my father did. I shouldn’t be surprised. They have an oddly close relationship. They tell each other everything.

  “I’m really sorry, Molly,” I say, unsure my words are adequate to relay how awful I feel for the way I’ve treated her.

  “Don’t be.” She shrugs it off. “I knew you’d come to your senses eventually.” She steps toward me, lowering her voice. “How’s Wes?”

  “He knew it was coming.” A lump forms in my throat as I recall his sad eyes when I kissed him goodbye. The way he handled last night with such grace and admiration surprised me. It probably shouldn’t have, considering that’s how he handled himself throughout our entire relationship. “He was sweet about it, said he tried to love me enough for the both of us, but knew it wasn’t enough.”

  “So he’s okay?”

  I consider her question for a moment. “Yeah. He is.”

  “What about mom-zilla?”

  “Oh, I expect her to come banging on the door at any minute so she can save face in front of all her friends. Just like she tried to do last night at the rehearsal dinner when I went to give Wes the ring back.”

  Molly’s eyes practically bulge out of their sockets. “You broke up with him at the rehearsal dinner?”

  I pinch my lips together. “I was tired of living a lie.”

  She considers my response, then narrows her eyes, her gaze filled with concern. “And your dad?”

  I exhale a long breath, my throat tightening. “I need some time.”

  “Forgiveness is a difficult thing.” Gigi walks toward me, taking my hand in hers. “But so is living with regret.”

  I swallow hard, nodding.

  “I am so happy you finally found your way back to each other.” She clutches my cheeks, forcing my eyes to hers. “That’s the important thing. Not anything that may have happened in the past. If one thing were different, you may not be here today.” She loosens her hold on me, glancing across the island at Alyssa and Charlotte. “They may not be here today. Could you imagine your life without them?”

  I shake my head.

  “Just remember that.”

  Chapter 30


  I look around my living room later that morning, heat radiating in my chest, a permanent smile plastered on my face. Alyssa and Charlotte build something with their Legos as a movie of their choosing plays on TV. Molly called Noah and told him there had been a change of plans. Now, instead of getting ready for Brooklyn’s wedding, we’re all at my house, Uncle Leo included, celebrating something else…our family.

  As the girls put their finishing touches on the lopsided tower they’ve constructed, the doorbell rings. Brooklyn shoots her wide eyes to mine, concern filling them. She’s been edgy all morning, worried the doorbell would ring and either Mrs. Bradford or her father would be here to talk to her. While I support her desire to never see Wes’ mom again, especially after she shared with me the choice words she had for her last night, I hate being the reason she’s avoiding her father. All I can do is make sure she eventually clears
the air between them.

  I lean toward her, kissing her cheek. “I’ll go take care of it.” I squeeze her leg when she offers me a relieved smile.

  “Thank you.”

  I hold her gaze for a moment longer, then get up, heading toward the entryway. I open the door, preparing myself to deal with an irate Mrs. Bradford or an apologetic Mr. Tanner, taken by surprise when someone else stands on my porch.

  “Carla,” I hiss, stepping outside, closing the door behind me to keep that barrier between her and my girls, especially now that I know Skylar encouraged her to try to take them from me. “What the hell are you doing here?” I should have known something like this would happen. It’s the story of my life. Just when everything’s going great, something happens to bring me down from my high.

  “I’m sorry for barging in on you like this. I just… I need to talk to you.”

  I cross my arms. “Don’t you have a lawyer for that?”

  She pulls her lip between her teeth, nodding in what seems to be resignation. “I deserve that.” There’s a slight quiver in her chin as she wipes beneath one of her eyes. Then her voice turns urgent, pleading. “You have to understand where I’m coming from here, Andrew—”

  “Oh, I understand. I understand you’re trying to take my kids from me when I’ve done nothing but raise them, care for them, love them…” My voice trails off. I take a moment to collect myself, my despair turning to rage. “You’ve done nothing but turn my entire world upside down.” My lip curling, I lean into her. “You had the audacity to beg me to come back to you when you were pregnant. I thought I was doing the right thing by keeping our family together. Little did I know, you were just tricking me into raising someone else’s child!”

  “And you should hate me for that,” she chokes out, tears falling down her cheeks. In all our years together, I don’t think I saw her cry once. “I hate myself for that. I can’t take back what I did to you all those years ago.” She pauses, inhaling a long breath. “But I can make it right going forward.”


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