Amyex's Freedom
Page 4
“Come to bed with me. I’ve wanted you since the moment you smiled at me the very first time. I’ve waited and waited, and you now have a choice.”
He stepped back, and a cry tore from her throat. His once solid body that had been beneath her hands had disappeared. It tore at her heart like a knife through skin, burning, ripping, aching.
He held up his hands as though he were surrendering.
“I won’t ask you, take you or force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I got you your freedom for one reason, and it was this. I want to marry you, bond with you as a free woman. If you say no, I will leave you alone forever, but I must ask you, and now is the time. Will you be my wife? My partner in this life? I will move anywhere for you so that you feel comfortable. I know you may not want to—”
Amyex launched herself into his arms, pressing kisses desperately against his beloved face. His lips, his cheeks, anywhere she could reach while she tore at his clothes with her fingers.
He didn’t just want to bed her, although that would have been enough. He didn’t want her to come back and serve him, although that, too, would have been more than she believed she deserved.
His wife.
Her wildest fantasies had never gone anywhere near that.
He pulled her away from his body, his blue eyes staring down at her. “Is that a yes?”
“Of course, Master, yes.”
He frowned, his powerful body going still.
Her heart lurched in her chest.
“It’s Janikk.”
She smiled up at him as brightly as she could. “I know, but while you take me to your bed … may I call you Master … Master?” She stared up at him through her eyelashes, a strange feeling flowing through her veins. Warmth, strength, hunger.
A growl rumbled through him, and he grabbed her up, lifting her against his hard body. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and she opened her legs for him, wrapping them around his waist.
He turned them around and began moving through the house, Amyex assumed towards his bedroom.
She pressed her lips against his, thrusting her tongue towards his and moaning as he tugged on her hair.
A door slammed behind them, and he twisted, bending and sitting down, their weight bouncing and jostling as they touched the mattress.
She pulled back to breathe, and he slid his lips down her throat, the nibbling of his teeth making her arch her back.
She needed his mouth everywhere. She tugged at her dress and pulled it up as far as she could so that he could touch her in the same way that he had in the bath.
He moved one hand to her spine, and the other to her breast, tweaking a nipple between his finger and thumb.
“I want you so much, Master. I’ve dreamt of this for so long.”
He pressed one more kiss to her lips and then stood.
“Get your dress off.”
She sat up and pulled the dress from her body, throwing it over the side and lying back.
He groaned as he took hold of her underwear and pulled them down, tugging at her shoes and throwing them to the floor, leaving her naked and exposed in the middle of his huge bed.
She raised her knees and covered her chest. It felt so strange to be like this with him.
“Don’t you dare. I want to see all of you. Open up and let me see you.”
He tugged off his shirt and stripped off his pants and shoes, his huge body totally naked for her eyes to devour.
She let her arms fall and her legs open as they slid down to the bed.
His body was even more perfect than she had imagined.
The scar that cut across his face also slid down his chest and around his ribs.
His hugely muscled thighs had tri-secting markings that spoke of years of battle, and yet there wasn’t a single ounce of fat on him.
If he hadn’t breathed, she would have thought him made of solid bronze.
“You’re so … beautiful.”
A growl rose from him as his hand wrapped around his already swollen cock, the length of it daunting as it stuck out at her. It was long and thick, and the head was filled with blood.
“How—” She’d heard of course how a mating between a male and female went, had even seen her old mistress with her lovers on occasion, but how the cock in front of her was going to fit inside her was not making logical sense.
“Don’t you worry about anything.” Her master stopped stroking and stared at her, the lust in his gaze making her pussy clench.
A whimper left her throat as her own hand wandered down to her wet sex. She’d dreamt about him for so long.
“You are untouched?”
She nodded once, letting a fingertip tap against the side of her swollen clit.
She gasped and arched her back as need pulsed inside her, its talons gripping at her.
The bed dipped as he crawled up to her, spreading her legs with his strong hands and setting his lips to her sex.
“Oh my!”
Was he meant to do that?
She sat half up on the bed and looked down and saw his head there, his pink tongue swiping at her throbbing flesh.
“Oh, Master, Oh yes.” She slid her hands into his hair and cried out, her belly tightening with a deep ache. There was so much need inside her, and it had been there for so long. How would she cope when he was finally inside her?
Her master moved his fingers up and thrust them inside her. She screamed, the ache inside her tightening and singing with hunger. He suckled her clit while he worked her inside, stoking the fire higher.
“Ah, yes … oh.” She grabbed at his head and closed her eyes, writhing on the bed as his talented tongue and fingers worked her.
The spring coiled tight and released.
She gasped and begun to convulse on him, gripping him hard, his muffled moans making her orgasm roll on and on.
He slid up her body, lifted her knees and set his cock to her entrance. She felt it nudging against her badly aching body.
The tremors of her orgasm were just receding as he stared into her eyes.
“I love you.”
He thrust hard, and she screamed, this time because of the possession, the sharp pain and the intense feeling of closeness that squeezed her heart.
“Are you all right?” His whisper into her ear broke through the tension in her body as he froze over her.
She let her muscles relax, the foreign feeling of him inside her so perfect tears leaked down the side of her face.
“Yes, very much so.”
He moaned as he bent his head and kissed her neck, his hips beginning to rock.
That ache inside her pussy began to tighten again, pleasure coursing through her arms and legs.
She wrapped her limbs around his strong body and held on tightly.
He groaned again and began to move faster, his long cock sliding in and out of her pussy with exquisite precision, sensations sparkling through her body.
The wave was building again, and as sweat began to gather on her master’s back and the sounds of their bodies slapping together filled the room she began to move with him.
He doubled his efforts and really began to thrust into her hard.
She gripped him tighter, digging her nails in as he began to move erratically, then one final thrust, and he cried out.
Another orgasm ripped through her as his seed pulsed inside her.
Pleasure exploded inside her body making her cries meld with him, his body still intimately linked with her and making her heart sing with happiness.
He pressed a final kiss to her lips, his heart pounding in his chest against her ribs. Slowly, he rolled to his side and moved her until she was lying on her side also, his chest pressed against her spine, his thighs pressed against her ass.
Satiation swam through her still quaking body.
Her brain was swimming into the land of sleep, but she forced herself to thank her master.
“Thank you so much, Master, for my incredible night."
He kissed her hair and wrapped his arm around her waist, squeezing tight.
“It’s Janikk. I don't want to be your master. I want us to be a partnership, a loving relationship between two equals.”
A giggle rose, and she let it roll through her throat, the noise foreign and scratchy in her mouth.
Her master was still everything he had always been for her. A savior, a warrior, a man she was proud to serve.
As his wife, she would feel exactly the same way.
She let her eyes close and her body relax against the heat and hardness of his.
She was home.
“I know, Janikk, I know.”
The End
Other Books by Tamsin Baker:
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