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Demon's Dream

Page 8

by Laura Hawks

  She turned and followed his finger then looked up at those who were maneuvering overhead. After a couple of minutes, she whispered back, “I can only try.”

  She returned her attention back to the leader and saw the medallion clearly on the breastplate. She nodded towards Mel, indicating the desired piece.“That’s what we need.”

  Straightening her shoulders, she gazed at the machine which sat behind the canopy. She narrowed her eyes as she tried to see the controls. Another flying craft came in for a landing while an additional one took off. She nodded again, more in trying to convince herself as well as him. “Yeah, I think I can manage.”

  “The people of rank seem to be able to come and go around him and in the general area of his seat. We may be able to surround him and get close enough to get the medallion. I can shield us from the horde and take him out but how long that will last is debatable. We’ll have to move fast and get to one of those before the shields of my illusion drops.”

  She started to incline her head as two Whippers passed by them then halted herself as she realized the gesture wasn’t something the Whippers did. She lifted her chin and stood strong despite her knees being weak. She could still almost feel the razor whips cutting into her skin and if they failed or were caught, well, she wasn’t sure she would be strong enough to last long. Yet, Mel gave her a hint of strength and she drew on it to do all they needed to do and leave the realm. They approached the dais and climbed the steps.

  Mel moved around the canopied area, surprised at the ease in which they were allowed to proceed around the area so freely. Then again, the Whippers had no need to fear a snake in their midst. When the canopy finally became clear of other soldiers, except them, Mel gave her a subtle nod as he used his powers to shield the area. To the ones out on the field they would see the platform as it was a moment ago when in reality the picture behind the shield was very different.

  Clarissa pulled out her dagger and went behind the commander since his focus was on a dozen trainees in the field who had faltered their steps. She was going to cut his throat but at the last minute she realized she couldn’t take a life like that. Though it had been done in front of her, she couldn’t take another’s life so easily. She knew he was far from innocent but couldn’t bring herself to kill someone without a fair fight. Flipping the knife over at the last minute, she conked him on the head and watched him slump forward. Pulling him back, she used the knife to pry the medallion loose and stuck it in her bra for safe keeping.

  “Let’s go.” She quickly headed back towards the stairs.

  Mel couldn’t help but gaze upon Clarissa with a grudging respect. He never could stand someone who came at another’s back and her sense of honor attracted him even more. They both moved as fast as they could without raising suspicion.

  Mel realized that he had to strain to keep the shield up and maintain their disguises. The powers he was utilizing drained him, especially since he had not eaten in a couple of days. There was nothing in this realm that could sustain him and he knew they needed to get out fast. Sweat pearled on his forehead at the effort and he couldn’t have been more elated to see the flying machine in front of them. He whispered thanks for small favors when he realized that it would take both of them to maneuver the craft. He allowed her to settle in behind the controls of the vehicle before he climbed on after her. He lightly touched her shoulder and leaned to speak softly in her ear.

  “We need to move fast. I cannot hold the illusions much longer.”

  She quickly scanned the controls. “Give me a second or we’ll end up going backward or worse upside down.” She glanced over the controls as she tried to figure out which ones would start it and after a quick test, she figured she had enough of the basics to fly without killing them. At least not immediately. “Hold on.”

  She found the controls a tad similar to her red Ducati as she maneuvered back and up then shot forward.

  “Hey catch my stomach, I think I just lost it back there,” she grumbled as she started to move away when she heard a commotion below as some of the Whippers pointed up to them. “Crap. Hold on, looks like we are going to get some company.”

  Clarissa wiggled in her seat as she tried some evasive maneuvers in hopes they could escape safely.

  Mel couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her first comment then frowned at her next one. In order to conserve his powers, he had dropped the shields. Within seconds the Whippers realized what was going on and sent a flying squad after them. She maneuvered the flyer like a pro and he had to hold on so as not to get smashed around inside the small cubicle.

  As soon as the illusion was dropped, his powers immediately felt stronger. As she sped up and started gaining ground on them, Mel threw up a massive invisible wall between them and the advancing army. He gave a whoop as they hit the wall in several fiery explosions.

  “Take that you flying fuckers!” Mel laughed in glee.

  Clarissa concentrated on the controls. She had to giggle softly at his exclamation. Just when she thought they were safe, she suddenly stopped and backed up as seven fliers popped up in front of them and started firing.

  “Oh for fucks sake!” Mel grabbed the on board gun controls and began firing at will. He managed to rip two of their wings to shreds and laughed as the fliers dropped to the ground. He threw a hand out and let sonic wave slam three into a nearby rock face.

  “Move! I’ll hold off the other two. You should see the gates from here!”

  She gave a subtle nod and focused on her flying abilities rather than on a verbal response she could have given him. For a moment, she lost sight of the gates before she caught view of them again. She spun the ship slightly and headed straight for them. Her landing was a bit bumpy but soon they were down on the ground in front of the dimensional gates.

  Mel blasted the top of the machine off, grabbed her hand and jumped down from the flyer. He saw the gate keeper and pushed Clarissa ahead of him.

  “Run for it! You need to pay our fare, I’ll deal with these guys!”

  She ran while simultaneously checking her bra for the medallion and didn’t feel it. She started to panic as she quickly checked the other side. She breathed a sigh of relief. Approaching the gate keeper, a stone like statue that came to life as they approached, she held the medallion out and grabbed Mel’s arm.

  “No more time to play, love, time to go home. Say goodbye to all your friends.”

  She tugged him through the dimensional gate and felt her body slip away from her, losing Mel’s hand in the process.

  On the guest bed in Azamel’s abode within the Nether Realm, a body that had been still for days gasped to life. Clarissa’s eyes snapped open and Mel’s name tore from her lips. It took a moment to recognize she was back in Mel’s home. She immediately reached under the pillow to feel the hilt of the dagger that she guarded. She smiled softly as she slowly sat up. Mel had been true to his word about everything but where was he?

  Down the corridor in a room Mel normally received his visitors a fire’s embers glowed softly. A soft radiant red simmered below sections of gray ash. The light from such dimness barely illuminated the room, nor did it dispel that darkness that crept around such a minimal light source.

  Mel awoke with a roar of pain and instantly looked around. He realized that he was on his couch in front of the dying embers. Waving his fingers slightly, the fire blazed anew sending light and restored warmth immediately throughout the chamber. He leaned back, grateful they managed to leave whatever realm of hell they had found themselves in but as he reclined back an agonizing pain ripped through his body. ‘What the fuck?’

  He looked down to see the blood drip onto the carpet. A huge gash peeked through a tear in his shirt as the blood flowed freely. He laid back and took a deep breath.

  “Oh great! Just fucking great! The Whippers must have managed a shot while we jumped through the gates. Fuck! This day is just not getting any better.”

  Clarissa slipped out of her assigned quarters and head
ed down the hall towards the receiving area. If Mel was going to meet her anywhere that would be the location. It seemed as if it were his favorite room. When she entered the chamber, she heard Mel’s exclamation and virtually ran towards the couch where he laid. She knelt beside him and worriedly looked him over.

  The blood seeped through his shirt and dripped a bit on the floor. He frowned when he saw her look so concerned. He’d never had anyone so interested over his wellbeing and he still wasn't sure how to deal with such emotions from another, especially from her. He tried to make light of the situation. He didn’t want her to worry about him. He would heal. The demon inside would make sure he would recover in a day or two but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell in the meantime.

  “It’s just a flesh wound.”

  Clarissa snorted. “And just where is the killer bunny in this scenario? Let me see it and I’ll determine how much of a flesh wound you’re sporting,” she commanded as she moved his hand away from his now red soaked shirt. Tearing the cloth, she saw the gaping hole of a blast that tore his into his flesh. Ripping the shirt off him entirely, she used it to sop up some of the blood so she could be sure of what she was looking at.

  It was far from a minor injury and she grew even more concerned. Without waiting or asking, she laid her hand over his infliction and let a soft blue healing light emit from her hands. As she maintained her palm over his gaping hole, she watched as the blood was staunched then it slowly closed up. In moments, one couldn’t tell he was ever wounded. She sat back and looked up at him.

  Without realizing what she was doing, she lifted her hand and brushed back the hair from his forehead. It was a soft tender touch and it shocked him. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly.

  Gods, how he was so enamored by her. Someone who actually cared about him- loved him. Yet his duty and her own responsibilities forced their way back into his soul as a searing reminder he couldn’t have her. Growling, he released her hand as if it burned him and pushed her away as he stood.

  “Don’t,” he snarled.

  He regretted his action almost as soon as he did it for the look on her face was heartbreaking. Mel wanted to pull her back in his arms, kiss her senseless and tell her he didn’t give a fuck what the council of Gods decreed, he wasn’t going to let her go. He turned away from her to try and regain his composure. He knew he couldn’t give in to her. He knew what it would mean if he did and he wasn’t going to be selfish after an eternity of protecting the innocent, protecting creatures like her.

  Why did she have such a good heart? She was so kind and gentle once you got past the gruff exterior which he realized was her way of protecting herself against a world which had already torn her to shreds. For one so young, it still amazed him. Everything she went through and she still held her head up with pride and endurance. Was he ever that strong? He knew after he was beaten up by the cosmos, endured betrayal and pain- he secluded himself, cut himself off from ever being hurt again. However, she continued to seek out others.

  He heard her soft gasp as she ran from the room and knowing she was no longer there he hung his head and allowed himself to remember why he distrusted others.

  He had just turned sixteen. Although his brother was older by two years, Mel was the more responsible, better liked sibling. Which in and of itself was amazing considering who their parents were- the God of the dead, Chipiapoos and the Goddess of evil, Beloitah.

  With parents like those, they weren’t the most favored of kids or usually given the benefit of the doubt. They still needed to be trained in their given tasks for adulthood in preparation for the duties they would assume, the place they would take within the cosmos. The choice would be up to Chipiapoos’ brother, Nanaboojoo, God of protecting humanity. He would be able to look into their souls and determine their place in the realm of the Gods. This was usually done on their eighteenth birthday and Mel’s brother, Jes’Sakkid, was to undergo the ritual in a couple of days.

  Mel knew he had two years to go before it would be his turn and he planned on making the most of his free time with Nokomis. A beautiful maiden with long black hair. She always wore it braided down to her hips with flowers strewn about her head. She had large doe-like eyes and skin as smooth and tan as the softest of calf skins. She was perfection to him.

  Azamel had planned a quiet picnic along a babbling brook to spend some private time with her. He had the blanket spread on the green field by the water under a shade tree. A rabbit was being roasted on an open fire spit as he waited for her to arrive. He leaned leisurely against the tree when he heard a sound in the brush. Quickly, he stood and held out a bouquet of wildflowers he had picked for her.

  However who came through the brush wasn’t Nokomis but his parents, Nanaboojoo, Jes and several other Gods and Goddess. Mel dropped the flowers on the ground and wondered what was going on, totally surprised by this turn of events.

  Nanaboojoo led the tribe, Mel’s parents and his brother behind him. The rest of the crowd was even further back. Mel moved to meet Nanaboojoo, standing strong and firm despite his youthfulness and uncertainty.

  “Azamel, you have been accused of desecrating the sacred lands of your forefathers. What say you?”

  Mel remembered how astonished he must of looked as he heard the accusation. It was absurd. “I say you’re not correct. I have broken no laws, least of all being disrespectful to our ancestors.”

  Mel looked back at his parents, his brother. Surely they believed him? Only accusing eyes from his own family greeted him in return and he felt worried for the first time in his life. He turned back to Nana, just as the elder materialized five dead deer, slaughtered and gutted. Nana then opened a satchel and unveiled a decorative ceremonial blade that Mel recognized immediately as belonging to him and given to him by his father on his tenth birthday. The metal was covered with dried blood. Deer’s blood. Mel felt his stomach sink as he realized what the implications were.

  “I didn’t do this. I swear I didn’t.”

  Coyote moved up to stand next to Jes and with him. He had Nokomis by her hand. That alone tore Mel’s heart to shreds. He looked into her beautiful brown eyes and saw only hatred. He didn’t understand it. Why? What had he done to be accused thusly and not have anyone believe him?

  “Is this not your dagger?” Nana asked him quietly.

  “Yes. I did not kill those deer though. I have not used the dagger for anything in the past week or so.”

  “Yet, it is covered in the blood of the sacred animals that roamed the holy lands. How do you explain this?”

  Mel again looked around at the others. He searched for just one who would stand by him.

  “When were they killed? Surely, the time line will be my alibi.”

  Nana looked down at the carcasses and studied them for a moment silently before he raised his head to face Mel. “Twelve hours ago. Can you account for your whereabouts then?”

  Mel almost breathed a sigh of relief. “I was with Nokomis then. We had spent the evening watching the stars on a blanket and discussing our future.”

  Mel was sure she would step forward now. He glanced over at her and bestowed a soft smile as he saw her move up to Nana. She would tell them the truth. She would vouch that he did not do this dastardly deed. She leaned over and whispered into Nana’s ear before she turned back to Mel and gave him a look of pure disgust before turning her back on him. His heart broke into a million pieces. She betrayed him? Did she not tell them he was with her?

  Anger infused him that she would be so cold. He loved her, did that not matter? He was innocent. Why did she lie? Why did she go off with Coyote? He was so astounded by the turn of events, he barely noticed Nana talking again as he watched Nokomis’ retreating back.

  ‘Wait! What?’ His attention snapped back to Nana who was sentencing him. He was to carry a demon within. It would either consume him or Mel would find enough power to control it most times. For the times he lost the eternal battle with the demon, the bea
st would tear him to shreds over and over again causing the most excruciating pain possible.

  The others, his parents and brother included, circled around him and began chanting. A black mist from the earth swirled in answer to the call of the Gods. It’s wispy tentacles floated about, spinning as it rose up on Mel’s body.

  “No. I’m innocent. No. NO! NO! NO!” Mel screamed as the creature invaded his body, tearing and clawing its way into the sinews of muscles, down his spine and into Mel’s very soul. The pain tore through him as he felt every shred of decency, love, peace and good be torn into such small pieces it was beyond recognition.

  A part of him still remembered Coyote pulling Nokomis away and she willingly let him. How could she betray him like that? After everything they had shared, he thought she would stand by him, clear his name. What had she told Nana that sealed his fate for something he was innocent of? He died that day- at least whatever humanity or soul he had perished.

  Azamel lifted his head and looked towards the door where Clarissa had run. He had betrayed her and if he were honest with himself, he mourned her loss. It was for her own good. She had a responsibility, a duty to protect the Gem of Avarice and neither her nor the stone she guarded could be in a hell realm with him. She was young and beautiful. She survived the slaughter of her family and accepted an obligation she was unprepared for with willingness and fortitude. Above all else, she appeared to care for him or at least after him.

  How could he trust her? Hadn’t he seen enough betrayal from others: his family, his friends, his girl as well as watching humanity throughout the centuries killing, lying, stealing, betraying each other and the ones they claimed mattered most?

  Mel ran a hand through his hair and growled in exasperation. He wanted Clarissa even more than he ever thought he wanted Nokomis. The time in that strange hell realm only made him desire the young wolf more. She was a fierce warrior. Even when she was beaten by the Whippers before he found her, she fought to survive. When she had the chance to kill the king whipper, she chose to spare his life and only knocked him unconscious. She had morals, values and determination. She was willing to stand up for them, regardless the possible costs.


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