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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

Page 7

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Botulinia sat down at her desk and rested her neck. She massaged it trying to reduce the tension she was feeling. Even with Dr. Rhodes missing, she would find a way to finish the Purifier program, or it would be her neck on the line. Dr. Rhodes had unleashed a virus into the software prohibiting its activation functions, but she already had people looking for him. It would not be too long before he was recaptured, and she would make him pay for escaping.

  She recalled the fateful day that all this had happened. Everything was perfect until she had left the premises to meet Viktor at a secure location. She had made it clear that no one was to interrupt her meeting unless it was an extreme emergency. It was a tradition she had every time she met Viktor. Always, she made sure to have several hours to prepare and focus her energy. She dreaded meeting Viktor more than any other person. Nothing was more important than pleasing him and making sure he stayed in a good mood.

  She had recorded her final speech to her employees which would seal their fates as her brainless warriors that day. Her brother, Veron, would not attend the meeting as Viktor preferred to meet with her alone. It had taken an hour to reach the meeting spot. She waited by the docks inside a dark abandoned building. She was five minutes early, but it was better to be early than late with him. Her watch ticked in the darkness, and she could hear the beats of her heart. How foolish she felt! She was powerful, beautiful, and cruel, but all she experienced was anxiety.

  It was time. The wind touched her fair skin, and a cold shiver ran down her back. Footsteps came from the darkness. She turned around, her heart pounding.

  “My Lord,” said Botulinia, bowing.

  Viktor’s figure was menacing as he approached. Everything was silent except his footsteps.

  This had only intensified her anxiety when she was greeted with silence.

  “My Lord, thank you for coming,” she said, trying to remain calm.

  “Botulinia.” Viktor’s voice was powerful and cold.

  “My Lord,” she repeated.

  Viktor stepped out of the darkness and fully revealed himself. His eyes burst into white flame as he stared at her. “It pleases me to hear your voice, but I sense your wariness.”

  She had always marveled at how handsome he could be, but the power in his eyes was all that she could look at. She tried to compose herself. “I only wish to serve,” she said.

  “I see,” said Viktor. “Please, do not be wary for it diminishes the beauty in your voice.”

  Botulinia knew of her own beauty. It was one of her weapons, and she used it many times to get what she wanted, but not with this man. He always got what he wanted.

  “Thank you, my Lord. I appreciate your kindness,” she said.

  Viktor laughed. Botulinia shivered.

  “How I wish we could spend our days together like we used to in the past. Do you remember?” he asked.

  She remembered. Sometimes she wished she could forget. They were not a pleasant part of her life, but she could never reveal her true feelings. “Of course, I remember. It was a beautiful time,” she lied. “But as you know, Bellum is busy making the necessary plans and preparations for the recycling.”

  Again there was silence. Viktor’s breathing became heavier. Could he tell she was lying? Maybe he knew all along how she really felt?

  “Very good,” he said at last.

  Botulinia tried to relax.

  “I’m glad to hear that. Do tell me, how are the plans progressing with the Purifiers? My colleagues keep pestering me about the progress with those machines. I need results. You know how they get,” Viktor said.

  She knew. People often called her impatient, but she was nothing compared to them. She swallowed before she spoke. “Great progress. We’ve almost finished. It’s just the final part of the software that needs to be uploaded and—”

  “Almost finished?” he interrupted, his voice hinting at anger.

  This was not good. She had lost her composure. There were several vibrations from her phone. Why were people calling her when she asked not to be interrupted? She would deal with them later. “Ye… Yes. The doctor working on the project is more resistant than I’d hoped, but he will do as I ask, and it’ll be finished soon.”

  “Botulinia, the cycle of humanity is a necessary evolution. My colleagues and I do not expect failure or tardiness. I’m not a patient man, and my colleagues are just as impatient. You were chosen as a Blade to be our tool and to do our will. I would hate to have to replace my tools.” Viktor spoke with finality, his voice containing a sinister warning.

  She hated these meetings. Nothing but perfection was good enough for him. “Believe in me. I’m sorry that it’s not yet finished, but it’ll be done. The doctor thinks we have his son and will do our bidding for his safety.” She could sense her voice wavering. Again, her phone vibrated. She would kill whoever it was.

  “Your phone…” he said, coldly.

  Botulinia had told them no interruptions unless it was urgent. Why did they not listen? “I’m sorry, it’s nothing.”

  There was a moment of silence.

  “So,” said Viktor. “Do you have his son?” His voice was questioning.

  Botulinia knew she could not lie. Her heart was beating faster and faster. “No. We don’t, but he thinks we do and that is enough—”

  “It is never enough,” he said.

  Botulinia wished this meeting would end.

  “Certainty is never guaranteed, not in my experience. Make sure you find his son and get this work done as soon as possible,” he said.

  “Yes, my Lord. I apologize for my tardiness.” She sensed him judging her.

  “Botulinia, we have many tools. Your Blade colleagues are also working on bringing about the recycling of humanity, but in my eyes, you’re my number one. The Purifiers are our best weapons to bring this about, and that is why I do not like hearing that they have yet to be completed,” said Viktor.

  He always called her his number one. What did that even mean? She knew the other Blades and how competitive they were. Each Blade wanted the others to fail. She was lucky that she and her brother worked together, but the other Blades could not be trusted. “I will not fail,” she said. “Your confidence in me is not misplaced.”

  “Botulinia, do not be scared of me. I love you; you know that. I just want the best from you,” he said.

  She wondered if he even knew what love was. He had made her into what she was—a destructive force of nature willing to cause the deaths of millions. “Yes, my Lord.” Her phone vibrated again.

  Viktor did not look pleased. “Answer that damn phone before I lose my patience!”

  Botulinia was infuriated. She pulled out her phone and answered. “You better have a good reas—”

  “It’s Blackhat. We have an unidentified User in our ranks who has resisted the brainwashing.”

  Botulinia looked at Viktor who was watching her.

  “I hope there is not a problem?” he said.

  “That’s not all. Other Users have attacked our compound. Dominus and Geminae are also here and have taken command. They’re using our Bellum army for their own bidding to capture the intruders. We need you back as soon as possible. Everything is in chaos,” said Blackhat.

  She could not believe what she was hearing. An unknown User in her ranks? Impossible. Dominus and Geminae as well? They wanted the glory for themselves no doubt. She would put a stop to this. Her cheeks became red, and her eyes turned deadly. “Stay where you are. I’ll deal with it,” she said, ending the call.

  “You look perturbed,” said Viktor.

  “We might have a problem,” said Botulinia.

  That was when everything turned upside down. She lay back on her seat wanting to forget how angry Viktor had become that night. His anger was something she never wanted to witness again. She had tried to return to Bellum HQ before Dominus and Geminae had destroyed everything, but it was too late. When she had arrived, Dominus was already dead, and Dr. Rhodes and the unknown User were gone. Somet
hing she did find interesting, though, was that Rush had been there. That was also a sour point of discussion with Viktor. If Rush had been there, then he was planning something. The only consolation out of all of this was that they had two prisoners. They captured a young man and woman who were separated as their friends left them to die. This caused her to smile at the thought.

  She stood up and decided it was time to interrogate the prisoners. Dr. Rhodes had done something to prevent their brainwashing. That man was as smart as they come, and she could not wait to get her hands on him again. She strode toward the door and stepped over the dead body she had yet to remove from her office. Marcus had been in charge when she left. He had failed and let Dominus come in and take what was hers! Marcus had even interrogated the unknown User and found nothing! If he had done his job, maybe all this could have been prevented. Somebody had to be punished for her anger, and his death was just a hint of her cruelty.

  Marcus’s corpse lay bloodied on the marble floor as she left the office. She would need somebody to get that cleaned up.


  Blackhat was waiting for her as she entered into a secure area of the compound. Several Bellum officers were patrolling around the building. Inside, Blackhat led her to the room where the prisoners were being kept. Botulinia’s face was one of pure rage as she walked behind him. She had almost killed Blackhat, too, for being the messenger of bad news but decided she would spare him for now as he had his talents which could prove to be useful. Byron, her other officer, had also been killed, and her ranks were starting to thin.

  The room where the prisoners were being kept was a simple white-walled area with a single locked door. A blond-haired employee stood by the door as they approached.

  “This man knows the prisoners. Well…his former self anyway,” said Blackhat.

  “He was friends with them?” asked Botulinia.

  “His name was Cole. Worked at the Asian division for Mr. Adams,” said Blackhat.

  “The traitor?” said Botulinia.

  Blackhat nodded. “Security has been stepped up, and we won’t be having any more intruders in our ranks.”

  Botulinia clicked her fingers, and a spark of fire burst out causing Blackhat to flinch. “I better have your word on that. It enrages me to know Mr. Adams was not who he appeared to be. You and Marcus really slipped up.”

  Blackhat stood straight but avoided making eye contact with her. “It won’t happen again. I promise. Mr. Adams and the unknown User were aided by Rush. We know Rush is nearby, and we’ll be ready if he shows up again.”

  Botulinia sneered at hearing Rush’s name. “Rush…” His name came off her tongue ice cold. She then turned to Cole and looked into his eyes. There was nothing but an empty shell. “So, Cole, would you please join us while we talk to your former acquaintances?”

  Cole moved like a robot. “For the glory of Bellum,” he said and then opened the door.

  Botulinia strode inside with Blackhat and Cole behind her. She saw the two prisoners chained to the wall. Their sweaty and bloodied hair covered their cut and bruised faces. Neither one looked up.

  Botulinia walked over to the woman and lifted her chin up to force her to look at her. “You don’t look so great.”

  “Don’t touch her!”

  Botulinia turned to the crazy-eyed man who rattled his chains trying to break free. “I’ll touch where I please.” She then slapped the woman as hard as she could.

  “I’ll kill you!” shouted the man.

  Botulinia was disappointed by the lack of reaction from the woman. It looked like her spirit had been drained, and there was no fight left in her. She would be easy to break. Botulinia moved to the other prisoner and grabbed his throat. His muffled choking caused her to feel euphoric. This would be fun.

  “Please….let us go…” he choked.

  Botulinia squeezed tighter.

  “Let him go…please.”

  Botulinia turned back to the woman who showed her first sign of life. “You care for each other?” she said. “How poetic.” Botulinia released him and indicated for Cole to come forward.

  “Cole…” cried the woman.

  “Ignore him. He won’t recognize you no matter how hard you wish for it. His life is mine now,” said Botulinia.

  Cole stood there without emotion, feeling nothing for his former friends.

  “Cole, who are these two people?” asked Botulinia.

  Cole looked at the prisoners. “The man is called Michael, and she is Sarah,” he said, pointing to each of them.

  Botulinia pressed her lips and grabbed Sarah’s jaw. “Sarah, nice to meet you. My name is Botulinia.”

  “I said don’t touch her!” shouted Michael.

  Blackhat came forward and punched him in the gut. “Quiet!”

  “Wait your turn, Michael. We have a lot of time left for questions,” said Botulinia. She let go of Sarah who was now sobbing. She then gently touched Michael’s face. “Michael, hello,” she said in a seductive manner.

  Michael’s eyes widened.

  “Despite your bruises, you’re a handsome one, aren’t you?” Botulinia smiled and caressed his cheek.

  Michael tried to move his head away.

  “All men are the same, you see. Easy to manipulate, easy to control,” said Botulinia. She pushed back the image of Viktor from her thoughts. She bit her lip and looked Michael in the eyes. “I would like to ask some questions. Is that OK?”

  As she continued to caress his cheek, it was becoming evident that his will to resist was fading.

  “Michael…” cried Sarah.

  Blackhat grabbed her hair. “I said quiet!”

  Sarah moaned in pain.

  Michael snapped out of his trance and rattled his chains again as he saw Sarah’s discomfort. “I’ll kill you all!”

  Botulinia raised her eyebrows. “Perhaps I underestimated your will. You care for her a lot,” she said. “It won’t be enough, though.”

  Michael spat at Botulinia. “You won’t get away with this! They will find us!”

  Blackhat moved to strike him, but Botulinia held her hand up to stop him. She took out a handkerchief from her dress and wiped her face. “How delusional you are. No one is coming for you. No one will ever know you’re here. No one,” she said with sharpness.

  Michael stopped trying to break free and lowered his head.

  “Weak,” said Botulinia.

  Michael raised his head. “He’ll come for us. I know it.”

  “Ah yes…you mean the User? What was his name again?” Botulinia turned to Blackhat.

  “Kry Ensis,” said Blackhat.

  “Kry Ensis...” repeated Botulinia. “Michael, tell me about him would you?” She slid her finger down his cheek.

  “Don’t touch me! I won’t tell you anything!” he said.

  Botulinia sighed and lifted his chin so she could stare into his eyes. “Now, let me ask you again, what do you know about him?”

  The soft touch and trancelike stare from Botulinia enthralled Michael as he began to forget himself.

  “Kry… he is my best friend,” said Michael.

  Sarah sobbed as Michael freely succumbed to Botulinia’s charm.

  “Best friend? He wasn’t much of a friend leaving you here like this, was he?” said Botulinia.

  Michael’s pupils dilated as he listened to Botulinia’s every word.

  “Continue,” Botulinia said.

  “We went to the same high school and lived in the same neighborhood,” said Michael.

  She looked into his eyes and ran her hand through his hair.

  “He will come for me,” he said.

  “Tell me, Michael, did you know he was a User?” asked Botulinia.

  Michael’s eyes grew sad. “Not until recently. I’d no idea what he could do. None of us did.”

  “So he also lied to you about his gift?” asked Botulinia, seductively.

  “No…he…I mean he never knew about them either. He always tells me everything,” sai
d Michael, becoming confused.

  “Yes, especially good friends. I find it odd that Kry never knew of his powers until recently. Users are aware of what they can do from an early age. It seems like he lied to you, Michael.” She softly touched his cheeks once more.

  “Don’t listen to her, Michael,” screamed Sarah.

  Blackhat moved to strike her.

  “Wait,” said Botulinia. “Take her to another room. I would like some private time with my new friend.”

  Sarah shook her chains defiantly. Blackhat took out his baton and struck the back of her head, knocking her out. He indicated for Cole to release her, and the two of them took her to the next room leaving Botulinia and Michael alone.

  “You know, everything was perfect before this Kry came along. I think he ruined both of our lives,” said Botulinia.

  “No…Kry and I are good friends…he’ll come for me. I know him.” Michael wrestled with his chains.

  “Where is he now, then?” asked Botulinia.

  Michael did not answer and looked away.

  “That’s right. He left you and your girlfriend. Cole was your friend, too, right?” inquired Botulinia.

  Michael flinched. “You! You did all this!” Her charm was losing its effect as Michael struggled to keep his mind sane.

  “Yes. Yes, I did do this.” Botulinia slapped him from side to side.

  Michael breathed heavily. “Sarah…where is she?”

  “Don’t worry. Blackhat is looking after her. She won’t be hurt as long as you tell me everything I need to know,” said Botulinia.

  “What else is there? I don’t know anything,” he said.

  She did not believe that. “Let’s start again. So, Kry is a User and never told you until recently. Why? Because he never knew that he was one? If that’s true, then how did he find out, and why now?”


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