Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 33

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Eclipse agreed. They returned the books and made sure everything was tidy before leaving. Athena locked the library behind them. They all had one thought as they walked back to their rooms: to help Kry.


  He watched them with seething anger as one by one they had left the library. How could they do this? They had not even invited him, excluded him on purpose, and he thought they were supposed to be his friends! They had even invited Abel and Athena over him!

  “I told you,” said Zero. His voice was condescending as he placed his hand on Kry’s shoulder.

  From the shadows, they watched them leave the library.

  “They don’t trust you. They are not real friends,” said Zero.

  Kry was enraged. He was jealous of the fact that Abel had been invited to whatever meeting they were having. Why Abel? Athena and Abel had even walked back together. The thought made him even more upset.

  “You and I need to stick together,” said Zero, his voice gentle in the night. “You and I,” he said once more as the dark mist enveloped them both.

  Chapter 22 – Rush’s Discovery

  Rush awoke with a stinging backache. His head was spinning as he tried to focus his vision.

  “Hey, don’t move.” The soft melody of Sarah’s voice was easy on his ears.

  Sarah held him up as he tried to rise from the bed.

  “I feel terrible,” said Rush. He looked around to see where he was. Gray walls, some with mold and others recently painted, surrounded his bed. The only decorations in the room were several paintings hanging at odd angles. “Where are we?”

  There was not one window in the room, and the fresh paint made him feel nauseous.

  “Your friend brought us here. I woke up a couple of hours ago,” said Sarah who looked in much better shape than when he had rescued her.

  “My friend?” queried Rush.

  Sarah pointed to the table across from the bed. “He left a note for us. I guess he had other stuff to do as I didn’t see him when I woke up.”

  Rush rose from his bed ignoring Sarah’s protests to lie down. He picked up the note and laughed as he read the message.

  Hello Chap,

  Your good friend here. I caught you and your female friend having a nap on the bench. Good thing I came at the right time – as always. What were you doing there in the first place? If I hadn’t come around, then Botulinia’s guards would have most likely found you. You owe me one – as always.

  Oh, you may be wondering where you are. Well, it’s a safe house, and don’t mind the smell, you’ll get used to it. The Shadow Government is on high alert, and Bellum is a dangerous place to be, so I would advise against going back in there. It’s already dangerous for me to be seen around here. Sorry that I can’t see you when you wake up, but I have to keep up appearances.

  Your Friend

  P.S. Don’t go back to Bellum.

  Rush ignited the note with a small spark of fire from his finger. He checked his watch. So much time had been wasted already.

  “Who’s your friend?” asked Sarah.

  “Someone close,” he replied.

  Sarah looked down at the floor with sadness in her eyes.

  “You’re worried about Michael?” asked Rush.

  Sarah remained silent.

  Rush did not know her well, but he was sorry he could not bring Michael with them. “Tell me what happened to him.”

  Sarah lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Botulinia.” She seemed to be in a faraway place.

  Rush was surprised that Michael had been affected so much. Botulinia was far more formidable than he realized. “I saw Michael in Botulinia’s office. He tried to capture me or kill me. I’m not quite sure really.”

  Sarah looked at him. “Thank you for getting me out. I didn’t think anyone would come…”

  Rush sat down on the bed beside her. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.” He could see the pain in her eyes. “Please, tell me what happened.”

  Sarah propped herself up on the bed. “It started with Botulinia interrogating us both, but she was more interested in him. He tried to resist her, but she kept persisting and knew my presence was the only reason why he resisted for so long, so she separated us.”

  Rush was sure Botulinia enjoyed the torment she gave. She was a cruel Blade and ten times worse than Dominus.

  “But I could hear Michael’s protests from the room next door.” Sarah placed her hands over her face and gently sobbed.

  Rush tried to comfort her, but he was never good at this and just tapped her shoulder hoping it would soothe her pain.

  Sarah continued to sob. Rush was at a loss to know what to do.

  “He tried so hard to resist, and I could do nothing as I was trapped next door. Eventually, his protests ended, and there was only silence,” said Sarah, sniffling from her tears.

  Rush touched her shoulder softly.

  “I’m alright,” she said, understanding he was trying to comfort her.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I wish I had come sooner,” said Rush.

  “Botulinia did something to him, and it changed him. He didn’t even care about me after she was done with him,” said Sarah.

  Rush stood up and checked his gear. Everything was in order, and he knew what he had to do.

  Sarah got up from the bed as Rush made his way to the door. “Where are you going?”

  “Michael is still in there,” he replied.

  “What about the note? Your friend said it’s dangerous to go back. Botulinia could be waiting for you,” warned Sarah.

  “My friend was never one to dissuade me from what has to be done. Also, it’s not just Michael I have to rescue,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” asked Sarah.

  It was still unbelievable, but he remembered clearly Rhea stepping out of the limousine and entering the Bellum compound.

  “Rhea is inside Bellum as well.”

  Sarah started to sob again.

  “Look, you need to go home now you’re safe. Stay away from this mess. Go back to your family and forget what has happened here,” insisted Rush.

  Sarah came to him. “I can’t forget. I won’t. Michael’s still trapped, and Rhea, too. What about the others? Where’s Kry?”

  Rush told her what had happened after they were taken.

  Sarah was shocked to hear about Rhea but was relieved to know that she was alive. “How is this possible?”

  Rush shook his head. “I’ve no idea. We all thought she died, but I saw her before I collapsed, and it definitely was her.”

  “I hope Botulinia hasn’t done anything to her,” said Sarah. “And Kry is in Japan?”

  “Yes, he’s learning to use his ability so he can fight back when the time is right,” he replied.

  “I hope he can,” she said. “Botulinia’s a malicious woman, and I don’t know if Michael will ever be the same.”

  “He will,” he assured her. “I’m going to go back and get them both out, but I need to know you’ll be safe while I’m gone.”

  “My family must be so worried. I’ll go back to them and think of an excuse to why I hadn’t contacted them earlier.”

  Rush held her hand. “I’ll get Michael and Rhea. I promise.”

  Sarah wiped her tears and squeezed his hand. “Make sure you make Botulinia pay.”


  Rush knew this would be dangerous. Sarah was back with her family, and she would be safe. Knowing this made it easier for him for his task at hand.

  His long white coat flapped in the wind as he waited in the shadows looking at the Bellum compound. Michael was not himself, and he would not make the same mistake in underestimating Michael or Botulinia. After this was done, he would contact Kry, Eclipse, and Whisper. He was sure they were doing well, as all three of them were capable of protecting themselves, but for now, he had to take Michael by force and find out about Rhea.

  It always gave him an eerie sensation when he looked upon the ga
tes of Bellum and its huge compound. Underground, there were many machines of a terrible nature—the Purifiers. He knew that going back inside would be a great risk, but he could not leave Michael and Rhea behind.

  He waited until nightfall before making his move. Rush adjusted his white-rimmed sunglasses and cloaked his User presence. Unlike last time, he had to be more careful. With increased security, Rush could not risk using any of his abilities to cause a distraction or to create a diversion. He then touched his chest with his hand which was glowing with energy. Instantly, his white coat turned to red, and he looked no different to any other Bellum employee. It was ghastly to be dressed like this, but it would provide a useful disguise to go unnoticed. He made one more check of the compound and tried to locate the presence of Michael and Rhea. A beacon of light appeared in his mind for each of them, and they were not far from one another. Rush was glad he found Rhea’s presence. Yet, when he remembered that night, Rhea seemed to enter the compound without resistance. He hoped that Rhea had not been affected the same way Michael had.

  Aside from Michael and Rhea, he sensed Seekers patrolling the compound within. The Seekers were trained to find Users, but Rush was capable enough of hiding his User presence to a degree where they could not detect him…if he was careful.

  The greatest risk he would face though was the great beacon of light that appeared much brighter than the rest: Botulinia. He sensed that she was working high up above in her lavish office. It did not seem as if Botulinia would leave the compound this night. The one piece of luck he had was that there would be no need to enter the central tower as Michael and Rhea were both in the same building at the far end of the compound. With luck, he could avoid Botulinia entirely.

  Rush moved around the compound and found the closest point to where he sensed Rhea. If he could see what was on the other side, he would blink, but he needed to have an image of where he would blink to for him to do so or he would be severely fatigued. He launched himself into the air and landed over the compound wall. In several directions, he could sense the locations of patrolling guards. Quickly, he moved toward where he sensed Michael and Rhea. He hoped Rhea could help him persuade Michael to leave.

  He turned the corner and continued down the path toward them. Adrenaline began to rise within him as he drew closer to a dome-shaped building ahead. Two guards were walking toward him, but luckily there were no Seekers in this part of the compound. He lowered his head and tried to walk by, but they stopped in front of him blocking his path.

  “For the glory of Bellum,” they said in unison.

  Rush raised his head and looked into their dead eyes. “For the glory of Bellum,” he replied, maintaining his composure.

  Without saying a word, they stared at him for some time before turning away and disappearing into the night. It was not often that he was unnerved, but seeing these innocent people act as puppets of Botulinia made him feel uneasy. He quickened his pace and was now in front of the dome-shaped building. According to Mean Bean’s drawing of the compound, this was one of the newer buildings where the new Bellum staff would be accommodated. He was surprised there were no guards at the doors. He had no choice but to enter as Michael and Rhea were inside.

  He entered the building and saw a beautiful green garden filled with various plants and trees. The sound of running water could be heard in the distance as he slowly walked down the winding path through the idyllic garden. The garden was unnatural. He could not but feel something was strange, yet he had to go on.

  He had almost reached them, and he could feel their presence around the next bend. He turned the corner and immediately recognized Rhea standing by a waterfall. She had her back to him, staring into the flowing water.

  “Rhea?” he said as he approached her.

  Rhea quickly turned. Her face was one of dismay and drained of color as she saw him. Before Rush could react, a blow of significant power knocked him down. His barrier had been raised, but he was dragged upward into the air and then back down, slamming him hard against the stone path. He formed a second barrier and pushed against the energy that was trying to drag him upward.

  “Don’t hurt him!” shouted Rhea.

  His mind became blurred and unfocused, and the strain to maintain his barriers was impossible as each barrier dissipated. A force then threw him backward across the path, the stone scraping at his back. Another force of energy wrapped around his neck and constricted his breathing as he struggled to break free. He then saw the white-robed Seekers, several of them appearing from the trees around him. They walked toward him with their rods glowing.

  Rhea tried to run toward Rush, but Michael suddenly appeared from the waterfall behind her and held her back. “Leave him, Rhea. It’s over.”

  Rush tried to think, but the Seekers were suppressing his energy. How did he not sense them when he had entered? He had always been able to sense a Seeker before they could sense him.

  The Seekers picked him up and formed a prison-barrier around him, the bars of light trapping him in a fixed position.





  The Seekers spoke one by one as they held their rods by their sides.

  Rush could see Rhea trying to break free from Michael’s grasp. She had not changed. That was the only good thing that came from this.

  A shiver ran down his back as a familiar sensation of coldness touched his skin. From the waterfall, Botulinia appeared with her elegant purple dress gliding behind her. The water had parted as she walked through. Next to her was the cold presence of Geminae. Rush could not imagine a worse scenario as Botulinia and Geminae approached his prison.

  “Predictable. I knew you would return. You could never leave a damsel in distress, could you, Rush?” Botulinia’s lips twisted as she smiled cruelly.

  Rush used his muscular strength to push against the prison, but it had no effect.

  Botulinia placed her arm over Geminae. “As you can see, my dear Geminae has returned to us, and so has Dr. Rhodes. Now, with you in my care, I will break you, and you will tell me where Kry is or bad things will happen.” Botulinia glanced back at Rhea.

  Rush looked into Botulinia’s eyes with contempt and then turned his attention to Geminae who he thought would not return to them. He had hoped she would find her redemption with the existence of Kry and the life of her sister, but he was wrong. Geminae’s eyes were colder than Botulinia’s, and there was no way in knowing what deal had been struck for her safety to be guaranteed by the Shadow Government.

  Botulinia placed her hand inside the prison and grabbed his throat. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Rush. You disrupted my plans and made me look bad to the Shadow Government. I’m so going to enjoy your suffering.”

  Rush would not allow her any satisfaction and looked back defiantly.

  “Take him away,” ordered Botulinia. “We have much to discuss.”

  Suppressed by the Seekers, Rush was powerless.

  “Oh, and Rush,” began Botulinia, “with Dr. Rhodes back in my pocket, the Purifiers will be unleashed very soon, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. The recycling of humanity is coming, and you’ll have a first-class seat to witness it all.”

  He was then dragged away by the Seekers. He remembered the note from his friend. His friend was right, but he had to take the risk. Unfortunately, this time he had lost the draw.

  Chapter 23 – Kry’s Fate

  Everything was going to plan. It was even better than he had ever anticipated. How incredible it all was that things were just fitting together. It was just too easy. Kry was already succumbing to his influence, and fueling his anger was like giving oxygen to a candle flame. The more he influenced Kry, the more Kry grew in anger toward others, and in turn made Kry stronger. It was a good day. Not even this urgent meeting called by Katar would ruin his mood.

  Zero pushed open the doors to the professors’ meeting room and was elated
to know he was the last to arrive.

  Katar immediately zoned in on him. “Professor Zero, you’re late.”

  Of course. He had planned to be late. Nothing was ever an accident with him.

  “I must have lost track of time, my fellow professors. Pardon my tardiness,” said Zero as he made his way to his seat.

  Katar was not happy and showed it by glaring at Zero for several seconds. “In a time like this, we need punctual professors with more maturity than what you have shown,” said Katar, harshly.

  Zero enjoyed getting under his skin and placed his fingers together, creating a pyramid with his hands. “Maturity is deemed by those who define it,” he replied. “How about we start the meeting rather than throw aggressive overtures that only delay our discussion?” Zero knew this would aggravate Katar even more.

  Katar bit his lip and held his tongue. He crossed his hands, and the lights of the room dimmed. A digital screen rose up from the center of the room in front of them. Everyone was in attendance, and each of them was worried. Zero scanned their moods from their sitting positions, their composure, and even to the way they slightly moved. He analyzed every minute detail.

  Professor Manjra sat with both his arms and legs crossed. His finger tapped under his arm as if he had a twitch. Zero took note of it. Manjra was nervous, closing himself in a defensive posture, and his tapping finger was just a sign of his doubts. Weak. Zero was disgusted.

  The beautiful Professor Seranay sat on the right of Manjra. Her back was straight, and her eyes sharp like a hawk. Both her hands were idle on her lap, and to the untrained eye anyone would believe she was confident, alert, and disciplined. But Zero was far too skilled to miss any detail and saw the movements of Seranay’s throat. Her beautiful neck being distorted by her constant swallowing was a sign of her being uncomfortable. She was fake. Zero had hoped she would prove stronger than the others, but he only disappointed himself with such hope.


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