Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 34

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Ah, and there was his mind-intruding colleague, Professor Himura, sitting next to Seranay. Himura had yet to try another stint of accessing his mind after his last failed attempt. Himura knew he was outmatched, or maybe he was just confused at how quickly he was pushed back from his mind. Zero smiled to himself, thinking how confused Himura could be. Himura was probably more aware of his surroundings than the others, but he, too, had his weaknesses. His open posture suggested he was confident and comfortable with the situation, but Zero attuned his ears and heard the faint heartbeats of Himura’s heart. The beats were beating faster than average, and Zero knew Himura was hiding his discomfort, hiding it well, but not well enough from him.

  Zero continued his analysis, and next was Professor Nam, the short but cute woman, who as far as he could tell was acting suspiciously. She was alert, confident, and he sensed a tingle of excitement coming from her. He would need to watch her carefully as her eyes darted around the room. She was watching each and every one of them. Zero looked away just before she caught him looking at her.

  Yujin sat next to Nam with his large body barely being able to fit on the standard seat. His breathing was calm, and his posture showed no signs of weakness, but the eyes, the eyes showed Zero everything he needed to know. Yujin’s eyes expressed worry, and if he may say so, fear. Poor Yujin; he must really care for Kry for him to act this way. It was good that Yujin felt this way because he could be fully sure that Yujin was not working for the Shadow Government. In fact, he was sure Nam was his target. It was always the quiet and cute ones.

  The digital screen rose to a great height and then turned on. The flow of lava filled the screen, and Kry stood alone on one slab of rock while Aiyax stood on the other.

  “As well all saw, Kry, is no ordinary student,” said Katar.

  The video continued showing Kry battling Aiyax, and his eyes alight with white fire. Zero enjoyed the fight, but he was disappointed that Kry had no idea how to control his gift.

  The video went on to show Kry unleashing vast amounts of energy as he almost killed Aiyax.

  Zero was impressed with Aiyax. He never expected her to win when Kry was in such a state, but she deserved the praise for handling Kry the way she did. With his training, though, Kry would not make the same mistake again.

  “How did this happen at all?” asked Professor Himura. “It’s unprecedented. No User in history has shown to reach the level of the Ascended except for the members of the Shadow Government.”

  Zero did not like to hear of the Shadow Government; they were…he clenched his fist so hard that his nails dug deeply into his skin.

  The video turned off, and the screen descended into the floor.

  “It’s a mystery and a risk,” said Katar.

  “This is why I wanted to know more about the new students in our last meeting, but you thought otherwise,” accused Nam in a condescending tone.

  “There was no way to know Kry had such power. Even if I had shared with you more information, none of it would have revealed that Kry could reach the level of an Ascended,” said Katar.

  Nam slammed her fist on the table. “Damn it, Katar! You can’t hide anything from us. We’re supposed to work as a team, but there are missing details regarding these students.”

  “Be careful how you speak to me, Nam. I’m still in charge of this institution,” said Katar.

  Zero loved seeing Nam’s fiery persona shine through. Perhaps she was not the spy after all. “Let’s calm down. Katar made a decision to keep those details from us for a reason, so let’s respect his decision as he is our glorious leader,” he said, placing emphasis on the word leader.

  Katar was not impressed.

  “Are we to tell the Shadow Government about this?” asked Seranay. “We may be punished for not letting them know about this student and what he can do…”

  Before Katar could reply, Zero cut him off. “Seranay, let’s not be so hasty. The Shadow Government might sponsor us, but we don’t need to tell them every little detail that goes on here, do we?”

  “I think Kry’s power is something more than a little detail,” said Seranay.

  “That might be true, but are you so eager to let the Shadow Government know before we truly understand who Kry is? Are you not afraid what they might do to him? You know they are ruthless with their decision making,” said Zero.

  Seranay looked away. Zero knew of her past and how the Shadow Government had taken away her sister for some experiment, only for her never to be seen again. He would have to work on their hate for the Shadow Government to keep Kry safe. That was his priority, and anyone who would get in the way would die by his hand.

  “Zero’s right. If we just hand Kry over, who knows what the Shadow Government would do to him. He’s a unique individual, and we shouldn’t be so hasty in letting them know just yet. I advise we wait and continue to monitor Kry’s performance,” said Himura.

  Nam slammed her fist down again. “And then what? Wait for the Shadow Government to find out by themselves? They would punish us severely. They could take away our funding, and they might even kill us for trying to hide such a person.”

  Zero was growing suspicious again, but he still could not tell who the spy was. Nam had all the makings to be his number one suspect, but something was missing. “Are you afraid of the Shadow Government, Nam? I’m a little bit disappointed to hear that.”

  Nam glared at him. “And you are not? The one good thing about working here is how much room the Shadow Government gives us to do as we please, but that would all end if they found out.”

  Zero leaned in. “And how would they find out?” He purposefully looked at them all.

  Nam sighed. “They would. They always do. Somehow, they always do.”

  Yujin raised his hand to speak. “The new students were my responsibility because I brought them in as a request from my friend.”

  “Yes, so you have said before. Your acquaintance, right? Now is the time to tell us who that person is,” said Nam.

  Yujin looked to Katar.

  “Tell them,” said Katar. “I should have told them sooner.”

  “Told us what?” probed Nam.

  Zero remained quiet knowing this was dangerous ground to be treading. Revealing the information here would put Kry at a greater risk.

  “You might not like this, but Rush was the one who asked me to bring them here to study,” said Yujin.

  Nam exploded with rage. “Rush?! That incompetent renegade who happens to be wanted by the Shadow Government?”

  Zero studied her anger carefully.

  “Hear me out,” said Yujin, quickly. “I had no idea that Kry had such a power. It’s no secret that Rush and I were close in the past, and I trusted his judgment.”

  “I hope your trust will be worth your life,” said Nam.

  “Calm down, Nam,” said Katar. “We need to work together.”

  “Calm down? We have an Ascended student! How?” snapped Nam.

  Yujin wiped sweat from his forehead.

  “Nam, you’re overreacting. No one need tell the Shadow Government about this. I suggest we continue as we have done, teaching the students and making them stronger,” said Himura. “Kry is only one of the students who show promise, but Eclipse and Whisper are also highly valued in my class. I would not like to see them handed in so easily.”

  Zero was confident he could remove Himura from his list of suspects. Strangely, only Professor Manjra had yet to say anything. He watched him sitting in his closed posture tapping his finger. The nerves Manjra was showing was telling.

  “Professor Manjra, you seem a little agitated,” said Zero, keeping his eyes on him.

  Professor Manjra stopped his tapping. “Professor Zero. I’m just thinking of the best way to handle this situation.”

  “Look, the other students are all confused about Kry’s transformation, and the amount of stress in the university is reaching dangerous levels. We need to put a stop to this and calm everyone down,” said Katar.
  Zero was still inspecting Manjra who began to tap his arm again. Zero did not trust him.

  “What do you suggest, Katar?” questioned Seranay.

  Katar was deep in thought as he tried to think of a solution.

  “Are you sure it’s wise for us to keep this information from the Shadow Government?” Nam fidgeted with her hair. “I still think it’s in our best interest to hand him over.”

  “And tell them what, Nam?” accused Zero. “That Yujin is in contact with Rush, and that Katar was the one who allowed them to come here? I think that would end badly for both Yujin and Katar.”

  Nam scowled at him.

  “It’s alright. I’ll take responsibility for this if you come to the decision to tell them,” said Yujin. “But know this, I’ll not go without a fight.”

  “Brave words, Yujin. Let’s see how well you do when the Blades have their hands on you,” said Nam.

  “There’s no need to bring up the Blades and their disgusting organization,” said Seranay.

  “Ah yes, one of your good friends was a member if I remember correctly. What was her name again? Nightpickle?” teased Nam.

  “Her name was Nightshade, Nam, and you better watch your tongue. Otherwise, you and I will be the next to fight in the Cube,” threatened Seranay.

  Nam chuckled. “I’d love to see you try!”

  Zero purposefully coughed. How immature they all were. “We are getting sidetracked.” He turned to Katar. “You need to make a decision.”

  Katar did not like how he was addressed, and Zero knew it. He locked eyes with Zero, both of them staring at each other, and it almost felt like lightning was crackling between them.

  “We will vote on it. There are seven of us, so it will need to be a majority vote for it to be final,” said Katar. He waved his hands in front of him and created a golden box which floated in the air. Pieces of paper formed in front of all the professors. “You’ll use the paper to place your vote inside the box. There are only two options, yes or no, on the decision to hand Kry over to the Shadow Government.”

  Zero took the paper and watched the others do the same. He needed a little more information as to who the spy was. He could smell the treachery, and it made him angry. Kry was too valuable to be lost like this.

  “Before you place your vote, be warned that there is no going back, and whatever is decided will be the final verdict. Kry’s fate is now in your hands,” said Katar.

  No Katar, Kry’s fate is in my hands. Zero used his mind to form his answer on the paper and folded it. The paper floated inside the box.

  One by one the professors did the same and placed their vote inside the box. There was silence as Katar picked the floating box in front of him and returned to his seat. He placed his hand into the box. “The votes are done in secret, so none will know how you have voted, but your conscience will always weigh on you.”

  Zero was becoming impatient. There was no way he would allow Kry to be handed over to the Shadow Government. Zero watched the faces of all the professors in attendance. His chosen suspects were still Manjra and Nam as the spy, but he needed to be very sure before making his move. His position would also be in jeopardy.

  Katar pulled out the first vote. He flicked his wrist, and the paper unfolded. “No, is the first vote.”

  Zero recognized his print on the paper. He would wait to see the rest.

  Katar continued with the next paper and again flicked his wrist to reveal the answer. “No. That’s two for no so far.”

  Yujin shuffled in his seat. Zero noticed his reduced tension and believed the print was his.

  Katar pulled out the next. “Yes,” he said, sadly. “Two to one. Four votes left.”

  Manjra continued his tapping, and it was beginning to annoy Zero. “Why are you so nervous, Manjra? You have an itch in your finger?” he said, callously.

  Manjra controlled his finger. “Why are you so interested in what I do?”

  “I’m not interested, just disappointed you have no self-control,” said Zero.

  Manjra almost rose from his seat, but the look Katar gave restrained him.

  “Zero, be silent until the casts are done,” said Katar with serious undertones.

  Zero laughed inside. “As you wish, Katar.”

  Katar pulled the next paper out. “Yes,” he said. “Two against two, and three votes remain.”

  Zero expected Manjra and Nam to vote yes. He was positive that the remaining votes would be no.

  Katar continued. “No,” he said. “Two votes left.”

  Zero rubbed his hands. He could go back to work after this and begin his private lessons with Kry.

  Katar pulled the vote out and flicked his wrist. “Yes.”

  Zero looked at the paper in surprise. Who aside from Manjra and Nam would vote this way?

  “Three against three. The next will decide whether Kry stays or goes. I hope we all understand what that means,” said Katar.

  Zero controlled his anger. There was another professor aside from Manjra and Nam who was against Kry, but who? Could it be Seranay? It was unlikely considering how she hated the Shadow Government. How about Himura? Well, he seemed to be on the side of keeping Kry and the others here. That left Yujin or Katar, the two who worked together to bring Kry in, but both of them seemed unlikely.

  Katar pulled out the last slip. It opened, and the words written on the paper revealed Kry’s fate. “No,” said Katar with relief.

  Zero was relieved, but he was not happy. Who else voted yes?

  “It’s done. We have voted, and Kry will remain here as a student until his studies are finished. We’ll continue as we have done, teaching the students to become stronger Users. We’ll keep Kry’s power a secret until we decide at a later date what to do,” said Katar.

  Nam did not look pleased. “I think this is a big mistake. This is going to come back and be terrible for all of us.”

  “Perhaps, Nam, but it was a majority vote. Four against three, and it’s final,” said Katar.

  Nam huffed and leaned back in her chair with a look of displeasure.

  Yujin rose from his seat and smiled. “Well, this is good. I think we made the right call. As professors, we should protect the interest of our students.”

  “Thank you, Yujin, but we haven’t finished yet. Please sit down,” said Katar.

  Yujin bowed apologetically and sat down again.

  “Does anyone else have anything further to add to this discussion regarding Kry?” asked Katar.

  Zero was pleasantly surprised at how well Katar was managing the professors. Perhaps he had underestimated his talent.

  Himura raised his hand to speak.

  “Go ahead, Himura,” said Katar.

  Zero watched Manjra and Nam, switching his vision between the two of them. They looked both uncomfortable with the decision.

  “I agree with Yujin. This is the best outcome, and I’d hate to see Whisper separated from Kry. They’re like brothers in class, and I’m still working on a method for Whisper to regain his speech,” said Himura.

  Zero checked his watch. It was getting late.

  “Thank you, Himura,” said Katar. “Now, if there’s nothing else to add, I’ve found a solution which could help with the students’ stress levels. We will host a university party for the students.”

  Nam’s look of previous displeasure suddenly changed to be one of excitement.

  “The party will be an event for the students to connect outside of their classes and fighting. Professors will also be allowed to attend, and I’ll allow some budget to be given for the costs of holding this party,” said Katar.

  “It’s a good idea,” said Seranay. “A party is just what the students need, and to be fair, I think for us as well, especially after that strenuous vote.”

  “It’s agreed, then. I’ll have Bronson begin preparations for the party to be held soon. I think the large hall of the gymnasium will be a good enough place for all the students,” said Katar.

nbsp; Zero did not want Kry to be distracted by a petty party, but it seemed there was no choice. At least, the vote had gone his way, but it still aggravated him not knowing who else voted for Kry to go.

  “Thank you, everyone. The next time we gather will be at the party,” said Katar.

  The professors rose from their seats and gradually left the meeting room. Zero remained seated and watched them all leave. Katar was the last to go.

  Zero sat alone thinking about his next move. He smiled to himself. He detected something that should not be here. Well, it seemed his plans were being set for him as he glanced briefly to the corner of the room. He knew what had to be done next.

  Zero walked out of the room and left the building. He then continued toward the students’ graveyard. As he entered, he smiled to himself once more. He made his way to a thicket of trees by several slabs of stone where fallen students were buried. He kneeled down and feigned his interest in the graves.

  “Come on out,” said Zero. He rose to his feet and turned to face what seemed to be a silent graveyard. “I said, show yourself, Blade.”

  A shimmer of energy rippled in the wind, and then suddenly a man appeared. “I’m impressed. You knew I was here?”

  Zero could sense his confidence. This Blade actually thought he was in a comfortable position. “I’ve known all along. Your name is Veron, isn’t it?”

  Veron was an imposing figure as he tensed his muscles, his dark cloak flowing behind him in the wind. “So you’ve heard of me?” he said with a hint of pride.

  Zero smiled at his lack of humility. “Of course, who has not heard of the great Veron, one of the mighty Blades?”

  Veron laughed so loud that his voice echoed throughout the graveyard. “Do you know why I’m here?”

  Zero tapped his head with his fingers. “Let me see. Are you here to kill me?”

  Veron smiled. “You’re a funny old man, Zero, but you’re partially right. I have the right to kill you if I choose to as ordained by the Shadow Government.”

  Zero sighed. “On what grounds?”

  “Does the Shadow Government need a reason? They sent me here to watch you because you seem to be causing a disturbance with the other professors,” said Veron.


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