Book Read Free

Spin the Bottle

Page 22

by T L Osborn

  Riley: Don’t worry about the wine, just get your butt back here.

  Me: Sure, I’ll see you soon.

  I stuff what I can of my work into my bag and decide I’ll just carry the rest in my arms. Gathering all my stuff, I make my way out of my class and lock the door as Mrs Cherry appears. She sets the alarm to the school and we head out of the gates.

  “Will you be all right walking to your car?” she asks.

  “Absolutely.” I wave her goodbye but I do stick around to make sure she gets to her car safely.

  Making my way over to my own, I slip on the gravel of the road in my high-heeled shoes all because I didn’t take the time to change into my flats. Wobbling, I have just enough time to catch myself before all my paperwork scatters. Finally making it to my car, I open the rear door and dump all my stuff inside. Hearing a noise behind me, like shuffling on gravel, my heart begins to race. I’m being ridiculous; I’m the only one here. It’s dark so any noise can be scary. I hear noises again and jump hitting my head on the roof of the car.

  “Looks like you’re making my job easier,” a sinister voice says from behind me. I turn around to face whoever it is only to find myself pulled roughly by my hair, feeling it tug at my scalp. “Now be a good girl and come quietly.” Suddenly, I feel something hard hit the back of my head and blackness engulfs me.


  I’m sitting at my desk, munching on the leftover Carbonara pasta that Sasha cooked for dinner last night and she lovingly put some into a container for me for today when suddenly, a large cake, card and gift are placed on my desk. Turning around, I find my night shift teammates, Matt and my boss standing there.

  “What’s all this?” I ask. “As far as I’m aware, I’m not leaving the force, just the night shift team.”

  My boss laughs. “Which we all know, but the team wanted to do something to say good luck during day shift and they all reckon you’ll last a week before you’re begging to come back to nights.”

  I laugh. “Thanks guys, I really appreciate this; you sure know how to make a guy feel loved.”

  “Will you cut the cake, I think Matt might be getting antsy?” My boss laughs.

  “I’m surprised the cake is still in once piece, especially with Matt here.”

  “When I heard there was going to be a cake, naturally I volunteered to work this last shift with you.” Matt laughs.

  “Who says you’re getting cake?” I laugh, though I’m generous and cut him the first and biggest slice. Once everyone has got their piece, I grab one for myself. It’s good, like really good. Digging in again I swallow my mouthful. “Who made it?”

  “My wife,” Matt says.

  “Tell her it’s good.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  I dig in again and am mid-bite when my phone starts ringing on my desk. Glancing at it, my brows furrow in confusion.

  Why is Aria ringing me? She knows I’m at work.

  Swallowing my mouthful, I answer the call. “Hey sis, how are you?”

  “Um…You’re at work tonight, aye? You didn’t take the night off secretly by chance did you?”

  “No, I’m definitely at work. Why?”

  “Well, it’s just…Sasha hasn’t come home yet. She texted Riley at seven and said she was on her way home but hasn’t arrived. We thought that she was with you but now we don’t know where she is.” Her sense of urgency has me walking away from the team.

  “Okay. So you said you heard from her at seven? That was two hours ago. That’s definitely not like her at all. Have you checked the school to make sure she’s not there?” I ask.

  “Yes, Toby; she’s not there but her–” she bursts into tears down the phone.

  “Don’t touch anything. I’m sending a team and coming out to look,” I demand and hang up the phone, returning to my team.

  “Everything all right, Toby?” My boss asks as I gather all my stuff together.

  I shake my head. “No. It would appear my girlfriend is missing. Her last known whereabouts were the school where she works. My sister and brother-in-law are there now and well, I didn’t get much more than she’s not there.”

  “Team, gear up. Matt, take your camera gear, grab a crew and head out to the school. Find out what’s happened or whether or not she’s close by. I’ll get a hotline set up for possible sightings,” my boss commands as I grab my own jacket, ready to head out with Matt. “Where do you think you’re going, Detective?” my boss says.

  “With Matt, to find her.”

  “I don’t think so. You’re to go home right now and be with your family. You can’t be part of an investigation like this.” I open my mouth to protest. “That’s an order.”

  Damn it, he knows I won’t disobey a direct order.

  “Toby, go. You won’t be much help to me. What’s the name of the school?” Matt asks, grabbing his camera gear.

  “Whiteman’s Valley School.”

  “Go, bro, we got this. I’ll keep you informed.” He slaps me on the back and I reluctantly leave the station.

  I don’t want to go home, I want to go find her.

  Numbly, I make my way to my car, climb in and turn it on. Music blares through the stereo as I realise its Sasha’s favourite song by Christina Aguilera. Shutting it off, I hang my head in my hands.

  Where is she?

  Pulling myself together, I make the drive towards Upper Hutt and James’ place. That’s where everyone will be waiting.

  I barely remember the drive out there; barely remember getting inside before Aria wraps herself in my arms, holding me tight enough that I can’t breathe.

  “Any news?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  She directs me to a seat on the couch and Simon hands me a whiskey which I sip slowly. A puppy with black, white and caramel fur comes over to me and I pick her up. She’s Sasha’s little shadow and she’s decided to adopt this little cutie and I’ll admit that it makes me feel better cuddling something that Sasha loves even though I wish I could cuddle her.

  Draining my glass, I look at the clock.

  They must’ve discovered something by now so why hasn’t Matt called me?

  “I can’t fucking do this. I’m going to the school.”

  I place the glass down on the table and stand up. James, Simon, Jake and Roger all stand too.

  “What do you all think you’re doing?” I ask.

  “Going with you. There’s no way in hell you’re going alone,” Jake says.

  I can’t argue with them so best to just let them come along.

  Aria steps forward to hug me tightly. “We’ll stay in case she comes here. Maybe she just needed some space.”

  “I hope that’s the case.” At this point I really do. Leaving the house, we get into Roger’s SUV and drive towards the school. The closer we get, the faster my heart races. What will I find? Is she there and just injured?

  Turning the corner, there’s several sets of red and blue flashing lights, dog units, a crime scene tent is set up too. I jump out of the car before Roger even stops, running down the road as fast as I can. Only, I’m greeted by Matt who comes running over to me.

  Please don’t fucking tell me she’s dead, mate.

  “Hey, I told you I‘d keep you informed.”

  “What’s this then?” I growl.

  “There’s good news and bad news. The good news is Sasha isn’t here but there seems to have been a struggle.”

  “And the bad news?”

  “We don’t know where she is.” Dropping to my knees on the road, skin meets concrete as I lay on the road weeping in rage. “We’re doing all we can, bro. I swear that to you.”

  “Find her please,” I beg him.

  I have to find her and when I do I’m fucking keeping her.


  I waken in complete darkness. My head is throbbing, body aching as if I’ve been kicked all over and my hands are numb. As I try to move, I realise I can’t.

  Terror begins to set in.
br />   Where am I?

  Who has me?

  What do they want from me?

  Suddenly, I hear a noise and a door opens. I’m lying sideways as a figure walks into the room. The tapping of heels on the floor intrigues me and as I look up, the light being turned on in the room blinds me.

  As my eyes adjust to the scene before me, I find I’m staring into the face of Felicity.

  What the hell?

  “Oh good, you’re awake. I worried for a moment that I hurt you more than I meant to. No matter, you’re awake now.”

  Looking around the room, I see the walls are covered in photos. Photos of Toby, Felicity and myself. She seems to have created some sort of fantasy life with Toby. Photos of them getting married, buying a house, travelling and having babies line the walls. Each one on top of the other in a huge collage.

  “Why am I here?”

  “You’re here because I told you to stay the fuck away from Toby, but did you listen? No, you didn’t, so I’m going to remove you from the situation altogether.”

  Does she plan to kill me?

  “I won’t harm you just yet, I want to have some fun with you first.”

  My heart races in my chest; my stomach churns as I stare at her, my body breaking out in a sweat.

  Does she mean to kill me?

  “You’ll never get away with this,” I say, trying to keep my tone strong and calm.

  “You’re not really in a position to tell me what I will and won’t get away with. I’d be thinking about keeping my mouth shut if I were you.”

  “Fee, where are you?” another voice calls down the hallway. A voice I know well.


  “In here. I see some recognition in your eyes; you know my brother,” she says.


  “Oh yes, Kyle’s my older brother and he told me all about you and what a slut you are by cheating on him. So I’m here to get Toby back and take you out of the situation for good.”

  I gulp as I hear Kyle’s footsteps down the hall and as he enters the room, his eyes widen in horror.

  “Oh, Felicity, what the fuck have you done?” he whispers.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “We’re wasting fucking time here,” I say through gritted teeth. “We have to go and find Kyle. He’s got her, I know he does.”

  Matt shakes his head. “Mate, you know above all others in this room that we need to establish facts.”

  “The longer we sit here, the longer she’s–” I can’t finish my sentence. I can’t voice what I’m thinking.

  Where is she?

  Does he have her?

  Is he harming her?

  I feel so helpless right now.

  Matt taps me on the shoulder. “Mate, we’ll find her, but we need more information from you. You can’t go accusing people.”

  “I’m not. I just know she wouldn’t have left me. Matt, I gotta find her. I love her. I can’t bear to be without her. I’ve done it once, I won’t do it again. She’s my life, my love and my reason for breathing.”

  I break down into sobs as Aria comes over to sit beside me and rubs my back.

  “We’ll find her, Tob. She’s strong, sassy and won’t give up without a fight. There’s a reason you two are meant to be together.” Aria adds a reassuring squeeze of her hand.

  I look up at Matt. “I can give you limited details. I know his name is Kyle but I don’t know a surname. His address is 15 Tulsa Grove, Totara Park. He’s been harassing her since they broke up; he wouldn’t leave her alone. She ended up getting a restraining order not that it stopped him.”

  Matt writes several things down. I raise my hands to the back of my head and lean back, letting out a breath, trying to calm myself down. I feel really fucking helpless right now. I just want her home safe.

  “Did her ex know she was staying here?”

  I shake my head. “No. Not a lot of people did for her safety.”

  “Have there been any issues here?” Matt asks James.

  “None. We’ve got security cameras all over the place so he’d be stupid to try anything knowing we could get it all on camera. You can’t even get through our front gate without a unique code.”

  Matt nods. “Toby we’ll send someone to check out this Kyle. Meanwhile, I want you to stay here in case something happens or Sasha shows up here. The boss doesn’t want you going out anywhere; you need to leave the searching to us.”

  I look at him. “I’m not making any promises.”

  Matt leaves with a wry smile and exits through the front door. James comes over with a beer for me and puts it in my hands.

  “Drink up, mate; there’s nothing you’re going to be able to do until morning. None of us are going anywhere.” With a slap to my back he walks away.

  I take a sip of the beer, not wanting to seem ungrateful for all the support tonight. Sasha’s puppy comes over and whimpers at my feet. Picking her up again, I cuddle her close.

  “It’s okay girl, we’ll get her home,” I whisper, patting her fur and she curls into me.

  Much of the remainder of the night is a blur of conversation, drinking beer and me checking my phone constantly. By the time I hit the bed, I curl onto Sasha’s side, inhale her perfume and allow myself to ache.

  Where are you Angel? Give me a clue where I can find you so I can bring you home.


  Kyle paces the room between Felicity and myself, rubbing his hands over his face as if he’s starring in a really bad dream.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Kyle fumes at her. “Do you realise this comes with kidnapping charges? Not to mention, it looks like you’ve assaulted her. You’re facing some hefty charges.”

  “This little bitch ruined my life. That’s what I was thinking.”

  Kyle stops again to look at her. “I can’t believe this. I can’t help defend you of these charges or get you off them. You just don’t think. I told you I’d get you more fucking drugs, you just had to wait.”

  She’s on drugs?

  Kyle grabs a small bag out of his pocket and holds it out to her, which she eagerly takes it from him. She pours its contents onto a table and begins to ingest it.

  “Hey, go easy. I don’t know when I can get more,” Kyle says.

  “What do you mean you can’t get more?” she asks, turning on him angrily. “Ky, I’ve relied on you to give me my medicine.”

  “I know, but since Sasha walked out, things have been tight for money.”

  “Tight for money? You’ve got no idea what that means; Mum and Dad were always so proud of you—their high-flying lawyer son—while I was the lazy bitch. What they don’t know was their golden boy is a dealer. Lawyer and dealer yet, you relied on her income.”

  “Yes, that was how I was able to get you the good drugs,” he admits with a look at me.

  Apparently I had my uses and was supposed to look the other way. “But she walked and took the money with her.”

  “How did you afford to put the spa pool into the backyard, to buy the new bed? Was it all drug money?” I ask.

  He nods. “Every piece of jewellery I bought you was from selling it including your engagement ring.”

  I shudder over this statement. I had worn that so proudly on my hand.

  “I’m sorry, Sasha. I do feel bad for how we ended things and how I treated you. It wasn’t how you deserved, but I do see that Toby makes you a hell of a lot happier than I ever could. I’m only sorry I treated you so awful.” Seeing the sadness and remorse in his eyes, I know he’s telling the truth.

  “You treated me how you did because you didn’t want to be with me any longer, but her pull over you was greater than your love for me, am I right?”

  He nods. “I’m sorry.”

  “Enough of this bullshit.” Felicity grabs me by my hair and shoves me into the wall. “You owe my brother, you slut. You cheated on him and stole my man. Why don’t we bring Toby to the party and let him decide which one of us he real
ly wants to be with? If it’s you, you’ll both die here tonight; if it’s me, perhaps I might let you live.”

  “Fee this is madness, let her go and we’ll move to Australia together; start a new life. You, me and Connor. I’ll help look after you both. We don’t need their negativity in our lives. We don’t need them.”

  Felicity goes into an almost a dream-like trance as she nods along with Kyle’s plan, but as she does I manage to roll myself over and sit up. It’s a struggle but I manage it.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  “Like Kyle said, you don’t need me.”

  She slaps me hard, leaving a mark before kicking me. Grabbing my phone off the table, she comes over to me.

  “Give me the password.” Yanking my hair backwards, pulling strands of my long hair out in her fist, I try not to give into her demands.

  “No, I won’t.”

  She slaps me again. My cheek burns. “You will do as I say if you want to live a little longer. Call him.”

  “No.” My defiance earns me another slap.

  “You want him to come save you, right? Get him here. Give me the password to unlock this and ring him or I swear you won’t ever get to see him again.”

  “I don’t care what you do to me but you won’t harm him.”

  She grips my hair this time, then kicks me in the side. “How dare you suggest I’d even harm Toby? I love him, now give me the fucking password.”

  I look to Kyle whose sympathetic face tells me to do as she says or she will carry out her threat.

  After giving her the password, she dials Toby’s number and we wait.

  I only hope he’s asleep or doesn’t answer and I have to leave a message.


  My phone rings upon the nightstand, jerking me awake. Rolling over, I grab it so fast I almost launch it out of my hand and across the room.

  Sasha’s name flashes on the screen.

  Should I answer? Could it be her?

  “Angel, where are you?” I say, my heart racing as I wait for her to answer me.


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