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Warwick: The Man Behind The Wars of the Roses

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by Tony Riches

Douglas, David & Myers, Alec, English historical documents. [Late Medieval]. 1327 – 1485 (Psychology Press 1995)

  Ducios, Charles, The History of Lewis XI, King of France. ( 2013)

  Gairdner, James, The Paston letters, 1422-1509 (General Books 2011)

  Griffiths, Ralph Alan, The Reign of King Henry VI: The Exercise of Royal Authority, 1422-1461 (Earnest Benn 1981)

  Haigh, Philip, The Military Campaigns of the Wars of the Roses (Sutton Publishing 1995)

  Hallam, Elizabeth (Ed) The Chronicles of The Wars of The Roses (Weidenfield and Nicolson 1988)

  Hicks, Michael, The Wars of the Roses (Yale University Press, 2010)

  Hicks, Michael, Warwick the kingmaker (Blackwell Publishing, 1998)

  Kendall, Paul Murray, Warwick the kingmaker (W&N 2002)

  Kennedy, Elspeth. (Trans.) A Knight's Own Book of Chivalry (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005)

  Newman, Paul B., Daily Life in the Middle Ages (McFarland, 2001)

  Norman, A.V.B., The Medieval Soldier (Barnes & Noble Books, 1971)

  Pollard A.J., Warwick the kingmaker Politics, Power and Fame (Hambledown Continuum, 2007)

  Rodger, N.A.M., The Safeguard of the Sea: A Naval History of Britain 660-1649 (Penguin 2004)

  Rose, Anne, Calais: An English Town in France, 1347-1558 (Boydell Press, 2008)

  Santiuste, David, Edward IV and The Wars of The Roses (Pen & Sword Books Ltd., 2013)

  Saul, Nigel, Chivalry in Medieval England (Harvard University Press, 2011)

  Wagner, John A, Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses (ABC-CLIO, 2001)

  Weir, Alison, Lancaster and York: The Wars of the Roses, (Ballantine Books 1995)

  Also by Tony Riches:

  Owen - Book One of the Tudor Trilogy

  England 1422: Owen Tudor, a Welsh servant, waits in Windsor Castle to meet his new mistress, the beautiful and lonely Queen Catherine of Valois, widow of the warrior king, Henry V. Her infant son is crowned King of England and France, and while the country simmers on the brink of civil war, Owen becomes her protector.

  They fall in love, risking Owen’s life and Queen Catherine’s reputation—but how do they found the dynasty which changes British history – the Tudors?

  This is the first historical novel to fully explore the amazing life of Owen Tudor, grandfather of King Henry VII and the great-grandfather of King Henry VIII. Set against a background of the conflict between the Houses of Lancaster and York, which develops into what have become known as the Wars of the Roses, Owen’s story deserves to be told.

  Available as paperback and eBook on Amazon

  Barnes & Noble and Smashwords

  Also by Tony Riches: Queen Sacrifice

  10th Century Wales is a country divided, with the kingdom of the south becoming Saxon and the north violently defending the old ways. The inevitable civil war is brutal and savage in this tale of divided loyalty and revenge, treachery and love.

  Kings and queens battle for control of the country, with wealth and glory for the victor and death and ruin for the loser. The Bishops of Wales struggle to keep the faith while knights and war lords turn events to advantage and the lives of ordinary people are changed forever by the conflict.

  Queen Sacrifice is also a legendary tactic in the ancient game of chess. Russian chess grand master Lakov Neishtadt describes the sacrifice of the queen for higher interests as ‘a source of continuing fascination for the chess novice and master alike.’

  The narrative faithfully follows every move in the queen sacrifice game, known as ‘The Game of the Century’ between Donald Byrne and 13-year-old Bobby Fischer in New York on October 17th 1956.

  Paperback and eBook available from Amazon

  Also by Tony Riches: The Shell

  Mombasa beach: The dream holiday of a lifetime turns into a nightmare for a young couple. Brutally attacked and kidnapped, she has to battle for survival in one of the remotest and most dangerous areas of north east Kenya.

  He has to find and rescue her - before it is too late. Palm trees line an idyllic beach of white coral sand. An Arabian dhow sails on the clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean. Two lovers are ruthlessly torn apart, perhaps forever. Lucy is bound and helpless, taken far from the safety of the world she knows. Unconscious and bleeding, nothing has prepared Steve for what he needs to do.

  Lucy’s journey is mental as well as physical as she discovers how easily the protective shell of her old world has been stripped away. Everything she took for granted is gone and she has to fight to survive, one day at a time. Whatever happens, she knows her life will never be the same again.

  Based on actual events and current news reports, this fast-paced action and adventure novel explores the reality of the tensions between the old tribal ways and life in the new, rapidly developing country of Kenya.

  Paperback and eBook available from Amazon

  Also by Tony Riches:

  The Secret Diary of Eleanor Cobham

  England 1441: Lady Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester, hopes to become Queen of England before her interest in astrology and her husband’s ambition leads their enemies to accuse her of a plot against the king. Eleanor is found guilty of sorcery and witchcraft. Rather than have her executed, King Henry VI orders Eleanor to be imprisoned for life.

  More than a century after her death, carpenters restoring one of the towers of Beaumaris Castle discover a sealed box hidden under the wooden boards. Thinking they have found treasure, they break the ancient box open, disappointed to find it only contains a book, with hand-sewn pages of yellowed parchment.

  Written in a code no one could understand, the mysterious book changed hands many times for more than five centuries, between antiquarian book collectors, until it came to me. After years of frustrating failure to break the code, I discover it is based on a long forgotten medieval dialect and am at last able to decipher the secret diary of Eleanor Cobham.

  Paperback and eBook available from Amazon


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