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Not Just Play

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by Warick Love

  Not Just Play

  By: Warick Love

  Copyright © 2013

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  As she sat on one of the cushy chairs that faced the picture window of this beautiful beach house, she took a moment to gaze at her husband’s sleeping form. His handsome face is half hidden by the pillows and some of his hair beautifully covers his temples. A soft smile touched her lips as she looked at the gold band on her ring finger. She did it----she really did it. She is finally, truly, Mrs. Garnet Bonner Dillard.

  She was wearing a thin silk chemise underneath her gold robe that she has specifically chosen for her wedding night. She looked at her finger again---the princess cut solitaire diamond that was her engagement ring, winking at her. She thought about the long journey that had prepared them for this day-----a long stretchy journey. Garnet was never the type to go back and think about her past. But today, she is making an exception. She likes to savour it, to hold it in her heart, because this was no longer JUST make believe. She was able to snag her Mr. Right despite all the odds.

  She stood up and walked towards the French doors and opened them, allowing the breeze of dawn to come inside. As the wind blows her hair, a waft of Shalimar tickled her nose. She knew she is going to get married wearing nothing but her wedding gown and Shalimar. It was a silly thing to pull off---to walk down the aisle with no underwear on. It was her dirty little secret as she walked, looking at her husband with a coy but challenging smile. When they were pronounced as husband and wife, she squeezed her husband’s hand and whispered----“I have gone commando.” The look on his face was simply priceless! Although he greeted all of their guests with enthusiasm, she actually sensed his sweet agony. Garnet even saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat. Twice.

  As she rested her hands on the balcony and breathed in the morning air, she closed her eyes. She was just too happy and her soul is filled with so much joy and so much love. Just then, she felt his arm as he held her possessively on the waist. He held her tight and all of a sudden, she felt as though her heart would jump out of her. Garnet sagged against him and lovingly indulged in the feather light kisses he planted on her cheek. She felt the hardness of him against her buttocks. “How come my wife isn’t in my bed?” He teased.

  Before she can even say a word, he scooped her and carried her towards the bed. He chuckled as he took in her expression. He cut her off----she hates that. Garnet narrowed her eyes but was not able to hold on to her bluff as his mouth dipped on hers...


  Garnet paced back and forth in her room. God, how she hated her parents for doing this to her! She can’t believe that she’s actually back in the country. She was actually doing very well in the Caribbean, having her vacation, meeting new guys her age and partying. Now, it was as though she was on surveillance. She can’t go out, she can’t invite friends, and she was grounded. Grounded! A few days ago, she was in an island paradise---surrounded with turquoise water and white sand, and was clad with her bright coloured bikinis. Now, she was back in her stuffy room and back to smelling her parents’ antique filled house.

  She was already 18. However, her parents treat her like she was still a kid. She sighed and muttered under her breath. “I miss Tante Gabrielle.”

  Gabrielle Bonner was her really cool aunt and is French in every sense of the word. She’s got pixie hair, wears gold bangles, and would not wear any perfume if it is not Guerlain. She is chic and she can easily qualify as a modern day princess. She is the closest thing to a fairy godmother for Garnet. She is the younger sister of her father. While her father was strict and dictatorial, Tante Gabrielle treats her like an adult with a heart. It was no surprise that when her aunt asked her to come with her to her beach house in St. Martin, she did not even think twice. Those were the best three weeks of her life. Now, she’s doomed.

  She hopped onto her bed and tossed her beloved bunny slippers away. While she loved being an only child---as she was able to bask in all the luxurious and the doting and the attention, times like this made her wish that she had a sibling. No. Not just a sibling---but a twin to take her place whenever she feels like doing something crazy. Like running away.

  She closed her eyes, and for the first time since she got home, she felt how tired she was from the trip. Her leg muscles ached and her lower back was torturing her. She fell asleep.

  A few hours later, she was awakened by a knock on her bedroom door. “Come in.”

  “Miss Garnet, your father would like to speak to you in the library. You better go change. You know he hates waiting.” It was Randall Wells, her nanny. Yes, she’s spoiled rotten and she has a nanny at her age. Sometimes she just wants to collapse at the insanity of it all. All her friends live normal lives, are living by themselves, and enjoy dating several men. At her age, she was only able to experience a light peck on the cheek. She hates her super constricting lifestyle. Yes, she loves being able to buy anything she wants. She loves having nothing to worry about since she is the sole heiress to her parent’s vast fortune. However, she hates that she can’t even go out without a chaperone. She hates not being allowed to drive without a convoy. Most of all----she hates the antique monstrosity in this house.

  Her parents both came from a family of antique collectors. Her father is French, who met her mother while on a vacation in the Pacific. Rumour has it that it was indeed love at first sight. And after a few days since they gazed on each other’s eyes, her father took her to this house in Palm Springs. His father bought the adjacent property and renovated his former house and turned it to the mansion that it is now.

  Randall perused her closet and retrieved some of the dresses for her. Sometimes, it irritates Garnet that she has to dress up for trivial things like meeting with her father. She snatched an ecru satin dress and went to her dresser to get her pearls. After 20 minutes of preparation, she headed to the library with a really heavy heart.

  She lightly knocked on the door and turned the golden knob.

  Her father was behind a large mahogany office table reading some documents, while her mom was in one of the Victorian chairs opposite the table. This is among the very few times she had been summoned by both her parents. Her heart began to pound and the chill she felt right through her body seemed to tell her instincts to prepare for a big fight.

  “Sit down, young lady”, said her father who removed his glasses so his eyes bore into hers.

  She sat on the chair facing her mother and took a minute to look at her. At 49, Riva Hanoi Bonner still looks stunning. Wearing a China blue dress with her emerald cut sapphire earrings and her gold Cartier Bathtub time piece, she looked every inch proper yet very classy. Her shoulder length hair is styled to perfection, framing her beautiful face. Her eyes are as blue as the sapphires she wore. Riva took her cup of Chai tea and studied her daughter. Her long brunette hair is sleek and straight, and she has this soft fringed that emphasizes the shape of her eyes. Garnet’s eyes were as blue as a cornflower----alluring yet innocent. Her alabaster skin is smooth and has a slight flush on her cheeks. Her daughter is a woman now, and as an only child, she and her husband has to make sure that she will have a bright future ahead of her. She hated having to see Garnet’s reaction once she hears what her husband has to say. But, she has to be here for her.

  “So, which l
aw school do you have your eyes on?” Armand Bonner began.

  In an instant, Garnet’s face burned. She felt the blood rise to her face. Suddenly her mouth was dry.

  “Law school, you say? Father, how many times do I have to tell you? I will not take up Law. I want to study Design and work for Tante Gabrielle. Please, do not push this issue any further. I beg you.”

  “You listen to me, Garnet. You are my only daughter and it is your responsibility to live up to our name. You have no place in design. Goodness, you do not even know one antique paperweight from another. You will do as I say.”

  “Mother, please. Will you help me out on this? You know this is not what I want! Why can’t he let me do what I want with my own life?” She said in a shrill voice.

  Riva looked at her daughter and held her hand. “Garnet, you know your father means well. Please listen to him. You are our only child and we only want what’s best for you.”

  “But mother! You heard me. I don’t want to take up Law. I cannot even defend my own case. How could you possibly believe that I have a future there? I will do anything----anything. Just don’t let me do something I do not have a heart for.”

  Her father looked at her as he removed his glasses. “You really can be too stubborn sometimes, child.” He let out some air and loosened his tie. “Since I cannot convince you to become a lawyer, then you might as well marry someone who is a lawyer. If I cannot drag you to law school, Garnet, I would have to drag you to the altar and marry someone who can give you a bright future. “Go upstairs and sleep. We will talk again tomorrow.”

  “Marry someone? What was that nonsense you just said, Father?” And then, it dawned on her. She laughed hollowly and glared at her father. “You wouldn’t dare. You wouldn’t dare!” By then, her throat started to constrict and her eyes began to blur. Hot tears gathered in her eyes and fell down on her cheeks. Shame and frustration mixed in her insides and she stood up quickly.

  She rushed to the door and fled away from the library, running to seek the refuge of her room. The moment she got in, she banged the door. She sagged to the floor and poured her heart out. She felt as though her whole world has crumbled.

  Her tears fell nonstop as she thought of her seemingly hopeless case. Either way, she is damned and she needed to be with someone right now. She thought about her aunt and considered asking her to turn her father around. However, her Tante Gabrielle has enough problems of her own right now----what with the renovations being done in St. Martin. For one moment there, she thought about running away, about fulfilling her dream of living all by herself. But then, she remembered how her father had cut all her accounts when she extended her stay in the Caribbean. If not for her aunt, she would not be able to shop in all her favourite boutiques and buy all the tokens she brought with her.

  That night, she called one of her dearest friends, Amanda Carson. She spent the entire night crying over the phone. Amanda is their former neighbour and is among her earliest friends. They moved to Sun Town about a year ago and she missed her terribly.

  “It’s gonna be fine, Garnet. You will think of something. I know you will. Just think what it must be like for your parents. They only want what’s best for you. Also, about this marriage thing, have you met the guy yet?”

  “Met the guy? Gosh, Amanda. He could be any guy. He could be this balding man that I kept on seeing at the bookstore. Or that man behind the glasses who could be my father for his age.” She let out an exasperated breath. “No, I haven’t met him yet.”

  “You see. Maybe he’s not so bad after all. He could be handsome and sweet and sexy----like all those things you read about in books. Just think about it. It could be a lot better than being stuck in law school.”

  Garnet sighed. “I wish I had different parents. I wish I didn’t have to do either. Amanda, can’t you see how messy my life is gonna be? Doing any of those two will make me do something I don’t want to do. It plain sucks.”

  “Oh Amanda! I wish you were here just like the good old days where we would go to all nighters and have some hot chocolate and talk all night till we fall asleep. It sucks being an adult.”

  “Don’t worry pooch, I might see you this week. I just need to do a few things. I promise we’ll talk more.”

  After the long talk with Amanda, she felt a lot better. “Amanda is right. I have to come up with a plan.” She said to herself and soon, closed her eyes.


  She woke up that morning with a surprisingly good mood. She clutched on her robe as she watched the sun’s rays surround the whole village. The balcony is her favourite part of the room. From here, she can see the entire village----the elegant houses, the picket fences, the joggers, and those who are taking their pets out on a walk. The sunlight must have given her a surge of hope and so after a quick shower, she got dressed and headed downstairs.

  Garnet was determined to start her day right. If this is gonna be the end of her, she won’t allow her father to get the satisfaction that he had dampened her spirits. She is a fighter and no matter how at a loss she is right now, she is very positive that she’d be able to turn this thing around. Donning on a bright yellow dress, with her long hair caught in a ponytail, she looked very young and innocent----without a trace of what she might be feeling inside.

  There was a fulfilling sense of being alive that added an extra spring on her every step. She was too preoccupied with her thoughts that she was caught completely by surprise when her father beamingly announced, “Oh, here she is now!”

  Her eyes focused on her father and the back of a very tall, dark haired man. She cannot see his face, nor did he seem familiar. Her breath almost caught in her throat as she remembered the conversation last night. She closed her eyes for a bit, hoping that her instincts are wrong. As if sensing her, the man turned and walked towards her.

  Garnet stood frozen in place as her eyes pinned on the unfamiliar man walking towards her. He was very tall, and he towered a few good inches above her. For the first time in her life, Garnet felt overpowered. The man is tanned and has this mysterious face that is softened by a pair of hazel eyes. His hair is cut neatly, complementing his strong square jaw. Dear God, he is mighty handsome.

  She wasn’t able to speak until the man took her hand and kissed it with his parched lips. “Err, and who is this man, Father?”

  Garnet has forgotten all sense of propriety and continued her unabashed appraisal of the man. Her eyes darted on his broad shoulders and slowly grazed his body and her lips almost parted when her eyes passed the bulge hidden by his pants. Good thing her father was busy with the introductions that he did not notice. The man noticed and an amused smile touched his lips. Garnet blushed profusely.

  “This is my daughter, Garnet. Garnet, this is Max Dillard. He is the son of Ernest Dillard, the cofounder of Dillard and Stockholm Ltd.”, Said her father----leaving the adjective filthy rich suspended in the air. Garnet knows her father very well to miss it. That grated on her nerves. “This is the man your mother and I want you to marry. His parents are members of the most elite circle here in Palm Springs...”

  Before he even finished his sentence, Garnet cut him off. “How dare you do this to me, Father? I will not marry this man or anyone else from your beloved elite circle.” She looked at Max Dillard and faced him squarely. “You came to the wrong place. My father has a shop for all his antiques. I’m not open for any bids.” With haute that only an only child will ever possess, she raised her nose up in the air and walked away. Before she even reached the foot of the stairs, a hand tightened on her arms. “I expected to meet a lady, not a brat. You owe me a proper introduction”, said a cold clipped voice.

  She turned to look at her arm and then lifted her face to his. “Get your hands off me. How much money did you have to pay my Father? Can’t you just place ads somewhere? Are you so rottenly desperate that you need to purchase a wife?”

  His hold tightened, almost to the verge of pain. Garnet winced. “I said get your hands off me!”

/>   “Why are you acting as though you didn’t want me? I saw the way you looked at me earlier. Your eyes betrayed you, Garnet. Why don’t we give the marriage a shot?” Max trailed his gaze on her face, moving his eyes slowly all the way down to her neck, all the way down to her creamy shoulders. His gaze focused even more on her chest. Garnet’s temper rose to the surface. “Will you stop acting like a pig?”

  “Not until you stop acting like a spoiled brat.” He countered. “I cannot see why you are giving me a good time. I just came here to meet you. You wouldn’t even give me a chance. What are you even saying no to? It is not as if I will drag you to the altar any minute now.”

  Garnet looked beyond his shoulders and realized that her father is no longer there. She let out a frustrated breath. “Listen. I am sorry for the way I acted earlier. But, there has been a mistake. I don’t know how much money you have paid for me but I will not marry you. Please, just go away.”

  She watched as one of his eyebrows rose challengingly. “Okay. I’ll tell your father that the deal is off. You can say hello to law school this semester.” With that, he turned and walked in long manly strides. Garnet stood frozen for a moment, feeling faint. Somehow for her, entering law school is worse than any arranged marriage will ever be. Feeling a surge of desperation, her feet moved earnestly, picking up on his pace. “Wait!”


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