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Mate of the Vampire

Page 12

by Guida, ML

  Her heart thundering, Angelica flattened herself against the wall. Two men? She’d never fare well against two.

  Alfred clamored to his feet and grabbed his crotch. “I was just havin’ a little fun, Black.”

  Black drew his sword and stood in front of Angelica. “Do you want to bring down Zuto’s wrath? The chit’s not to be touched. Or are you dumber than you look, eejit?”

  “He’d never know.” He took a step toward Angelica, who was trapped with nowhere to run.

  Black put his sword under Alfred’s scrawny neck. “Aye, he would. I suggest you take your lust elsewhere. Or I’ll gut you.”

  Fear flickering in Alfred’s eyes, he put his hands in the air. “Fine, I’ll leave her—for now.”

  “Not until Zuto says he’s done with the wench.” He lifted the tip of his sword, forcing Alfred to stand on his tippy toes. “I’ll not have another curse put on me because of a leachin’ toad, savvy?”

  “Aye, I hear ye.” Alfred swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.

  “Leave.” Black sheathed his sword.

  Alfred lowered his arms and leered at Angelica. “When Zuto’s done, girl, I’ll finish what I started.” Wiping his arm across his bloody mouth, he strolled out of the galley.

  Black turned to face her, and Angelica didn’t know whether she should thank him or scream. He’d be handsome if he’d trimmed his scraggy beard. He had angled features. His eyes were haunting, greener than the prettiest sea. “I’m Leif Black. Did he hurt you?”


  “You’re lucky. Most whores do not fare well after he’s through with him.”

  She glared, not caring how terrifying he was. “I’m not a whore.”

  Leif shrugged. “Palmer sent me to take ye to your cabin.”

  “’Tis his cabin, not our cabin.”

  She didn’t know why she blurted this out. She was captive aboard a pirate ship, but couldn’t bear to have anyone think she’d share anything with her captor.

  He motioned toward the doorway. “This way, your highness.”

  She tilted her head high as if she were the Queen of Spain and allowed him to escort to the last place she wanted to be in the Caribbean—Palmer’s cabin.

  * * *

  Angelica passed back and forth. The night had been one horror after another, and the morning only meant more humiliation. Palmer had taken her gown, leaving her only a threadbare shift. She could endure this. For Ronan’s sake. Palmer had promised to torture Ronan if she failed to obey him. She couldn’t take having Ronan tortured again, watching him battle to not cry out, but eventually succumbing to the pain. She wouldn’t allow this to happen, not if she could stop it.

  She’d been forced to wait on Palmer and his men all night, serving them drinks and food. Even the cook was a lecherous slob. The greasy food had turned her stomach, and she’d lost what little bit of food she had in her tummy.

  She’d never thought she’d be glad for Zuto. Thanks to him, the men didn’t rape her or fondle her. But chills rolled down her back. These were the most ruthless pirates in the Caribbean, yet they feared Zuto enough not to torture a female captive. Dread swirled in her gut. What was he going to do to her? Would she even survive?

  Her backside throbbed from all the pinches and slaps. The only good thing was no man had raped her or taken any further liberties.

  But the threats of what would happen to her after Zuto was done curled her toes. Her untouched gruel sat on the table. Even cold, it smelled foul like a rotting fish, reminding of her Palmer. Did he ever bathe?

  She slumped in a chair, trying to remember Ronan’s spicy scent and the time at the pool.

  The door opened to her dreaded captor. He held her gown in his meaty hand. She reached for the blanket to cover herself, but Palmer hurried over to her, yanking the blanket out of her hand and standing much too close. “You smell so good.” He lifted her chin. “When Zuto is done with you, I’m going ride you hard, then when I’m through with you, I’m going to give you to my men. But that won’t be for a while. A long while.”

  She jerked her chin free. “Don’t touch me.”

  He frowned. “I told you disobedience is met with pain. Do you want your lover to pay for your insolence?”

  “No, please. I’m sorry.”

  Laughing, he pulled her out of the chair by her hair. “I’ll enjoy breaking you.” He tossed the gown at her. “Now get dressed, whore. We have to go see my slave.”

  She clutched the too small gown and, feeling his lustful gaze on her, quickly dressed.

  “Fix your hair,” he said.

  Angelica hated him. Wanted him dead. Wanted the flesh to be torn from his body. How could human women survive this? Why had she wanted to become human? She gripped the dresser and closed her eyes. Ronan. His intense brown eyes, the soft lick of his velvet tongue on her skin, his masculine scent. She could do this. She was stronger than a human. She could endure the humiliation.

  A cracked mirror hung in Palmer’s cabin. She grimaced at her reflection. Her blue eyes were red-rimmed from all the crying she’d done last night in bed while the brute slept. Her cheeks were blotchy, and she had a cut on her lip. She reluctantly picked up a silver comb on the dresser and combed her unruly locks. Another wave of nausea wrestled with her stomach, and she clamped her jaw tight to keep from spilling anything onto Palmer’s filthy floor. The bastard would make Ronan pay.

  Palmer came behind her and put his hands on her shoulder, and she cringed.

  “My, you look lovely.” He kissed the side of her neck, or more like drooled on it.

  She pushed his leering face away.

  He chuckled. “Such a spitfire.” He held out his arm. “Shall we?”

  She swallowed and once again forced herself to play the dutiful slave. Ronan was worth it.

  Palmer dragged her past his leering men.


  Her cheeks heated. One of them slapped her behind again, and she jolted. Her backside side stung.

  Palmer whipped out sword and put it under the hairy pirate’s throat. “Don’t touch her again. Or face my blade.”

  The man’s eyes widened, and he nodded. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Palmer led her down the dank stairwell to where Ronan and William were held prisoner. She wrinkled her nose at the stench, and her heart broke at Ronan being imprisoned down here. Evil permeated all around her. Palmer slammed her up against the wall, and his greedy lips met hers. She bit his tongue hard, receiving a satisfied curse.

  He seized her wrist. “I told you what would happen if you defy me.”

  “Please don’t hurt him.”

  “’Tis too late for that.” He dragged her into the dungeon and flung her inside.

  * * *

  Strapped to the rack, Ronan’s overstretched arms and legs hurt like hell, but his agony was forgotten when the sweetest sight entered the dungeon. “Angelica?”


  Her voice cracked. She rushed toward him, but Palmer grabbed her arm and pulled her to his side.

  Her hair was clean and flowed down her back. No bruises marred her beautiful face, but they were blotchy as if she’d been crying. All he could think about was that she was pregnant with his child, their child. The damn yellow gown still revealed too much of her luscious body, and he wanted to lash out at Palmer for dressing her like a whore.

  “Ronan, my God, Ronan.” She slapped Palmer’s hand. “Release me.”

  Palmer waved a finger back and forth. “Disobedience would be met with disappointment, my dear.”

  He leered over Angelica’s neckline, licking his lips, and his sickly voice made all the hairs stand up on the back of Ronan’s neck.

  Angelica’s face paled, and she wiped a tear. “What did you do to him?”

  Palmer snorted. “He’s a vampire. He won’t die.”

  Red and blurry, her eyes betrayed that ’twas naught the first time she’d been crying.

  What if Palmer hurt her and she los
t the baby? Ronan gritted his teeth and moved his arms and legs, banging the manacles against the rack. “Palmer, leave her alone.”

  “She’s none of your concern.” He pinched Angelica’s cheek. “Until we reach the island.”

  Angelica broke free and glared.

  “I didn’t do anything to him,” Palmer said, as if pleading for Angelica to forgive him.

  She pointed. “Then why is his arm bleeding?”

  Palmer rubbed his chin. “Mmmm, I think he had another visitor. Didn’t ye, Macmillan?”

  Ronan froze but refused to say anything.

  Angelica gave him a knowing glance. “Another visitor?”

  Palmer laughed, the same cruel laugh Ronan remembered so many times that it tore his insides apart. Palmer drew out his sword, and put the tip underneath Ronan’s chin, forcing him to look at him. “Someone came into your dreams.”

  Her eyes wide, Angelica stared at Ronan and silently mouthed the demon’s name.

  Palmer nodded. “Aye, Zuto.” He sheathed the sword, walking around Ronan. He ran a finger down his leg, and Ronan shuddered. Palmer gave him a big smile like a hungry shark about ready to take bite out of him.

  Ronan braced himself for unbearable pain.

  Angelica rushed over to the rack. “Leave him alone.”

  “I’ve not done anything.” Palmer tapped his fingers on the rack. “Yet.”

  Sweat trickled down Ronan’s body, his hair sticking to his skin. He wouldn’t cry out. No matter how much Palmer hurt him. He stared up at Angelica. “’Twill be fine. I’m immortal. Remember?”

  “Aye.” Palmer turned the crank. “But you can still feel pain.”

  Ronan’s arms and legs stretched further, muscles twisting and bones creaking. He bit back a groan and tried to breathe, but he only gulped gasps of air.

  “Stop it!” Angelica pulled on Palmer’s arm. “You promised you wouldn’t hurt him.”

  Palmer laughed and wrapped his arm around Angelica’s waist and kissed her. She turned her head away and kicked his shins.

  “Palmer, you bastard!” Ronan pulled on his restraints, but he was powerless to do anything. “William! Help her!”

  His head down, William hung on his chains and remained silent.

  Palmer grabbed Angelica’s wrist high, forcing her to stand on her tippy-toes. “I told you disobedience was met with punishment.”

  Angelica twisted and tried to peel off his fat fingers. Palmer reached inside his coat and pulled out a dagger.

  Terror seized Ronan’s heart. He pulled on his chains. “No!”

  Palmer waved the blade in front of her wide eyes.

  “Zuto’s orders, lovely.” Palmer sliced Angelica’s wrist, and she screamed. He cut her in the exact same place Zuto had cut Ronan in the dream.

  Blood dribbled down Angelica’s wrist. Palmer seized her arm and sucked.

  “No!” Angelica pushed on his forehead, but Palmer wouldn’t be denied. His sucking turned Ronan’s stomach. Angelica’s eyes fluttered, and her face grew pale. Her arms went slack, hanging limp at her side. She leaned her head back.

  “Palmer, stop!” Ronan jogged his chains. “You’ll kill her.”

  Palmer lifted his head, crimson drizzling down his chin. Angelica fainted, and he caught her in his arm. “No, I’ll not kill her. Zuto would not be happy.” He stuck his dagger inside his coat and squeezed Angelica’s wrist. He cupped his hand and blood pooled into his gorilla size palm. “’Tis familiar?”

  “I donna understand.”

  “Watch.” He raised his palm, filled with Angelica’s blood. “’Tis done, my lord.”

  The scent of ash or burnt flesh filled the chamber, but no fire burned. Ronan’s stomach tightened.

  On the ceiling, black smoke swirled and descended onto Palmer’s raised hand. White sparkles of light flitted in the dark smoke. A pair of red eyes formed and disappeared. The smoke vanished.

  Palmer laid Angelica on the filthy floor. He showed Ronan his now clean palm. “See ’tis gone.”


  “Zuto needs it for a spell.”

  “A spell? For what?”

  “’Tis naught of your concern. I’ll—”

  A loud boom cut off Palmer’s sentence. Cannon fire. Ronan knew those cannons and smiled.

  Chapter 15

  Cannons recoiled above, shaking the ship. Ronan never thought he’d be so glad to inhale sulfur.

  Pounding footsteps rumbled down the stairs. “Cap’n,” a short bald pirate said. “’Tis the Soaring Phoenix. She’s pursuing us.”

  “Curses!” Palmer growled.

  He grabbed the man by the shirt, lifting him until he was nose to nose. “How the devil did she come upon us so fast?”

  “I don’t know, Cap’n.” Sweat glistened off his bald head. “Nothing but blue sea, then there she was. She came out of nowhere.” His voice shook. “I swear.”

  Mariah must have conjured a spell to disguise the Phoenix. Ronan smiled. She’d never let anything happen to her dragon.

  William groaned and raised his head. “You can’t escape, Palmer.” His eyes glowed gold. “I’m getting stronger.”

  The harsh voice wasn’t his. ’Twas Drakon, the dragon.

  Ronan wet his dry lips. Mariah and William could get Angelica out of here. He didn’t care about himself. If Zuto was invoking a spell now that he had both his and Angelica’s blood, it would be bloody disastrous.

  Palmer shoved the crewmen. “Come about. We’ll attack, then bring the prisoners up on deck. I’ve a surprise for O’Brien.”

  The bearded man nodded at Angelica. “What about the girl?”

  “Leave her.”

  He glanced between Angelica, Ronan, and William. “Are you sure? She could wake and free them.”

  His stared at William as if any moment, William would change into the dragon and burn him to a crisp.

  “I said to leave her.” Palmer nudged her. Angelica remained motionless. “See, she’s out. Zuto’s appearance must have made her faint. Such a weak lass, but she’s got a sweet ass.”

  Ronan tensed, wishing he could cut out Palmer’s lecherous heart out with his teeth.

  The men left, and Angelica didn’t move, but Palmer was wrong. She was anything but weak.

  Ronan pulled on his chain. “William, can you change?”

  “Not yet.” He leaned his head back against the wall. “I can feel Mariah. She must have cast some kind of spell, because I feel a war going on within me. Good versus evil.”

  “Promise me if you get free that you’ll take Angelica with you.”

  “What about you?”

  “Donna worry about me. Just do it.”

  Angelica lay crumpled on the dirty floor, blood pooling around her arm. “Angelica, Angelica? Can you hear me? Wake up.”

  “She’s not dead, Ronan. I can hear her heartbeat.”

  Ronan wanted to believe William, was desperate to believe him, but he had to be sure. She was still, so damn still. “Angelica.”

  More thunder boomed outside. Men rushed into the dank brig. One tall pirate lifted Angelica off the floor and tossed her over his shoulder. Her long blond hair cascaded down his back. She groaned. Relief flooded through Ronan. She was alive.

  Men unlocked his manacles and pulled him off the rack, and he collapsed onto the floor, a pile of useless bones. Two men hoisted him up underneath his shoulders. Pain shook through Ronan, and he clamped his jaw tight. Something slammed into the Fiery Damsel, and she rocked. The men tripped and twisted Ronan’s arm. He screamed and passed out.

  “Ronan, Ronan, wake up!”

  William’s urgent voice pierced through Ronan’s foggy brain. Ignoring the pain in his shoulders, he shook his head and made his eyes to open. He was tied to the mast. Two men held William, and one forced his head back, pressing a dagger against his throat. Angelica lay crumpled at his feet, her blond hair fanning around her face. Her chest rose up and down. He couldn’t see her eyes and didn’t know if she was conscious.
r />   Men hoisted the flapping sails. The Fiery Damsel came up fast onto the Phoenix, close enough for Ronan to see Kane on the deck, his spyglass trained on the Damsel. Sean was at the helm, and Ewan, his arm up in the air, was with his gunners, their faces white and streaming with sweat. They awaited his order.

  Kane lowered his spyglass. “Fire!”

  Doc put his arm down, and his men lit the cannons, and the cannons roared, volleys tore through the Damsel’s sails and crashed onto the deck, sending screaming crewmen into the water. Wood splintered, sending fragments flying into the air. Fire broke out on the deck; black smoke billowed around the crew of the Damsel, and men fought to put out the hungry flames.

  Ronan choked on the fumes, and his eyes stung.

  Angelica still hadn’t moved. The smoke swirled around her, covering her. What if she was trampled by dazed and determined crewmen?

  He coughed. “Palmer, get Angelica out of here.”

  “All in good time, my man, all in good time.” Surprisingly calm, Palmer walked over to William and picked up the stone. “’Tis time for Kane to meet his demise. Bara dragon.”

  The black stone melted over William’s heart. He arched his back, shrieking.

  Palmer put his hands on his hips and laughed. “You fool, O’Brien. D’ye think your little witch’s magic was stronger than Zuto’s?” He flicked his hand. “Release him!”

  Wings flung out from William’s back, and he fell onto his hands and knees. Bulging thick muscles ripped through his shirt and trousers. A long tail flickered behind him, knocking a curious crewman onto his arse. Talons cut through his leather boots, shredding them into strips. His golden skin turned to blue and green scales. He grew five times his size, tilting the ship to the port side.

  Angelica slid toward the railing. Ronan pulled on his blasted manacles, despite the pain. “Palmer, you bastard, save Angelica.”

  “As you wish.” Palmer snapped his fingers. “Slave, attack the Soaring Phoenix.”

  His eyes blazed gold with confusion and reluctance. William shook his head, and his wings flapped behind him. The dragon tilted his head back and roared. Flames shot out, burning the Damsel’s sails.


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