Killer Dads
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Abbotsford-Mission Times, 30
abortion, restricting, 121
abortion rights, 14
abuse, varying definitions of, 108
abuse of trust, 29
abuse tracking, 114
Adams, Carey, 118–19
Adams, David, 109, 239
Adams, Jesse, 118–19
Adams, Christy, 118–19
adult homicide rates, 109
AHA Foundation, 10, 221–22
Alaska Surveillance of Child Abuse and Neglect Program (Alaska SCAN), 114
Alexander, Melanie, 120
Alfetlawi, Rahim, 207–18
All-American Muslim, 206
allo-parenting, 56–58
Almaleki, Faleh Hassan, 225–27
Almaleki, Noor, 225–27
alpha males, 45, 56
American Humane Association (AHA), 64
American Islamic Forum for Democracy, 222
America’s Most Wanted, 196
Amir, Rona Mohammad, 229
Amnesty International, 224–25
anger issues, 27
infanticide by, 46
killing of by family annihilators, 102–104, 116, 128, 164
Anthony, Casey, 115
Anthony, Caylee, 115
antidepressants, 18, 41–42
Arab American Society, 219
Arabic culture, 208
Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 206, 218
Aurora, Colorado, movie-theater murders, 115
autonomy limiting, 68
autopsies following child deaths, 108, 158
Bachrach, Jonathan, 9, 74–75
Baltimore County Police Department, 9
battered-child syndrome, 64
Beadle, Lydia, 161–63
Beadle, William
carving knife and ax at bedside, 161
collection of writings on family annihilation, 161–62
rehearsal of murders, 162
Beatty, Amanda, 116
Beatty, Lewis, 116
Beatty, Sara, 116r />
Beeton, Paul, 104
“behavioral sink,” in rats, 47
pathological, 47
territorial, 54
Benway, Abigail, 119
Benway, Daryl, 119
Benway, Owen, 119
Berkeley Marina, 13
biology, behavioral, 55
bipolar disorder, 27, 31, 66
Bishop, Johnny, 118
blood spatters, 87–88, 104, 118
bodies, arrangement of, 86, 163, 171
bones, broken, 12
bonobos (chimpanzees), 58
Book of David: How Preserving Families Can Cost Children’s Lives (Gelles), 235
Boston Herald, 203
Boughey, Chris, 226
Bouyeri, Mohammed, 221
“bridge loans,” 76
Brocchini, Allen, 186, 194
Brown, Maurice, 117
Brown, Maurice, Jr., 117
Bureau of Justice Statistics, 113
Burstain, Jane, 122
Butwin, Daniel, 116
Butwin, James, 116
Butwin, Malissa, 116
Butwin, Matthew, 116
Butwin, Yafit, 116
Byrd, Dean, 26
Calhoun, John, 46–47
California Polytechnic in San Luis Obispo, 178
cannibalism, 47
capital punishment, 239
Capone, Al, 113
Cataldo, William, 207–208, 218
cause of death, determination of, 111
Center for Public Policy Priorities, 122
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 110, 122
Chester, John, 161
child-abuse rates
federal data on, 109
in intact birth families, 61
and the recession, 106–107
in stepfamilies, 61–62
child fatalities, 238
Child Fatality Review, 158
child-fatality review panels, 237–38
child-homicide figures from the FBI, 112
childhood abuse of the parent, 67
child-maltreatment death rate (of other countries), 108
child-maltreatment death rate (of United States), 108
child neglect, 109
child-protection agency, 223
Child Protective Services (CPS), 12, 39, 107, 110, 111–12, 114, 155
Children’s Act, 241
Children’s Administration of the Washington Department of Health and Human Services, 158–59
Children’s Bureau of the Department of Health and Human Services, 109–10
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 107
Child Safety Country Profile, 233
child-specific bonds
one’s own offspring, 60
stepchildren, 60
chimpanzees, 53
child welfare system, 110
Christmas Box House, 160
“Cinderella Effect” theory, 66
civil rights, adults vs. children, 121
Clarke, Hansen, 219
Cleckley, Hervey, 199
Cleeves, Brandi, 120
Cleeves, Kevin, 120
Coalition to End Child Abuse, 238
Cohen, Daniel, 164
Cole, Lukas, 12
“common assault,” definition of, 241
Convention on the Rights of the Child, 121
“cooperative breeders,” 58
Coren, Michael, 218
corporal punishment, 239
“co-wife,” 229
Cox, Chuck
at birth of Charlie, 130
father of Susan Cox Powell, 124
Cox, Judy
feelings about Josh, 126
mother of Susan Cox Powell, 124
Cox, Mary, 126–27
criminal-justice system and domestic violence, 113
criminal victimization, 113
cult mass killings, 106
Daly, Martin, 9, 59–71, 165, 208
Darwinism, 67
Darwin’s theory of selection, 47, 56, 67
Death of a Salesman (Miller), 99
Deism, 162
Deluca, Susan, 9, 94
Depakote, 38
Department of Justice, 113
Devine, John, 120
Devine, John, Jr., 120
Devine, Jon’tee, 120
DeVore, Irven, 47
Distaso, Rick, 186
domestic murder, 165
domestic violence, 13, 47, 106
domestic-violence deaths, 238
Drelich, Steven, 93
Eatmon, Lisa, 13
economic stress and violence, 14, 107
elder-abuse deaths, 238
emergency temporary custody and parenting order, 118
Engels, Amy, 117–18
Engels, Bailey, 117–18
Engels, Jackson, 117–18
Engels, Randall, 117–18
Entwistle, Lillian “Lilly”, 201–202
Entwistle, Neil, 199, 201–202
Entwistle, Rachel, 201–202
European Court of Human Rights, 243
Eurozone, 233
Every Child Matters Education Fund, 10, 107–108, 120, 166, 236, 238
evolution, teaching in schools, 63
evolutionary fitness, 50
fairy tales, and evil stepparents, 60–61
Familicidal Hearts: The Emotional Styles of 211 Killers (Websdale), 165, 238
“familicidal hearts,” types of
“civil reputable hearts,” 167, 170
“livid coercive hearts,” 166–68
“Familicide: The Killing of Spouse and Children” (Wilson, Daly, and Daniele), 67
familicides, 69
accusatory, 70
in early America, 161–65
increase in, 14
out of twisted sense of love, 70
and race, 113
rage driven, 69–70
family annihilations, 15, 69, 101, 165
family annihilators, types of
for altruistic reasons, 167
enraged, 167
obsessive, 167
“reprisal murderers,” 168
triggered by a grievance, 167
“family suicides,” 170
Farnsworth, Jonas, 163
Fatal Vision (McGinness), 200
FBI homicide statistics, 114
FBI statistics on child homicides, 112
femicide, 230
filicides, 232
Final Vision (McGinness), 200
fireproof insulation, invention of, 102
Florida Family Association, 206
Forced Marriage Act, 244
Forced Marriage Protection Order, 244
Fossey, Dian, 53
Foster, Andrew, 104
Foster, Angela, 119
Foster, Christopher, 164
death by smoke inhalation, 104
described, 101
murder of several dogs and horses, 103–104
murders of Jill, Kirstie, and Holly, 103–104
setting fire to property, 102–104
Foster, Enid, 104
Foster, Jill, 102–104
Foster, Kirstie, 102–104
Frey, Amber
blind date with Scott Peterson, 179–81
speaks to police, 195
testimony, 181–83, 187–88
Frey, Ayiana, 181–83
Gallieni, Lauren, 90
Garret, Melissa, 9
Garrison, Marquis, 117
Geller, Pamela, 218, 222
Gelles, Richard, 10, 101, 106, 113, 120, 166, 234–37
General Accounting Office (GAO), 111, 115
genital mutilation, 221
Geragos, Mark, 176, 178–79
Glinton, Roscoe, II, 13
Goldsmith, Sadé, 120
Gombe Park, Tanzania, 53
Goodall, Jane, 48, 53
gorillas, Silverback, 53
Gould, Stephen Jay, 63
Ron, 179, 189–90, 192–93
Graves, Jennifer, 129–31, 145
Greco, David, 147
Griffin-Hall, Elizabeth, 155
guns, access to, 67, 209
Hanuman, monkey god, 46
Harris, David, 181–83, 187–88
Hartiala, Chuba, 9
Hartiala, James, 9
Hartiala, Kaija, 9, 231
Hartiala, Kayla, 9
Harvard University, 59, 63
Hausfater, Glenn, 55
Heibert, Robert, 120
Hernandez, Evelyn, 13
hijabs, 205, 207–12, 224
Hindu religion, 46
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 221, 223
Hobson, Peter, 58
Holly (Kirstie Foster’s pet Lab), 102–103
Homeland Security, Department of, 13–14
homicide, motivations behind, 62
honor abuse, 222
“honor” killings, 15, 207–208, 225
honor threats, 223
hormonal imbalances, 67
housing insecurities and stress, 107
Hrdy, Sarah, 9, 45–58
human “evolutionary history,” 68
human nature, 64
human rights, fundamental, 241
Hussein, Saddam, 214, 226
Hutt, Helen, 29, 36
India, 45–50
infant abandonment, 54
infant mortality, 238
in langur monkeys, 46, 49–50
by mothers, 54
in rats, 47
in various species, 52
Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives (Glenn and Hrdy), 55
Infidel (Ali), 221
infidelity, 68
Intelligent Design, 63
International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 114
interpersonal conflict, psychology of, 67
interpersonal domination, 168
intrafamilial child homicides, 232
Ippolito, Francesco, 242
“Ippolito’s law,” 242
Irias, Osman, 12
Isa, Tina, 225
Isa, Zein, 225
Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, 205
Islamic-Christian cultural clashes, 205
James (last name withheld)
and abuse of Sarah, 39
and anger-management counseling, 38
and bipolar disorder, 31, 38
and death of Clare, 17–30
description of Clare’s murder, 40
and earlier abuse of Clare, 38–39
first marriage, 35–37
life history, 31–45
suicide attempts, 34, 37, 39
Jasser, Zuhdi, 222
Jay, Phyllis, 46
“Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference,” 218
Jihad Watch, 206
Jiles, Darwin, 218
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 223
Jones, Terry, 205