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Quickie Collection of Hottest Explicit Taboo

Page 112

by Elizabeth Heath

  Katherine stepped in, throwing a feigned jab, before swinging her real attack with her other hand. Elaine read the basic combo easily, let the decoy strike bounce off her guard, and sidestepped the genuine blow. Elaine's off hand pinned Katherine's outstretched arm across Elaine's chest as she slipped around behind Katherine. Elaine reached out two fingers of her main hand and gently laid them on the back of Katherine's neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

  "Touch," Elaine said softly. Katherine sighed and nodded, acutely aware of her arm restrained across Elaine's bosom. The soft flesh beneath the silk was pressed teasingly against Katherine; she could even feel one mocking nipple. She desperately wanted to touch Elaine -- properly, deliberately, unrestrainedly; not like this. Elaine released Katherine and stepped back, and Katherine reluctantly slipped back into a ready stance.

  Elaine met Katherine's eye again, and it seemed to Katherine that her weakness was laid bare to the piercing gaze. Every ounce of her distraction and disinclination to continue fighting seemed revealed, while Elaine's own eyes were veiled, showing nothing. Unusual, Katherine noted. Usually there's naked determination in those eyes when she fights; but now she's concealing herself from me. What is she hiding? Is it possible...?

  Then Elaine winked and smiled at Katherine, shattering her flagging concentration and dissolving all her coherent thoughts. Taking advantage of the successful distraction, Elaine charged forward in a blur, and Katherine weakly raised her hands, barely deflecting the opening pair of attacks. Then Elaine's leg swept low, and easily flicked Katherine's feet off the floor. Katherine's legs went out from under her, and she landed hard on her back. Elaine followed her down, leaning alluringly over Katherine, her breasts -- mostly visible through the thin fabric of the minidress -- swaying appealingly.

  "Surrender?" Elaine asked. Katherine shook her head faintly, though she wondered what else she could do -- she couldn't remember any of her numerous moves to get out of a situation like this, not with that mesmerizing bosom hanging over her. It was taking much of Katherine's self-control simply to avoid laying her hands on the compelling breasts. God, she wanted to feel her lover -- now.

  "Oh?" Elaine continued, and leaned in further. Katherine feared a painful joint lock, but Elaine had much worse in mind -- she gave Katherine a soft, lingering kiss on the lips, stunning her.

  "Are you sure?" Elaine asked, pulling back and licking her lips, wordlessly offering her lover more if she would just surrender. Katherine wanted so badly to give in, and take up Elaine's unspoken offer... but lose? Throw a fight? Then she finally remembered a counter-move, and in fact one perfect for the situation...

  "Yeah," Katherine said, firmly, suddenly and defiantly. This surprised Elaine, who -- rightfully -- thought she had Katherine at her mercy. But Elaine's surprise at Katherine's words was nothing to her shock at her opponent's next move. Quick as a whip, Katherine wrapped her arms around Elaine, pushed off the floor with her foot, and rolled over. Now Elaine was lying beneath Katherine, pinned by her sparring partner's seat on her stomach. Elaine tried to sit up, but Katherine placed a hand on her breast and pushed her back down, before giving in briefly to temptation and giving Elaine a gentle rub, causing her breath to catch in her throat. Katherine put her lips to her lover's ear.

  "No winner?" she whispered sensually. Elaine nodded, and Katherine shifted her weight off Elaine's stomach to lean over her. She reached her hand up to her top, freeing one of her breasts to fall out tantalizingly over Elaine's face; Elaine readily opened her lips and accepted the hard nipple as Katherine's other hand stroked Elaine's own breast. Katherine relished the long-awaited contact, loving the feel of Elaine's tongue against her finally-bared flesh, and her own hand cupped around her lover's breast.

  "God, Elaine, I want you so bad," Katherine breathed, slipping off her pinned sparring partner, reluctantly surrendering the feeling of Elaine's mouth around her nipple. Elaine giggled girlishly as she sat up.

  "I know. I saw your 'training'," she chuckled. "Wasn't going well, was it?" Elaine stood up, gazed out of the window, and rubbed her own breast through her thin dress, credibly imitating Katherine's stance from several minutes ago.

  "Yes, I remember that," purred Katherine's low, sensual voice in Elaine's ear. "And then you tried to ambush me with a grab, didn't you? Something a little like this?" Katherine's arm wrapped around Elaine's chest, and she playfully clasped Elaine's other breast from behind while kissing her on the neck, revelling in finally being able to freely touch her beautiful lover. Katherine fondled the breast for a while, eliciting a low sigh from Elaine, before running her hand slowly down her lover's body, stroking her skin tenderly through the dress. Elaine let her own hand drop from her other breast, entrusting Katherine with her pleasure. She didn't disappoint. Katherine's soft, sensual touch slipped under the hem of Elaine's dress, and she briefly teased her lover's leg with feather-light fingers, before reaching eagerly for Elaine's panties and what lay beneath. Elaine opened her legs, allowing Katherine's digits to gently slide over her notably damp panties.

  "Ooh, Elaine! You wanted me too," Katherine noted, quietly and teasingly, as she felt the wetness. Her fingers slipped softly into Elaine's slit through the moist panties, rubbing lightly up and down. Elaine's breathing began to quicken, and her heart sped up.

  "Yes, I did... but I have... discipline," Elaine panted breathlessly.

  "Really?" Katherine asked softly, rubbing harder and focussing more attention on the other girl's clit. "Let's see about that..."

  "Ahh! Well... in combat, I do..." Elaine gasped out as Katherine rubbed her clit in small circles. Elaine's breathing took on a shuddering tone, and shivers began to run through her body. Her legs shook slightly, but Elaine was able to hold her balance for the moment. Her panties dampened noticeably further beneath Katherine's fingers, and Elaine's panting breath came faster and faster through her open mouth. Elaine leaned backwards against her lover, cradling her head in the redhead's bosom as she opened her legs wider still, inviting Katherine's hand deeper into the most private and sensitive parts of her body. Katherine's digits rubbed harder, accepting the invitation, and Elaine began to moan.

  "Yes...Katherine...more..." Elaine moaned out. Katherine pulled Elaine's panties aside and laid her fingers directly on her lover's clit. She felt the little nub stiffen beneath them, silently crying out for more touch, and she couldn't deny it, though her own body began to rebel. Elaine's growing moans were becoming torture to Katherine, each one sending a wave of desire through her. Katherine raised a hand to her already-uncovered breast, kneading the nipple eagerly even as she strove to keep the majority of her focus on Elaine's clit, her firm, now unrestrained rubs fuelling Elaine's loud moans.

  "Ohh... yes, Katherine... ahh..." moaned Elaine. "Keep...going..." This was just the encouragement Katherine needed to defy her body a little longer as she rubbed harder yet on Elaine's clit, receiving another approving moan. Elaine's moans grew faster as Katherine's fingers quickened, and Katherine felt herself take on more of her lover's weight. Elaine's crotch thrust outwards, rubbing itself against Katherine's fingers in return, as her moans rose to a peak. Katherine's digits guided Elaine into and through her highest pleasures. She rubbed as hard and fast as she could, glorying in her lover's peaking delight, but tormented by her own selflessly denied need, before eventually slowing down to gently guide Elaine from her orgasmic heights. Elaine slumped backwards into Katherine's arms, and Katherine held her on her feet, rather than allow her to slump to the floor. They weren't done yet.

  As soon as Elaine regained her balance, Katherine gently but firmly turned her lover around to face her, refusing Elaine time to rest.

  "Elaine..." Katherine's pained gasp betrayed all of her pent-up, desperate desire. She regretted nothing; her self-inflicted delay had been well worthwhile for her lover's sake. But now that her lover was sated, Katherine's willpower had run out, and her smouldering body inescapably demanded attention.

  "Huh?" Elaine groaned, confused a
t the ache in her lover's tone, and still recovering from her rush of emotion. "Katherine... what...?"

  "Elaine... I'm sorry, but I can't take it any more... do something to me... please..." Katherine begged. Her soaked crotch was burning, begging for touch. Her nipples were impossibly hard. Her sweltering body could no longer be denied. She practically tore down her panties, eagerly offering herself to her lover.

  "Elaine...please..." she gasped, spreading her lips with her fingers. "I want you, I want to feel you inside me... please, touch me... take me, Elaine..."

  "Well... when you ask like... that, how... how can I... refuse?" Elaine replied breathlessly, pulling herself together. She slipped her finger gently into Katherine's yearning, wet vagina; Katherine gasped and moaned appreciatively. "But... you keep going too... Please..."

  Katherine nodded and lifted Elaine's skirt, returning her fingers to Elaine's clit, touching it more lightly now, allowing Elaine to recover from her peak while still pleasuring her and maintaining her arousal. Elaine rubbed her crotch eagerly over Katherine's fingers as she started to slide her own finger in and out of Katherine. Katherine moaned her approval, thrusting herself onto the digit, and Elaine increased her pace, knowing that her fervent lover was certainly not in the mood for subtlety. Katherine struggled to maintain her own fingers' rhythm against Elaine's clit as she practically rode Elaine's thrusting finger, moaning loudly as her desperate longing finally translated into reality. Elaine's moans, too, began to rise again, echoing her lover.

  "Two," Katherine gasped out amidst the mounting symphony of their wordless voices. Elaine obliged and slipped in a second finger; Katherine eagerly fucked them both, riding Elaine's hand. "Oh... oh, Elaine... you feel so good inside me..."

  Her vagina clenched and released around the digits, convulsing in her excitement. Katherine's own twitching, half- out of control fingers flailed around Elaine's clit, her coordination shattered by the intense pleasure Elaine's fingers were giving her. Elaine didn't much mind the lack of dexterity, and she made up for it herself by rubbing against the awkward digits, painfully aware that the thrusting rhythm of her own fingers was similarly degenerating. Katherine didn't mind either. Whatever finesse they'd both had was now gone as their moans escalated to the point of low screams, their fingers and crotches thrashing around in whatever chaotic motions gave the most pleasure. Katherine's vagina clenched and released uncontrollably around Elaine's penetrating fingers as she slid herself deeply onto them. Meanwhile Katherine strove to keep her fingers on Elaine's clitoris and continue rubbing it as Elaine rolled her crotch frantically over Katherine's hand. Elaine placed her thumb on Katherine's clit, receiving an acknowledging moan. The lovers' wild, irregular rhythms continued to escalate, their moans echoing each other and rising ever louder, their frenzied pace building. Both partners' balances began to fail, and they leaned into each other. Katherine's fingers were a blur of spiralling motion around Elaine's clit. Elaine thrust her fingers uninhibitedly, as deeply as they would go into Katherine, who rose and fell wildly to meet them as Elaine's thumb played around her clitoris.

  "El..." Katherine gasped out.

  "Ka... the... rine..." was Elaine's laboured reply.

  Neither could say more, but they didn't need to. Their thrashing bodies, the uncoordinated but delightful touch of their fingers on each other, their rising moans rapidly approaching a screaming apex together, everything about the two lovers said it all, a declaration of passion stronger than the deepest, most heartfelt "I love you". In the next moment, as their bodies convulsed against each other in the dual climax of their pleasures, they were one for that instant. United by the exhilarating force known only as orgasm, wrapped together in a cocoon of rising energies, they unrestrainedly screamed their peaking emotion in perfect unison. Their legs tangling together, they slumped to the floor as the glorious burst of sensation ran down.

  "So...Katherine..." Elaine asked, as her breath returned and they freed themselves from each other. "Want to do some actual sparring now?" Katherine's answer was written all over her face.

  "Nah!" they said simultaneously, and laughed.

  "Hey, Elaine?" Katherine asked, as the giggling ran down.

  "Yeah?" Elaine replied.

  "How have we still got clothes on?" They both broke out laughing again, as they began to fumble with the fastenings of their respective outfits...

  The End.

  Prickteasing Sister's Penance

  Anyone watching Julie as she walked from the street into the house's drive way could see something was bothering her. Her gait was tentative and she almost stumbled on her heels, most unusual for what was usually a very self confident young woman. Her pretty face was a mix of conflicting emotions; tension, worry, fear and apprehension. She was also dressed much differently than usual, normally the slim blonde liked to flaunt her magnificent figure in low cut tops and daringly short skirts but that day she was in jeans and a shapeless jumper that did a fine job of hiding her large breasts. She had minimal make up on too. That really wasn't like her.

  She stepped up the three stone steps to the front door of the three bedroom semi-detached house and frowned a moment before summoning up the courage to press the doorbell. She heard it chime inside the house and heard footsteps come to the door. Julie gave an involuntary shiver and steeled herself for what was to come.

  The door swung open and Julie's big sister, Lisa stood there glaring at her.

  "Look Sis I'm sorry..."

  She got no further as Lisa gathered all her phlegm into her mouth and launched a violent spit right into the younger girls face before snarling venomously.

  "Get to fuck off my step you cunt! I don't ever want to see you again you cheating slut!"

  And with that the door was firmly slammed in the younger sister's face.

  She stood for a moment and fought off tears. She had done this. She had ruined her relationship with her sister and no doubt with her two young nieces that Julie so enjoyed spending quality time with. If only she hadn't been such an uncontrollable nymphomaniac!


  It wasn't news that Julie liked sex. She had been active since her school days once she was old enough and had a string of affairs and short term relationships. She had been insatiable at times and it hadn't mattered whether the male was married or engaged or in a relationship, once Julie saw someone she wanted to fuck she just went for it. That had created one problem for Lisa already when Julie had ended up bedding (then dumping) the boyfriend of one of Lisa's best friend's, Louise. That had caused plenty grief but Lisa had stuck by her and Louise hadn't actually been married to the guy so it had all been somewhat brushed under the carpet but this last incident had been the worst, and Julie knew it.

  Quite how Julie had ended up in her sister's marital bed with Mark, Lisa's husband, fucking her in the ass she couldn't quite understand. One minute she had been speaking to him after a girl's night out, where Lisa had headed off to the emergency room with a friend who had passed out. Julie had promised to let Mark know on her own way home. She was disappointed her night had finished early and the heady mixture of drink and horniness (she hadn't managed a hook up, she usually arranged that on later in the night) was a potent concoction. On the other hand Mark had had a few beers while he was babysitting the girls and seeing Julie prance about in the sexiest little silver outfit had given him a very obvious erection. Seeing that Julie couldn't help herself but flirt and tease him and minutes later they were at it like dogs in Mark and Lisa's bed. Whereupon Lisa found them, their friend having been sick and making a miracle recovery once the drink was out of her system.

  Neither sister were ever likely to forget the sight of the other that night as Julie knelt like an animal with Mark's thick dick buried half way up her asshole. Lisa had physically thrown her out of the house and only now, two days after had Julie been able to face up to visiting her to try and speak to her sister.

  Clearly, she wasn't in a forgiving mood.


  Over the next couple of days Julie tried to call, text and email Lisa but received no response. Julie hated this and wanted to try a vist again but could not rid herself of the sheer hatred in her sister's eyes. And so she set to pouring her heart out in the form of an emotional and pleading email where she begged for forgiveness and promised anything if only Lisa would forgive her.

  Unbeknown to Julie this email was to fall into exactly the wrong pair of hands.

  Louise, Lisa's pal who had also suffered from Julie's ways, once she had heard of Lisa's problems had rushed around to help her old friend and to take every opportunity to stick the knife into Julie, she still loathed the little bitch for what she had done to her but had stayed neutral before for fear of upsetting Lisa. Mark had been kicked out and single Louise eagerly offered to stay with Lisa and the girls to help them through this difficult period. Lisa was overwrought and spent a lot of time sleeping and taking too many pain killers and she was dead to the world in bed that night when Julie's email arrived. Lisa had left herself logged on and when Louise saw the mail was from Julie she couldn't hold back her curiosity and found herself sitting down and opening it up. As she read it a plan came to her and the more she thought about it the greater it became, just minutes later she wrote back to Julie.

  "Julie, Words can't do justice to the pain I am feeling right now. You will never understand the pain you have caused me. I have always stood by you and defended you in the past and this is how you repay me -- ripping my whole life apart just to suit your carnal needs? You beg me for forgiveness but I can't find that at the moment, how do I even know you are serious when you say how sorry you are? You say you'll do anything? I really have to wonder about that. Louise is over helping me at the moment and her being here reminds me of what you did to her, if you really want to prove how sorry you are you will contact Louise at her home (not here I can't see you here again for a long time) and let her judge how truly sorry you are. I don't think I can ever forgive what you have done but I am willing to let Louise decide whether I should give you another chance, whether you are really sorry and willing to do anything to make amends. Like I say contact Louise and arrange to meet her after that if you can convince her that you are truly repentant then I will consent to give you another chance. But until Louise tells me you have made proper amends and convinced her of your repentance then do not contact me again in any way.


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