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Quickie Collection of Hottest Explicit Taboo

Page 143

by Elizabeth Heath

  "Is this what you want?" he asked as he pressed his cock into her thigh and slipped two fingers inside her.

  She nodded, another moan spilling from her mouth.

  "Uh uh," he said, feigning like he was going to pull his hand away again, "you have to say it."

  "Yes," she said, swallowing hard, "what I want."


  He moved his fingers deeper inside her as he rubbed himself along her thigh. She bit her lip and tried to stifle another low moan. Another smiled curled his lips, and he pulled his hand out of her cunt. Quickly, he pushed his pants over his bony hips, tore aside her panties and shoved his cock inside her. Her hands balled into small, tight fists and opened again; she moaned loud as she fought not to raise her hips to meet him and drive him deeper. He pulled slowly out of her, stopping with only the tip of his cock pressed against her opening and covered her mouth with his free hand.

  "You have to be a little quieter. Can you do that?"

  Whimpering, she nodded fast. He could feel her legs tremble, her hips itching to lift and move, to force him back inside her. Stopping for a moment to look at her, he saw her eyes open wide, begging. He drove himself hard into her cunt. His hips made a soft thud as they smacked into hers. She tried to keep herself quiet, but it was his hand that muffled her moaning as he worked inside her. Her legs wrapped around him, and he moved his hands to cup her ass. She leaned her shoulders into the door, letting him get deeper. Her teeth bit into her hand that now covered her mouth to muffle her, but soon the door started knocking with the quick, hard rhythm he was keeping inside her. A low growl trickled from the back of his throat and he moved his hands to her back, digging nails into her as he took fast, careful steps back. They moved to the chair in the center of the room. He set her down in the chair, ripping the arm of the chair of the way. With her balanced against the chair he grabbed her legs and pulled them from around himself. He pulled her legs over his shoulders and thrust into her again. Now it was her nails at his back, leaving raised, red lines that ran down his pale skin. He had her bent in half as he moved in and out of her. Her breathing got more and more ragged. Her moans louder. Leaning in, he got closer, letting her sink her teeth into the soft spot between his neck and shoulder. It muffled the sound, and she could hear a low groan coming from him. He sped up. He pushed off the floor for more leverage. Soon she fell back, her mouth wet with small droplets of blood from his shoulder. He felt the hot flood of her orgasm and her cunt squeeze and pull him in. Her legs shook as his started to falter. With a few more hard thrusts he shuddered. She smiled as she felt the spreading warmth of his come inside her. For a moment neither moved. They just relaxed. Her legs fell to either side of him as he collapsed against her small breasts.

  "I'm Chris by the way," he said with a short laugh.

  "Stephanie," she said and smiled.

  The End.

  The Roman's Bride

  Britain, 450

  After many attacks and wars, a truce was to be made with Romans and a Celtic tribe. It would be made by marriage. A centurion would wed the village leader's daughter. And peace would be made.

  That bride would be Seren, and she was not pleased. Her father only wanted the best for his people. Romans were only known as cold hearted rutting dogs to the Celts. She combed her long blond hair, and dressed for the feast. Her maid, Edith, began to braid her hair.

  "You must be pleased of this marriage, my dear." Edith began.

  Seren frowned."No,I am rather against it."

  "But a Centurion,he is likely to be wealthy. You will have a good life and a home to fill with babies."

  Seren shuddered. Half Celt half Roman babies! The horror! In the mirror, she looked at herself, her attire was a dark purple gown with a lace up bodice, and she wore silver bangles. She hoped not to be man handled by those men. Romans had an insane amount of lust.

  Her father had served a huge feast, along with loud music and dancing. The tables held roasted pheasant, roasted pig, clotted creams, leeks, fish with honey and herbs, fresh apples, and breads. The centurion stood beside her father. He was tall and dark. His hair was thick and curly and his eyes dark. His face was good looking, and when his eyes met hers, she felt her heart jump and warmth heat between her thighs. He had a strong and well toned body, she wanted to feel how strong he was. Other Roman men reached out to touch her body as she moved past the crowd. Seren fought to keep their hands off.

  The centurion noticed and came before her and helped her get past the men and lewd comments.

  She stiffened at his touch.

  Her father seemed pleased with him as he drank his ale. Seren ran to him. "Father, please do not make me marry a Roman." She pleaded.

  Her father smiled. "Now my girl, you should be pleased. You will be taken care of."

  "And once the peace is over, I am killed."

  "No, you will be secure. It has been vowed."

  "I will not submit to him." Seren huffed. The centurion smiled at her. She fumed.

  He came to her."Lady," He greeted."I am Justin Valerius."

  She let him take her hand into his and the crowd cheered. It seemed this marriage would happen whether she liked it or not.

  Justin kissed her hand, and she shivered at the warmth of his mouth on her skin. His eyes gleamed sinfully.

  "Please,"She whispered.

  He smiled and let her go, and the ceremony began.

  Dim candle light filled the dark room of Justin's bed chamber. He carried his bride into the room and set her on the bed. She looked at him with bright green eyes and swallowed hard. He felt pity, knowing she barely knew him. She was tiny and very pretty, but not very young. Her father said she was nineteen summers, old enough to be a wife. Still, he was only a handful of years older than she.

  "Your father wants me to take your virginity tonight, so the pact can't be taken back." He said softly.

  She nodded."I understand."

  "Please do not fight me. Let me make this good for us both."

  She bit her bottom lip."I won't fight you, but I won't like it. "

  "Very well, stand up."

  She stood and he unlaced her bodice, revealing her full creamy breasts. He ran a fingertip around her pink nipples, making her shiver. Heat flooded her pussy. He rubbed her nipples and cupped her breasts in his hands.

  "You are lovely, Seren." He said to her.

  She let out a soft moan as he stripped the gown off her leaving her naked before him. He bent his head and nuzzled her neck, and kissed her collarbone. She pushed at his hard chest, and felt the muscles ripple under her palms. He was strong and could easily take her. He caught a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard making her cry out. He let his hands feel her soft body and felt his cock harden. She was a beauty and tasted so sweet.

  Seren was in bliss, his mouth sucked and licked her nipples, and she grew wet."Please, stop..."

  He looked at her. "I hurt you"?

  '' No, but I want it over with."

  Justin stood. She noticed his erection and stepped back."I warn you, it will hurt the first time."

  "The only time."

  He laughed at that."No, lady. You are to satisfy my desire, each night if I wish it."

  She struggled from him yet his hand found her wet heat and she gasped. He grinned and pushed one finger in, making her tremble.

  "You like that"? He asked. Then he found her clit and began to rub, she cried out.

  Seren could barely think. This man was pleasuring her body. The enemy was trying to bring her bliss. She had no will to fight it.

  "Let me feel you," She asked.

  He pulled away and began to strip off his clothing, letting her look at his hard muscled body. She bit her lip, and pressed a palm to his hard chest. She felt his heart pounding and smiled. Her hands traveled down over his skin, feeling him. She ran her fingertips along his hard thick cock and he gasped. She ran a thumb over the tip. It was too much for Justin.

  "Vixen." He pulled her against him and kissed her, tast
ing her. She rubbed her body against his, wanting more.

  Justin pulled away and lay her on the bed, and was over her. Panting, she spread her legs and he rubbed his cock along her slit, making her purr.

  "Please..." She whispered. "Do it."

  Justin still rubbed, making her go wild. He began to suck and lick her nipples. She came hard, trembling. Justin waited no longer and thrust hard. She arched in pain, gasping. He hands fisted against his chest.

  He stilled. "Easy, hold still."

  "I can't,your too big...please..." She gasped.

  Justin kissed her and held still, until she began to move her hips, feeling him. The pain had eased, but she was sore. Justin moved with her slowly then picked up the pace, she clawed at his back and arms.

  "Are you alright"? He asked breathless.

  "Sore but it feels so good."

  He smiled and ground his pelvic bone against her clit, she came again with soft cries. He followed, filling her womb with his hot cum.

  After, they lay side by side, panting. Seren sighed and felt happy to have felt such bliss at last. Moving to his side, Justin kissed her forehead and looked down at her.

  "This may not be so bad, Seren." He said softly."You are now lady of my house."

  Seren shifted and winced at how sore she felt. She sat up slowly and cried out at seeing blood on her thighs. Justin got up.

  "All virgins bleed the first time. It is alright." He came to her with a wet cloth and pressed it to her delicate folds. She shivered.

  "I am sore,I am sorry." She bit her lip and blushed.

  Justin liked how sweet she looked when she blushed. "You must be. We can rest this night and you can heal."

  "When will you take me again"? Seren whispered.

  Justin got in bed beside her. "When your body is ready." He said and pulled her to him and kissed her. "Do you fear me"?

  She shook her head. "No." She said against his lips. She rather liked being held and kissed like this. It was unlike anything she had known.

  As she fell asleep, Seren felt peace and contentment.

  Letting his bride sleep, Justin got up at dawn and washed. He knew Seren would be worn out from last night. After washing and dressing he went into the kitchen to eat.

  The cook had prepared a small feast for him and his new wife. Oats with honey, sugared pastries, fresh berries, thick bacon and some sweet wine. After eating, Justin carried a tray to his chambers for Seren. She was awake curled up against the pillows. His heart caught at seeing how lovely she was.

  "I am famished." She smiled at him.

  Justin was glad she was at ease with him. "I am glad, my cook prepared a nice meal."

  As she ate the blankets fell down from around her and Justin felted his cock harden at seeing her breasts and navel. "What does your name mean"?

  "It means 'star' in Celt." She told him.

  With her golden hair it fit her well Justin decided. After she ate she sighed and fell back into the pillows.

  "Why are you dressed already"? Seren asked. "We are allowed to stay in bed all day today."

  "I am tempted to take you again." Justin shrugged. "And I don't want to hurt you."

  Seren thought."Will it hurt or will I just feel pleasure from now on"?

  He grew even harder."Pleasure."

  "I see." She thought. She looked at her good looking husband and knew she wanted him again. Getting out of bed she walked to him and began to unlace his pants. Justin moaned as when he was freed into her small hand. "You want me." Not a question.

  "Yes, Seren. I been wanting you since last night."

  She stroked him and ran a fingertip over the blunt head. He drew away suddenly.

  "Lay down," He told her as he undressed. She laid on the bed and he came over her and their mouths met. Seren moaned as he deepened the kiss. She was wet and ready for him already. Justin broke the kiss and looked at her. Her pretty green eyes were dazed. He thrust deeply and she whimpered. Her face showed bliss not pain. He began a slow rhythm letting her just feel and enjoy.

  "It feels so good." She panted, meeting his every move.

  "Better than last time"? Justin asked.

  Seren nodded. She felt him reach between their bodies and he found her little nub of pleasure and began to rub it. She cried out and shattered around him. He thrust deep and hard as he spilled inside her. Panting, Justin moved off her and fell beside her on the bed.

  Seren felt like her body was singing. So much bliss! And she wanted Justin again. And by the grin on his face, she knew he wanted her as well.

  The End.

  Flying The Friendly Skies

  "When the captain turns off the fasten seat belt sign..."

  I sat slightly forward hoping that the young Captain sitting across the isle from me would get a good view down my shirt. I had rather ample bosoms and the low cut shirt and Victoria Secret bra I was wearing made them look even bigger.

  He had caught my eye when he boarded the plane and I had hoped that he would take the seat next to me. To my luck, an overweight aging business man sat next to me, and the Captain sat across the isle next to a June Cleaver look-a-like.

  I listened as he spoke softly to the woman next to him. He would be flying the next leg of this flight, but for now he planned on sitting back and enjoying the ride.

  He was a handsome man. No older than 30 with a brown crew cut, piercing blue eyes, and a strong square jaw. His lips were full and sexy, and his ass had filled out his uniform pants very nicely.

  As he laughed at something the older woman said, he glanced my way. I had been noticing each glance he stole. They were becoming more frequent. And even though he was trying to hide the fact, it was apparent his gaze was locked on my tits each time.

  A soft ding sounded and the seatbelt sign turned off. He looked my way again and I turned slightly, waiting for his eyes to reach my face. I gave him a huge smile and tilted my head to the side, indicating the rear of the plane. His face showed no reaction.

  I then unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up. As I made my way toward the back of the plane and the cramped bathrooms, I could feel myself getting wet.

  I slid open the door to the restroom, looking back toward the front of the plane. He was watching but had an odd look on his face. Had the pilot really never been propositioned on a plane before? I found that hard to believe. Perhaps he had not understood the non-verbal cues? It was looking more and more like I'd be getting myself off in the bathroom.

  He continued to stare, and I met his eyes once more and smiled. "Come on sexy," I thought to myself, "Figure it out before some balding business man feels the need to drop a load."

  I turned and entered the restroom, closing the door but not locking it. I stood there for maybe two minutes before I heard a light tap on the door. I stood back as the door opened and the young pilot stood there looking dumbfounded. I just smiled and crooked my finger at him, motioning for him to enter.

  He hesitated only briefly before entering, closing the door and sliding the lock home. His eyes narrowed as they roamed all over my body. When they finally reached my face there was confusion and desire in his eyes.

  I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his. They were just as soft as they looked. After a moments hesitation, they were crushed against mine in a demanding kiss. His tongue prodded for entrance and I eagerly submitted by tangling my own against his plundering muscle. His hands groped my chest, squeezing my breasts to the point of pain. I moaned into his mouth, voicing my approval of his rough treatment.

  The neck of my shirt was loose and low cut and as he pulled down on the fabric, my tits were exposed. They were barely contained by the lace material of my bra and a nipple was already exposed.

  His kisses began to travel across my jaw to my lower neck as he deftly plucked each breast from its meager confines. His fingers twisted and pinched each nipple as his mouth sucked just below my left ear.

  My hand made its way down to his crotch and his rather impressive bulge. I could feel
the outline of his hard cock as I rubbed it through the fabric of his pants.

  I gasped as his mouth finally found my large and erect nipples. He sucked them into his mouth as his hands continued to ruthlessly squeeze my breasts.

  As I used one hand to massage the front of his pants, the other was struggling with his zipper. I wanted my mouth on that cock and soon. As soon as the zipper was released I reached my hand in his pants to cup his massive erection. I squeezed against the soft cotton as I sought out the opening of his boxer briefs. Finally my finger made contact with the silky hardness of his cock and I stroked the length of him with my hand. He bit down harshly on a nipple as his hand reached up instinctively to cover my mouth, stifling my moan.

  After of few stokes of his cock, I pulled its length from the confines of his uniform pants. He was larger than I thought and I licked my lips in anticipation.

  The hand that had moments ago suppressed my groan was now eagerly pressing my head downward. I held back a smile as I rejoiced that he was, after his initial trepidation, completely into this.

  The restroom did not afford room for him to stand and me to kneel before him, so I sat down on the commode as I leaned forward to take the head of his hard shaft between my lips. He tasted salty and just a little sweet. I pulled back and licked my lips, looking at him before resting my tongue against his purple head. His eyes closed, head thrown back in a silent moan, as his hands settled on either side of my face. He guided my mouth further onto his waiting cock. I moaned as his length entered my hot mouth, the vibration giving him pleasure as his hips jerked back slightly.

  My mouth now took in his entire length, the tip of his cock bumping the back of my throat as he began to thrust himself in further. I breathed slowly through my nose to keep from gagging as his hands continued to force my head further onto his cock. I swallowed as my nose touched his groin, and his grip on my head tightened. The slight pain excited me even more.

  We started a frantic rhythm of sucking and thrusting as I reached between his legs to cup his balls. Rolling each between my fingers, I then ran my index finger just below them as I sucked his entire length into my mouth. Saliva dripped from the sides of my mouth and I was sure that anyone waiting outside the door would be able to hear the sucking and slurping noises I was making.


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