The 2nd Realm Book One (The 2nd Realm Trilogy 1)

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The 2nd Realm Book One (The 2nd Realm Trilogy 1) Page 2

by Montoya, RoChe

  "I will be sure to give her as much training as I can," Nick speaks up, "I have the whole thing already planned."

  "Very good," Buck, the majestic stag-man says, "You are in very good hands, Agent Charlotte." With the welcome she just received she now feels like she is officially part of something, and something extremely meaningful at that.

  Chapter 4

  A Fight of the Dark Ones

  The Cambodian dictator Pol Pot begins his assault on Vlad the Imapler and his castle. Vlad has taken pride in the construct of his castle in the 2nd Realm, and he will be damned if he's going to let a spirit like this take it from him. He knows if Pol Pot seizes his land it will give him position to control more land in the spirit world and he will not lose his home. The construct walls will only hold them out for so long, Vlad will take his men to meet them in the open field and save his castle, it took him a number of years to keep it together and he will not see it fall. The catapults are armed and ready so the king gives the order to launch. With a number of fire balls heading their way, the Cambodian army scatters and charge at the Romanians. They pull their kilij swords that have a weighted end for more powerful slashing, but the enemies machetes made of their own energy will meet the test.

  Vlad sends Kel, his second in command into the fray wanting him to bring destruction to the enemy. He spreads wings like a vampire bat, almost paying homage to the man who inspired Dracula; then soars out into the fiery battle field and begins to wreak havoc. He creates two short swords and starts to slash through the opposing force with ease. Then Druna, a dragon-man for the enemy, slams down in front of Kel bringing his carnage to an end. If he wants to continue his slaughter he will have to get past this man with dragon scale skin for armor.

  The dragon man opens his mouth, but words don't come out; rather a loud roar filling the air all around. The vampire like demon is pleased to see a challenge in front of him. He pulls out a monster of a sword from his thoughts as Druna forms a short pole, then a chain and massive ball with spikes comes out of the end, crashing to the ground; the dragon snarling the whole time. He swings the giant spiked ball at his adversary but Kel rolls under it, avoiding what was sure to be a killer blow. Kel swings his blade, but it's caught by Druna's armored flesh hand. He throws the vampire across the field, slamming him into a cluster of rocks. Vlad shows a little disappointment on his face, not that Kel can see it. Vlad better believe that Kel is not happy with it either.

  He gets to his feet and with a fierce flapping of his wings he propels himself back across the battle zone, cutting through anyone that is in his way, Cambodian or Romanian alike, to get to Druna. The dragon lifts his weapon in the air for a strike but when he comes down with power, Kel uses finesse and speed to move to the side and come to a complete stop, crouched on his knees. He then uses the strength of his liftoff to punch the scaled face, sending the mythical lizard falling back down to the ground. Kel circles around and heads back at the armored man creature with a sword ready, but the dragon moves aside, sticking the blade into the ground and driving a talon spiked knee into Kel's chest; not enough to send him to ash but dropping him to the ground. Kel uses his thought to force Druna away from him before a fatal blow can be thrown causing him to roll away.

  Kel recovers quickly and is back on the offensive with more attacks from another sword he has created, but Druna never let go of his weapon and is able to block the onslaught. He grabs the chain of his morning star, and uses the pole to defend so he can swing the ball with his other hand. They continue to go back and forth, every few strikes will land but nothing either man can capitalize on. An explosion goes off nearby from the other soldiers battling and it knocks Druna off balance; now Kel can step up his attack and go for the finishing move. As Druna struggles to keep his balance from the rumbling ground, Kel extends his wings and hovers perfectly balanced. He swings his weapon making Druna keep on the defensive with blocks, so he can form a vicious claw on his foot, and sink it directly into the dragon's soft belly. He doesn't let up until the claw has penetrated all the way through, and he is on top of his fallen foe's pile of ash, victorious.

  The two leaders stand at the back of their armies, waiting for the other to make a move, they want each other's head. Vlad knows all about this genocidal dictator and his intention for the 2nd Realm. Pol Pot thinks that he will take over the land of spirits. The Order of Light only looks his way when Pot tries to come into their territory, if the dark spirits want to war among themselves, that is on them, The Order is only concerned about preserving the realm of the living. Vlad and his men are on their own in this invasion, not even other dark spirits are going to come and help him. Unlike those in the Order who can call to others for assistance, the Dark Ones only have themselves to call upon; their leaders are far too selfish to give help. Who could he call on, the only ones that he can trust are out in the thick of the battle, and there is no one else. Word is that Vlad had a cordial conversation with Ted Bundy once, but he is gone, sent to the Void long ago; and a polite conversation does not insure an alliance. The Romanian and his men fight alone.

  Vlad looks down at the battle and wants nothing more than to shove a pike into every one of these invaders, but he wants the main man, he wants Pol Pot, but how can he get to him. The field is covered with battling men and scattered among the ground is white ash. "Is this all you have Pot?" Vlad shrugs off the fact that his men are turning to powder right before his eyes, maybe because he can see the same happening to the enemy. He will send squad after countless squad to fight his foe, having confidence that their cruelty, their malice and their wanton sense of destruction and death will achieve victory. Vlad himself has the most insatiable appetite for blood and carnage; after all he did drink the blood of his victims while he would dine. He wants to put this smug despot on a stake and decorate the front of his new castle with his corpse.

  Tired of seeing all his men get all of the fun, Vlad starts looking for Pol Pot more intently. Now that he has thought about it, he wants his decoration, and he wants it now. He knows that bodies don't stay once they're dead, they turn to ash, but he still wants to see his enemy in the air at the end of his staff. Once he locates the tyrant he heads straight for him, but the crafty ex-teacher of a ruler raises his gun and starts to fire. Vlad makes a change in his flight and heads straight up, when he comes down, he is in front of his adversary, but Pol Pot was expecting this. Before a word was uttered or a weapon manifested, Pol Pot extends a front kick sending the Impaler reeling back. "You come to my home and think I am just going to hand it over?" Vlad says from one knee, holding his rib area from the kick.

  "I will take over everything, and you will all give thanks to my order and guidance," Pol says to him.

  "You really think we will bow to you?" Vlad smirks at his opponent, "None of us like each other, but one thing is for sure, we all hate you."

  "That kind of thinking is why I wanted to wipe you out first. Once you are gone then the rest will fall in line." Pol Pot only wants his order and control, and he is smart enough to know he will need all of the dark sects under his rule, if he is going to make an attempt at the Order of Light. That is one thing about the Cambodian Dictator, he dreams big, but to try and bring control to the 2nd Realm is something altogether different. Who would really think of world conquest in the afterlife; but if you are an oppressor like he is, you might as well rule wherever you are.

  Vlad forms a Halberd spear with its three different blades for killing. He lunges with the seven inch spear tip first, but Pot is too fast for that strike. Then Vlad uses the hook curved blade to grab the back of Pot's leg, bringing him to the ground. He swings the long pole in the air and slams down with the axe blade, Pot moves out of the way, but not in time. Vlad cuts off his hand, and then they both look down as it fades away. Pol Pot just grows another one and forms another gun along with it, and he starts to shoot, but Vlad uses his cape to block all the bullets. When he drops his shield, Pot is there with another kick to the Imapler's chest. But Vlad
does not go flying back; he grabs the foot in flip flops and tosses Pot off to the side. "You are delusional. You believe yourself to be more powerful than you truly are." Vlad starts to walk to him slow and undisputable. "Just because you have followers does not mean you should be followed. They are mere sheep, trailing behind who they think will keep them safe."

  "And what about your flock?"

  "They follow their king out of loyalty."

  "One man's loyalist is another man's sheep."

  "You have nothing but words, maggot." says Vlad as he makes a kilij sword and comes for Pot. When he swings it down, Pol Pot has a machete waiting to block with. The two go back and forth, neither wanting to let their guard down for any small strike. Pot tries another kick but it is blocked with ease as the fight ranges all over the small hill, above the ongoing battle. Pot slashes his blade at the midsection only hitting air and the outer part of Vlad's cape. In return Vlad swings his kilij at his opponent's head just missing. Pol Pot comes slashing with his machete; cutting off the arm at the elbow; backing Vlad up and returning the act from earlier. Both the arm and kilij sword disappear into nothing.

  "Enjoy that while you can," he tells him as he grows another arm, "It will be the last time you get that close." He forms another halberd spear and begins to come forward in a tremendous attack, Pol Pot can only use his blade in defense as he tries to avoid the multi bladed spearhead. Vlad uses the hook blade end to grab the machete, disarming Pot. Then uses it again to hook into his back, gives a hard tug bringing him in close; he then turns the spear into an eight inch dagger, shoving it through his enemy.

  Before Pol Pot can fade away in ash, Vlad shoves a staff through him and props him up for all to see. "Here is your leader!" he shouts out loud enough for all in the battle ground to heed. All attention turns to see that Pol Pot has become Vlad the Imapler's most recent victim. "Leave now and tell all those who wish to come here that this is what awaits them," and with that Pol Pot's body begins to fade away into white ash and blow away with the wind. Seeing that he has been vanquished, the rest of Pot's army leaves in defeat. Vlad stands proud with his men, and with his power he conjures the body of the fallen Pol Pot, and then stations him high upon the hill with a pole up his ass, letting others know what their fate will be if they mess with the mighty Vlad.

  Chapter 5

  An Archaeological Dig Somewhere in Mexico

  A young lady is on her final excavation before she begins to head up her own group and dig. This is a proud moment for the 30 year old; not many students are able to advance so fast that they have their own crew after interning. Throughout her childhood, the young lady, known by the name Mandolyn, has always been interested in unearthing hidden treasures. Her father bought her a metal detector for her 6th birthday and her mother would organize treasure hunts for the young girl and her friends. The little lady with the bright blonde hair, big smile and adventurous spirit has now realized her dream. She looks back at the mountains of dirt and the students packing up their gear to head back to the hotel. They will all need some much needed rest before taking their long flights home in the early morning. She grabs her backpack and slings it over her shoulder and makes her way to the groups van.

  “Mandolyn, hold up a moment,” Scott, an eager first year grad student says as he is running towards her, "I can't seem to stop tripping over my own feet." He stumbles as he gets closer; he has something in his glove covered hand.

  “What have you got?” She looks over at him as he catches his breath. He slowly releases his grip around the new found object; it’s an arrowhead.

  “I’m really looking forward to the dig you’re in charge of in Cairo. I bet we’ll find some amazing artifacts there,” Scott says as he takes another look at the treasure he just found. He gives it a quick polish off with his gloves, wraps it in a cloth, and then puts it in his cargo pants pocket. They now get into the van with the rest of the group, sit back, and enjoy the hillside drive in the country before entering the busy city.

  The next morning is very hectic at the hotel the archaeologists are staying at. There is a local convention going on and more people are trying to check in early while others are leaving with stacks of suitcases. Mandolyn weaves in and out of the masses of loitering people as she makes her way outside to hail a cab. She sees Scott getting into one and quickly gets his attention to hold it for her so she can share the ride to the airport. "Hurry, get in and let's go!" he jesters to the cab driver, knowing that his friend can see him.

  “It will feel so good to be home and sleep in my own bed,” Mandolyn says as she looks back at the massive hotel of concrete and strangers all in a big rush, “Excuse me, Scott, I need to make a quick call home to my fiancé and let him know we’ll be in the air soon.” She pulls out her cell phone from her purse and excitedly calls home; she gives a big smile when the soothing voice of the man she loves says, “I can’t wait till you get home baby.”

  After more hours than anyone cares to fly, the two have arrived in the states. Mandolyn’s fiancé, Paul is waiting at the airport with a big sign that says, “Welcome Home Blue!” he refers to the nickname he gave her due to her big blue eyes. The couple gives a long embrace before going to pick up the luggage. Scott is already at the rotating wheel with the passengers’ bags. He turns to Paul and says, “Thank you for giving me a lift home since my girl couldn't make it, you two are awesome!” The three make their way to the compact car and head back to their homes after an exhausting day of travel.


  Two weeks later the young couple decides to take in a scary movie at the local theatre, being that it is one of their favorite holiday seasons. They stop by Dina’s bakery to grab a couple frosted cookies shaped like ghosts, pumpkins and bats. The couple also tastes one of the mini pumpkin cream puffs samples sitting next to the cash register and decides to get a dozen for breakfast tomorrow. They walk past the rail station and Mandolyn notices what looks like memorial flowers and balloons next to a large pole. “What happened here while I was away?”

  Paul takes her by the hand and begins to tell her, “There was a shooting between two gangs and an innocent girl was killed in the crossfire. She was trying to save a young boy and put herself in direct shot of the oncoming bullet.”

  Mandolyn looks up at Paul with a worried look, “Was she someone we knew?”

  “I saw a picture of the girl, her name was Charlotte Godette, she had moved to our town a few months ago. She worked at Drake’s Bookstore and the article said she had just returned from India and had a degree in Yoga.”

  “She sounds like someone I would have loved to have met, her family must be heartbroken; I just can’t believe that would happen in our town. I hope they get the assholes that did it!”

  After the movie the couple stops by the grocery store to pick up some Halloween Candy for the kids and a bottle of wine for them. Tomorrow night will be busy with trick or treat costumed children, visiting all the homes whose lights are on and probably egging those that aren’t.

  Two days have passed and the Halloween candy is now gone. The streets no longer are adorned with holiday décor and the leaves of red, orange and yellow have all fallen off the trees, leaving nothing but twisted branches. The fourth-grade students celebrated winning the painting contest and their class was given a pizza party as the grand prize and cookies coming from Dina’s Bakery. The smell in the air is now much crisper as the days are getting shorter and colder. Winter parkas and insulated boots are being showcased in Albert’s Sporting Goods front window and businesses are getting ready for the big rush: Christmas. The day is also getting closer for Mandolyn to head up her first official dig as leader. She will be boarding a plane to Cairo in three days and won’t return home until the day before Thanksgiving. She takes a seat in her cozy reclining chair and sips on a cup of herbal tea. On the coffee table is a bridal magazine. She picks it up and begins flipping through pages, daydreaming about her upcoming wedding in June as she waits for Paul to return home fr
om teaching English class. “Life is good,” Mandolyn says in an undertone as she takes another sip of tea.

  Chapter 6

  Three Weeks Later in Cairo Egypt

  Mandolyn and her small team of archaeologists are hoping to come across some artifacts that they can sell to a museum. Scott is in high spirits today as he walks up to the group, “I’ve got my lucky arrowhead from last month’s dig right here in my pocket. We should find something good today.” He makes his way to a large dugout with a big smile on the young students face. The money from a decent find could help fund the groups dig for another six months to a year. At this point they would take anything, they just don’t want to go home empty handed. With spirits still high, they continue to excavate.

  “Is this what I think it is?” Scott says under his breath, “I think I found something.” He begins to pull the object from the dirt. Before he can call out to Mandolyn, he notices a three thousand pound pillar from the coliseum collapsing. He pulls his hand out of the dirt, making sure to keep a tight grip on his find. When he removes his hand it causes the dirt and sand to shift, triggering the pillar to give way. There is nothing anyone can do and Scott doesn't have time to get out of the way. The loud crashing sound alerts the others as the stone slams to the ground causing a blast of dust to fill the air. The noise is so loud it blocks out Scott’s screams as he is being crushed to death.

  His body lay motionless. He opens his eyes and notices his arms and legs coming from under the stone pillar. He then looks up and sees his friends and others come and begin to circle around the dugout hole he was working in. With an even closer look, he gazes upon a man he doesn’t recognize to be a fellow student or even someone from the dig crew. This new man is not looking at the crushed pillar with the dead body beneath it. He is fixated on the newly dead spirit. Scott now looks down at his mangled form and realizes what's happened. He looks back up at the strange man who is peering intently into the hole where his crushed body is laying. The man now quickly turns his attention to the fallen pillar. A happy expression comes over his face as if he recognizes something of value. All of a sudden, dark leathery wings extend from the back of the strange man in the black suit. He glides down with eerie grace into the dugout hole, and lands with wings extended next to the pillar that is covering Scott’s body.


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