The 2nd Realm Book One (The 2nd Realm Trilogy 1)

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The 2nd Realm Book One (The 2nd Realm Trilogy 1) Page 3

by Montoya, RoChe

  On instinct, the powerful winged man kneels down to pick up the relic. He knows that this box contains the sought after key that has drifted into legend. He tries to open the box but he's unable. In frustration he pulls out a sword made in the spiritual realm, and then slashes through the newly dead student's spirit. A silhouette of ash forms of the digger then drops to the ground, as if never to return. The angry winged spirit then sheathes his sword and with a powerful flapping motion, he is gone.

  People are still gathering around the crushed body and some are even packing up their gear, knowing that today’s dig will come to an abrupt end. Mandolyn comes rushing from across the large excavation site and pushes her way through the crowd. She steps down into the dugout and kneels next to her friend as she wipes the dirt and blood off his lifeless body. A tear wells up in her eyes and she tries not to show the extent of her sorrow. The morale of the students is at an epic low at the moment and she needs to be strong.

  Mandolyn continues to sit next to her dead friend’s body as she waits for the Egyptian officials to show up. She thinks about how this is her first dig as leader and that a life was lost under her supervision. She doesn’t know how to handle it and wishes her fiancé, Paul, was here to comfort her. As the moments pass she notices the relic her friend was excavating but as she makes her way to retrieve it she hears someone calling for her. “Professor Rogers! Excuse me, Professor!” She looks to see that the officials have showed up.

  The professor extends her hand as she climbs half way up the ladder and out of the dug-out. “Yes, please forgive me. Amanda Lynn Rogers, everyone calls me Mandolyn.”

  “Ok, Mandolyn,” the official says, “It will take us a few hours to move the column; we must do our best not to disturb the rest of the site.”

  “Of course, we are going to make our way back to Cairo; will his body be sent back to the states?”

  “Yes, I will need your signature to begin all the procedures,” he then squats down, and hands her a clipboard for her to sign, “That is everything. I am very sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you,” she then climbs back down the small ladder to take one last look at her friend and to retrieve the relic that cost him his life.

  Soon the officials will remove the pillar and take the student’s body away. She thinks to herself that just moments ago, Scott was standing in front of her with a big smile. He was excited about finding something and he believed his lucky artifact would help. Now he lay there motionless and she will have to notify his family that they have lost their only son. She picks up the relic and makes her way out of the dugout, looking back at her friend one last time. She puts the artifact in her backpack and heads back to her tent. Just as she is arriving at the tent, the Egyptian official comes jogging up to her.

  “Professor Rogers!” he says, out of breath, “Excuse me, Mandolyn. I’m sorry; I just have one more paper for you to sign.”

  “Absolutely!” she says as she takes the clipboard and quickly signs her name, “If you need anything else, I’ll be at The Windsor Hotel on Alfi Bey Street. The official leaves and Mandolyn takes the relic-an ancient wooden box, puts it into her personal bag, and then begins to break down her tent. She has a long night ahead of her and many phone calls to make; she needs a stiff drink after everything that's happened.

  Back at the hotel she tries to relieve a little stress before making that dreaded call home to Scott’s parents. She gets out of her dusty work clothes and heads straight for the shower. After a relaxing wash and fresh smelling hair, she jumps into some cozy pajama bottoms and kami top. The time has come to break the bad news, but she decides to make a quick martini first. She takes one gulp then picks up the phone. It rings and rings, up to six times. She puts down the receiver, not wanting the answering machine to pick up. This isn’t a message you want to leave. She looks down at her martini glass and thinks of taking a sip, but decides to first give it another try and call Scott’s parents. This time the phone answers on the second ring. Mandolyn delivers the news as gently as she can, and when she hangs up the phone, she breaks down and cries. The large wall she put up to protect her from what she was feeling, came crumbling down the moment she had to tell his parents that they will be shipping his dead body home to bury.

  After a much needed cry, the young archaeologist makes herself one more drink, this time not as strong. She turns on some of her favorite music and then sits on the king sized bed with a stack of fluffy pillows behind her back. She puts her drink on the nightstand, and then picks up the phone to call Paul. As soon as he answers the phone, he knows something had happened. The couple is so close that they finish each other’s sentences. This time he just listens as she gets all the grief off her chest. Paul ends the conversation by assuring Mandolyn that he will be on the next flight and soon enough he'll be holding her in his arms. She shuts off the music and turns on the television, hoping to let her mind get lost in some mindless entertainment. As she flips through the stations she comes across the evening news: The death of the young student made the headlines. She looks at the picture of Scott on the screen and sheds a tear. On the nightstand is the remainder of her martini. She grabs the dainty glass and gulps the rest down, then quickly changes the channel. This time she finds a station with silly cartoons to watch, she puts the remote down and picks up the artifact that Scott had discovered, and takes it out of the crafted box. She holds it in her hand and feels a slight sense of joy, as if the relic had transferred some positive energy to her. The box and artifact both look almost as if they were preserved in an air tight area; there is hardly any wear or corrosion. She puts it back in her bag and snuggles up under the fluffy feather comforter; she is finally able to drift off to sleep.


  Sutton Hoo, near Woodbridge in the English county of Suffolk, the man once known to the world as Jack the Ripper has created himself a castle worthy of an egotist like himself. He sits in his throne room as the dark gargoyle winged Brutal returns to the lair of his master, Mack. He brings news of a great find and the possible end to the torment of this realm. Both the former Ripper and Zodiac killers are longing for, The Pleasures of the Flesh, as it has become known among the dark spirits. They look for a way to escape into the living world; one that the Order of Light cannot foil. The spearhead of this dark sect has a pleased look that none have ever seen on him before.

  "Our time has come old friend." he says to Brutal, and then he motions to a Minotaur, one of his lieutenants, "I want you to go to this Amanda Rogers and bring me the key." He then turns to Brutal, "You are to gather others to our cause. Tell them I invite them under a truce to listen to what I have to tell them. Tell them we have found the final piece of the Ragnarok key." He stops and thinks for a moment, "I would start with Pearl," and with that Brutal extends his wings and flies off.

  Chapter 7

  “Just because you're a spirit doesn't mean you can't die!”

  Charlotte’s training began as soon as she realized she is now a spirit. “It’s all about the power of thought,” Nick begins as he makes himself a pipe and puts it between his lips, “I use to love a good smoke,” he says as he pretends to inhale. He goes on to tell the quick learning new student that just as he made himself a pipe, she too can master the power to be her own creator and to use that power for good. He takes another fake drag from his vice then strokes his white goatee, “Charlotte, I want you to manifest a weapon. Close your eyes and think of a sword.” She does just as her instructor asks her and thinks real hard. She opens her tightly closed eyes and notices what looks like a long piece of metal; not a sword.

  Nick can see the disappointment in her face and quickly says, “You made something on your first try. You are like one in a handful to be so fortunate. I’m so proud of you!”

  “Who are the others?” she looks over at him as he continues to enjoy his make believe smoke, “Will I get to meet any of them?”

  “I’m glad you asked that question young lady. I have summoned my best tra
iner to take you under her wing. She is a lovely woman called Terra Belle. She was a belly dancing gypsy back in the 1800’s. She died tragically at the age of twenty-six by the hands of a rapist and vowed to always seek justice. That is why she is someone I can depend on. Speaking of the master, here she comes.”

  Charlotte looks over her shoulder and sees a beautiful woman with magnificent shimmering wings soaring graciously toward her. As the lady with the fiery long red hair, known by the name Terra Belle comes closer, she lowers her pearl essence wings and extends her hand to introduce herself. When the two women touch, the gypsy spirit can sense that the yoga teacher has heightened abilities. Terra Belle turns to Nick and says, "I can see why you summoned me here; this young lady is a natural and will be a great aid in our fight."

  Hearing the encouraging words coming from a master, Charlotte concentrates intently and makes herself a crafty sword. Impressed with what she was able to create, she begins to practice some moves. Nick and Terra Belle soon join in, taking turns giving the new spirit tips on perfecting her technique. The three continue to spar in the ruins of Delphi; the two masters chase the young woman all over, forcing her to use her powers.

  "Do not be afraid to fly away from strikes," Terra Belle tells her, "Some have actually created wings to give them an easier time in flight."

  "Is that why you have them?" Charlotte asks the red haired gypsy.

  "At first, yes," Terra Belle begins to tell her, "and then I just liked them and figured they're a keeper, why get rid of a perfectly good thing!"

  "They're beautiful," admires Charlotte, "they're like pure rays of light formed into wings." She then goes to touch her new teacher's left wing, "It feels normal, and I thought it would burn like a laser."

  "I can make it burn you if you like," Terra Belle says to her in a jokingly tone, "Now I want to see how you fair against multiple opponents." Terra Belle then motions to some of the sentinels around the Temple of Apollo; before Charlotte can react there are three guards coming after her.

  She quickly lifts into the air with just a thought, then dives directly at a sentry in the form of Hera the Greek Goddess and takes her to the ground. When Sobek comes over to her and grabs her by the right leg; she plants her right hand and swings around kicking the crocodile god in his long muzzle with her left foot. He lets go of her leg and takes a couple steps back, she then moves out into more open space.

  "Good, don't get yourself stuck in a place you can't get out of!" Nick yells to her as he and Terra Belle look on from the top of some pillars.

  "These guards are trying to turn you to white ash, my dear," Terra Belle tells Charlotte.

  "What, are you serious?" Charlotte says as she ducks and dodges strikes from spears and swords.

  "It would not be much of a challenge if they pulled their punches and just give you a pat on the ass," says Nick, "Come on guys, I don't feel like you're trying." He shouts to the temple guards, "Don't let the cutie pie features get to you!" he says on top of his pillar sounding like a drill instructor.

  A guard in the form of Loki begins to turn up his attack after Nick's words of encouragement; he swings his staff hard and connects to the agent in training's face. "That's what I'm talking about," he shouts when the fight gets real.

  Charlotte has a bit of anger come over her, both Terra Belle and Nick can see an emotional glow form around her, but it begins to subside as Charlotte remembers her time in India. She calms down her aura and focuses on what is in front of her. She is concentrating so intently that she does not notice two more have joined Terra Belle and Nick; it is Jake and a beautiful life size fairy in black. She is a member of both the Steampunk Guild and The Fairy Tribe, due to her Victorian style and mechanized wings with black feathers and trade mark top hat and goggles.

  The spunky fairy in the dark checked skirt knows exactly what this is; both Terra Belle and Sir Edwardo put her through this when she came here. The new recruit looks to be faring well against the temple guards, which is not an easy thing to do. "You're going to give her a break, right?" says the fairy, "I'd like to see how she does as well."

  "That will do for now!" Terra Belle yells out. The scrimmage stops and the guards return to their posts. Charlotte walks over to where the four others are; they glide down from on top of the pillars they were perched on. "I am very captivated with your performance."

  "So am I," Jake tells her with impression on his face.

  "Charlotte, this is Olivia," Nick introduces the steampunk fairy to his pupil.

  "My friends call me O," she tells the woman with dreadlocked hair, "How are you coming along with your powers?"

  "I think it's going well," the young woman answers, "but I guess it really is up to what they think," she motions to Terra Belle and Nick.

  "Well let me have a look at you then," the fairy in black says to her, "Don't be afraid to be turned to ash, although it is something you want to avoid; don't fear it, that's something Zenon told me once. We all have to do it to see what it's like; so don't fight it, just accept it."

  Charlotte gives a look to her instructor a short distance away as the two combatants have weapons drawn and begin to circle around a clearing ready to pounce. "You guys never said anything like that."

  "Ha, knowing these two, they didn't even tell you; that is your opponent's goal, until you were already in there with them," Jake laughs.

  "Jerks," Charlotte mutters to where only O can hear her. She looks at her winged opponent to see her crack a smile. The two begin to dance with swords clanging together for the tempo.

  "Olivia you better not hold back!" shouts Nick, "She needs to know what it's like."

  The thought of what she has to go through is starting to weigh on Charlotte's mind, more now than when she was battling the guards. This agent is more skilled and powerful, and Charlotte can feel it in her strikes. It feels similar to the time she was getting ready to get her first tattoo, you know it's going to hurt, you just don't know how badly. She decides it's time to just let it happen. She is being over matched by an agent with more experience, although she is giving her troubles. She lowers her defenses and Olivia picks up on it, she knows Charlotte is ready to try, so the steampunk woman gives her the sharp end of the blade.

  "Don't worry; everything will be fine," Olivia says as she holds her gently and looks into her eyes, "You're going to be alright." Then Charlotte fades away as her eyes close.

  After a lengthy departure, the mystical gypsy, Jake and Olivia decide to leave and Charlotte comes back to see her new found mentor, Nick, has been waiting for her with his pipe in his lip. "Now you know what it is like," he says after her cloud of white smoke manifests her shape and form, "It's not the most comfortable feeling, but you know you can handle it. You understand now that our energy is indestructible, for all we know, our life-force is immortal, and we just don't know everything about it. Think about the question of 'What is the meaning of life', almost everyone has their own theory; same with the purpose of our energy, you can come up with your own explanation," he suggests to her that they take a walk, "I'm sure you still have many questions that you'd like answered."

  "I do. I've been wondering if those who try to get back are that powerful to where we need weapons and training like this?"

  "Not really, those who are scared and desperate, no. They are weak and unorganized. They hang around a place they're familiar with, because they think if they wait long enough, they'll be able to get back. There's a perfect example right here," Nick points to a spirit named Albert; he is sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch of his former home. The lonely man watches as his family has a barbeque, wishing he could taste the juicy burgers and smell the smoky sausages coming from the grill. His mouth waters with every bite they take.

  "That's so sad." Charlotte says and then takes another look at the pitiful spirit as they pass by.

  Nick goes on to show the new student the ones they really need to worry about. "Look over to your right, there is a spirit called, Quill." Ch
arlotte sees an almost demonic looking spirit with dark porcupine looking spikes for a beard and hair. The man is outside a saloon, watching two men kick the shit out of each other. The dark spirit gives a devilish grin as he watches the blood spurt from one man's nose. Nick continues to tell Charlotte, "Our real enemies are those who know what we do; have the skills we have, and want to get back at any cost. We train ourselves because we can still die."

  "What! How is that even possible?" she says in a bit of shock, "You just told me we are damn near immortal."

  Nick explains how those slain in battle turn to white ash and then return to the spirit realm, as she had just experienced. He continues to tell of the most dangerous of weapons that few have the power to create. These deadly arms that are made in this realm are not created by mere thought, but in a way that very few are able to duplicate. When wounded by these weapons, you will quickly turn to black ash from which you will never return.

  "So that's what the council meant by banishment."

  "There is one of these weapons here in Delphi."

  "Where did these weapons come from?"

  "No one really knows. These weapons have been here longer than anyone I know."

  "How long have you been here?"

  "About fifteen or more years," But Nick quickly gets the subject off of him and on to someone else, "The oldest soul that I can think of is Tigris. She is hanging on one of the walls inside a living portrait in the council chambers; I think she's been here for a little over a thousand years, give or take."


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