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The Kurtherian Gambit Omnibus 05 - The Fans Version: My Ride is a Bitch - Don't Cross This Line - Never Submit

Page 82

by Michael Anderle

  Uh oh. TOM said.

  Bethany Anne rolled her eyes. TOM, what the fuck are Zebulones or Jukdahs and why are you saying ‘uh oh?’

  Bethany Anne, they are both names of Clans of the Seven.

  Bethany Anne, keeping her eyes on Yoll, snarled, “Gott Verdammt Kurtherians!”

  “Why yes, you said you were hunting them. I suggest, not that you will be alive to use this wisdom, the next time you ask permission to pass through someone’s space, you don’t give away your knowledge of us.”

  Oh, shit. TOM said.

  Yeah, I don’t need a translation for this one. Bethany Anne replied.

  “So, you are what, from one of those two yourself?” she asked the King.

  “Those two spineless Clans don’t have the strength to do what it takes.”

  OK, got him pegged. He is either from the Reben Or M’nassa Clans.


  Because those two Clans built up super-soldiers. They would merge with a species representative and make them better, stronger, deadlier. Their goal was to change the species by leading the species themselves.

  How long could they live?

  They would transfer their bodies to the next in line, taking over for generations.

  Making themselves gods to men. Bethany Anne thought.

  “So, how many times have you changed bodies?” she asked Yoll.

  He spread his arms. “I lost count,” he answered and then pointed at her. “But you should know that I am considering taking over your body. You should be honored.”

  Fat fucking chance you poser! TOM spat.

  >>This body is full up.<<

  No shit, you guys.

  Bethany Anne shook her head. “No bueno, pencil prick. All full up, no room in the hotel.”

  He rolled his eyes. “The first thing I’ll do is move your consciousness to the side. You will watch me rule from your body until I tire. Then I won’t have to listen to the inane comments that erupt from your mouth.”

  “Inane comments?” Bethany Anne said. “And did you just roll your eyes at me?”

  M’nassa. They are rather proud of their speech.

  I’m going to shove his speech back down his throat so he shits it out his ass… Inane comments? What a world-class asshole!

  “So, I’m not talking with a Yollin, but a representative from the M’nassa Clan, do I have that right?”

  The Yollin stopped and looked at Bethany Anne, pausing a moment before answering, “While right, I’m surprised you know. That means you are more aware of our lineage than I thought. Usually, Kurtherian agents aren’t taught so much.”

  The distant roar of the Stadium’s crowd dropped completely.

  TOM said, I’ve dropped your hearing to nothing. He’s instituted a sonic attack to overcome your hearing.

  Bethany Anne put her hands on her hips and yelled at Yoll. “You can stop that!”

  He can’t hear you at the moment. He’s yelling.

  He’s probably wondering why I’m not in pain.

  Yes, this tactic is to allow him to come over here and easily rip your head from your body as you lie on the ground, grabbing your ears. Or, considering what he said a moment ago, transfer his body into yours.

  I don’t ever want to know how he would do that, TOM.

  Yes, it’s a rather…

  TOM! Which part of EVER don’t you understand?

  >>He’s got quite a bit of power in those lungs.<<

  I’m getting bored watching him.

  >>Uh oh.<<

  Oh Shit.

  Bethany Anne took a step forward, her right hand behind her…


  Gabrielle told the group, “ADAM says that Yoll is actually a Kurtherian hosted in a Yollin body.”

  Kael-ven said, “Sonofabitch.”

  The five humans turned as one to look at the Yollin who shrugged. “What? It seemed appropriate. You humans have such great curse words.” He pointed towards the translucent curtain hiding the two fighters. “I just realized that the great and powerful Oz—thanks for showing me that movie Scott—is actually a Kurtherian. From the same race that told us we had to make sure we never fought against Kurtherians. That Barook licking psychopath…”

  Then the translator stopped working. It couldn’t figure out what Kael-ven was ranting about. The team was treated to a lot of Yollin language it hadn’t encountered.


  The team turned back to watch the Sacred Curtain when it lit up with a massive red explosion.

  “Hmm, think he did something to piss her off?” Scott asked.

  “She’s probably just bored.” Darryl suggested.

  Kael-ven said, “I’d feel sorry for him, but fuck him and his…”

  The translator died again trying to figure out what Kael-ven was saying.


  Yoll threw up an Etheric shield just in time as the red energy crackled along the outside. “You gutter slime!” he yelled, feeling the heat.

  Bethany Anne could hear again. “Did that get your fucking attention?” she asked. “I’m tired of your useless yelling, daaamn!”

  Yoll moved in other direction around the circle, Bethany Anne changed directions as well. “So you are not from either of those clans,” he made a fist and released.

  “Why, because your little display of shrieking and gurgles didn’t make me fall down on the ground in pain?”

  “Yes,” he replied, then pointed at her. “So, you are not Reben, or we would have already started arguing which of our beliefs are superior.”

  He stopped. “Phraim!”

  Bethany Anne shrugged. “Don’t give a shit if you want to do a ritualistic dick beating about how good your personal belief system is over there Yoll, I plan on killing you anyway, so anytime you care to end this banter, I’m good.”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m not so stupid as to allow you the advantage of knowing my Clan, without knowing yours.” He resumed walking.

  Oh fucking geez, this could take a while, TOM said.

  Why, what Clan are you?

  Essiehkor, but he won’t consider any answer that is a clan name for one of the five, trust me.

  Your cussing has gone up substantially, TOM.

  I blame you.

  You always blame being near me for anything that affects your Kurtherian-ness.

  Who else am I around all of the time that cusses worse than a sailor?

  I’m going to get a t-shirt that says ‘Kurtherians are whiny little…’ wait a minute, when are you listening to sailors cuss?

  It’s a saying.

  I know it’s a saying, answer my damned question.

  Well, there’s Jean, and Admiral Thomas, and…

  Okay, stop. I get it, everyone.

  Captain Wagner, Captain Jakowski, Leader of the Guardian Marines Todd Jenkins, when we see him, Chief Engineer John Rodriquez…

  You’ve made your damned point.


  TOM, shut… up..

  This time, Yoll reached back with his own arm. “So, you can throw Etheric, but can you catch it?”

  INCOMING! TOM yelled.

  The green ball of energy exploded where Bethany Anne had been a split second before. Yoll looked, but couldn’t find her body. He started walking forward when his abdomen exploded with pain. He jumped to his left, rolling sideways before getting up, looking back where he had just been.

  The woman’s eyes were glowing. “Oh, good,” she ground out. “I got your attention. Are you ready to die? Because I’m fuck-all out of patience.”

  Yoll narrowed his eyes as he flexed his arms. “You can’t be from one of the Seven, what are you, really? It is bothering me and I would appreciate an answer before I crush you.”

  Bethany Anne clapped her hands together and drew them apart as a red sphere of energy started forming between them. Her eyes glowing, her hair writhing and snapping around from the energy crackling off of her body, answered him.

  “I am Bethany Anne. One of a Kind, Champi
on of the Five, Foe of the Seven and will be known universally as… the Queen Bitch.”

  Yoll had been working on his shield as she told him her lineage. It held when her Etheric ball hit it, but if she had many more of those in her, he would be in trouble.

  It was time he got physical.

  Yoll roared his challenge and rushed at the human.


  “About fucking time,” Bethany Anne said and threw two fast Etheric energy balls at Yoll who batted them away. He jumped a good twenty feet in the air and was watching when the alien Queen disappeared before he landed.

  “WHAT!” he screamed in frustration when he got hit in the side. His return kick sent Bethany Anne thirty yards to slam into the shield and bounce off, landing hard on the field. He turned to attack her, throwing his own green Etheric ball in her direction.

  He was surprised when she caught it and absorbed the energy, her eyes flashing green for just a moment before returning to her normal red.

  “It tickles,” she called out and then just moved.

  He knew where she was when her blow rocked his jaw. He twisted his body, throwing a punch and felt her, but it wasn’t a solid hit. He continued his turn to see her getting up. He raced towards her, knowing that jumping wasn’t going to be a good solution. He slid at the last moment, trying to grab her as she leaped above him.

  His last second kick missed as well, but she didn’t hit him, so at least it was a draw. He sent a mental attack, but it was rebuffed easily, she didn’t even seem to notice he had tried.

  Got your back, TOM told her.

  Knew you would, old friend, she shot back as she moved again.

  That was not good, Yoll thought. Neither sonic attack or mental attacks, two components of his arsenal that would have taken down any normal Yollin, had both failed miserably.

  Yoll moved slowly to his left, gauging the right distance then stabbed his hand into the dirt, pulling up a sword out of the ground. Shaking the dirt off of it, he smiled down at the ten foot long blade. “If you think I’m not above cheating, you are vastly mistaken.” He chittered in laughter, thinking about slicing through that annoying body. He had decided that being inside such a small body would be limiting.

  “Motherfucker,” she smiled. “I counted on it.”


  “You got that?” Kael-ven asked ADAM. “Right, so it’s time to show those here in the audience what they are missing…”

  The massive video monitors, which so far had just shown the same white covered half-sphere with colors occasionally exploding inside changed. Now they saw the battle from inside.

  Kael-ven smiled as he watched the massive number of Yollins start paying close attention to the monitors. “Go tiny spies, let the truth be told,” he whispered.

  Royal City of Khn’Chik, Planet Yoll

  The High Kolin area of the city of Khn’Chik was very empty. All but three of the family houses seemed deserted except for those servants of the Mont and Shuk castes who were setting up the dining areas in the ruling houses for parties.

  Those three families, however, were keeping their people hidden as much as possible. They all had the same bored members of the family’s servants at the front gates, scratching themselves and swatting at the flying insects. Occasionally looking towards the great stadium when something happened that caused the roaring of the crowd to travel across the valley and up the hill to where they were.

  Inside, however, it was a different scene.

  Multiple Yollins were preparing their armor, their weapons and their plans. If there was ever a time to take the throne over for their own family and rule Yoll, it would be after this Challenge. If Yoll won, he would be weak. If the alien Queen won, then a successful attack could push their family right to the top.

  If there was one thing being Kolin taught you, it’s that being anything but Kolin wasn’t acceptable.


  “I see you have a size problem,” Bethany Anne told the King, thinking about how she should fight a ten-foot sword swinging through the air. She had been surprised twice now at the King’s reaction time. As another Kurtherian enhanced being, his abilities mirrored hers much more closely.

  You got this on video, ADAM?

  >>Yes, the whole audience is now seeing the video.<<

  What’s the reaction?

  >>They’re just now getting to the grabbing a weapon part.<<

  It would be nice, Oh shit...

  Bethany Anne disappeared as Yoll attacked, swinging through the air where she had been and quickly cutting through the air behind him, but she wasn’t there.

  She seemed to just step out of the air on the other side of the Challenge Field.

  Yoll walked toward her. “Why don’t you just stay put? It would make this so much easier.”

  “Why don’t you put down that sword and stop cheating?”

  “Because there is no way I’m giving up my life for some fancy Holy Texts that I WROTE!” he screamed and ran at her. Again, she stepped aside and disappeared. Yoll bellowed his frustration, swinging his sword blindly, looking around the field for her.

  He heard her voice behind him. “Well, that’s news I wasn’t expecting, but not surprised.” Sweeping his sword low, he hoped to cleave her in two, but she wasn’t there.

  He turned around, his voice angry. “I still say you are an alien piece of trash.”

  “That’s rich coming from a Kurtherian,” Bethany Anne replied.

  “So what!” He paced, looking around when he couldn’t figure out where her voice was coming from.

  “Do you even care about Yoll?” the voice asked him again.

  Yoll dropped down, making sure she wasn’t hiding underneath his body before he moved in a full circle answering, “Yollins are merely the race I chose to subjugate first. Now I have four species. Yours would have been the fifth, but I think I’m too annoyed to care, and will just pummel your world with rocks until the dust is so thick, everything dies.”

  “Good to know,” Bethany Anne appeared on the other side of the field. “You ready to finish this?”

  He found her again. “What, you aren’t going to run again, disappear when I attack?”

  The woman just smiled and raised her hand and spoke. “Drop it!”

  Yoll squinted, then his eyes widened in alarm when his Sacred Curtain started rolling back from the top, receding into the ground.

  Yoll looked around, seeing the video screens showing him as he said, “Yollins are merely the race I chose to subjugate first…”

  One hundred and fifty thousand angry Yollins now stared at him, promising violence if they could figure out a way to make it happen.

  Yoll snapped. He raced toward the woman in front of of him, raising his sword high in the air when his head exploded. The enormous body slammed to the dirt, The momentum carried the headless body forward until it stopped ten yards in front of Bethany Anne who had stood still, her arms crossed, watching him slide across the field.

  Kael-ven walked up, his face a mask of fury. His right hand held a Jean Dukes’ pistol. He had just shot the King.

  “Fucking Kurtherians!” Kael-ven spat.

  In his anger, he didn’t notice the start of the chant, but it grew. Bethany Anne moved out of the video picture that focused on King Yoll’s dead body, Kael-ven in Bethany Anne’s colors, pistol by his side as the audience erupted in cheers, chanting…


  Kael-ven finally recognized his name being chanted or yelled, and looked up to see his fellow Yollins screaming. He turned to view everyone in the stadium. He slid his pistol back into his holster and indicated with his hands for the crowd to quiet down.

  Crank his voice up to the speakers, ADAM.

  >>Already done, Bethany Anne.<<

  “My name is Kael-ven T’chmon, I am of the Kiene caste, the Undesirable caste,” he started. “Not because I was put there, but because anything that came out of the mouth of that…�
� Here, the translation had trouble, but the Yollins did not as Kael-ven pointed to the dead King, “liar, I want NOTHING to do with!”


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