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STEP (The Senses)

Page 23

by Paterson, Cindy

  Danielle and Balen stood next to the mantel with their arms around one another’s waists, looking rather relaxed. Balen rarely took his magnetic green eyes off Danielle, and she appeared to like it, by the secret smile playing on her lips.

  The instant they heard the sound of high heels walking across the hardwood floor from the library, everyone stiffened—including herself—and she didn’t even know why. Kilter lowered his head and whispered one word in her ear—Trinity. He had given her a quick lowdown on the witch distilled to three words—bitch, witch and treacherous.

  Rayne sucked in her breath as the woman made her way into the living room. No question about it, Trinity looked like a panther, long sleek legs that covered the ground with quiet stealth. Ebony hair with a hint of blue hung straight and thick down her arched back to the cusp of her butt. Shoulders straight and narrow matched her unusual height for a woman of nearly six foot.

  She glided into the living room wearing a red pantsuit with obviously nothing underneath the blazer, considering her cleavage was revealed to the point of indiscreet.

  Trinity was a remarkable sight and she knew it, hence why she had the confidence of a panther. The problem was everyone in the room looked like they were cringing at the sight of the Wicked Witch of the West.

  “Where is that spooney child?” Trinity asked, in a honeyed voice that could lure men to her every whim. “I swear I will cast a gilded web around her and put her in the basement for the next fifty years.” Rayne flinched and Kilter tightened his hold, fingers caressing her side.

  Trinity stopped in the middle of the room, hip cocked, lips blazing in a bold red that matched her long fingernails. Her blueberry eyes careened around the room, looking over each one of them until they fell on her.

  Kilter immediately stiffened, his entire body going on alert as Trinity’s eyes swept over her from head to toe, then she licked her lower lip as if she were going to pounce any second and have her for dinner. Rayne wanted to slink beneath Kilter’s arm and run, but another side of her—the new strong and confident side—met Trinity’s eyes head-on. It helped having the most dangerous and fearless man standing beside her.

  Trinity’s vision moved to Jedrik and Keir, then her gaze spotted Anstice and her expression changed from haughty to sincerity. She smiled openly and approached Anstice with her arms outstretched. They hugged—to the displeasure of Keir, who scowled and took a step away from the two women—then Trinity reached down and gave Grim a soft caress on the top of his head. A surprising display considering the witch didn’t appear to be the sort of woman who’d touch a slobbery dog. Rayne wondered why Anstice was this woman’s friend.

  “Trinity helped save Anstice’s life,” Kilter whispered as if he was reading her thoughts. She quickly checked her shield and noticed it was still strong. Kilter was getting to know what she was thinking without even penetrating her mind.

  Rayne turned her eyes to watch Waleron, who’d followed Trinity in and now stood looking rather bored in the shadows, leaning his tall broad form against the wall away from everyone. Rayne suspected Waleron was anything but bored, as he’d taken out his Pez twice in the past five minutes.

  “Well?” Trinity asked, her gaze settling on Waleron. There was no question everyone noticed her tongue slide across her lower lip. “What has Abigail done this time? I’m guessing she’s caused some sort of havoc, otherwise you’d have never called me out here.” Trinity scrunched her nose as she peered around the room. “She left the coven nearly a year ago, and I distinctly remember her having the scent of a Senses all over her. Is this what this is about? Did she sleep with one of you?” Her eyes shot to Jedrik, who immediately met her gaze head-on and winked. Trinity laughed quietly while raising her dramatic brows. “You would never sleep with a witch, Jedrik, even one as delectable as Abigail. I do believe it was a witch who had you—”

  “Piss off, Trinity,” Jedrik interrupted.

  Waleron pushed away from the wall and all eyes turned towards him. No doubt, that was his intention. “I have asked everyone here to discuss a number of issues. Rayne was attacked last night by one of Liam’s underlings. Also, the GQ from the compound has been seen asking questions, although he has eluded us.” He directed his ice-blue eyes to Trinity. “And your Abigail drank Liam’s blood and is presently in detox.”

  Trinity appeared shocked for a second, her eyes widening then just as sudden as the shock came, it was gone. “Stupid child. Just like her mother,” Trinity said with a wave of her hand and a big dramatic sigh. “I cannot believe she went and did this. Ungrateful wench. Where is she?”

  “She is at an undisclosed location and will remain there until she either dies or survives detox,” Waleron announced.

  “I will be responsible for my own,” Trinity shot back, her eyes darkening, brows lowering over them.

  “She was pregnant with Damien’s child, which subsequently she has lost. She can not be moved.”

  “Damien?” Trinity actually looked shocked, her bright red lips falling open and her eyes widening. “He hates women.”

  Waleron ignored her retort and, with one simple scowl at Trinity, she clamped her mouth shut. “Liam is behind both women’s situations and I want to know why.”

  “Abigail is rebellious just like her mother,” Trinity said. “No doubt she will die from her own foolishness. Like mother, like daughter.”

  “You’re a coldhearted bitch,” Jedrik said, giving her a baleful sneer.

  Trinity smiled. “Yes. And I get what and who I desire because of it.” She gave Waleron a sidelong glance. No wonder Delara hadn’t shown up, Waleron and Trinity obviously had had—or still have—something going. She hadn’t seen that coming. Waleron had looked completely taken with Delara when he kissed her in the changing room. How could he sleep with such a . . . well, witch was best way to describe her.

  Waleron ignored the look from Trinity. “Liam would never allow a witch to drink his blood unless she is vital to him.”

  “He’s planning something,” Galen said with his arm slung over the back of the couch. “He’s been too quiet recently.”

  “Delara may have insight, we will wait for her. We have another issue to discuss first. Rayne.” Waleron turned his attention to her and she automatically stiffened. God, the guy had a forbidding aura about him. “Your late husband kidnapped Ryker. What was he planning? Any information may be of importance, Rayne.”

  Rayne tensed as soon as all attention turned towards her. She hated being center stage, especially in front of so many powerful Senses. The witch was another issue—being she had eyes of a hawk that were directed straight at her, with her lips pursed together in disapproving scorn. Obviously, the witch had no liking for disturbance in her perfect world.

  She was thankful for Kilter’s presence, knowing that her panic lessened with him beside her. Fortunately, with the therapy, her anxiety had lessened too. She decided to begin with the easy part. Explaining her part in the situation was a little more private, and she’d like to keep it that way if she could.

  “In the beginning, Anton was obsessed with discovering what I could do. Umm, well, mentally.” She avoided the witch’s curious stare. “When that wasn’t enough, he joined with the CWOs, but I can’t offer any help as to how he became connected with them. Just, one day a few appeared and then more and more. I don’t know what he offered them or why they decided to protect him, but they were loyal.”

  “Best guess,” Keir asked in a soft gentle voice.

  “Umm, well, there was a woman who came every so often to the compound. She appeared . . . I don’t know, powerful, I guess. Even Roarke, the GQ who led the CWOs, was uneasy around her. I have no idea who she was though.” She so didn’t want to get into this. Kilter’s hand on her hip gave a reassuring squeeze and she continued, “After I saw her once arguing with Anton . . . well, that was when the experimenting started.” She swallowed, trying to dislodge the lump in her throat. “Roarke was given my blood.”

  “Like drank it
? Like a vamp?” Galen asked surprised.

  Rayne shook her head. “No, by intravenous. A transfusion. Anton wanted to see if giving him my blood would do anything. He wanted to know whether my abilities would be transferred onto the GQ. They weren’t. So . . .” She took a deep breath and glanced at Kilter. He didn’t know what she was about to tell them, and it unnerved her to know that he might think different of her. “So, we were bred. I suspect he thought a child might have both our abilities.”

  The tension on her waist intensified and she heard him swear several times under his breath. “Fuck, babe. I didn’t know.”

  “I know,” she replied. Please don’t pity me.

  “You are the strongest woman I know, baby.”

  She jerked her head to peer at him, realizing he’d read her thoughts. He leaned down and kissed her temple, gentle lips offering the comfort she needed.

  “Roarke. He . . . well, he was the only one.”

  Kilter’s fingers jerked on her waist. Another reason he’d hunt Roarke.

  “Rayne, I’m so sorry. What you’ve been through . . . you’re a remarkable woman,” Anstice said.

  Balen gave her a respectful nod before he spoke. “Why were the other CWOs at the compound? Why would the CWOs live under the rule of a human?”

  “Most went with Roarke when he left the compound on occasion. They listened to him without hesitation,” Rayne replied.

  “GQs are the most powerful,” Anstice said. “They could have feared him.”

  Rayne nodded. “They wouldn’t go against Roarke or the woman.”

  “This Roarke,” Waleron said, “contacted you twice. Why?”

  “He’s protective of me.”

  She actually heard Kilter’s teeth clank together. He might not like it, but she wasn’t going to lie. Besides, she guessed one of these Senses could probably sense if she was lying. Kilter would have to suck it up and realize that Roarke meant her no harm.

  “Care to elaborate on your relationship with your husband, my dear?” Trinity asked.

  What a total witch. “He married me in order to keep me close to him and because he liked the fact that he could have sex with me anytime he wanted. Although that had to stop when I was put in his breeding program.” She added the last bit to see if she could make Trinity react. She did with a slight smile and nod of approval.

  “Christ, Rayne.” Kilter looked like he was going to be sick.

  They wanted answers, well, she was not going to sugarcoat anything, especially not in front of Trinity. “He controlled me in every way imaginable—made me use my capabilities day in and day out relentlessly until I became so drained that I would pass out.”

  Kilter’s arm tightened around her waist, and she could feel his entire body ready to expel his rage with the heat penetrating through his skin.

  Danielle was squeezing Balen’s hand and her face was pale. Rayne noticed the sorrow in her eyes and wondered if maybe Danielle knew something of what she’d been through. Or was it that she was a Reflection and could feel the emotions in the room?

  “When I was older the woman came to the compound and spoke to my husband. Soon, Anton was searching for male Senses. I believe he wanted one with capabilities that were different from my own.” She hesitated and instantly felt Kilter’s tension in his arm around her waist and wanted to soothe him. “Since nothing . . . well, you know, happened with Roarke, he thought a Senses might procure a child.”

  “Ah, so Ryker had a purpose,” Trinity interrupted. “Did you have sex with him, my dear? Was he good or did he imagine you as his precious Hannah?” Trinity asked in her sultry voice.

  Kilter took a step towards Trinity, but Rayne reached out and grabbed him. She needed him by her side, not exploding in anger at some witch who had an icepick as a heart.

  Kilter halted, but his words were in a harsh warning tone. “Offend her again and you will meet my Scar.”

  “After Ryker was taken, I heard an argument between him and that woman. Roarke was there too. They’d wanted Hannah alive.”

  That caught everyone’s attention.

  “Do you know why?” Keir asked.

  Rayne nodded. “It was always easier to control someone if you had something they loved.”

  “Fuck,” Kilter swore at the same time as Jedrik.

  “Rayne, what interest would a vampire have in you?” Keir asked.

  “I . . . I don’t know. I am no different than any other Senses.”

  “And what Senses are you, Rayne?” Waleron asked.

  Kilter called her a Reflection. She had no idea if she had telepathy and didn’t intend to find out. What she did know was her ability to erase emotions worked just fine.

  “A Reflection of sorts,” Kilter answered. “She has a Scar, but it does not answer to her call and she’s never used telepathy.” He looked at her questioningly and she gave him the okay to explain her odd ability. “Like a Reflection she reads emotions but accompanied with touch can soothe them or heighten them. However, she is also able to remove emotions and replace them with new ones.” Rayne noticed several brows lift, except Waleron who looked like this was old news. “And take away someone’s emotions until it destroys them.”

  “You mean kill them?” Anstice asked.

  “Yes. She robs them of all emotions, until there is nothing left. One cannot survive without emotions. They die.”

  “Holy crap, that’s cool,” Galen said.

  “Have you done this?” Keir asked.

  Rayne hesitated then slowly nodded. “Once. To a guard. I will never do it again.”

  “Understandably,” Anstice said with sympathy. “Very disturbing.”

  “Or interesting,” Trinity said. Her lips twitched with amusement, but she wisely held her tongue when footsteps entering the room from the kitchen had everyone turning their attention to the one person who dared to be late.

  Delara did not apologize, nor did she look sorry for being late, rather she appeared like a pissed immortal warrior woman with vengeance on her mind. Her eyes swept the room quickly, halting mere seconds on Waleron before traveling to Trinity.

  The tension in the room heightened and Rayne swore she could feel every muscle in the room flinching. There was no question that Delara and Trinity hated one another, and Waleron had to be the reason. Rayne knew Delara as a warm, amiable woman who didn’t hold a grudge nor would fall under Trinity’s false pretense of composure. No, something personal between them had built a rift so destructive that even the great Waleron would have trouble separating the two women if they decided to have it out.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Waleron said.

  “God, Sass,” Jedrik said, shaking his head.

  Waleron continued, “We were waiting for you to discuss why Liam would be interested in acquiring Abigail and now suddenly Rayne. You are closest to Liam. Perhaps you have some insight?”

  Delara obviously took offense to Waleron’s comment, her chin jutting out and the muscles in her jaw contracting. “No. Liam and I stick to conversations about sex.”

  Jedrik swore beneath his breath while Galen lowered his head to his hands. This couldn’t be good, a Senses sleeping with a vamp. Delara, what are you doing?

  Trinity’s loud laughter echoed, her expressive features lighting up. “Oh what a marvelous playmate, Delara. A vamp, and one so enthralling. Do tell—how is he in bed? Gentle or rough? I would imagine he is very attentive to a woman’s needs. The vamp is charming, after all.”

  “Enough,” Waleron shouted. The sound struck a harsh chord in every person in the room; even Trinity flinched. Rayne imagined that was a rarity.

  Delara remained standing near the door, as if she were ready to flee in a heartbeat. Rayne watched the play between Trinity and Delara and it was electric, both seemed itching to use their capabilities on one another. Trinity’s fingers were tapping impatiently against her thigh, and Delara’s fingers were spread on either side of her legs ready to blow the witch across the room in a single moment.
br />   Of course, Rayne suspected neither would act with Waleron in the room.

  “What does Liam want with a witch?” Waleron asked.

  Delara shrugged. “No idea.”

  “But why risk pissing us off?” Jedrik asked. “Liam isn’t stupid, regardless of being a psychotic pervert.”

  Delara shifted her feet and it drew all their attention. Senses rarely showed their unease unless of course they were guilty of something. “He wanted us to take Abby. My guess is he knew Abby was pregnant and couldn’t survive the transition. So, he let us take her, knowing if anyone could save her life, it would be us.” She hesitated and kept shifting her eyes from person to person, except of course Trinity. “He was content with her gone for the first while and then . . . in the last week or so, he’s been impatient.” She looked at Jedrik. “That’s why I’ve never asked you about Abby. I knew Liam would read my thoughts and use it against us.”

  “Are you still sleeping with him, Delara?” This question right from the witch’s mouth.

  Everyone tensed as Delara’s eyes shot to Trinity and her back went ramrod straight, her fingers curling in her green army pants. “Are you still fucking Waleron?”

  Jedrik groaned and Anstice gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in horror. Kilter shoved Rayne behind him, his body becoming a shield to what she could only guess was becoming a volatile situation.

  Trinity’s laughter was husky and would have swept any human male off his feet. “Ah, touché, my dear.”

  “Trinity.” Waleron addressed her with a sharp warning undertone. “Why would Liam risk our wrath in order to obtain Abby? Why does he care if she lives? He could have washed his hands of her when he discovered she was pregnant.”

  Trinity slid her penetrating gaze from Delara’s and the tension in her shoulders magnified. “Abigail must never become a vampire.”

  “Excuse me?” Waleron asked, eyes narrowing on Trinity.

  “What are you hiding, Trin?” Jedrik asked.

  Trinity sent him a haughty look, her fingers tapping lightly on her thighs. “I demand to know where she’s being held. I will have Mariana take her to the realm.”


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