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Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Debbie Bailey

  Men of Kinsey

  Sienna’s Submission

  God, the dreams are getting worse and worse every night. I can’t stop thinking about them during the day now, either. Maybe if I quit reading those erotic novels Brianna keeps giving me I might be able to get a good night's sleep.

  Mikhail and Sasha Dalhousie are every woman’s fantasy. Well, at least, every sane woman. Sienna wants to show them there is more to her than what they see at the office. Sasha and Mikhail want their little PA more than anything. But she’d been through a rough marriage, and what they need to give her may be more than she can handle. Once they get her to do them this "favor," they will be able to show her their world. If only they were the only ones who want her…

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 35,197 words


  Men of Kinsey

  Debbie Bailey


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2011 by Debbie Bailey

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-895-8

  First E-book Publication: October 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To my husband who has taught me a thing or two.

  To my daughter who, hopefully, I’ve taught a thing or two.

  And to my son, who teaches us all everyday with his kindness and patience.

  Thanks for putting up with all my lunacy for all these years.

  And to the “Big Shit,” thanks for the kick in the butt. Without it, this book probably would not have happened.


  Men of Kinsey


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter 1

  Standing at the window, she knew the moment they entered the room. They moved with purpose, straight towards her, pushing past all the other women who were vying for their attention. “It’s time, Sienna, you know you are ours.” Turning to them, they waited for her with their arms open and their eyes filled with passion. Their kisses were fantastic and almost made her knees buckle. Her two men closed in around her, their hands touching everywhere. Mikhail and Sasha wanted her as much as she wanted them. Mikhail picked her up and carried her through the crowded room to a bedroom lit with hundreds of candles. Laying her gently on the huge bed in the middle of the room, her two lovers stopped and just stood staring at her as they started to remove their clothes. Sienna could feel her panties getting wetter with each piece of clothing they discarded. First their shirts, then their pants…oh, she couldn’t wait to see what was causing such a large bulge in their boxers. Licking her lips, she waited, anticipating how it was going to feel to finally be with the two men whom she loved the most. Watching them, they hooked their fingers in the top of their boxers and started to pull them down. Closer and closer she came to finally being able to enjoy her men.

  Sienna awoke with her heart racing, her hands against her pussy, and her panties soaked.

  God…the dreams are getting worse and worse every night. I can’t stop thinking about them during the day now either, maybe if I quit reading those erotic novels Brianna keeps giving me I might be able to get a good night’s sleep.

  Sienna knew the moment that she opened her eyes that for some reason today was going to be a changing day in her life.

  For the past two years she’d gotten up every morning Monday to Friday and gone into Dalhousie Electronics, sitting at her desk outside the double offices of the Dalhousie twins, her bosses, trying to keep from daydreaming of them taking her in every conceivable way possible.

  She recalled that old saying “double your pleasure, double your fun. Whoever coined it had to be referring to Mikhail and Sasha. Greek gods incarnate. Both stood close to six and half feet tall with shoulder-length hair that any woman in their right mind would love to run their fingers through. Though they worked long hours in the office. They made sure that when they built their offices, there was a full-size gym so they and their employees could use it whenever they wanted. The two men also had a state-of-the-art kitchen with a wonderful staff that cooked anything anyone wanted.

  Jumping out of bed, Sienna headed for her closet to pick out her clothes for the day. She usually did it the night before but had had a date, if one could call it that, with Larry and had been so bored that she was exhausted when she got home and just crawled into bed.

  Whatever gave any man the idea that serving his friends beer and making sure they always had “snackage” during the football game was a good date?

  She was bored out of her fucking mind and realized at midnight that she’d had enough, packed up the sandwiches she’d made, threw the rest of the snacks at Larry, and left.

  Sighing, she picked out a cute little dress she had bought the week before but been too chicken to wear
to work and headed for the shower. Today was the day, today was the day she made her bosses realize that there was more to her than her great typing skills.

  She was a woman on a mission. A mission to get herself laid by two of the handsomest men this side of the Rockies. She would probably pay the price and lose her job, but she wasn’t about to let that stop her. She needed to do this. She needed what she knew only they could give her.

  With that mantra playing in her head, she headed for the shower, got dressed, and was on her way to work within the hour.

  * * * *

  Mikhail sat across the desk staring at his brother. He had to be kidding with this idea of his. They both wanted Sienna Watson with every breath that they took, but getting her to help them with the fundraiser for the club, the BDSM club, the one they had been members of for the past five years, was not going to be very easy. He wasn’t sure that that was the best of ideas, but he trusted his brother and knew they had to do something if they were going to get the woman they both loved.

  “Just think about it, Mikhail, we get to show her our world and see how interested she is in it without letting her know what we’re really after.” Sasha’s eyes lit up from the idea of having their assistant as their sub for a weekend.

  Leaning forward with his arms resting on his thighs, Mikhail could think of a million reasons that this wasn’t such a great idea, but they had wanted her for so long, and this was their opportunity. “Okay,” he said, standing to his full six-foot-plus height. “How do we do this?”

  They had known since puberty that they would share everything, including women. The bond that had formed in the uterus made it impossible for either of them not to. Everything that Sasha felt, Mikhail felt, and vice versa. Pleasure, pain, and strong emotion would affect the other twin.

  It wasn’t until college that it really became a huge problem, though.

  Mikhail had been in the middle of his thesis presentation when he suddenly sprouted the hard-on from hell and knew exactly what his brother was doing. He could have gladly killed him that day because the agony of having to deal with his brother’s passions just about cost him everything he’d worked so hard for. Luckily, he managed to pass it off as the stomach flu and rescheduled his presentation.

  After that debacle, they promised each other to never let it happen again.

  Both men turned at once when they heard the private elevator doors chime open. She was here.

  They would give her a few minutes to get herself settled to start the day, and then they would put their plan into action. Hopefully, if they handled things right, Sienna would finally be theirs.

  * * * *

  Sienna was surprised when she arrived and found that the double office doors were closed. Usually, they were only closed during conference calls and upper-echelon staff meetings. After quickly booting up her computer, she checked her scheduler and wasn’t surprised to find that nothing was on the calendar until later in the week. Oh well, she was sure if the boys had needed her they would have told her about it.

  Twenty minutes later the doors burst open, and both men strode out straight to her desk.

  “We need to speak with you in our office, Sienna.” Mikhail was the one to speak, his eyes devouring her. “No need for a notepad or anything, this has nothing to do with work.”

  With that said, they both turned back to the office.

  What the hell was going on? Sienna stood slowly and followed the two men into their lush offices. Neither men was extravagant, but they spent so much time here that they made sure that it was more than comfortable for both of them.

  Closing the door behind her, Sasha motioned for her to take a seat on one of the leather chairs.

  “Have I done something wrong, Mikhail?” she asked hesitantly. “Sasha? What’s the problem?” She always hated when they both looked so intently at her. It made her want to check in a mirror to see if she had something stuck between her teeth. Her bosses were great guys, just one of the many reasons she felt so strongly for them, but sometimes they stared at her as if they had something important to tell her.

  Sasha was the first to break the silence, trying to reassure her that her job performance was above and beyond. “No, sugar.” He smiled at her, using the name he had adopted for her the second week she was here. “You’re the best. You know that, don’t you? We hope that we make you feel valuable around here ’cause without you, we’re toast.”

  Laughing, Mikhail added, “Can you imagine either of us trying to keep his schedule straight?”

  They needed to let her know exactly what was going on.

  They had never been very formal in the office. Professional, yes, but they were also friendly flirts at work. None of them minded, and they actually found themselves teasing each other on a regular basis.

  Slowly, Mikhail stood and walked toward her, coming to kneel beside her chair. His hand reaching out and taking hers in his, he said, “We need a really big favor from you, sweet pea, and you’re the only one that we can trust with it.”

  Sienna smiled and covered his hand with hers. “You know that I’ll do anything to help out around here, Mikhail.” Turning to Sasha, she reached across to take his hand as well. “You guys have been so good to me since I started, helping me with my move and Eric and everything.”

  * * * *

  Sasha shuddered at the feel of Sienna’s hand on his. He couldn’t wait until this weekend. He hoped they knew what they were doing. He and his brother had fallen for her almost from the first time they interviewed her. She was the sweetest little thing with tons of qualifications but not a whole lot of experience. When they had questioned her about her lack of experience, she hesitated but then told them about her recent divorce and that this would be her first job in a long while. They had hired her on the spot because it took a lot of guts and honesty to tell them such a personal story.

  Sasha could see that Mikhail tried to hide his smile as he watched the interchange between himself and Sienna. He could feel the arousal she created in him, and it only amped his up higher.

  “You might want to take that back after we tell you what we need you for.” Mikhail stood and walked back toward his desk to retrieve a sheet of paper, then back and handed it to Sienna. He hoped that she would be able to help them. Not just because they wanted to introduce her into the lifestyle but because the kids this auction would help needed them.

  He could feel her eyes on him as he strolled across the office toward his desk, knowing that she loved the way his jeans hugged his tight ass.

  “As you know, our cousins Daniel, Samuel, and Ryder own a private club here in Kinsey. What I don’t think that you know is what type of club it is and that Sasha and I have been members for some time now.”

  * * * *

  Sienna dropped her gaze to her hands that now rested in her lap.

  Oh, she knew exactly what type of club it was and that they were members.

  She had learned about six months after starting to work for them exactly what type of alpha males she was dealing with.

  Remembering the one and only time that she had seen them in their leathers made her panties wet. God, she was so pathetic.

  Clearing her throat, Sienna rose out of the chair, not sure that her legs were going to hold her but knowing that she needed to put some distance between her and the two brothers.

  “Uh, yeah, I know all about Club Kinsey, guys. You can’t live here for any length of time and not hear about it. I also know that you two are members.” She blushed when she looked and saw both men again staring at her, only this time with their mouths wide open.

  Sienna noticed that Sasha was the first to be able to get his gaping mouth closed long enough to speak.

  * * * *

  “How do you know about the club, Sienna?”

  Sasha could tell that Mikhail was irritated by this information, so he was hoping to get everything out in the open as quickly as possible. He didn’t want Mikhail’s possessiveness to get the better of him
, and he could tell by the way Sienna’s face was heating up that she felt a little like a bug under a microscope.

  Clearing her throat, she leaned against the conference table. “Ah, about six months after I started here, my sister Brianna and I were invited to the club for an auction they were having. It was their semiannual Dom/sub auction for charity. Brianna was friends with one of the members, and he thought it might be a fun night out for us “So how did you know that we were members, and why have you never said anything?” he asked, knowing that Sienna would have preferred him to drop the subject all together.

  “Well…I saw you two there. You were with another couple of men, and I didn’t think I should go walking up to you to say hi, and I didn’t mention it because Greg said that you guys probably wouldn’t appreciate me knowing about that part of your private life.”

  They were going to have to have a long talk with Greg Jensen the next time they saw him. He should have informed them that Sienna was there. He knew how they felt about her. Better still, she should have never been there without their protection.

  * * * *

  “You guys were dressed in your leathers, which, by the way, looked really good on you, if you don’t mind my saying.” Blushing profusely, she didn’t understand what the hell had gotten into her. She didn’t compliment men, especially these two men. She knew that they were Doms at the club and exactly what that meant. She only wished that she could be the one that they dominated.


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