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Nicole's Favor: A Hotwife Surprise

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by Lexi Archer

  Nicole’s Favor

  A Hotwife Surprise

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2014 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, December 2014

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  The phone rang, pulling me out of that delicious morning dreamland halfway between sleeping and waking. I cursed as I fumbled on my nightstand to see what asshole thought it’d be a good idea to call me at the crack of noon on a Saturday.

  Everyone at the business knew not to call me before noon on a day off unless the place was burning down. Most of my friends, all from the local recently divorced bachelor crowd in town, maintained the same sort of schedule I did and so none of them would be up this early.

  So who the hell was calling me? I squinted at my phone. I didn’t recognize the number. Damn it. If this was some telemarketer then I was going to give them one hell of a piece of my mind.

  I looked at the number and immediately it had my attention. One word: Nicole.

  I was used to girl’s names popping up. Ever since the divorce I’d been tearing a streak through the town making up for lost time, but this was different. This number belonged to my sexy neighbor. Now why the hell would she be calling me at this hour?

  “Nicole?” I asked when I picked up the phone.

  “Hey Eric! Got any plans today?”

  Well I did have an important day of doing a couple of chores around the house, playing some video games, and then going out to the bars that night to see if I could find a little companionship, but if she had something else in mind then I was all ears. Especially since that little thing that had happened between us at their last pool party.

  “I could be open,” I said. “What’s up?”

  “Well Jeff’s out of town on business this weekend and I’ve been thinking about that favor you promised me…”

  Nicole immediately had my attention. The “favor” she was talking about pulled me back to a night when they had one of their pool parties. When she and I had a little bit of alone time in their hot tub and she suddenly got flirty. Suddenly started scooting closer to me. Suddenly started joking about how her husband probably wouldn’t like it if he caught us like that.

  At the time I’d done the right thing. I hopped out of the tub and told her that if she was that worried then maybe I shouldn’t be in there with her. My cock was rock hard and I hated myself for it at the time, but I was also thinking about how we were in the middle of a party with practically the whole neighborhood invited over and anyone could come around the corner and see us in there at any moment. No, definitely not a good time for that sort of conversation no matter how turned on it had me.

  Nicole had looked at me and I’d never forget her words as she bit her lip and pouted. “Well since you’re being so good tonight maybe I owe you a favor?”

  And I’d been kicking myself ever since. That all happened a year ago and I figured I’d blown the opportune moment. I figured I’d had my chance and it was gone. Sure she looked at me in an odd sexy way from time to time. Sure her glance maybe lingered more than it should once in awhile when they were throwing a party at their place. But she never brought up the favor again.

  “Whatever you need I’m there,” I said.

  I could hear the smile over the phone. “I’m glad to hear that!”

  * * *

  Boxes. Boxes everywhere. You’ll forgive me for thinking that the “favor” involved something other than helping her clean out their attic. Not that I particularly minded. I got to stare at Nicole while I was working which was some consolation even if this wasn’t at all what I had in mind when I came over.

  I was about to toss the current box with everything else to be donated when something caught my eye. Something made out of a slightly different material than all the other clothes in there. Short shorts, tight tank tops, exactly the kind of thing I would’ve loved to see Nicole wearing. Definitely nothing like the conservative clothes she usually wore around the house when I was over.

  I glanced over at her in her baggy t-shirt and long jeans. It was a hot day out and it’s not like the air conditioning reached the attic and that’s what she decided to wear. I knew there was a tigress under those baggy clothes, but it’s not like it was my place to say anything seeing as how she was my best friend and neighbor’s wife.

  Still, it didn’t hurt to look. And fantasize. Which explained why I was up here in their attic helping her pack up some old things. Let’s face it, I wouldn’t be up here in some stuffy attic helping someone else clean out their junk if that someone who needed help wasn’t a hottie like Nicole. A sweet, beautiful, completely unattainable hottie like Nicole, but that was part of the fun.

  I liked her husband, but I didn’t like him that much. Only if I could have a day one on one with the hot neighbor then I’d be willing to do a lot more than help clean out some old boxes. If Jeff felt like work was more important than taking some time off to spend with his wife, even if that time was spent with a bit of summer cleaning, that was his loss.

  I looked her up and down in that outfit and thought of what could be. I’d seen her in a one piece swimsuit around at the pool parties they held every summer and that gave me a tantalizing glimpse of what my buddy’s wife was hiding under those baggy clothes. It was a damn shame.

  I pulled it out from the bottom of the box sending several other items of clothing that looked like they hadn’t been worn since back in her college days spilling out all over the attic floor.

  “Well well,” I said. “What is this?”

  I turned to face Nicole and her eyes were wide, a blush creeping up across her cheeks. I held in my hands a very skimpy cheerleader uniform. The kind that’s more or less a tube top up top and a short skirt down below with underwear to keep everything modest. Sort of modest.

  “Where did you find that?” Nicole asked.

  “It was at the bottom of this box here.”

  “I can’t believe you found that!”

  “So what is it?”

  Nicole walked across the attic and took it from my hands. Even wearing one of her more conservative outfits, a pair of long jeans and a T-shirt that was sufficiently tight, she looked absolutely amazing. I knew it was wrong to think such thoughts about my friend’s wife, but I didn’t care. There was absolutely no doubt about it. She was a hottie. All the guys on the block agreed she was the hottest soccer mom in the neighborhood even though she didn’t exactly have any kids yet, though none of them would say that where Jeff was close enough to hear.

  She was a good ten years younger than me. They were a newer addition to the neighborhood and in that place where they were just settling into a house they intended to raise kids in but not quite to the spot where they actually had those kids. It reminded me of how me and my wife had been more than a decade ago. Before she decided that racking up mountains of debt and pursuing her “singing career” was more important than working her job and starting a family.

  The bitch.

  I shook my head. No point in lingering on the past. Especially when I had a gorgeous creature like Nicole standing in front of me in the present and evidence of a recent past that was so very different from the suburban soccer mom existence she seemed to be settling into even though she wasn’t even technically a soccer mom yet.

  “You were a cheerl
eader?” I asked.

  She blushed again. “Yeah, back in college. I had some good times back then. Back in my wilder days.”

  She sighed and I couldn’t help but be a little surprised. Was the conservative goody two shoes suburban housewife showing a hint of wildness back in the day? I was no stranger to a wild time myself. Me and my buddies tended to get a little rowdy on the weekends. It was one of the benefits of having a wife who decided to leave you for some rock star wannabe whose greatest claim to fame was touring some of the seediest bars in these United States and Canada. No strings attached was my motto in life, and my missuz leaving me allowed me to practice that in a real way now.

  Though I was having a hard time picturing Nicole partying college style, even if the pictures running through my head were very nice. Very graphic. Not at all the sort of thoughts I should be thinking about my neighbor’s wife, which made them that much hotter.

  “I can’t imagine you being wild,” I said.

  She smiled and winked at me. “Believe me, I was quite the little hell raiser back in the day. Back before Jeff and I settled down.”

  She’d settled down all right, but looking at this cheerleading uniform, imagining her wearing it. It had me thinking the kind of thoughts I definitely shouldn’t be thinking about my neighbor’s wife, no matter how hot she was. The kind of thoughts usually isolated to when I had some alone time in the evening. Hell, Nicole was a frequent guest star in that alone time.

  Already I could feel my cock stirring as I looked her up and down, as I looked at the uniform. As I imagined the two of them together, her body swaying and jiggling in all the right ways on the field.

  “So how did you get this? I thought they took these things back or something.”

  Nicole blushed again but didn’t say anything.


  “I stole it!”

  I blinked. I looked at the uniform and then back to her again, and I wasn’t picturing her in it for a change. Well, I was still picturing her in it, but at the same time I was looking at her in a whole new light. She stole this uniform? That didn’t jive it all with the Nicole I knew. I was seeing sides of her I never would’ve imagined as we sat here going through old stuff in the attic. So the good little suburban housewife not only had a wild side that she didn’t want to admit to, she also had a bit of a crazy streak to go along with it. That alone was almost worth coming over and helping her out.

  “Seriously? That’s awesome! I never would’ve figured you had it in you.”

  “No it’s not awesome,” she said. “I shouldn’t even admit this to you! I can’t believe it.”

  “You can’t pull that voice on me now Nicole,” I said. “You stole this uniform! I can’t believe it! You’re practically a felon.”

  “Well I wanted a souvenir from my days as a college cheerleader. I was proud of that! And they wanted to just take the uniform I’d worn for four whole years and give it to some other girl. No way!”

  I was surprised at the heat in her voice. Four years? So she’d done the cheerleader thing through her entire college career. Impressive. Though as I looked her up and down for the hundredth time since I showed up in their house and probably the millionth time since I first met her I could definitely believe it. Nicole tried her best to hide it, but she definitely had the body for that sort of thing. I wouldn’t mind seeing her do the splits, if you catch my drift.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

  I thought fast. It’s not like I could tell her I was imagining her doing the splits on my cock while she wore her cheerleading uniform. Not without getting slapped and probably kicked out of the house. Not without probably getting a visit from an angry Jeff later that night when he got home. I figured I could take him, but dealing with a jealous husband was always a pain in the ass. Then again Nicole would be worth that pain in the ass.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I was just having a hard time imagining you in this thing.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What? Like I’m too fat or something?”

  “Not that. Not at all,” I said hastily. I could see the anger on her face. “It’s just that you’re always so conservative in the stuff you wear. I couldn’t imagine you wearing a skimpy outfit like this. Hell, you wore a one piece to that pool party you threw!”

  “Well I did,” she said. “And I looked damn good in it.”

  Looking at the uniform I suddenly had an idea. An idea that probably wouldn’t work in a million years, an idea that would probably end with that whole Jeff coming by the house to try and beat the crap out of me scenario, but I figured I had to try.

  “Prove it.”

  Nicole blinked. “Excuse me?”

  “Prove that you used to wear stuff like this.”

  Nicole shook her head and laughed, then she turned back and her eyes were boring into mine, holding me in an intense gaze that went straight from my eyes to my cock. “I don’t think my husband would appreciate that, do you?”

  The tension in the room was killing me. It was the same tension I’d felt earlier when she called me, though I was starting to think that was all my imagination. Only as I looked at her looking at me there was definitely no imagining the way she was staring at me. The clear challenge in her voice. Almost as though she was daring me to make her do something stupid. Almost like she was craving the attention. I’d seen it happen before, and I knew exactly how to deal with this sort of situation.

  Housewife inviting me out of the blue to help her move some stuff in her attic? Saying a line like that? Something was going on here, and I knew from practice that the best course of action was to be a little devious myself. Was to use a little bit of reverse psychology. I wasn’t going to answer the challenge in that statement. No, I was going to ignore it entirely and act like I didn’t give a fuck what she did even though the thing I wanted most in the world at this moment was to do a few things in this attic that her husband wouldn’t appreciate.

  “Fine, suit yourself. I thought so.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh nothing,” I said.

  I turned and moved to put the uniform back in the box. “We can just put this thing it back, send it to be donated. It’s not like you’re ever going to use it again, right? Those days are behind you.”

  I looked over my shoulder and smiled. A nice big innocent grin that said I was completely serious and had completely missed the invitation she’d just sent out so loud that it couldn’t have been clearer if she’d put up a flashing neon sign that said “I’m looking for a little extramarital fun and you’re the lucky son-of-a-bitch who might just get a chance to give that to me.” Anger flashed across her face again and she stalked across the attic and snatched it out of my hands.

  “Fine! You think I couldn’t pull off something like this? I’ll show you!”

  I raised my eyebrows and did my best to look surprised. Did my best to look abashed. Did my best to hide the shit eating grin that said she was playing right into my hands, because the last thing I wanted was for her to realize that I was manipulating her as surely as she’d been trying to manipulate me a minute ago with all that bullshit about her husband not appreciating her modeling her old uniform.

  Inside I was dancing with glee. I couldn’t believe it had been that easy to trick her into this. I was going to get to see this conservative but sexy vixen wearing this sexy cheerleading uniform! I felt like a kid at Christmas, and my cock was standing at attention at the thought of seeing her in that getup.

  Nicole snatched the uniform out of my hand and stood staring at me with the uniform in one hand and a fist on her hip. She raised an eyebrow.

  “Something wrong?” I asked.

  She held out a finger and twirled it around. Though I noted that there was still a smile on her face. A smile that hinted at so much more even as she was shutting me down. “Turn around big boy.”

  I sighed. I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything else. I’d hoped, but I wasn’t s
urprised she was making me turn around. So reluctantly I did. Besides, even if I didn’t get to see her changing into that sexy little outfit I was going to get to see the end result. My cock throbbed in anticipation.

  The sound of Nicole shimmying out of her clothes behind me was like a soft whisper of thunder. I closed my eyes and listened, imagined her pulling her shirt off. Imagined her shimmying out of her shorts revealing her incredible body that she insisted on keeping hidden from the world for some reason. I know she was probably wearing something like a plain tan bra and your basic white underwear, but in my imagination she was wearing something incredible. A red lace thong and a matching bra that made her body look absolutely amazing. Hell, maybe she was wearing something real cool I didn’t even know about.

  Either way, my hard on was raging as I thought of my neighbor’s sexy and forbidden wife disrobing just a few feet away from me. Her pants hit the floor with and then I heard another soft whisper, a whisper that sounded slightly different, as she pulled her old cheerleading uniform on. I licked my lips as I imagined it going down over her tits. Tits I’d fantasized about so many times. As I thought of her shimmying into that skirt. God was I turned on. I thought I was going to come in my pants just from standing so close to her while she was working her way into those clothes!

  “Okay, you can turn around now,” Nicole said.

  I turned around and my breath caught. My body was on fire. I started shaking and I had to concentrate to keep myself from shivering from sheer arousal. I had to play a very careful game. I’d gotten her to go this far, but there was still a chance I could break the spell and we’d be back to moving around old boxes full of junk for the rest of the afternoon.

  I really didn’t want to break the spell, but it was hard as I drank in the view.

  God damn did she look hot. I knew Nicole had a tight little body. I’d always imagined how incredible she’d look in tight sexy clothes. Only my imagination was nothing compared to the reality. She had perfect tanned legs and tight thighs that didn’t quit. Apparently all the time she spent running around the neighborhood and doing exercises in her back yard, not that I watched mind you, wasn’t wasted. The skirt molded to her ass and hips in a seductive way as her ass jutted out to the side with her hand resting on her hip in a model pose.


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