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Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance

Page 71

by Bella Winters

  Ivy felt the same emotions again, as she had felt when he had first walked into the pub. She couldn’t see his face, but she wanted him desperately to turn around and look at her. She wanted to see his jaws move, the strength in his cheekbones, how his neck looked strong and masculine.

  Her father gave a chuckle and then shook his head.

  “I hope she’s been no trouble to you.” Her father said, looking from her to Leon, and then back at Ivy again.

  She held her breath, anxious to hear what Leon might have to say.

  “No trouble at all. It’s been a pleasure having her.” He said and they finally came to a stop, still several feet away from the jeep.

  Leon dropped the bags to the dusty ground, and Ivy turned to him. She knew he could see the fat tears at the corners of her eyes, and she didn’t care anymore what her father could see nor what he thought was going on between them.

  “Leon!” She cried and lunged at him. She was surprised to find that he had his arms wide open to receive her and she fell into them, her face pressing against his chest as he held her close.

  “Ivy?” She heard her father’s voice in the background but she didn’t pay any heed to it.

  “Leon, you are being too harsh. I wish you could see that I’m not Vivian. That I want you, I actually want you.” She cried, looking up at his face. He towered over her, shielding the glare of the sun with his head and shaggy blonde hair.

  His eyes were narrowed, sparkling, studying her own large green eyes. Then she felt his thick rough thumbs on her cheeks, wiping the tears away.

  “I know you’re not her. But I don’t want you to regret this, Ivy.” He said, softly.

  “Mr. Cooper? Ivy?” Her father was still calling out to them.

  “It’s just a job. Can I not leave whenever I want? What would you do without me?” Ivy asked, still crying. He was still brushing the tears away from her cheeks.

  Then, after several seconds of silence, he shook his head.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m being foolish.” He said and pulled her to him in a tighter embrace.

  “There’s been a mistake, Mr. Hart. I’m sorry for making you come here all this way, but Ivy will be staying with me for a little while longer. I’ve found a few new tasks for her.” He called out to her father.

  Ivy had a beaming smile on her face when she turned to look at him. She could see that he had got out of his car and was standing with his arms flailing, confused and bordering on anger.

  “Ivy? What the Hell is going on?” Her father asked.

  Ivy shook her head and then slowly wriggled out of Leon’s arms.

  “Sorry daddy, I’m not going home with you. You can go back home now. Thank you for not coming to pick me up when he first called.” She said and went over to hug her father as well.

  He was still confused, still at a loss for what to do.

  “Ivy, maybe you should just come home. I think you’re confused, my darling.” He said as she pulled away.

  “I’m not confused daddy. I have never been surer of anything as much as this. You can leave now, daddy. We have a lot of work to do.” She was beaming as she said it. Her life was just about to begin, and she was glad now that she had never replied to that email.

  Chapter 19

  Leon had carried her bags back to the house, and now they were both standing in her bedroom with several feet of distance between them.

  Ivy could feel her shoulders rising and falling, her breasts heaving with anticipation. Neither of them had said a word since they returned back to the house. They just stood there, staring at each other. This was actually happening. She was actually going to be here in this house with him. She couldn’t believe it.

  “Leon…” She began, breaking the silence.

  “Ivy, this is just a job for now.” He interrupted her.

  She shook her head, with a broad smile on her face. She would take anything. She would agree to anything, just to be close to him.

  “I can’t promise you anything more than an employment for now.” He continued and she shook her head some more.

  “I don’t expect anything more, Leon. We don’t even know each other. All I want is to be able to work for you, to make some kind of living, and to be close to you.” She said, and he took a few steps closer to her.

  Just that movement was enough to set her body ablaze. Ivy felt like all her limbs had turned to soft clay and like her knees were going to buckle. She had hyped herself to accept that she would never see Leon again in her life, to be back in the room, to have him so close to her, close enough to touch him…felt like it was too good to be true.

  He had his eyes focused on her, he was licking his lips like he was preparing himself for the hunt. They were both holding themselves back, they both knew what they wanted. But they had to get the talking out of the way.

  “And, you are free to leave whenever you want. You are not a prisoner here and neither do you owe me anything.” Leon continued.

  “I know that. I just want to work here.” She added.

  “And to be with me.” A smile was creeping up on his face again, and Ivy felt like she was going to melt straight into his arms.

  “One of the perks of this job.” She said, tucking in a few errant curls behind her ears. She could see that his gaze had fallen to her cleavage, to her waist where her dress was cinched and then fell in waves to her knees. He was imagining her naked, just like she was imagining him.

  “Good. So, that’s sorted.” He said gruffly and took two quick strides towards her and she was in his arms again.

  Ivy smiled at him, giggled and then accepted the lips that engulfed her own.

  “I’ve wanted this for so long, Ivy. When I saw you in this dress today, I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself for very long. What are you doing to me?” Leon’s voice was hoarse as he was kissing her, her chin, her neck, the top of her breasts.

  Ivy felt more courageous now and she allowed her hands to travel down the front of his chest, down his abdomen, unbuttoning his shirt as she went along. Then she found the belt and the buttons on his pants. She undid them as he kissed her, his hands squeezing her breasts.

  His pants fell to the floor, around his ankles and Ivy didn’t waste any time this time. She wanted to feel his dick in her hands. It was big and strong, and growing even more now that she began stroking it. She heard him groan as his mouth found the front buttons of her dress. He undid them with his teeth.

  “Your breasts look delicious. You’ll need to put them on display when you work around the house.” He said, and she felt his hands slap her butt. Ivy gave a little mock shriek and she giggled again. He was holding her close to himself, her body was pressed against his own muscular frame. She felt like he could lift her up in the air any time and she would be defenseless against his powers.

  Her hands were working away; his dick was growing and she could feel herself growing wet between her legs. Her body shook with thrill as she tried to imagine what he would do to her this time, how he was going to take her.

  She wanted to learn all the ways a man could pleasure her, and she knew there could be no better teacher for her, than Leon.

  His mouth had found its way to her breasts, and now he was sucking on her nipples, as she stroked his dick. The wetness of his tongue on her pert hardened nipples sent her body soaring high. She closed her eyes tightly shut and craned her neck back.

  “Leon! Please do it. Don’t make me wait.” She cried hoarsely and then she heard him chuckle.

  “You have to hold your horses, woman. I am only getting started now. Now that I have you, I’m going to keep you here all night.” He said, raising his head from her breasts.

  She could feel herself growing hotter, her wetness swelling. She was ready for him, she wanted him inside her right away. How much longer would she have to wait?

  But she was putty in Leon’s hands, he was her Master and she was his pupil. She had never been with any man before, and if he c
ould make her feel this good, this pleasured, then she was going to just have to wait and learn from him.

  “Turn around.” She heard him say and she bit down on her lip. “I’m going to show you how I like to fuck.” He added and Ivy could barely wait, she was dying to learn his ways.

  Chapter 20

  Ivy stepped out of the bath and wrapped a warm dry towel around herself, before stepping in front of the mirror. It had fogged up and she wiped it with the palm of her hand, to look at herself better.

  The face she looked at was vibrant, fresh and excited.

  It had been four weeks since she moved into this house, and Ivy still felt as excited as the first day she had come to this place. She still welcomed Leon back to the house after a day’s work like she was seeing him for the first time. He still made her feel good. Their attraction to each other, hadn’t faded a single bit.

  She liked to dress up for him in the evenings. Spending the day in the huge house by herself wasn’t boring at all. In the past week, she had taken up gardening, she was sewing new upholstery for the whole house and had started taking accounting classes online. Leon had set up a study room for her where she spent a few hours every day, working on her lessons.

  The rest of the hours, she spent cleaning the house, working on the new garden and cooking meals for them both.

  She liked that he gave her privacy, that he always asked for permission before spending the night in her bedroom. She liked their little arrangement. She liked having her own bedroom, and having him spend the night in her bed when they were both hungry for each other’s bodies.

  Unlike any other romantic relationships, she had, both of which had ended in her teens in disaster, with Leon there were no fights. It was a mature, working adult relationship where they gave each other their space, acknowledged their sexual needs and respected their privacy. Ivy couldn’t believe how happy she was.

  She was only twenty-one and she didn’t want to settle down, she was still finding out what this man she was living with was really like, and for now she was comfortable with where their relationship was going.

  Ivy moisturized her face and her neck, applied a thin eyeliner on her lids and some red gloss and stepped into the clothes she had laid out for herself. An electric blue wide skirt, just the kind Leon liked and a white silk blouse tucked in at the waist. She did up her hair he liked it, with a blue ribbon holding her ringlets together.

  It was nearly eight in the evening and it was time for Leon to meet her at the dinner table.

  Ivy had laid out the food already, and when Leon came in she noticed with awe again how handsome he looked. Freshly shaven chin, his eyes were large and sparkling brown, his jaws were angular and striking. His shirt, which she had ironed the previous day, clung loosely to his large frame and he had a smirk on his face.

  “How was your day? You look beautiful.” He said, walking up to her and taking her in his arms. Ivy accepted the hug, and kissed him gently on his thin lips. They were smiling, blushing, looking forward to the night. Even though it had been four weeks, they could still hardly keep their hands off each other. Their bodies craved for the night when they could sexually explore each other.

  “Thank you Leon, and I had a productive day.” She said, bringing the tray of freshly roasted sweet potatoes to the dining table. He followed her, and then took a seat, unravelling a hot napkin on his lap.

  “Classes going well?” He asked and Ivy nodded her head.

  “Very soon I’ll be able to look after all your accounting needs.” She said with a laugh and gave him a little twirl of her skirt.

  Leon threw his arms open at her and she fell into them, sitting on his lap, snuggling her nose under his chin.

  “Maybe you’ll turn into our local accountant, for all the businesses in town.” He added and she wriggled out of his arms.

  “That’ll be nice. Finally, daddy will have some use for me.” Ivy said, taking a seat in front of him.

  “The food looks great, dig in?” He said, in his usual quiet brooding way. They started eating immediately.

  “You’ll get to test your skills on someone else soon.” She heard him say and looked up at him. There was a smile in Leon’s eyes as he ate, he was watching her closely.

  “Someone else? Please don’t tell me you’re planning on inviting daddy for dinner here.” Ivy said, raising her eyebrows.

  “Your daddy? Are you mad? What would he think of our little arrangement?” He said with a laugh.

  “Who then?” Ivy asked, her brows crossed now. She didn’t think Leon knew anybody, that he had any friends.

  “My brother.” He said, casually chewing on his food, while the fork fell out of Ivy’s hand.

  “Your cousin, Michael? Vivian’s husband?” She gawked at him and Leon laughed.

  “No, of course not. I don’t speak to them. My brother, my twin.” He said. Leon had stopped chewing now and he was watching Ivy closely, to see her reaction to what he was saying.

  “You have a twin brother?” She almost jerked out of her chair in surprise.

  “Yes, he’s coming to visit me here. And you should know, we are very close. My brother and I share everything.” He said and Ivy noticed that he was looking at her with a smile on his face, a glimmer in his eyes that she didn’t recognize.

  She raised an eyebrow and licked her lips.

  “Well, if your brother looks anything like you, Leon, I can assure you that I’d be very pleased to see him.” She said with a laugh. Leon only laughed and took a sip of his water.

  “What’s his name?” She dared to ask him.

  “Archer. His name is Archer Cooper.”



  Ivy Hart thinks she has accustomed herself to a quiet and peaceful life on the beautiful Old Marigold Ranch. She is still Leon Cooper’s housekeeper, but they share a professional relationship with benefits. What more could she possibly ask for? The easiest job in the world, that comes with its own wet-dream perks.

  That is until Leon Cooper tells her that his twin brother will be visiting. Leon is the hottest man she has ever laid eyes on, what is his twin brother going to look like?

  And when Archer Cooper does arrive, Ivy realizes that there is a choice to make. The twins are both equally hot. Equally dreamy. Equally rugged thoroughbred cowboys.

  This could be the hardest choice that Ivy has ever made. And there is only one way to decide.

  Chapter 1

  Six weeks ago, Ivy Hart arrived at the Old Marigold Ranch, where the new owner Leon Cooper, a young brooding handsome billionaire had appointed her as the housekeeper and resident accountant. And six weeks ago, Ivy’s life had changed forever.

  She was sitting at her computer now, in the study that Leon had set up for her and she was staring at the screen, her mind elsewhere. It was very difficult to concentrate on the online class that she was taking, trying to get an accounting degree. It was hard to concentrate because she had too many things on her mind.

  A few weeks ago, Leon had revealed to her that he had a twin brother, and also that his brother was supposed to be arriving at the ranch, to stay with them. He hadn’t told her when, and since then hadn’t spoken about it again. So now, every day, Ivy waited and was filled with a nauseous sense of nervousness about meeting this new man. A new man who was Leon’s brother.

  She was also distracted because she was day dreaming about Leon. Although seven years older to her, he was the man she had given her virginity to. He was the man she couldn’t resist. With his chocolate, brown eyes, sandy blonde hair, chiseled square jaw and a rugged body, Leon Cooper was capable of setting Ivy’s body on fire just by looking at her. She couldn’t help but wonder what his twin brother might look like.

  Ivy’s fingers hovered over the keyboard as she licked her lips. Was his brother’s arrival going to change anything between them? She still slept separately from Leon. Over and above anything else, theirs was a professional relationship. She looked afte
r the luxurious eight-bedroom mansion that he lived in, while Leon worked on the ranch. That was her professional role. The undeniable sexual attraction between them was something that they attended to on a few nights a week.

  Ivy was happy with this arrangement. She was content in living with Leon as his housekeeper, and on some nights having him in her bed. But would anything change, now that his brother was going to arrive?

  She heard the crunch of Leon’s boots in the hallway, and Ivy turned in her chair; just in time to catch him entering her room unannounced. She was surprised because he usually stayed out all day working on the ranch. She only ever saw him in the evenings, at eight, when he returned to the house for his dinner.

  “What are you doing here?” She blurted out, when his brown eyes rested on her flushed face. She felt a little guilty when she saw him, because he had caught her day dreaming about him. A small smile flickered on the sides of Leon’s mouth, as though he knew what she had been thinking about.

  “I wanted to warn you that my brother is arriving today, so the house needs to be in top shape.” Leon said, in his usual deep calm voice. His eyes were dark brown and sparkling, and Ivy couldn’t help but notice how his large hands looked dusty and hard worked. It immediately sent a shiver down her spine. Just looking at Leon made her wet between her legs. He was the most masculine man she had ever met.

  She stood up with a jerk from her chair, tucking in her blonde ringlet curls behind her ears. She could see that he was watching her closely too, he was looking at her body, the body that he possessed. Ivy blushed under his gaze.

  “When is he coming? Will he be here for dinner?” She managed to ask. Leon smiled, noticing how flustered he had made her.

  “He’ll be here in a few hours. Yes, include him for tonight’s dinner.” He said, still watching her with those hawk eyes. Ivy felt shy under his intent gaze, she didn’t know where to look. And it was like Leon was happy about making her feel uncomfortable. He was smiling too.


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