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Sweet Catherine's First Experiences (Unprotected Book 1)

Page 6

by Matt Coolomon

  She sat up and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. Uncle Lester was smiling with such contentment. "That was a lot," she said, swallowing again at the strong taste of his semen.

  He just kept on smiling, seemingly lost for words.

  Catherine kissed his cheek. "I’ll try to come back for another visit soon. I'll call you, okay?"

  With that she left him and hurried to her train. She got her seat and rested back enjoying the lingering taste. His cum had been thicker than Adrian's too, and it was sort of coating her teeth. He was such a nice man, though, and she was happy to have his taste in her mouth. Plus it was the only thing she had eaten so far that morning and she smiled at the thought of eating a man's cum for breakfast.

  After another short nap she found the dining car and had some real breakfast. There was no smoking men this time, and it was a day trip, so it was just a matter of enjoying the scenery. She dozed on and off throughout the journey, and it was getting on nine at night when the train was approaching her station.

  She had checked the bus timetable and found there would be one at nine thirty that would get her home not much past ten. The plan was to tell her parents that she and Anne had a fight and she decided to catch the bus home. Which was half true, she figured.

  She closed her eyes one last time and thought of her adventure – of the scumbags on the train and that asshole Adrian and of spending the night with Michael and having sex with him three times! She held her belly and smiled at the thought of that. Then she thought of Uncle Lester and that she was going to stay with him again really soon!

  She felt the train grinding to a stop at the station, but she was reluctant to open her eyes and officially put an end to her adventure.

  The train had come to rest, and she waited one more moment, then she did open her eyes. She opened them and looked out the window to see her dad standing there in his police uniform searching up and down the platform.

  "Oh shit…….!"


  Riding home that night, the police car was kind of appropriate. Her dad didn’t know much – only that she had snuck away down the coast with her girlfriend. “Were there any boys staying at the villa? What about that rascal brother?”

  “No, Dad. We just had fun at the beach. I didn’t ask because I knew you’d say no.”

  It took Catherine’s father a week to settle down and about three months to stop glaring at her and shaking his head over the incident. She kept a low profile, coming straight home after work and not going out much otherwise.

  She began seeing Robbie from across the road – hanging out with him but denying him anything more than a bit of kissing. At least her dad approved of Robbie, so there was less stress to deal with in that regard.

  She and Robbie were hanging out at his house one Sunday when she found herself sitting alone in the lounge room, smoothing her hands over the lounge cushions either side of her and drifting off into the memory of Mrs Dale being taken right there by that stranger – the one who often came to Catherine in her dreams and ravished her.

  Robbie came in from out the front yard with his friend Foley. Foley was a couple of years older, almost 21. His hazel eyes travelled from Catherine’s legs up to her bikini top before meeting her blush. He always looked her over slowly, which she liked.

  “Hey, Cath,” he said, grinning.

  She raked her hair back and fixed the tie for her ponytail while he looked back down at her breasts.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Robbie said. He had a couple of towels clutched in his hand. They were going to Jared’s place for a swim.

  Catherine went with them but found there were two other girls already in the pool – both older and with bigger boobs, and Foley was more interested in them than her. Jared wasn’t. He always paid Catherine attention. It was too bad he was different, though. It wasn’t like that with Jared. He was even older, at 26, and had always been like family to Catherine anyway.

  She left and went home early. That weekend was the annual summer vacation. Catherine and Robbie’s dads hired a minibus, and the two families drove across state together. It started with Robbie on the first day…..


  “Stop it!” Catherine cried. “God, you’re such a pain sometimes.”

  “Aw, but you said we would when we were on vacation,” Robbie whined.

  “I did not! I said maybe – if it felt right.”

  Robbie tried rubbing up his dream girlfriend’s thigh again, cautiously, but with the if it felt right bit giving him another idea. “But you know how much I love you, Catherine,” he whispered as he kissed her neck. “You know I’ve never even kissed another girl in my whole life!”

  “Oh, that’s just silly,” Catherine scoffed, though she allowed his hand to edge a little way beneath her skirt that time.

  “No, it’s not,” Robbie whispered to her. “You know you’re the only girl for me ever since we were kids.”

  As Robbie and Catherine had grown up as neighbours and playmates, Robbie had always expected a natural progression to boyfriend status. He had just turned 19 and had been hoping that with Catherine turning 18 he would finally get past 1st base. He had felt her up a few times lately and even rubbed her through her panties, but his constant erection had yet to be called upon.

  “You know you’re the only girl I’m ever going to love,” he went on, kissing her ear and searching up under her skirt a little further again.

  “Robbie! I said no! What if our parents come back? It’s not exactly the best place to be doing it when my dad could walk through the door any minute.”

  “Aw, they’re not going to be back for ages. They said they’re going to check the resort out, and that means shopping for hours, and our dads will be at a bar somewhere for sure.”

  “Well, anyway, this just isn’t going to happen right now,” Catherine declared as she pushed Robbie away and got up off the couch. “I want to go check out the beach. Are you coming?”

  They were in the apartment Catherine and her parents were staying in. Robbie was staying with his parents next door. The two families vacationed together at least once a year, usually camping, but this summer they had decided on an up-market island resort – which was another thing Robbie had figured would favour his chances of finally getting his eager young dick wet. What with the romance and all – surely he’d be getting lucky before the end of the week.

  He watched through the tiny opening in the door that Catherine hadn’t quite closed behind her. She stepped out of her panties and pulled on bikini bottoms. He caught a flash of her neatly trimmed pubes as she turned past a mirror, then she tossed her bra and he saw her perky little breasts full on before she tied her bikini top in place.

  “Come on then,” she said as she brushed past and out the door, and Robbie grabbed his towel and hurried after her.

  The elevator opened into the foyer of the resort, and that led to the pools, bars and gardens. Beyond that was the beach. Robbie caught Catherine’s hand before she stepped down onto the sand, and he pulled her close for a kiss.

  “I didn’t mean to get pushy again,” he said apologetically.

  Catherine responded with another kiss. “I know. It’s okay. I just want to wait until it’s perfect before our first time.”

  They remained there kissing and cuddling at the top of the stairs leading down to the beach, with Catherine warming to at least pretending to go steady. She had to give Robbie credit for persistence, and it was flattering enough to make her want to play along with his fairy-tale fantasy.

  They were kissing and talking, and they hadn’t noticed George, the old maintenance man, leaning back on a broken down jet ski watching them.


  George was a pot-bellied, grey haired man of 56. He had been working at the resort since vacationing there 10 years ago and scoring a job. He never bothered going home. He just called his old boss and told him to shove it, then moved out of his suite and into the bungalow behind the maintenance workshop. He had spent every d
ay since living a life of relaxation in the sun, and ogling every hard bodied bikini girl that sauntered past.

  Right then old George was puffing on a cigarette and looking young Catherine over. She had a very pretty face and beautiful green eyes, long blonde hair and golden brown skin. Her legs were slender and her hips were slight, though feminine. He could nearly squeeze his big old hands around her waist it was so tiny, and she had perky little tits with upturned nipples just noticeable through her white bikini top.

  He watched her stroll by clinging to the arm of a gangly boy with one of those stupid hair styles that looked like birds were nesting on the back of his head. He forgot about the boy, though, and concentrated on the sway of the girl’s hips and the way the little wrap around skirt she had on was swishing across the back of her thighs. He imagined with a nice womanly hip action like that she would be a good fuck. He imagined how good she could grind over his old cock if she was riding him cowgirl style. Or maybe reverse cowgirl, so he could reach around and feel her little titties while she was at it.

  These were typical thoughts for old George whilst ogling a young hard bodied bikini girl, but he struggled to remember the day he could actually get any action like that. He would occasionally score with one of the many single mature women who frequented the resort, but there was no harm in checking out the young ones he reasoned as he flicked his smoke and went back to work on the jet ski.

  “Morning, George! How they hanging?”

  “Andy! Yeah, good, son. How’d you get on at the airport?”

  “Easy! Got there just before time and no delays.”


  Andy was a mid-thirties man who had been at the resort for a week hiring out one of the jet skis every day. He had been vacationing with his wife and two children but had delivered them to the airport that morning.

  “Fuck, I’ve been looking forward to this,” he said, stretching and looking around at the beach. “A whole week without the wife and kids! Thank God for business!”

  Andy had a few business meetings to attend and one dinner function at the end of the week, but his days were free. His wife had to return to work, so she couldn’t stay with him. It was his first chance to be completely alone in years, and he was feeling good.

  “I’m just going for a quick surf then I’ll be back for a ski okay, George?”

  George waved him off, and he jogged down to the water and out into the waves. He was a keen bodysurfer, and although the surf was a bit rough he did pretty well. He caught a few good waves and dodged the kids on body boards.

  After half an hour he was about to call it and head back to shore when a girl got absolutely dumped by a particularly savage little wave right in front of him. She went arse over head with legs everywhere, and when the wave spewed her out, she didn’t seem to know which way was up.

  Andy caught her arm and lifted her, holding her until she found her feet. Her hair was matted over her face and she was coughing and spluttering sea water. Her bikini top had come undone or perhaps broken a string, and it was hanging backwards from her neck. Her little white tits were bare.

  “Are you all right?” Andy asked kindly.

  She stopped coughing. “Yes, I’m – oh, my God!” she cried as she searched for her bikini top.

  She found it and desperately tried to untangle it. Andy remained close, shielding her from a few other men and boys close by. “It’s okay – no one’s watching,” he reassured her, though he was looking down at her tits himself. They were perfect – small but nicely rounded beneath dark highset nipples. “Here – let me help,” he went on easily, and she allowed him to take hold of the tangled string that was causing the problem while she held her arm across her breasts.

  “This is so embarrassing,” she said, nervously looking around.

  “No, it’s actually funny when you think about it. I’m sure you’ll have a laugh later.” Andy smiled, which caused the girl to smile in response. He had undone the knot in the string. “There you go,” he said, again checking out her perky young tits while she fixed her top into place.

  “Thank you,” the girl said, seemingly even more nervous as she peered up biting her lip, and Andy left her with another smile and dived into the wave that was passing by.


  The girl watched him surf into shore and walk up toward the resort without looking back. Her heart was pounding and her legs were numb. She went to her towel and was drying off when her pretend boyfriend arrived from the shop with chips and sodas.

  “Are you all right, Catherine?” Robbie asked. “You look a bit red in the face.”

  “I’m fine. Better than fine actually,” Catherine said dreamily. She could see the man had stopped to chat with an older man working on a jet ski. She guessed the one who had helped her would be nearly her parents’ age, but that didn’t matter.

  “I want to go back to the resort now, Robbie. Are you coming?”

  She tied her skirt around her waist and led off with Robbie following. She wanted to hurry before the man walked away but she slowed as she approached, pulling her shoulders back and thrusting her boobs forward. She wished her breasts were bigger.

  The guy had man sized muscles. His shoulders were broad and his face had little lines that accentuated his smile. He glanced, and Catherine smiled, which caused him to smile in response as his eyes flashed lower to check out her body, and that caused Catherine’s legs to go tingly again.

  She wished she had a reason to stop, but she didn’t, and she kept walking past and up the stairs. When she reached the top of the stairs, she dared to glance back, though, and both men were looking.


  That afternoon Catherine and Robbie spent a few hours at one of the resort pools with some other couples their own age. Robbie ended up parasailing with a group of boys and Catherine went shopping with her new girlfriends.

  That evening they were left alone by their parents, and they stayed in Robbie’s suite listening to music and cuddling and kissing. Catherine parted her legs a little when Robbie started rubbing her thigh. He felt his way up to her panties and was rubbing her through them.

  She was wet, but Robbie didn’t understand the significance of that. He just liked how warm she felt and how he could force his fingers inside of her a little way. He had never felt underneath her panties, though, and after being rejected earlier in the day, he decided not to try and push things again just yet, so he soon left off rubbing her there and felt up under her top and bra.


  Catherine liked the feel of Robbie touching her there, but he never brought her even close to orgasm, and she wondered if he even knew what that was.

  She wondered – but as close as they were she didn’t quite know how to bring up the matter. She was worried it might embarrass him, and was kind of hoping one of his friends might educate him one day and save her from having to go there.

  Robbie searched around behind her back and released her bra clasp. She wriggled out of it and pulled it off completely to allow him better access. She then tossed it aside and straddled his lap, which made his eyes pop open and his body stiffen beneath her.

  What was already quite stiff, though, was his dick, and she straddled that and used it to rub where she liked to rub herself. She was splitting herself over the underside of his shaft, which was sticking straight up against his stomach.

  “Only like this, though,” she whispered to him. “Not inside me, okay?”

  “Okay,” Robbie groaned as he started thrusting. He only had on thin cotton shorts, and his cock had worked its way through the opening in his boxers. There was just that one layer of fabric and Catherine’s panties. He was thrusting and spearing his cock through her slit, and she was grinding down hard.

  Catherine quickly reached one of her usual orgasms, and she clung to her make-believe boyfriend’s head while it pulsed through her belly. She could also feel Robbie’s dick throbbing, and she understood he had ejaculated. He was suddenly relaxed and wasn’t trying to thrust anymor
e. He was just holding her and panting against her chest.

  “Did you cum?” she asked him softly.

  “Yeah, I did. I think I need to go and get changed,” he said with a degree of embarrassment.

  Catherine rolled off him and sat with her legs tucked up to the side without bothering to tug her skirt down. It was a tiny little thing that barely covered her panties anyway, and it had bunched up like a belt around her waist. She was sitting there cooling down after her mini orgasm while Robbie was in the bathroom cleaning himself up, when suddenly the door opened and Robbie’s dad walked in and stopped with his eyes popping open. Catherine instinctively tugged at her skirt, but her bra was lying there on the floor at Mr Dale’s feet.

  “Hi, Mr Dale,” she uttered nervously, hugging her knees to her chest.

  Mr Dale picked up her bra and stepped close but didn’t hand it to her.

  He grinned. “Where’s Robbie?”

  Catherine pointed to the bathroom. She could see Mr Dale was looking at her legs, and she knew her panties would be exposed because her little skirt was still bunched up her back. She lowered her legs, sitting up and smoothing her hands down to her knees, but her panties were still exposed between her bare thighs.

  She watched Mr Dale’s face as he stared at them. It was like time had stopped, but her heart was pounding. She moved her hands from her knees but kept her legs together. She felt for the hem of her skirt, thinking about stretching it down. She waited until his eyes lifted before she did that.

  He grinned again as he handed her the bra. “I just came back for my wallet. I’ll leave you kids to it then.”

  Mr Dale collected his wallet off the table and returned to the door. He glanced back and took another look at her. She was biting down on an embarrassed smile.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell your dad,” he said with a wink, and he deliberately looked back down at her legs.

  Catherine felt her knees parting like she had no control over them. She was excited by the fact that Mr Dale was looking at her and obviously thinking about her in that way.


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