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Romance: Loving The BillionBear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (Spicy Shifters Book 3)

Page 6

by Ashley Hunter

  And, he was terrified of losing her. She was so special, he just couldn’t imagine his future without her. She was different from every other woman he had met. She challenged him, and she kept up with him mentally. To top it all off too, she was beautiful. No, he wanted to keep her, and he wanted her to be part of his life from now on.

  And, whether or not she would be a part of his life depended on tonight. It all hinged on this one thing. She could either embrace who he was or leave and never speak to him again. Finally, she broke the silence between them on the elevator.

  “Barend, is there something wrong?”

  “What? No, not at all.”

  “You are just really quiet.”

  “Sorry. It’s just…”

  She looked at him questioningly, giving him time to finish the sentence

  “I have never taken a woman home before.”


  “Like I said, I have rarely gone on a second date with a woman.”

  “Oh, yeah…”

  “Amelia, I’m not going to be dishonest with you. I’m sorry my past is less than spectacular. But, that’s the truth. And, I have never had a woman at my home.”

  “Well, I feel honored.”

  He was slightly shocked at her reaction. Some women would completely freak out if their guys had that kind of a past. Some women won’t even sleep with a man if he had more than 10 or 12 partners. But, it was clear Amelia valued honesty over almost anything else. And, since he had been careful to be honest … mostly… she seemed to be ok with his past.

  “Honored?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I mean you have had lots of opportunities to take a woman home and you haven’t. Now, you are taking me. That’s impressive.”

  “Well, you are impressive.”


  “You are Amelia. You are so special and…” He didn’t get to finish. The elevator binged to signify they had reached the bottom floor of the high rise. He briskly walked her to his car and opened the passenger door.

  “Thank you sir.” She smiled. Then, when he slid into the driver’s side, she turned to look at him.



  “You didn’t finish what you were saying in the elevator.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you going to?”

  “I’ll finish it at my house, ok?”


  “Now buckle up. It’s all about safety.” He turned stern. He didn’t want anything happening to her.

  As they drove, she reached forward and ran her hand over the dashboard.

  “Nice car.”

  “Thanks. It’s nothing special.”

  “Well, I have never ridden in a Jag before, so it’s pretty neat to me. What kind is it?”



  “Do you want one?”

  “What? No. I couldn’t afford it in my dreams!” She laughed.

  “Christmas is coming up.”


  “Maybe I will get you one as your Christmas gift.”

  “Barend! A boyfriend gets his girl a pair of earrings, not a car for Christmas.” She laughed.

  “Well, I’ve never been a boyfriend before, so maybe I will mess up. What’s your favorite color?”

  “Not funny, Barend, but I like red cars. Goes with the blond,” she tossed her hair over her shoulder seductively.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Yeah, you do that.” Clearly, she didn’t believe he was serious. Mentally, he was already ordering the car for her. She would look sexy in a fire engine red Jag. And, she deserved the best. He couldn’t wait for Christmas…if they were still together then.

  As he pulled through the massive, gated entrance to Shay’s Heights, he started getting nervous again. In just a few minutes, they would be at his house. And soon, he would be telling her. He heard her catch her breath as they passed one of the area mansions.

  “That’s Dr. Paulson. He created a new way of treating lung cancer.”

  “His home is beautiful. But, I can’t even imagine trying to keep a place that big clean!” She exclaimed and he laughed.

  “Amelia, I am pretty sure the good doctor has never picked up a dish rag.”

  “Oh…staff. I’ve never had anyone do stuff for me. Must be nice.”

  Well, if things go my way, you will never have to do anything ever again either, Amelia. He thought it, but he didn’t say it. He wasn’t sure exactly how committed she might be yet, and he didn’t want to come across as clingy. Wow…he was worried about being clingy. Again, something he had never thought he’d experienced. So much changed just in a few weeks because of one woman.

  Finally, they arrived at the gated drive to his own home, and he quickly punched a code into the security system before the large iron gates swung open. As he rolled down the driveway, he heard her gasp again. The house had come into sight.

  “Oh my god.”

  “What’s wrong Amelia?”

  “Your house…no that’s not a house. It’s a mansion or maybe a castle.”

  “I told you it was large.”

  “Well, I know. And I was ready for a big house. But, oh my god.”

  “You aren’t judging me are you? You probably think I’m shallow.”

  “No, not at all. I’ve never known anyone who could afford something like this.”

  “Let’s go inside. I will give you a tour.”

  “Ok,” she smiled and then hopped out of the car before he could get the door for her. He couldn’t help but smile too. Often, she looked at things with a childlike innocence.

  She reminded him of a young kid looking at the tree on Christmas morning. And, he loved that about her. This beautiful, sexy woman could still look at the world that way. It made her simply amazing. And, it was one of the many reasons he was falling in love with her.

  First, he took her on a tour of the mansion, showing her each room and smiling as she bounded around the spaces, taking it all in and gaping at the opulent luxury. It wasn’t that he enjoyed looking rich. He knew that the money part wasn’t specifically that big of a deal to her. Instead, he just enjoyed seeing her smile and laugh. He could watch her all day, but it was time to tell her about a few things.

  They were standing in the foyer when he took both of her hands to face her, and took a deep breath. She looked at him quizzically.

  “Amelia, there are a couple of things I want to tell you.”

  “If you were going to break up with me, why’d you bring me here?”

  “What? No. I’m not breaking up with you.”

  “Oh, so what’s up?”

  “Well, I have told you that you aren’t like anyone I have met before. You are smart, intelligent, beautiful. You are special.”

  “You are pretty special yourself.” She smiled.

  “Let me finish before I lose my nerve.”

  “Ok, ok go on.”

  “I know we have only known each other for a few weeks, but you have changed something about me. I never thought someone could get in like you do. I have always kept everyone at arm’s length.” He took a deep breath and she squeezed his hands in encouragement. He was pretty sure she knew what he was going to say. “I’m falling in love with you Amelia. And, that’s a big deal for me. I’ve never loved a woman before.”

  “Oh Barend.”

  “You don’t have to say it back…” She stopped him with a kiss and then leaned up and whispered in his ear “I love you too.” That was what he needed to hear. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. She loved him too. She felt the same way. It was the perfect moment. But…

  It was still shrouded with the knowledge he had something else to tell her. And, he was so scared. He led her into a large den area and sat her down on the sofa in front of a roaring fire he had already asked his housekeeper to set up. Then, he sat down next to her and turned to look in her eyes.

  “This is beautiful. And su
per romantic just so you know. Ok, so I don’t want to play hide and sneak.” She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. He obliged, but then put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her gently back.

  “What’s wrong?” She whispered in shock. “We just said the L-word. Don’t you want me?”

  “Yes. You have no idea how much I do. I’ve thought about it all week.”

  “Ok, then!”


  “But? I hate buts, Barend. Tell me what’s up.”

  “There’s something else I have to tell you. And I don’t know how you are going to respond.”

  “Ok…” She was looking a little worried, and in all honesty, she very well should be.

  “So, there’s something about me you don’t know. And, I am afraid you will run away when I tell you.”

  “Run away? Why on earth would I do that? Have you been cheating on me?”

  “No! Never! I don’t cheat. I never would. You are the only woman in my life.”

  “Then I can’t imagine why I would run away!” She smiled brightly.

  “Well, just wait until you hear it, ok?”


  “Do you believe in supernatural things, Amelia?”

  “Like ghosts?”

  “Well, like ghosts and other things.”

  “What other things?”

  “Shape shifters.”

  “Like werewolves?” She looked like she was trying not to laugh.


  “Barend. That’s kind of silly. People turning into animals at the full moon? I mean c’mon.”

  “I’m serious Amelia. And no it’s not just at the full moon. That’s a misconception.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m a shape shifter. It runs in my family.”

  “You’re being silly.”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “Ok, Mr. Shape shifter. What do you turn into? An owl?”

  “A bear.” She wasn’t taking him seriously. And he was pretty sure her attitude was turning from amused to slightly freaked out. She probably thought he was crazy.

  “A bear?”


  “Barend, I…”

  “You aren’t going to believe me until you see.”


  “You will have to see. But, please promise me something. Promise me you won’t run away. You said you wouldn’t.”


  “Ok, well, promise me you will keep an open mind.” With that, he stood up and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Barend, shape shifters don’t exist. That’s all fantasy like from the Twilight books”

  “They do, and I am about to show you. Don’t be afraid. I won’t harm you.” She looked pretty frozen in her spot on the sofa, so he quickly undressed.


  Barend was standing in front of her, half undressed. And, she was completely confused. A shape shifter? Really? She was sort of scared and she was trying to decide how to get out the door. He had to be crazy, right? He was calling himself a shape shifter for god’s sake.

  Then, there was sort of a shimmering around him. She couldn’t quite explain it. It seemed like the air was moving, but it wasn’t all at the same time. Then, he started to change. At first it was slow, and then everything happened really quickly. One moment, Barend was standing there. The next, a large black bear that dropped down on all fours and swung its big head toward her.

  And she freaked out.

  “Oh god, oh god, oh god.” She heard herself saying as she jumped up and sprinted to the door. She thought she heard the bear make a sound, but she didn’t stop to listen.

  Instead, she yanked the massive door open and ran down the driveway to the big gate. She somehow even found herself all the way at the main neighborhood entrance before she pulled out her cell phone and called a cab. Her hands were shaking and she had to dial the number three times before she got it right.

  Had she seen what she thought she saw? Had he really turned into a bear? There’s no way. No. No. No. No. People don’t turn into animals. That’s fiction. It just doesn’t happen. No, it doesn’t.

  But, she had seen it. He turned into a bear right in front of her eyes.

  Yes, he had actually turned into a bear.

  Shapeshifters were real.

  Oh god.

  She had had sex with a shape shifter. She told him she loved him.

  By the time the taxi got her home, she was crying. She had tried to hold back the tears because she hated crying in front of people. But, she hadn’t succeeded, but mercifully, the cab driver didn’t say anything. He just dropped her off and silently took her money. She fumbled with her keys, made it in the door, and threw herself on her bed before the real, choking sobs came.

  She stayed on the bed crying for more than an hour before the tears abated. At first, she was sad…devastated. This man she was falling in love with was a freaking shape shifter…a were bear she guessed.

  But, the longer she cried, the angrier she had become. Ok, so he was a shape shifter. Whatever. She could probably have gotten over that. But, he had lied to her. She was so tired of being lied to. Lucas lied and was cheating. Then, she meets this man who seems pretty perfect and he is lying to her too.

  Why couldn’t a man just be honest with her?


  She fell asleep laying on the bed and she never even looked at her cellphone, which had been constantly vibrating in her pocket.

  When she woke up the next morning, she had that hungover feeling that always comes with crying yourself to sleep. Her throat was dry. Her lips were dry. Her eyes were fuzzy. And her head felt really heavy. But, she managed to sit up and fish the phone out of her pocket.

  13 missed calls and 10 texts.

  The missed calls weren’t all from Barend either. 9 of them were. The other four were from Carlie. She didn’t listen to any of the voicemails. She wasn’t ready for that. So, she scrolled through the ten texts:

  Barend: Amelia, please let me know you got home ok.

  Barend: I’m worried about you.

  Barend: I know you don’t want to talk to me, but I just want to know you are safe.

  Carlie: Ames, pick up your phone.

  Carlie: Ames, we need to talk. Really.

  Barend: I love you Amelia. I’m sorry.

  Carlie: I told U he was different. Call me now!

  Carlie: Ames, we’re all worried. U at home?

  Barend: Please talk to me Amelia.

  Carlie: I’m comin over at 9:00.

  Amelia glanced at the time. It was 8:58. Carlie would be there any minute and she really didn’t want to see her friend. It was clear from the messages that Carlie already knew about Barend. Of course she did. And she had chosen not to tell Amelia. No, she wasn’t happy with her friend. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

  Amelia stormed down the hall ready to let her friend have it. She flung open the door.

  “Carlie! I don’t want to talk to you! You could have warned…” She didn’t finish the sentence because it wasn’t Carlie at the door. It was Barend. She stopped mid-sentence.


  “Go away.”

  “Amelia wait.”

  “No! You lied to me. I can’t deal with that. I’ve been lied to way too much.”

  “I…I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it Barend. Please leave me alone.” With that, she shut the door in his face then peaked out the window and watched him walk back to his car. He looked dejected. That’s when the tears started again and she spent most of the day alternating between tears of sadness and anger.

  Chapter Eight

  “I’ve lost her.” It had been two days since Amelia slammed the door in Barend’s face. He hadn’t seen or heard from her and he was on the phone with Carlie.

  “Why didn’t you tell her sooner?”

  “You know why. She would have run away.”

sp; “Not necessarily. You should have given her the chance. The thing about Amelia is she is very accepting of almost anything, but being lied to. You know what happened with Lucas. Lying to her was the worst thing you could have done.”

  “I was scared. Now, I’ve lost her.” Barend stared into the fire burning in the fireplace. It was Sunday evening and his whole weekend had been miserable. He constantly checked his phone, looking for any sign whatsoever from Amelia.

  But, there had been nothing. He had talked off and on with Carlie, the one mutual friend they had. And, Carlie had both scolded him for not telling Amelia sooner, and acted as a sympathetic ear.

  “I don’t know that you’ve lost her.”

  “Yes I have. It’s been two days.”

  “Yeah Barend. Just two days. You threw some pretty crazy information at her. You gotta give her time to digest it. Just do me a favor, ok?”


  “Don’t go to her house again. Give her time.”

  Barend was still on the phone when the doorbell rang.

  “I have to go, Carlie. I will talk to you again soon. Thanks for listening.” He clicked the phone off just as he opened the big door and gasped.

  Amelia was standing there. She looked sad, but she was there. And, in that moment, it was all that mattered. He stepped aside and let her through the door, but neither one of them spoke.

  Instead she walked into the den…the one with the fireplace where everything had happened…and she began pacing the room. He followed her, afraid if he said anything, she would leave again.

  Finally, she started talking.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing here.”


  “You lied to me Barend. Why did you lie to me?”

  “I didn’t want to scare you away. And I told you the truth Friday night.”

  “Yeah, but you let me go out with you. We slept together. I told you loved you. At any point, you could have told me.”

  “I didn’t want to lose you.”

  “What did you think was going to happen?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I knew you would run away. It’s scary.”

  “Scary? I don’t care about the bear thing. Well, I mean I do. It’s a little crazy. But it’s whatever. What I care about is you lied to me.”


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