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Underworld Queen

Page 22

by Sharon Hamilton

  Including me, Audray heard his thoughts.

  “Take a day or two, but not longer. Audray will be safe here. I’ll catch her up on all the family history. Would you like that?”

  “Not necessary.”

  “On the contrary. She needs to know what kind of a family she’s getting involved with.”

  “She knows.”

  “Very well. You need any of my guards to help? They are very good with interviewing suspects, although sometimes it is a bit messy.”

  Audray envisioned a child pulling the wings off flies.

  “No thanks. But I could use Rupert’s help.”

  “Whatever for? Rupert is completely helpless.”

  “One of his men is responsible, I fear. I think he would be an aid in the investigation.”

  There was a long pause before Catarina answered. “I’ll have him meet you at your barracks with two of my guards who will keep an eye out for both of you.”

  “Can I talk to Audray, please?”

  Catarina handed the phone back to Audray and stormed up the stairs in search of Rupert, pushing the Chinese girl ahead of her.

  “Your music box is safe.” Jonas whispered. Audray’s breathing was shallow and irregular. She exhaled through her mouth. Jonas asked, “Are you crying, love?’


  “It’s going to turn out. Have a little faith.”

  “I have all the faith in you. I have so little in me.” She sniffled. “What can I do to help? Is there anything I can do, Jonas?”

  “Make sure Rupert comes to see me. Ask him if he can help us somehow.”

  “The guy is a snake.”

  “On a very short leash. And he knows he’s about to be cut loose. She’s a nasty one, Audray. Not to be trusted. Sorry to say we share the same blood.”

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “Well, the important thing is, she does. As long as you carry my child, she won’t harm you.”

  “I’m not so sure of that.”

  “Are you feeling well?”

  “I’ve been lying down, having a foot massage. I’m surprised Catarina’s left me alone.”

  “That’s good. She’s beginning to trust you. She knows you were going to give her what she wants and had nothing to do with the break in.”

  “Did you?”

  “I didn’t break in, no.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  Jonas paused and then answered. “I was nowhere near the office when it happened. I don’t know who did it, but I have some good guesses. That’s all I’ll say.” Jonas let his words sink in. “Love, I need to go. Try to meet with Rupert, if you can. Alone.”

  “Will do. Take care of yourself.”

  “Take care of the little one, and this will all be over soon.”

  Jonas flipped the phone shut. Omar and his men approached, armed to the teeth.

  “Sir, we heard about the robbery.”

  Jonas, grateful Omar hadn’t let the others in on their little plan, told them, “Catarina is holding the Director hostage until we can recover her seals. These are not replaceable.”

  Omar looked at the pink music box tucked under Jonas’ arm. “Sir?” he asked, pointing to the box.

  “It has a special meaning for her. No value.” He switched the box to the other hand. “I overheard a group say the vandals transported to the human world. Did you see anyone come up toward the transport station?” Jonas continued with the ruse.

  “You know, sir, I didn’t think of it at the time, but, yes, I was making my rounds and saw a band of three running. And they had a satchel with them. Looked like a yellow transport bag the Guardians use,” answered Omar.

  “Hmmm.” Jonas looked at the ground, trying not to laugh. He was going to give Omar a piece of his mind, but later, and if they all survived the battle. Stupid to implicate a turned Guardian. What the bloody hell was he thinking?

  Audray met Rupert as he raced through the entryway. Catarina was shouting to him in Portuguese from their room. Rupert had one ear to her while he nodded to Audray.

  “Can I talk to you?” Audray whispered.

  “Dangerous. This whole thing is getting out of hand. She’s got twenty-five new warriors arriving in the viewing room within the hour.”

  Audray wrinkled up her nose. “A mass suicide.”

  Rupert nodded. “Your Jonas has asked for me.

  A loud scream punctuated the air as a fireball tumbled down the stairs. Audray realized it was the little Chinese girl, who had burst into flames. What was left of her head and feet lay in a puddle of black blood dripping off the bottom step.

  “She’s kind of getting postal now,” Rupert said as he stared at the bloody scene with detached resignation. His body was quivering in fear, although Audray could see he was doing his best to compose himself.

  “So, Rupert,” Audray said, “You see what’s in store for you? How long before you think this could be your body laying here?”

  Rupert’s shaky tone belied his words. “She won’t harm me.” Audray noticed he would not return her gaze. She stepped closer, which revealed the fear he could not hide in his eyes.

  “Search your soul, Rupert. Look at her. She was a trusted servant of your wife’s. A confidante as well. When will she find you expendable? Just ask yourself that question.”

  Rupert shuddered as Audray reached out to touch his arm. He was sweating, his left eye twitching and his face pale like he could vomit. At last he looked up the stairs to see if he was being watched, then looked down on Audray.

  “What do you want? I am as trapped as you are.”

  “I can help you, but only if you help Jonas. Please, Rupert. The time is approaching where you’ll not have the choice. You could be next. You know this. This is your chance to be free permanently from Catarina’s grip.”

  He nodded, resigned.

  “Now go. Go help him, please.”

  Rupert dashed out the front into the yard, leaving Audray leaning into the dark oak door embedded with etched glass. He grabbed two winged ones who were standing guard at the gate. All three disappeared down the cobblestone road and out of sight. Audray closed the door and leaned against it, with her eyes closed.

  Love, he knows his time is short. He is bringing two of their minions, but he is not a warrior and I don’t trust he’ll do anything heroic.”

  She opened her eyes, and found Catarina staring back at her with dark eyes filled with hatred. “You flirt with my husband.”

  Audray tried to make light of it, but her nerves were frayed. She shook her head. “You honestly think Rupert is my type? I mean look at Jonas, and then look at Rupert. No comparison.”

  “Hmpf,” Catarina returned.

  “You forget. Before you came here I carried on an affair with his brother, Peter. Every time I look at Rupert’s face, I think of all the disgusting things I had to do to that angel to have a chance at the Directorship.”

  “Yes, I’ve been told. Would have given anything to see it.” She eyed Audray up and down. “You are nauseated still?”

  “No. I’m fine. But tired.”

  “So why didn’t you have Peter’s child? You were….intimate…with him?”

  “What a cruel twist of fate. You mean he never told you? Peter said he had been fixed as a human man. Those sorts of things transfer completely to the Underworld. Like plastic surgery, enhancements, that sort of thing. But regardless, I think what Jonas and I share is a one in a million. Fate, you might say.”

  “Makes no sense he would cut his manhood.”

  “There was no man there, Catarina. He was a boy inside a man’s body. He didn’t want to share the limelight with anyone, even his own kind.”

  “Then I suppose it’s good he’s dead.” She studied Audray’s face. “I would have had to hire someone else to eliminate him, of course.”

  Of course. Who could let a little rule about killing one’s own family stand in one’s way? Jonas was completely right. This woman could never be trusted, and a
nyone who got too close to her would burn in the Underworld.

  At the barracks, Rupert and the two winged angels appeared just outside the gate, not willing to ask permission and not willing to break in. Jonas came swiftly with Omar and four of his men.

  Rupert glanced into all their faces. Jonas saw some intimidation resident there. “I have been sent by my wife.” The statement caused a slight twitch in his left eye.

  “Looks like there were three of them, and they went up to the human world. Rupert, I will need to go after them. But I cannot take these,” Jonas pointed to the oversized dark angels who immediately shot a worried look to Rupert. Their wings flapped as if in irritation.

  “Well, I don’t believe they went up top,” Rupert spat out. “Who saw them?”

  Omar stepped forward. “Sir, I saw the three on their way to the transport station.” He glanced at Jonas before adding, “They carried a yellow canvas satchel.”

  Jonas winced and swore under his breath.

  “This is significant?” Rupert asked, looking back and forth between Jonas and Omar.

  “Well, sir, they had a Guardian’s bag, sir.” Omar bowed his head and stepped back.

  “So they were trying to definitely transport something to the human world. That what you’re saying? Why the fuck would they want the seals?” Rupert shook his head. “I don’t understand it.”

  “You underestimate their value, Rupert. An order affixed with these seals becomes instant law. Have you considered perhaps you and Catarina are not the only ones lusting after the Directorship?” Jonas said, hoping Rupert would take the bait.

  “You’ve seen this with your own eyes, not been told of it?” Rupert directed his question to Omar.

  Omar nodded confirmation, but Jonas could see he was having difficulty with the lie. “Well, there you have it. Looks like we are off on a fishing expedition,” Jonas concluded.

  “Not so fast. How the hell are we going to find them?”

  “I have some friends who are friendly with Guardians. This sort of thing wouldn’t happen with a Guardian transport bag unless they knew,” Jonas offered. “Omar, you stay here and run things while I’m gone. I’ll take you three and we’ll leave now. Rupert, are you coming?”

  “No. I’ve been asked to carry out a private mission, so I will be delayed. But then I’ll join you in the search.” Rupert leveled a gaze at Jonas.

  Jonas could not risk further discussion of Rupert’s plans, but was left with no option but to trust him. “I hope that you will return to protect what is in your best interest?”

  The two men locked eyes again. Jonas hoped what he saw in Rupert’s expression was resolve to do the right thing. But he knew it was a huge gamble.

  “It is my vow,” said Rupert.

  Jonas and the three men ran for the corrugated iron shed of the transport station just at the end of the street. Before he slid back the steel door, Jonas stole a look at Rupert, who was talking on his cell phone to someone.

  He hoped it was Audray, telling her Jonas was leaving the Underworld in one piece. Perhaps that would bring her one night of rest after all.

  He got her message just as the transport limo door slammed shut. Come back soon, Love. Go get Josh. He is the only one who can help.

  And that was what he had already decided to do.

  Chapter 31

  Josh didn’t appear surprised to see Jonas. He was playing chess with little Judy, who stiffened when she saw the dark angel.

  “Didn’t expect to see you playing chess, Miss.”

  Judy shot a guilty look at Josh, who stared into the empty tumbler by his seat at the table.

  “I take it Melanie is not here?” Jonas asked him.

  “Correct, my feathered friend,” Josh said to the tumbler as he slurped the last of his drink. “I’m afraid I’m not a good bet, Jonas.”

  Jonas didn’t want to acknowledge Josh and Judy had been getting it on, but he could smell the sexual tension. It wasn’t his place to judge his former mentor. Josh’s defect of character was deep in some regions of his soul, just as his sense of right and wrong was unshakable in others. Jonas was hoping the right combination would be with them today.

  Josh walked over to Judy, pulled her up to standing and whispered something to the side of her face Jonas could not hear. She giggled and exited to the upper floor. Josh watched her ascend the metal stairway like it was his last taste of forbidden fruit.

  Without looking at Jonas, he addressed him, “You’ve come here asking for my help. Can you see what a muck up I make of my own life? What the fuck do you want with the likes of me?”

  “Josh, I don’t judge this.”

  Josh held up a glass to Jonas, who nodded. “No doubt about it. I’ve missed those dark angels and what they can do.” He shook his head as he poured their drinks. “I just can’t leave them alone. I’m a deeply flawed individual, Jonas.”

  “Who seems to stumble upon doing the right thing more than one would guess. Josh you are exactly who we need. You are all I’ve got left. This fight will come to you eventually. If not today, next month, next year. There’s a whole takeover being staged, the likes of which I’ve never heard about.”

  “Thought all that died with Peter.”

  “Peter was the test run. He was the pawn in this chess game.”

  “So who are the king and queen?” Josh asked as he handed Jonas his drink.

  “Catarina, my twenty times great granddaughter, and her husband, Rupert Blade, Peter’s brother. But I know Catarina is the one calling the shots, and Rupert is just her expendable pawn in this game. She has a desire for power the likes of which I’ve never seen before, Josh.”

  Josh took another sip and nodded. “Go on.”

  “Well, I think Rupert can be an ally. I think we can use him.”

  “What about all the stuff happening up top?

  “It’s like there are two factions, one below and one up top. They both want the same thing. I can’t figure if they are working with each other or against each other. Catarina alluded to having help, but I don’t really know.”

  “Let’s hope they’re not working together.” Josh sat and motioned for Jonas to take the other red leather chair.

  “I’ve made an appointment to meet that witch in an hour at Carl’s pleading. Do you think I am in any danger?”

  “Hardly, Jonas. But in her delicate condition, Audray is. And of course the other humans, me included, would be. So I’m grateful you didn’t make this little rendezvous at my house.”

  “I wish I didn’t need your help so much, sir. I’m meeting her to avoid all that, if possible.

  “So what have we got?”

  “They’re holding Audray down in the Underworld. I escaped with a ruse they won’t believe for long. I need you to assemble some people we can trust, like you did when we got rid of Peter. Since you’ve done Father a favor, can we count on him?”

  “Only one who talks with him directly these days is Doris, the heavenly Guardians’ taxi driver. I can call her. We can ask. Tell me what you want to have happen?”

  “We just want to give up everything down there, live up here, if we can. At least until the baby is born. See if we can figure a way she can survive this pregnancy.”

  “Well, if the universe as we know it is screwed, that will be the least of her problems.”

  “You that pessimistic about the future? Honestly?” Jonas had never seen Josh so forlorn.

  Josh’s quick glance upstairs told Jonas he didn’t have much time.

  Jonas asked Josh the question that had been burning a hole in his stomach. “Just between the two of us. You ever know Claire and Audray were sisters?”

  “Not. A. Clue. Still surprises me. Claire was so pure of heart. Still is. Audray, just was so—” Josh fretted, looking for the right word like he was sucking on a lemon. “So very preternaturally bad. She was made for the jobs I gave her.”

  Jonas gave him a fiery stare, fisting one of his hands on his knee.

; “You know this to be true, man.” Josh acted like he hadn’t noticed, but Jonas was sure he did.

  “Until now. She’s changed, Josh. I like to think she’s reverted back to her natural self that was altered, kicked around and damaged. The best part of her is coming out now. Maybe that’s all Father needs to hear.”

  Josh stood up and stretched his back. “He doesn’t work that way, Jonas. He’s a bit asleep at the switch.”

  Jonas had heard the stories. He doubted Josh was correct. “I hear free will is a big thing to him.”

  “Yup. But I honestly don’t understand how he decides to save this one, let this one fall.”

  “Maybe because he has all the time in the world.”

  “Could be. Maybe he believes time is his friend, not ours, but his.” Josh stretched his arms out behind him like a cat.

  “Make the call, Josh. I haven’t got a lot of time. Neither does Audray.” Jonas stood in front of the former dark angel, not wanting to intimidate him, but wanting him to know he was serious. “If you ever cared anything for Audray or me, you’ll do this. I don’t expect you want to save the world, but you’d be doing that too.”

  Josh laughed heartily. “Always up to me, isn’t it? I’m so indispensible now as a human. Hated as a dark angel, I can’t even be a normal fuckin’ human. My appetites exceed my common sense. Like I said, I’d not bet on me.”

  “I have to. You’re my last recourse. Otherwise we run, and how long do you think that would last, hmmm?” Jonas asked and stepped back. “Come on. Make the call to Doris right now. I’ll go somewhere and give you guys some time while we wait. But hurry, man. You saw how sick she looks. And you know what they’ll do if I don’t get back down there soon.”

  “Very well.”

  Jonas watched as Josh pushed two numbers on his phone. It was a black sleek model he’d not seen before and suspected it might be some special hotline to Heaven. Josh cleared his throat, looked upstairs at little Judy, who appeared in one of his tee shirts that didn’t cover the juncture of her legs. Josh gave her an appreciative glance and held up his forefinger.


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