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Campione 13

Page 4

by Princess Goddess of the South Seas

  At the same time, Godou felt his body overflow with power for battle. Due to a god—or rather, a portion descending upon the earth, Godou's body of a Campione's had entered a state of battle.

  'Stop shouting nonstop to summon an old man who lives in seclusion. After all, coming over to this side is quite inconvenient.'

  Godou took a step forward and yelled at the sky.

  "I'm sorry, but we have questions for you."

  'I thought so too. Oh well, it has been somewhat amusing for me, watching from up high as you people scurry about all over the place. That's something you people can't do in the real world.'

  Susanoo could barely stifle the snickering suddenly spilling out from his simmering voice. Godou frowned.

  "I knew you were playing dumb while being fully aware of everything."

  Ever since Athena's second attack, Ena had attempted many times to contact her "grampsy" to inquire about the "King of the End" and the Heavenly Reverse Halberd.

  However, she was completely ignored every time.

  'Hold your temper. Regarding that brat, I cannot publicize too much. A god living in seclusion is still a god after all. Imparting knowledge from the Domain of Immortality to the real world is prohibited. What we gods prioritize above all else is the balance between this world and yours.'

  Susanoo basically gave a vague excuse to dodge the issue.

  The Domain of Immortality. A term Godou had heard mentioned a number of times in the past. It was apparently the place where the gods of myths resided, that was how Godou always felt the term could be understood.

  Furthermore, the place where ordinary humans lived on earth was the so-called Domain of Life...

  The realm sandwiched between these two worlds was the "Boundary of Life and Immortality." Human magi called this realm the Netherworld or the Astral Plane—

  "However, a thousand years ago, didn't you guys seal up that 'King of the End' guy?"

  'He was not sealed. Rather, after that brat ran off to fall into deep slumber due to exhaustion, we simply switched the location where he sleeps. However, it is probably about time for our little trick to lose effectiveness.'

  A god's aloof tone increased in Susanoo's voice.

  'Since things have come to this, we whose fates are predetermined should not interfere excessively in various affairs on earth. As well as all sorts of other reasons. Hence, Ena was ignored.'

  "That's what I thought too. Indeed, it is a course of action very much in line with how grampsy would think!"

  Hearing her guardian deity's explanation, the Hime-Miko of the Sword shrugged.

  'Hold your peace. Thus, Ena, you should stop pursuing this matter henceforth. The one we have hidden away, that troublesome—that brat shall be left for you people to handle... Oh well, as a result of the previous round of commotion, even that brat has unambiguously conveyed his intent to stay true to the "lazybones" title.'

  Susanoo's voice issued a stern order then became relaxed again.

  'The meddlesome outsiders not only failed to rouse that brat from his slumber, but also caused a whole pile of messy affairs. Even so, these kinds of fellows will continue to keep popping up!'

  Outsiders—Indeed, the divine ancestors apparently still had other comrades.

  Thinking that, Godou sighed.

  'Besides, the brat should have slept for over a thousand years already. If he were going to wake up, perhaps there is a particular time and place for it. That is called destiny.'

  "Hey hey..."

  Just as Godou grumbled at these irresponsible words, Kaoru suddenly stepped up.

  Until now, everyone apart from Godou and Ena had refrained from speaking to Susanoo in fear of his divine splendor. But at this moment, Kaoru took action.

  Under the gaze of everyone apart from Susanoo, Kaoru knelt down and bowed her head.

  "In that case, Old One, I have a matter I would like to inquire."


  "Since the Old One harbors such ideas, we have decided to look up to Kusanagi Godou as our leader and protector henceforth, allowing us to take action as subordinates under his banner first and foremost—That is our humble opinion. Regarding this proposal, what are your thoughts, Old One?"

  Currently holding the title of the Tokyo Branch Chief, Kaoru was poised as the next leader of the History Compilation Committee.

  But in actual fact, her position commanded the entire core leadership of the Committee in the Kantou region. Thus the androgynous Hime-Miko threw out such a shocking proposal.

  Erica and Liliana exchanged sharp glances while Yuri and Ena were rendered speechless.

  Speaking of Godou, he was blinking repeatedly in puzzlement. What exactly were Kaoru's intentions?

  As for the ancient god who had descended together with violent wind—

  'Fine with me.'

  A curt answer.

  'I have no interest in knowing what kinds of cliques and associations the people on earth wish to make. If that is indeed what you mean, all I can say is, be my guest. You people on earth, whether you wish to obey my orders or to ignore them by relying on the god-slayer as a shield, it is a matter up to you to decide—together with this Kusanagi Godou here.'

  Downright readily, Susanoo was approving Kaoru's proposal.

  Having obtained assurance, Kaoru continued to kneel on the ground, bowing her head deeper in reverence.

  Then the wild winds rapidly weakened. The power surging from within Godou's body for battle also diminished. Susanoo's divine spirit had apparently left the location already.

  "Oh dear. Say, in the past half a year, hasn't Godou-san become our king already in all but name?"

  After Susanoo left, Ena asked "What was that about?"

  Kaoru replied nonchalantly:

  "Considering Godou-san's personality, this situation isn't going to change substantially from now on. So in preparation for future emergencies, I think we need to have a certain someone ascend to the throne."


  Kaoru winked at Godou who was shocked by the usage of that questionable word.

  "Basically, I'm referring to Godou-san's status and position. Fighting battles according to your will, assisting friends, sometimes bringing disaster to this world and nation, other times offering protection instead—This is a position only afforded to the king."

  "Then doesn't this mean, compared to grampsy, His Majesty is even more amazing?"

  Ena commented with a happy smile while Kaoru responded with a malevolent smile of her own.

  "Compared to a god living secluded in the great spiritual world, it is only inevitable and natural that power and influence is wielded by the king on earth, is that not so? Oh well, this is the best decision. In preparation for future needs."

  "Indeed that is true..."

  Liliana nodded vigorously.

  "If the hero of salvation really sleeps in Tokyo's vicinity, it would not be strange for [Heretic Gods] and other Campiones to be drawn here."

  "But Kaoru-san."

  Yuri brought up her concerns with a worried expression.

  "If you move ahead with this proposal, which is tantamount to holding the Old One's power and influence in contempt, even ignoring those of our generation for now, the elderly are certain to raise objections..."

  "They can object as much as they want. After all, it amounts to nothing more than grumbling."

  "Because we hold the absolute trump card, the god-slaying Devil King on our side. For ordinary mortals, rallying resistance against a Campione would be no different from suicide."

  Erica concluded as if summing things up.

  "Because it's Kaoru-san we're talking about, you're sure to take great initiative in apparently troublesome areas."

  "Well well. However, it would be quite interesting to sweep away all hindrances of the past to simply start a new venture in one fell swoop."

  New venture. Yet another unsettling term was mentioned.

  Presumably due to the expression of unease on his
face, Kaoru turned to face Godou in his shocked confusion.

  "Oh dear. In the near future, I will be using the Tokyo area as Godou-san's stronghold to take on the venture of building Kusanagi Godou's kingdom. I'm sure it will be a very interesting job. Godou-san, if you agree, may I refer to you as GM (General Manager)?"

  An excellent job indeed, Kaoru smiled as she spoke.

  "B-By kingdom you mean..."

  "Gathering up the talent around you, Godou, to establish a new association. I'm fairly certain Lily and I can transfer our allegiances smoothly. All sorts of preparations are already underway."

  "As for me, Yuri and Ena... Or even the entire History Compilation Committee, it feels like everyone pretty much owes allegiance to the houses of Sayanomiya and Seishuuin. Once these two families are under control, everything goes without a hitch."

  Kaoru discussed an unsettling plan as though she were playing an intellectual game.

  In response, Liliana made an expression as if she wanted to remark "nefarious scheming again..."

  On the other hand, Ena's eyes glowed as though she had heard about some sort of new mischievous prank while Yuri displayed a face full of worry.

  As for Godou, he nodded in agreement with Yuri and Liliana while expressing his regrets on behalf of the common sense faction to their excessively radical friends.

  Chapter 2 - Journey's Beginning

  Part 1

  Thus, Susanoo's spirit summoning ritual finally came to an end. Time to part ways—was what Godou originally thought.

  "Well then, since we still have the garden party, let's go and get ready. Yuri, Ena, come over to my family's secondary residence."

  Sayanomiya Kaoru smiled cheerfully as she addressed her two fellow Hime-Miko.

  As soon as they heard her, Yuri expressed fear and wanted to escape while Ena bore a gloomy expression.

  "F-Forgive me but I must be excused this year."

  "Same for Ena. I don't wanna be in a situation like just now again. So restrictive and bothersome."

  "What are you talking about? Given this rare opportunity where all the Hime-Miko are already gathered together, we should further harmonize our relations. This is the time for you two to shine in the lead role, you two premier Hime-Miko."

  Kaoru smiled malevolently.

  In response, Ena resisted desperately while Godou watched.

  "But Ena has never participated before, okay? There's not much point in showing up once for this year only, so why can't I just leave like this?"

  "Like I said, since you're already here this year..."

  Deflecting Ena's objections, Kaoru smiled at Yuri.

  "Ever since it became known that you became Godou-san's romantic partner, Yuri, many people wanted to get closer to you. Not only among the Hime-Miko but also those related to the Committee. You'll be able to meet lots of people at the garden party tonight, wouldn't it be great fun?"

  "N-Nothing of that sort. To be surrounded by so many people would be a bit..."

  "Please don't say that. These are also duties that come inseparably with the role of the First Lady."

  "Wait a minute. I cannot ignore the matter of Mariya Yuri as Kusanagi Godou's legal consort—"

  Observing silently all this time, Liliana suddenly interjected.

  "I believe you are not the type to take the unwilling away by force. Also, pressing others against their will is not your style."

  "My, you really got me good there."

  Kaoru smiled wryly in response to Liliana's chivalric rescue.

  Godou agreed with Liliana that such behavior did not seem fitting for the gallant and whimsical dandy.

  "In actual fact, all of the Hime-Miko would like to hear Ena and Yuri's answers."

  "Answers about what?"

  "Regarding their husband, as to what kind of person Mr. Kusanagi Godou is like. Also, about the rumored flamboyant lifestyle of His Majesty, in great detail."

  Godou was shocked by Liliana and Kaoru's exchange. Why is there a conversation about me!?

  "But if this questioning was brought up before the Great Purification Rite, it probably would have prevented the ritual from starting. After all, as Hime-Miko, everyone would show some self-restraint and refrain from such disgraceful behavior. But conversely, I was swarmed by an onslaught of people seeking answers..."

  "Regarding whether Mariya Yuri and Seishuuin Ena were going to attend tonight's garden party or the like?"

  "Liliana-san, you are completely on the mark. If Yuri and Ena are not brought over to the garden party, my situation could get rather precarious. Also, before returning to their stations, the Hime-Miko might pay visits to Nanao Shrine or Yuri's home to sit down for a chat and some tea with Yuri and Ena. Given the situation, please come over to my home."

  "S-Speaking of which, before the ritual started..."

  Yuri expressed shock after listening.

  "People kept asking me if I was going to attend the garden party... So those inquiries were about this!"

  "Everyone has a burning desire to find out about what's going on between you two and Godou-san."

  While Godou was feeling shocked by the unexpected conversation, the girl who had remained silent all this time spoke up.

  "Hey Kaoru-san, are those who are not Hime-Miko barred from participation in this gathering?"

  Naturally, the questioner was Erica. Kaoru instantly replied:

  "No, staff of the History Compilation Committee are allowed to participate, as well as people related to the Four Families and relatives of the Hime-Miko in the area. There shouldn't be a problem."

  "Then how about this? All of us will participate. I think it's a great idea."

  After the initial shock of Erica's suggestion, Godou gave up on struggling.

  Since Yuri and Ena were facing unnecessary troubles because of him, this was the very least he could do to help alleviate their plight—

  Hence, 6pm came around on that day.

  Kusanagi Godou and his companions were taken by courtesy car to the garden party's venue.

  The location was Tokyo's Bunkyo ward, unexpectedly close to the Kusanagi home. A western mansion standing in a quiet greenified area, it clearly exuded the same style as the former XX residence.[5]

  A guess would place its construction date during the Meiji period in the nineteenth to early twentieth century. It was a building whose style was retro yet modern at the same time.

  The property was equipped with a spacious garden which could have served as a suitable location for the garden party, but due to the winter season, the air outdoors would be too chilly.

  Consequently, the main venue today was presumably the banquet hall on the first floor that offered a view of the garden from its windows.

  "Well... In order to make Mariya and Seishuuin less conspicuous, perhaps it's best that I show up?"

  Having made his decision already, Godou muttered softly to himself.

  In a situation like this, especially when arriving in the company of a person with a ridiculous enough title of "Devil King," as much as it was unintended, one would inevitably become the center of public attention, of course.

  Several hours earlier, Erica had raised a good point.

  'Ultimately, it is because Kusanagi Godou is such a man of mystery that people have no choice but to believe rumors. Attention would be focused on Yuri and Ena who are relatively more approachable. Hence, Godou must make a stately appearance, thereby causing people to behave themselves in fear of the Devil King's mighty name. During the garden party, please stand next to Yuri and Ena.'

  As a result, Godou arrived at the venue together with his companions.

  Godou was dressed in a suit borrowed from Kaoru's wardrobe. The feeling of the unfamiliar necktie made Godou rather uncomfortable. Having made a trip back home, Erica was now attired in a beautiful crimson formal dress with a black shawl wrap.

  Wearing a blue dress with a black corsage, Liliana appeared with magnificence in no way inferior to her rival and longtime
friend. On the other hand, the Japanese Hime-Miko were all dressed in kimonos.

  Yuri's kimono had a cherry blossom pattern against a light violet background.

  This soothing design and color did not feel garish and was rather well-suited to Yuri. As for Ena, hers was a checkered pattern on a white Oshima Tsumugi weave. For the Hime-Miko of the Sword who did not indulge particularly in fashion, there was surprisingly no sense of dissonance in her choice of kimono.

  Without giving an impression of trying too hard to be stylish, she was simply wearing it naturally.

  "What should I do...?"

  "You don't need to do anything. Just lead us inside to make your grand appearance. People will naturally realize who you are."

  Already accustomed to such situations, Erica offered her advice.

  Really? Unable to relax, Godou entered the great hall. The cocktail party had already begun, with about a hundred attendees present.

  Naturally, the young women stood out the most.

  There were several dozen Hime-Miko dressed in miko style dresses and kimonos. They were clustered in small groups, chatting away excitedly, but the entire atmosphere changed as soon as Godou made his appearance.

  Everyone turned their gaze intently towards him and began to whisper discreetly to their companions beside them.

  There were also many men present. Young men, middle-aged men and elderly men from various age brackets.

  Watching Godou and his companions, these men also began to converse among themselves discreetly.

  But immediately they stopped as if apprehensive for some reason.

  "With you leading the two premier Hime-Miko together with Lily and I to make an entry, even if the people here did not recognize your face, they would immediately recall your name."

  Erica's words prompted Godou's realization.

  It was already widely known that Godou's companions and subordinates included the blonde and silver-haired Caucasian beauties as well as the two famous Hime-Miko.

  Exactly as Erica pointed out earlier, these four girls were quite recognizable as a calling card.

  Unable to calm his agitation, Godou surveyed the venue.

  Not too far away was a table with lots of food laid out as part of a buffet-style offering. There was a bar where alcoholic and soft drinks were served.


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