Book Read Free

Beauty and the Book Boyfriend

Page 7

by K. M. Galvin

  “Yeah, you’ll have to come over here or me there to see. It’s the new comedy that just released.”

  I weigh my options, but all fall short to the idea of being close to him so I grab my pillows and climb up next to him. Keeping a respectable distance between us, I settle in and watch as he queues the movie up.

  We’re both deep into the movie when I start to feel myself drift, but before I can try to fight it and move to my own bed, I fall into that space between consciousness and sleep. Oh well.

  I feel someone pull the covers over me and kiss my temple.

  “I’m glad you’re having fun, Bell. It feels good to see you smile,” he whispers.

  I drift off into a deeper sleep, a small smile on my face.

  The next morning, I come to slowly. It’s hard considering how warm I am. I snuggle down a little more into the bed enjoying it, but stop when I feel arms tighten around me, preventing my movement.

  I turn my head slightly over my shoulder and see his dark hair glinting red in the morning sun. Wouldn’t be a big deal if his head weren’t sharing a pillow with mine. His arms are locked around me, one beneath my neck under the pillow and the other thrown over my chest. I’m securely spooned against him, legs tangled so every inch of us is touching.

  What do I do? What do I do?!

  I don’t know how long I lay there, but soon I have to pee and the time to do something is now.

  Obviously he knows I fell asleep, he made a conscious decision to sleep next to me. So why am I freaking out about this?

  It’s a sleepover, Bellamy. Two friends sleeping over… in the same bed.

  It’s not a big deal, I repeat to myself as I start to wiggle closer to the edge of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Caleb’s husky voice is loud in the silent room.

  I turn and see his eyes are still closed. “Uh-“

  “Bell, don’t be weird.” He calls me out on my shit immediately, his mouth turned up in a sleepy grin.

  “I’m not! I’m not. This is nothing, Summer. No big deal-“ I break off in a squeal as I fall off the bed. I had been inching closer to the edge, but didn’t pay attention to how far I moved. My back hits the ground, knocking the breath out of me and my legs stick straight in the air. Not a lot of room between this side of the bed and the wall so I’m fucking sandwiched in.

  “Dammit,” I groan and try to move, but can’t. “Caleb, help!” I whine, but he’s too busy trying not to pee himself as he laughs uproariously.

  His face appears above me when he leans over, pillow creased and smiling hugely. “God, you’re adorable. Where’s my phone? I need a new screen saver.”

  I glare up at him as he reaches behind him. “Do not-“ I break off in a frustrated growl when he snaps a photo, “goddammit, Caleb!”

  He smiles at his phone. “I’m going to look at this anytime I’m sad.”

  “Glad to fucking help. Can you please give me a hand before I piss my pants?”

  “Oh, you weren’t joking about that?” He lifts a brow as he comes to stand next to me, reaching for my hand.

  “Why the hell would I joke about having to use the restroom?” I grunt as he yanks me free.

  “Because it’s easier then having to deal with the fact that you woke up in my arms.” he says bluntly, returning to his bed as I make my way into the restroom.

  I wince at his phrasing. “Do you have to phrase it like that?”

  “You mean call it like it is?”

  I finish my business and wash my hands. “What are you doing, Caleb? I thought we were keeping it friendly. Nice, platonic and causal,” I ask softly coming to stand at the end of his bed.

  He crawls towards me and it is mind numbingly erotic to see this gorgeous guy move like that, his eyes locked on mine. He gets up on his knees, bringing us eye level.

  “I missed you yesterday,” he says softly.

  I begin to get impatient. “So you said. I still don’t understand what you’re doing.”

  “You slept with me last night. I’ve never spent the night with another person,” he confesses.

  I give him a disbelieving look. “Right.”

  “I want to kiss you.”

  I freeze. “What?”

  “You heard me,” he says leaning in and setting his chin against my temple as he pulls me close. I can feel the slight tug of my hair getting caught in his scruff as he nuzzles there. “I want to kiss you. I want to know what you taste like.”

  He exhales and it raises goose bumps down my neck and shoulders.

  “Caleb.” I groan as my head falls back.

  I can feel his smile against my forehead and he leans down to ghost his lips across mine. “What?”

  My hands settle on either side of his ribs, gripping his t-shirt and I lean closer, soaking up his warmth. “You’re changing things.”

  His tongue licks at my bottom lip before he buries his head in my neck and bites it gently. The pounding between my legs is nearly unbearable and I no longer give a shit that I haven’t brushed my teeth. I arch my neck, giving him better access, but he’s already moved on to whisper against my lips. “You like it.”

  Caleb kisses my cheeks and nose, nips my chin and I can no longer take it. “Caleb, kiss-“ I’m cut off as he seals his mouth over mine.

  My hands grip his shoulders, needing something solid to hold on to because if I let go, I’ll fall. This weak in the knees shit is real and somehow I knew I’d feel it with this temperamental, wonderful, aggravating friend.

  He’s like nothing I’ve ever tasted. His lips are softer than I thought they would be and I find that I can’t help but to give his full bottom lip a playful nip. He groans against my mouth and I feel the vibration down to my toes.

  Caleb fidgets with the bottom of my boxers before his hands run up the sides of my legs, slipping underneath the fabric until his hands are on my bare ass. He lifts me a little higher until I feel his erection against my center and I move against him helplessly.

  I whimper at the contact, both loving the pressure and wishing he’d move. Who is this needy girl? I don’t recognize her.

  His tongue duels with mine and it’s odd that a first kiss should feel so natural, like we’ve been doing this for years. Our mouths are in a rhythm that seems to have been established years ago, his flavor recalling memories we haven’t made yet but one I knew I’d become addicted to instantly.

  We’re interrupted by a knock at the door and I move away slightly. Our breath mingling and we wait, our heads tilted towards the door.

  Caleb takes this as an opportunity to kiss my face and neck, hands still roaming. I close my eyes, hoping whoever is at the door decides to—

  “Bellamy!” Natalie calls. “You’ll be late for breakfast,” she says continuing her assault on the door.

  “Dammit,” I mutter and move away from him, eyes on the floor. I’m not sure I can look at him.

  “Stop it,” he says softly and comes out behind me. “Don’t overthink this, Bell.”

  I whip around and glare at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “What? I didn’t mean-“ He flounders and comically puts his hand on his chest like an outraged debutante.

  “I think that’s the problem, Caleb. You don’t mean anything.” I put my hands on my hips and blow out an irritated breath. “Ugh! Forget it. Listen,” I slip on sweat pants and grab my keycard, “you should probably head out. I’m coming back here to get ready and don’t need you in the way.”

  “Bellamy, what the fu-“ he starts, but I cut him off, slamming the door behind me.

  Don’t over think it, I snort. “Talk to me when you pull your head out your ass,” I yell at the door and turn to meet Natalie’s shocked face.

  “What the what?” Natalie gapes.

  “Caleb kissed me,” I explain, heading towards the breakfast bar.

  “What?! He did?” She squeals and loops her arm through mine. “This is a good thing, Bell. Why are you mean-mugging and screaming at closed doo

  “Because I’m not supposed to over think it,” I say mockingly.

  “Huh? What, like, he just goes around kissing his friends? No big?”

  “That’s how I took it. I don’t go around kissing random people, even less my friends. Maybe that’s his thing, a serial kisser. He’s like the Ted Bundy of kissing,” I say grabbing a plate and piling it with eggs and bacon.

  “Gross description, Bell,” Natalie gags and gets in line behind me.

  “Whatever, you know what I mean.” I ignore her soft ‘no, I don’t and continue. “I just hate how it made me feel.”

  “Made you feel how?” Natalie asks curiously.

  “Like we’ve been doing it for years, like he couldn’t get enough of me and knew how to make me feel that way about him too.” I drop into a chair and grimace as she sits down, eyebrows raised.

  “Well, well. Who knew Summer had it in him?”

  I point a piece of bacon at her. “I’m not going to be his work wife/hook up for the duration of this tour.”

  “Figure out how to make that clear to him, Bellamy, because if that’s what he wants and you want more it spells heartbreak for you.”

  “Great,” I murmur taking a bite of eggs.

  “But at least we’ll get another book out of it. Maybe two depending on how hard you fall.”

  “Ever the opportunist,” I snort.

  “Money, honey.” She grins, taking a sip of her coffee.

  THE SIGNING IS OVER FAIRLY quick, all things considered. I find that I enjoy small book signings inside local bookstores much better than the larger convention halls. There you have a steady stream of people, five seconds to meet someone, just endless lines and the endless hum of conversation.

  But here…

  It’s more controlled. I can meet people’s eyes, talk for a moment. I get to learn what parts of my books have come to mean something to them. My notes in their treasured copies are more personal.

  My smile is real.

  So hours later, when we bundle into the car to make the drive to Portland in the early evening, I don’t care that Caleb sits next to me and grabs one of my ear buds to listen to music with me.

  I don’t care that he shifts close enough to me that I can feel the length of his leg against my own, his heat seeping through my yoga pants and loose t-shirt.

  I lean my head against the headrest and watch Seattle fly by as Logan navigates us onto I-5 South, Natalie talking quietly on the phone to Susan.

  “Are you ever going to talk to me?” Caleb whispers.

  I refuse to acknowledge him and turn up the volume on my iPhone.

  “I got you something. Will you look at me?” he coaxes.

  Curious, I turn my head and meet his eyes, my resolve crumbling at the earnest look in his eyes. He smiles the second I look at him, something I’ve begun to notice he does, and hands me a DVD case.

  I look down and a reluctant smile comes to my face. Beauty and the Beast.

  “I know you think I meant nothing by kissing you. And I know you’re worried about what will happen after the tour is over, but I’m asking you to just give us this time. See what happens. Not everything that begins has an ending and sometimes it does, but we still try. I’d like to see where this goes with you because I have to be honest, Bellamy, since the moment you threw a box of tampons—“

  “One tampon!”

  “—at my head, I like how and who I am when you’re around. I don’t want to spend a second on this trip without you.”

  “I don’t like clingy guys,” I tell him, biting my lip in order not to laugh at his annoyed expression.

  “Fine. Thirty minute breaks every couple of hours.”

  “You’re mine for now?” I ask tentatively. “My very own hot model?”

  He laughs quietly and kisses my forehead. “Sure. And you’re my very own Beast.”

  I lean back in mock outrage. “I am clearly Belle. I have the name!”

  “Yeah, but with the personality of the Beast. Grumpy recluse? Check. Tons of books? Check. In need of a charming, good-looking, vivacious—“

  “Ok.” I roll my eyes.

  “—hottie to show them how to live. Check. I’m clearly Belle.”

  “Whatever. Fine.” I shift closer to him, leaning against his chest. “Ok, we’re together-ish for the next couple months. No pressure, have fun, and see where it goes. If nothing else, we walk away friends. Deal?” I hold out my fist.

  “Deal.” He taps his knuckles against mine.

  Natalie lets out a fake wail. ”You guys! That was the most non-romantic, yet romantic profession of like and lust I’ve ever heard.” She looks over her seat and continues drolly, “Inspiring stuff, really.”

  “Yeah, until one of you falls in love with the other and then shit hits the fan,” Logan predicts.

  “Logan, come on!” Natalie hisses.

  “We’ve all bought the ticket, popcorn, and seen the movie,” he continues.

  “You’re such a prick,” she growls.

  “You weren’t complaining about this prick last night,” Logan says smugly.

  “Keep talking about your prick and I’ll snap it off,” she warns.

  “And they think we have the unhealthy relationship,” Caleb whispers laughingly.

  “Bellamy, what’s next on your bucket list?” Logan changes the subject. I don’t blame him one bit.

  “You guys have got to stop calling it that, people are going to think she’s dying,” Caleb says as he leans down to grab a bag of licorice out of his backpack.

  “Disgusting.” I make a face at him and turn back to Logan. “Ask the Captain of my adventures.”

  “Susan says your pre-sales have skyrocketed since this tour started and she’s retro-pissed you haven’t agreed to this before for your other releases,” Natalie interjects.

  “Can we have one conversation at a time?” Logan complains. “Caleb, what’s next for Bell?”

  “Well, we’re heading to Portland so I was thinking tattoo,” he suggests, using his teeth to yank on his candy.

  My stomach drops and Natalie looks shocked. “Uh-“

  “Start thinking about what you want, I’ve already found a place,” he continues.

  “A tattoo!” Natalie squeals, finally shaking off her stupor.

  “But I wasn’t-“

  “Maybe I’ll get one too,” Caleb muses, bopping me on the nose with his offensive snack.

  “Me too!” Logan chimes in. “Actually, no. Caleb you can’t. No permanent changes to your body while under contract or negotiation of contract unless otherwise specified by the client.”

  For all his foul mouth talk, he sure can sound like a robot when he wants, I muse.

  “What?” Caleb’s tone reaches sub-zero levels.

  “You know this,” Logan reminds him patiently.

  Caleb goes stonily quiet and I want to yell at him to quit, to get his GED, and go to school if that’s what he wants. There’s a block there somewhere. I’m not sure what it is, what’s keeping him stuck, but I’ll find out.

  My first impression of Portland is it’s as beautiful and green as Seattle. The second is of a bearded clown on a unicycle nearly running me down as I cross the street to our hotel.

  “Jesus!” I yelp as Caleb yanks me back. “What the fuck was that?”

  “You almost getting run down by a one-wheeled clown. Welcome to Portland,” he snickers, looping his arm around my shoulders to bring me in for a kiss.


  “Don’t ask questions, Bell. Just go with it,” he suggests, following Logan and Natalie to the check-in counter.

  “Where have I heard that before? Oh yes, in every movie before something dumb or terrible happens,” I snicker.

  “Why are you-“ he begins, but is interrupted by Natalie.

  “Ok, sleeping arrangements. I got us two rooms with two queens, per usual. How are we doing this?” She looks to me and I clam up.

  I look from her expectant face, to
Logan’s bored one, to Caleb’s intense one and take a step back. “Uh… um.”

  “Why don’t you stay with Bellamy, babe? She’s got to work on her speech tonight, anyway,” Logan suggests, taking pity on me.

  I could hug the shit out of him. I know we came to an agreement, but Caleb and I haven’t even been on a date yet. Sure we slept in the same bed, but that was before…

  “Good idea.” She agrees and hands out the keycards.

  We all make our way to the elevator, Caleb moving up close behind me.

  “You know I’d never pressure you or move faster then you were ready, right?” he assures me.

  “Yeah…” I breathe out. I did know.

  “Then why didn’t you say something?”

  “I didn’t want to—I don’t know how—“ I break off, frustrated. I don’t know why I don’t open my fucking mouth and just voice my opinion.

  We shuffle inside the elevator and I glance at Natalie and Logan, who are talking softly amongst themselves.

  “If there’s one thing you learn how to do on this trip, it’s to speak up for yourself. Ask for what you want. Use your voice for things other than writing, Bellamy.”

  “Look, I appreciate you wanting to help, but I’m not some ‘project.’ You want to talk about asking for what you want and voicing your opinions, yet you work in an industry you hate for what? To piss off your parents? Whatever.”

  “Fine, let’s do it together,” he says quickly.

  “Oh, now you want my help,” I drawl, exiting to the fifth floor.

  “Every morning over breakfast.”

  God, he’s stubborn. “I like to eat by myself.”

  He growls under his breath. “Will you please-“

  “Oh for Gods sake! Yes, she will do it. In fact, we all will. Because to be honest, Summer, a little education will do you good. Make you more palatable,” Natalie interrupts, grabbing my backpack strap and pulling me after her as she marches down the hallway.

  “Bellamy likes me just the way I am,” Caleb yells as Logan moves in the opposite direction.

  “Much to everyone’s utter disbelief,” Logan laughs.

  “He’s not that bad,” I tell Natalie, “You’re not terrible!” I tell Caleb.


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