Beauty and the Book Boyfriend

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Beauty and the Book Boyfriend Page 15

by K. M. Galvin

  I know he means on the inside and I catch my breath. I’ve become a better person too.

  “How could you doubt your claim on me? You’re the only person who’s ever looked beyond the monster and saw the hurt. You saw me, Bell.”

  “You saw me, too. No matter how hard I tried to hide,” I confess.

  Caleb smiles faintly and tugs my shorts down; they make a loud slap as they hit the floor.

  “I see you. I know what you want,” he says silkily and I gulp.

  Guess sharing time is over.

  “Do you know what it does to me to have these lusty eyes on me? And know you want everything? That you can take everything?” A hand snakes under my tank top and palms my breast over my bra.

  Moaning, I rub my ass against his erection. “Give it to me.”

  He tugs my top up so my bra is showing. “Look at this pretty gift.” He tugs at the little bow in the front before yanking the cups down so my breasts spill from the top.

  “Fuck me, Caleb,” I plea, the cold air against my heated skin becoming torturous.

  With one hand covering my most private area, he pulls me back so I bend at the waist, my hands gripping even tighter to the edge of the sink.

  “This needs to be quick,” he warns, and I shiver when I hear his zipper drag down slowly. God, if he considers this quick, I’ll die. He’s taking forever.

  “I don’t care.” And I don’t. I’m beyond ready.

  His fingers tease my wetness, checking my readiness, and I groan and shift restlessly against him. “God, you’re so wet.”

  “Try not to sound so smug,” I gripe, ducking my face.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I swear I spend half the day semi-erect just from being near you. And God, when you smile…”

  I look up and send him the biggest smile I can.

  “Look at you,” he whispers, and not for the first time. He’s always so surprised it’s flattering.

  “Caleb, come on—“ I break off into a groan as he eases into me.

  I watch him as his head drops back, one hand skating up my spine to my ponytail. I make a mental note to wear my hair in one more often; he so obviously loves it. The muscles in his chest jump as he slides home and I clench hard around him.

  He brings his head back up and stares at me before thrusting hard. My breasts bounce as I rock almost violently against the sink. My grip tightens so my knuckles turn white and I widen my stance for better balance.

  The feel of his cock gliding in and out of me, the wet sound of it, his harsh grunts and my moaning infuses me with a wildness and I begin to shove back against him, meeting his thrusts.

  Our skin slaps against one another and I cry out as the first contraction begins. This has got to be a record for the quickest I’ve ever had an orgasm in my life.

  “Fuck. You’re so tight around my cock. Squeeze me, baby. Suck me dry,” he grits between clenched teeth, and I tighten my muscles around him as hard as I can. His dirty words never fail to turn me on.

  My legs weaken as I begin to orgasm, and he wraps an arm around me for support. I cry out, throwing my head back and digging my nails into his arm.

  “Yes, baby, leave your mark.” He sucks at my neck intent on doing the same. Less than ten minutes and I was done. I feel almost regretful for any other time I’ve ever had sex when it could be like this. This wild, untamed fucking. We give each other everything, take it all and finish resplendent. Any time before I was always left wanting. With Caleb, he gives me what I never even knew I needed.

  I lift his arm to my lips and kiss at the small crescent indentions my nails left. I nuzzle his palm before drawing his thumb into my mouth and sucking it hard, smiling when his eyes roll a little. Who knew he was a thumb man? Snickering, I keep it up and make small circles with my lower body, urging him faster to the finish line.

  Caleb lets out a shout before pulling out of me and shooting his come on my back. “Aw, fuck. Shit! Baby, you’re so good.”

  He stays still for a moment, out of breath, before grabbing some toilet paper to clean me up. “Sorry.”

  “S’ok.” I wave him off drowsily.

  He turns to me and brings me in for a tight hug when I’m all cleaned up. “Mm, you smell like me.”

  “You’re getting me all oily,” I complain half-heartedly.

  “It’s just coconut oil, good for the skin.” He rubs my arms in a lame attempt to rub it in.

  I glance at myself in the mirror. Ponytail falling to one side, naked from the waist down, a large hickey already blooming on the side of my neck, and clothes disheveled and covered in oil. I shoot him an annoyed glance.

  “I can’t go out there like this.”

  “Obviously.” He leans down and tugs my shorts up, buttoning them for me. What a gentlemen. “There.”

  “Summer, look at me. I look like I just had wild sex in the bathroom with a bottle of coconut oil.”

  Caleb bites his lip to hide his grin. He’s unsuccessful. “What do you want to do? I can go see if I can find something for you in wardrobe?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. I’ll take the keys. I’m outta here, homeboy.”

  He pouts but hands them over. “I don’t want you to go.”

  I pat his chest. “You’ve done this without me for years. You’re a big boy. Plus I need to get started on my new project. Susan demanded ten thousand words on her desk by the time we’re done in Vegas.”

  “Shit. Is that why you came in all pissy after your powwow in the lobby.”

  “I guess you could say our meeting didn’t go well.” I undersell this by a lot. Adjusting my breasts back into place, I tug my shirt down and smooth my hair back into place.

  “She needs to lay off. You’ve been working nonstop. Maybe you should take a break?” he suggests, smoothing a finger over my eyebrow.

  I shake my head. “She wants to capitalize on the momentum we’re creating with the tour.”

  “If you push something, it won’t happen the way you want it to.” Caleb the sage is back.

  “Look, can we talk about this later? I kinda want to enjoy the afterglow.”

  “Yeah.” He suddenly looks sheepish. “Listen, my friends want to have a little party. Like a welcome back. I didn’t know about it until this morning. I offered to host since I have the most space, you down?”

  No. Absolutely not. But Natalie and Logan are having dinner with her aunt and uncle. Although I know I’m more than welcome, I feel that’s something they should do alone.

  Huffing, I embrace the tiny ability to socialize I’ve gained on this trip. Plus, Caleb obviously wants me to meet his friends. “Ugh, dammit, fine.”

  He chuckles and kisses my forehead. “Your enthusiasm is overwhelming. I’ll call you when I’m done here. You can come over to my place and I’ll show you around.”

  “You drove me here, dumbo.”

  “I know, dumbo,” he says, finally handing over the keys I’ve demanded. “Don’t get lost.”

  “I’m just going to shower and change. Attempt writing,” I tell him.

  “And?” He raises a brow.

  “And come get you.” I smile.

  “Ok, I’ll give you a heads up when it looks like we’re almost done.”

  “Tell Natalie I left, would you? I’m going to sneak out.” I kiss his lips quickly before cracking the door and slipping through.

  Keeping my head down, I make a beeline for the door and practically run to the car.

  What the hell am I supposed to wear to a model party? At least I assume it’s a model party. Not like I would be able to tell since people here all seem to dress like they’re running errands in Paris.

  Or I guess the better question… if today is anything to go by, what am I not supposed to wear? Everything I currently have on. Lesson learned.

  I wonder if Natalie has anything I can borrow. I have a feeling I’m going to need to step it up. I know one person who’d love to help with this.

  Chewing my lip, I scroll down to her number and,
before I can second guess myself, I hit “call.”

  My phone pairs with Caleb’s Bluetooth in his car so the continuous ringing through the stereo only serves to increase my nerves. I pull out into traffic when the call is finally answered.

  “Hi! Hello?” Her voice is hesitant but excited. I relax and remind myself to try—that she loves me and I can try.

  “Hey, Mom. I was hoping to get your advice,” I say casually, as if this isn’t the first time we’ve spoken in months. The long silence on the other end fills me with guilt. I’m a better person than this.

  “Oh course, honey. Whatever you need,” she answers eagerly.

  Yeah, Bell, long over due, I berate myself before launching into the details.

  THREE HOURS LATER, I’M HEADING back towards West Hollywood and thanking Caleb for having his car windows heavily tinted. Otherwise my fellow drivers would see the crazy lady behind the wheel. Atlanta traffic is rage inducing but at least we move. Sure it’s at a snail pace, but we move.

  This is just a parking lot. I mean, what the hell? The continuous weaving in and out of lanes? Do you really think cutting me off while we’re going five miles per hour is going to make any difference, buddy?

  Yeah, it’s a very good thing no one can see the red face, flailing rage monster in the car.

  Unfortunately, as Caleb climbs in the front seat, I’m still a fire-breathing dragon.

  “I think you need to drive.” I unbuckle my seat belt, letting it whip back into place with a satisfying thwack.

  “L.A. traffic too much for my little Georgia Peach?” he teases, opening the door he just closed.

  “Shut it.” Hopping out of the car, I glare at his smirking face as we pass each other. He smacks my ass, eliciting a yelp, and I point my finger. “You better watch it, model boy.”

  “I like your dress.” He eyes me as I climb in, and I blush like a total nerd.

  I look at down at the simple black, deep V cotton dress. It hits me mid thigh and has intricate interwoven straps on the back, which are shown off by my high ponytail. Thanks for that suggestion, mom! I paired it with a long pendant gold necklace and gold bangles to compliment my skin tone and the gold gladiator sandals. I still kept my easy style, but with my mom’s help, sexed it up a bit.

  “Thanks.” I clear my throat. “So when is everyone coming over tonight?”

  Caleb pulls into traffic. “Around nine, which is perfect. I want to spend some time with you, show you my apartment, maybe cook you dinner. Get you a teensy bit drunk.”

  “Oh my God,” I drawl. “Are you wining and dining me, Summer?”

  Caleb flashes me a grin. “Yup. I figure you might need some fluffing before meeting all my friends.”

  I let out a sharp laugh. “You’re probably right about that.”

  “Do you want to know how the rest of the shoot went?”

  My lip curls. “Will you be mad if I say no?”

  Caleb glances over, taking in my expression before grabbing my hand and flattening it on his thigh. “No. You’ll see them soon enough. Sorry—“

  “Do not apologize,” I say sharply, watching his jaw tighten. “You have nothing to be sorry for, right?”

  “I feel like I disappointed you. Having you there, watching me, was both great and terrible. I don’t like you seeing me like that, but I needed you there.”

  I pat his leg. “You don’t have to explain. I get it.”

  “I know you want me to get my GED.”

  Ok now I’m annoyed. “Uh no, I want you to do whatever makes you happy. You brought up the whole college thing. Why is this now on me?”

  “It’s not.” Caleb sighs uncomfortably as he pulls in front of the same building we stopped at yesterday. “I’m just—“

  “Caleb, if you want to be a model, be a model!” I unclip my seatbelt and grab my purse, hopping out of the car. “Do whatever you want! But don’t say that I’m pushing you or making you do anything.”

  “You are seriously over-reacting,” he states. His calm tone as he opens the door to his building only further enrages me.

  I turn and block him from walking up the stairs, climbing up several steps so we’re eye level.

  “I’m over-reacting?” I say in a dangerous tone.

  Caleb rolls his eyes and hugs me to him as he lifts, climbing the stairs with me clinging to him like a koala bear. “Yes, baby. Just a tad.”

  “I refuse to be deterred from this argument simply because you’re being really strong and sexy right now,” I say in a huff. Ok, I say breathlessly. But he’s climbing three flights of stairs with my body attached to his. And he’s not even out of breath.

  “Ok, put a pin in it for a moment, reach into my back pocket and grab my keys… yep there you go. Blue Bell, they’re right there. That’s my ass. That’s a giant handful of my ass.” He laughs before setting me down.

  I hand him the keys as he opens the door to his man cave. I elbow him out of the way. “Let’s see where you hide.”

  “I don’t hide. That’s you.” He kicks the door closed and flips the light, though that’s unnecessary as an entire wall is floor to ceiling windows.

  His apartment is small, very modern and void of color. “God I wish I could say I was surprised, but it’s just so typically… male.”

  “What do you mean?” He joins me in the living room and I point to one of the photos he has hanging on the wall.

  “Did you buy this or did you buy the frame and leave the stock photo inside?” I smile evilly.

  “Ok,” he loops his arm through mine, “come check out the bedroom, you snob.”

  “Oh, the bedroom. Where the magic happens?” I flounce ahead of him, placing hands on either side of the doorframe I peek inside before letting out a startled breath, “Whoa.”

  “The snob is speechless.” The smartass grins as he watches me move about his room from the doorway.

  I shoot him a look before glancing around again. Much like the rest of the apartment, there isn’t a lot going on, but I guess you couldn’t have too much when there’s a flipping California King taking up the entirety of the bedroom. Two small wood beam shelves on either side of the bed serve as night tables and he has two gorgeous Edison light bulb pendants hanging above them. A giant white down comforter sat atop the monstrosity of a bed making it look like a pool of clouds.

  “Can I?” I bounce a little on my heels, desperate already. He nods, but I’m already flying onto his bed. My body sinks, sinks, and I groan loudly, “Heaven.”

  My body barely moves as Caleb leaps beside me. What sorcery is this? “Pillow top on top of foam, baby. Cradles you like your mother when you were a babe. You don’t feel a thing.”

  I should care that my dress will probably wrinkle, but I kick off my shoes and snuggle under the covers, “Caleb, will you kill me if I take a nap? And also never leave this bed?”

  He rolls above me, smoothing the fine hairs loose along my hairline, “You don’t know what it does to me to have you in here. Stay as long as you like. TV controller is to the right, hit input for Netflix, I’m going to start dinner.”

  I stretch underneath, languishing in the feel of the softness underneath and the hardness of his body crushing me into it. “Caleb, it’s like you’re trying to keep me here forever.”

  He leans down and delivers a sensual open mouth kiss, rocking his hips into mine before lifting off me. He tucks the covers around my body as I stare at him, “You’re being very sweet, but this doesn’t mean I’m forgetting our fight.”

  He stares off to the right of us before pointing to something mid air, “Ah, there it is. The pin we put in it. To be continued…”

  “You’re so weird,” I call out as he leaves the room.

  “You’re weird!” he says shutting the door so only a crack is left.

  “You are!” I smile, settling in and grabbing the controller. I’m so behind on my Netflix queue.

  “No, you are! Hope you like spaghetti. It’s the only thing I know how to make!”

  Hitting “play” on the last episode of Stranger Things I saw. I’d be watching this one again since it takes all of five minutes before I pass out.

  I wake smacking my mouth and wrinkle my nose at the taste. I stretch slowly, weird noises escaping me as my bones and muscles protest. Yikes, how hard did I sleep? I feel my face, warm from burrowing into bed like a damn beaver and sure enough I can feel some indentions.

  “Yeah, you slept pretty hard.” A voice comes from beside me and I scream before using both feet to push at dark shape away from me. It takes a minute for me to fully realize that the person I’m kicking and screaming at is Caleb.

  “Fuck!” I gasp for breath, clutching my chest. “Don’t do that!”

  “You’re in my bed, Blue Bell. Who else did you think it was?” He gripes, shifting back onto the bed… I guess I kicked him hard enough he fell off. Ha. Oops!

  “Announce yourself, you freaking creep.” I move to lie next to him, face heating in embarrassment.

  Caleb blows out a breath before flicking me on the forehead. “You’re insane. You slept for two hours.”

  “Only two hours?” I’m shocked it’s not tomorrow. I feel as if I slept a solid nine hours.

  “Plenty of time for me to make my pasta and sauce. I’ve made garlic bread and a salad too.” He smiles so big his dimples wink at me. God, he’s cute when he’s proud of himself.

  “I’m starving. I can’t wait to try it.” I pat my stomach and grin at him, his enthusiasm.

  He gets up and gives me a hand before leading me to the door. “Ok, close your eyes.”

  “Is this where you kill me?” I joke, but do what I’m told.

  “You have got to stop watching Dateline.”

  I hear him open the door and try to listen for any hints that might give away something.

  Caleb presses a soft kiss to my lips and runs his fingers over my eyelids. “Ok, open.”

  I open my eyes and bite my lip as I take in the transformed living room. He set up candles on nearly every surface and I turn to mouth “fire hazard” before winking. He cleared off his coffee table and set up a little bistro table. A white tablecloth, wait nope that’s a bed a sheet covers the table. I snicker and move closer recognizing some of the flowers from the front of his building stuffed into the empty pasta jar.


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