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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

Page 4

by Persons, Cheryl

  “You're wrong Monica. Cassie is my love and Cassie is the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're only a fantasy.”

  She stepped back and then turned away, Chad thought she had realized she was defeated and was going to leave. When she stopped and turned back to face him he saw determination. Her hands went to the tie on her jacket and she slowly undid it. As the coat opened he could tell that it was only her skin coming into view. “I can live with that that and I have a proposition for you.” She replied as she teased him by opened the coat a little further. “Give me one more night. I will never tell Cassie and if you decide you don't want her to will be just between the two of us. Just one more night.”

  “What happens after that?”

  “I leave, you say the word and I'm gone. Completely out of your life and I will never return. However, if things don't work between you'll know where to find me.” She chuckled, “I'm not dense Chad and I know that what we have is a passionate desire for one another. I get that there's no love between us, but that doesn't mean I don't want you to carry me off to your bed. Even if it is just one more time.”

  “This is crazy Monica, what would that prove?” Chad replied his breathing was getting a little harder as her hands went up and caressed his neck. He could see her chest urging to break free of her coat. “Why put yourself in this predicament when we know how it will end? Don't you want to find love?” He regretted that his eyes had made their way to her lips. He couldn't move, no matter how much he longed to get as far away as he could from her.

  She reached for his hand and pulled it to her body, running it slowly down her bare stomach. “I think it will be good for us. Give us a chance to bid our final farewell. Just one more night. We've been with each other plenty of times Chad, one more night isn't going to hurt anything. Right?” She pulled her jacket off over her shoulders and stood there in front of him, neither one saying a word.

  “Then you'll be gone?” His breathing more labored than before as he moved closer to her and felt her toned arms. His eyes never left her breasts as she reached up and kissed his lips tenderly.

  When she pulled away she gave him a reassuring smile. “Then I'll be gone.” His body regretfully longed for her to hold him. As he walked closer to her and ran his hands down her arms he heard his conscience begging for him to stop. “Chad, what could it hurt?” Forcing the arguing words out of his mind he picked her up into his arms and carried her to his bed. It was a proposition he couldn't refuse, this way he wouldn't have to tell Cassie and they could start their lives together.


  Cassie heard a light tap on her door. “Come in.” She called from her bathroom. When she came out she saw Courtney standing next to the bed.

  “I'm glad I didn't wake you. Can we talk?”

  “Of course, have a seat.” Courtney sat on her bed, Indian style and Cassie joined her. “This reminds me of our younger days.”

  Courtney laughed, “I know, when Dad and Mom thought we were asleep.”

  “Many of those nights were spent talking about Seth.” Cassie smirked, “I guess I thought that maybe one day you would come back and you both would realize that you were meant for each other.”

  “It obviously wasn't meant to be, I moved on and I'm guessing he has too?” Cassie waited for the reply; she didn't know what she was hoping Courtney would say.

  “He's really happy. He's getting year. I think that you and she would have been good friends.”

  Cassie nodded; she didn't expect to have mixed emotions of learning that Seth had gotten over her. “I remember you telling me that he was getting married.”

  “It took a long time for him to get over you and stop talking about what you once had.”

  “I didn't realize you were still so close to him.”

  “He's always going to be a part of this family Cassie. He's a great guy. I talked it over with Brad and he made me realize that I can't expect you to forfeit your plans, just because I'm getting married.”

  “Court, you have to know that if I could be there...I would.”

  “I do, but there's plenty of time to work that out. When you come back, maybe you can talk to your boss and take a few days off to come home. Then we can finish up preparations.”

  “Well, actually...I am now the boss.

  “Wow, congratulations. Then you can come home and you won't have to get approval.”

  “I don't know Court, I have a life here and I can't just up and leave everyone. I have to be responsible, there will be training and I just don't know how it will work out.”

  Courtney stood up, “So, you won't come home at all?”

  “Well, I'll be there for the wedding.”

  “Gee, thanks a lot.”

  “Courtney, don't be like that. I'm sorry; it's just what I have to do.”

  “No, I get it...everyone is more important in your life except your family.” She shook her head, “I never thought it was the case, but Seth was right. You do care more about New York than anyone from your past.” With that Courtney left, slamming the door behind her.

  Cassie stared at the door. What did she mean by that? When did Seth start to judge her? Cassie closed her eyes; she would fix everything in the morning. She looked over at her pile of clothes lying on the dresser. She wasn't going to be able to fall asleep; she had to straighten at least one thing out in her life. It was decided, she had to talk to Chad and it wasn't going to be able to wait until the morning. It was time to pay him a visit.

  Chapter 4

  Chad wrapped his arms around Monica's small body, his hands pressed into her back as their lips remained connected. “Uh...” he moaned as her finger nails dug into his skin.

  “Chad,” she cried out as their bodies moved into rhythmic motion. His hands found their way to her breasts as he felt her smooth skin against his. “That feels good,” she moaned as her legs wrapped around his.

  He tried not to get pulled into the love making part of their encounter, but he couldn't help but to get lost in her. “Monica,” he moaned as he continued to move against her. Her body was hot as lava as she kissed his chest and his head was resting on her shoulder. “Oh my,” he moaned as his breathing got harder and he felt his body slowly grow limp against hers. “Ugh,” he sighed heavily as he slowly pulled away and fell back against his pillow.

  Just a few seconds had passed before he felt her slowly climb on top of him; her smile was undeniable that she wanted more than just a casual encounter. “That doesn't feel like it's over. In fact, if I didn't know better I would say you're into me as much as I'm into you. That was unbelievable.” She whispered as she lowered her lips to his and gently tugged on his bottom lip. “By far, that seemed more real than ever. Just admit it, I'm not crazy...right?”

  Chad sighed heavily as he pushed Monica off of him. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared down at the floor. He finally turned to Monica; saw that she was still giving him that knowing look. “This isn't real Monica,” he replied quietly. “She can't know.”

  Monica looked away; a look of defeat crossed her face. “She won't make you happy. I can give you everything, just give me a chance. I have fallen in love with you and I think you feel the same way.”

  Chad stood up and grabbed his pants from the floor; sliding into them he tried to avoid eye contact. “You don't know what you're saying Monica.”

  “That's not true, I know exactly how I feel. I can't hold back any longer. It may not be what you want to hear but I'm saying it, so deal with it.”

  “This wasn't part of the plan. Neither one of us was supposed to get feelings, I thought you understood that.”

  “Chad, it happened...I'm sorry, sue me.” She chuckled, but Chad didn't see the humor in the situation.

  “You need to leave.”

  Monica pulled herself out of the bed and inched herself closer to him. Without looking at her Chad handed her the jacket and turned away. “So, you're going to deny y
our feelings?”

  “Deny my feelings?” Chad asked in shock. “I'm not the one being crazy, you are. I am in love with Cassie, I am proposing to Cassie, I will one day have a family with Cassie, what part of that aren't you getting? Put on the jacket.” He replied pleadingly as he faced her again.

  Monica obeyed, but her expression was one of mixed emotions. “You keep saying what a great girl Cassie is, but why are you here with me? She's not the one you came to all those lonesome nights. I was. Tonight when I came to you, you didn't have to make love to me...yet you did. Why is that?” Before Chad had a chance to answer she continued. “I know why because you're drawn to me. You may not want to admit it, but those lips don't lie.”

  He waited for a second to see if she was finished, when she didn't go on he began to speak. “You are a desirable woman Monica; any guy would be foolish not to admit to that. However, that doesn't mean I am in love with you. I'm sorry I led you on and I don't want to hurt you. There's just no other way around it. I brought you to my bed tonight, yes with the intention of spending the night with you and I am stupid to have let it happen once again. I did it, because I honestly believed that if we slept together, one last time, you would stay quiet and I could mislead Cassie for the rest of our lives. It isn't fair to her and I can't do that. I am going to have to tell her, just as soon as I can talk to her.”

  “You would risk losing Cassie by telling her you weren't alone all those nights your dates ended?”

  “It's a risk I have to take. She deserves the truth.”

  Monica picked up her shoes from the floor and nodded. “I guess I underestimated your love for her. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you're relationship will last. I just know that there's no getting through to you, so why waste my breath.”

  “Why do you say that? You don't even know Cassie. How can you tell we won't last?”

  “Chad, I might as well know her. You've talked about her nonstop for the past 5 months. She's tidy and you're not. She loves animals and you don't. She loves her job, but she keeps her work at the office. You, on the other hand, eat, sleep, and dream about your job. If you're not talking law then something's wrong”

  “I'm taking this vacation, aren't I?”

  “True, does Cassie know that while you're on vacation you are going to a lawyer's convention?” Chad's mouth dropped open to say something, but then he slowly shook his head. “I didn't think so.”

  “You are too different and let me tell you, Cassie is going to get pretty tired coming home to an empty house. Trust me, I know. The main reason I got a divorce.”

  “Okay, then why would you want to hook up with a guy like me...if you know I'm a workaholic?”

  “Easy, I can find ways to make you want to stay home. If I can't, I would just have to come to your office and make you forget about work. Cassie isn't that forward.”

  Chad shook his head, “I can't believe we're having this conversation. The fact is it's time for you to go. I will talk to Cassie tomorrow and I will make her understand that what we had was just a mistake.”

  “Fine. You do that and let me know how it goes for you.” Monica stormed off past him and reluctantly he followed.

  “Monica!” He yelled as he rushed to the living room, when he got to the room he stopped abruptly. “Cassie!” He looked at Cassie and then shot a glance to Monica.

  “I...I knocked, but...” instantly her eyes filled with tears, shooting a pain through Chad's heart. She turned away, but he quickly grabbed her arm before she could leave the house. “Let me go!” She screamed as he tried to pull her back.

  “Cassie, don't leave. This isn't what it looks like.” He heard Monica chuckle as Cassie stared at him.

  “It isn't? So, you're saying you didn't sleep with her?”

  “Cassie...I...” he stumbled.

  “Yeah, so it's exactly how it looks. How could you do this to me?”

  “Cassie, she doesn't mean anything to me. You have to know that.”

  Cassie looked past him, her eyes fell over Monica. “It doesn't matter Chad, you slept with someone else. After tonight was going so well, if my mom and sister hadn't interrupted I would have slept with you.”

  “Maybe not.” He whispered.

  “I think I better go.” He heard Monica speak from behind them.

  “Yeah you do that.” Cassie replied sarcastically as Monica passed her.

  She stopped short of the door and surprised Chad by looking at Cassie. “For the record. He loves you and I think that you would be a fool to ignore that. You are one lucky lady, don't screw it up.” She then turned to Chad and smiled, “If things don't work out, you know where to find me.”

  She walked out the door leaving him stunned and irritated. “Monica, really?” Cassie replied bringing him to face her. “She really has the gall to tell me that I shouldn't screw it up. What about you? Was she ever a client?”

  He slowly nodded, “She was.”

  “When did she start becoming more than JUST a client?”

  “It doesn't matter. She's not the one I am in love are.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it. How long has this been going on?” She gave him a stern look and he knew she wasn't going to budge.

  “5 months. I wasn't looking for it. It just happened I'm sorry.”

  “5 months? Are you kidding me? One...even two times just happens. Five months, that requires dedication. When?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We have been together almost every night for the past 2 years. I can't figure out when you could possibly have the time to be with someone else.”

  “Not all night,” his words were soft, but he could tell by her expression she heard them.

  “I see, so you get your cake and eat it too? I am the one that you go out with and she's the one you come home to?”

  “Cassie, I don't come home to her. She has her own place, I just...”

  “I got it; you knew that I couldn't satisfy your needs so you found someone that could.” She nodded and glared in his direction. “I thought we had a special connection, I guess I was wrong.”

  “Cassie, we did...we do. It's just that I let it go too far and I am so sorry. I...”

  “The special connection you think we had, it's gone now.” She reached for the doorknob, but he grabbed her hand to stop her. “I can't deal with this Chad.”

  “What about the trip?” Chad asked as Cassie turned away.

  “Take Monica, she's obviously the one you want to be with.” When Cassie ran out of the house, Chad could feel a part of himself go with her. He knew he had to somehow make it up to her, but there was no doubt it was not going to be easy.


  Cassie circled her neighborhood; she still couldn't believe Chad had cheated on her. It seemed like a nightmare that wouldn't stop replaying in her mind. She looked at the clock, it was just past midnight and she didn't want to go home. With her luck she knew that her mom or sister could have been awake and the last thing she wanted to do was get into another debate with her family. She drove to Tiffany's house, hoping that she wouldn't wake her or worse yet interrupt another fling that she was involved in. When she was parked in her driveway, she was relieved to see that Tiffany's was the only car in front of her house. She lightly tapped on her door and prayed that she would answer.

  When the porch light turned on, she saw her peek out the window and then quickly opened the door. “Cassie? What are you...” with that Cassie threw herself into Tiffany's arms and the tears began to flow. “Cassie? Oh honey, come inside.” They walked into her small living room and Cassie plopped down onto her sofa. “I'll make you some coffee.”

  “Don't I interrupting anything?”

  “No, just reading a book. My date with Sam was boring and ended early. So, what's going on?”

  Cassie told her everything, from her night out with Chad and how she thought he seemed distant to the part where her mom and Courtney arrived and interrupted the
m from finishing a talk. She mentioned how she couldn't help but be upset that her younger sister was getting married before her. Reminding her that there was too much going on in her life to up and go back to Texas. She then explained the nightmare of walking into a house and almost smack dab into a naked Monica. She could see by Tiffany's sympathetic eyes that she was feeling sorry for her and that just caused her to cry more. “How could he do this? I thought he loved me.”

  “Cassie, I've seen you and Chad together and I am certain he does love you. I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes even the perfect person can make a mistake.”

  “A mistake? You really think this is only a mistake? So, I should just up and forgive it never happened?”

  Tiffany shook her head, “Uh, no...I didn't say that. I think you should forget him all together. You are too good for him, he's a rat.”

  “I don't get just said...”

  “Cassie, everyone makes mistakes and one day you should forgive him for those. However, he ruined the bond between you two and you need to at least take some time away from him. He's not worth the tears you are crying.”

  “We have 2 years together. I don't know that I can just walk away from that.”

  “Is that how you felt when you saw them together? When you walked into that house did you ever give it a thought that you could forgive him?”

  Cassie shook her head, “No, but...It's complicated.”

  “This is exactly why you need to take a break and try to forget about Chad. He hurt you and you shouldn't give him the benefit of being in your thoughts.” Cassie tried to smile, but she knew it was hopeless. “I hope you told him he could shove his cruise tickets.”

  “Yeah, I told him to take Monica.” Cassie closed her eyes. “That was stupid, nothing like pushing her into his arms.”


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