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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

Page 7

by Persons, Cheryl

  She put Frankie down in a highchair and they sat down across from each other. Bethany and Lily came into the dining room and took a seat next to Cassie and then Kari joined them and sat on a side of Scarlett. Thomas brought out the food and placed in the middle of the table. “This looks amazing Thomas.”

  “Well, I can't take all the credit. My beautiful wife did most of it.” Cassie watched their display of affection and she couldn't help but imagine that this life she was seeing could one day be hers. When he took a seat he smiled, “Should I say grace?” Everyone was silent and Cassie lowered her head and took Thomas' hand in one and Bethany's hand in the other. “Heavenly Father, we thank you for this wonderful food we are about to eat. We are blessed to have Cassie join us this evening and we welcome her back home. We are thankful for the many blessings that you have given us GOD and we will do everything we can to make you proud. As we enjoy fellowship we will rest in your word that you are guiding our conversation. Thank you for being there, Amen.”

  “Amen,” Cassie looked over at Thomas and smiled. It felt good to be back there, not just around Scarlett, Thomas, and their kids...but back in Avery. She didn't realize how much she missed it. She ate in silence as Bethany was chattering about her soccer team and Kari talked about Kindergarten. Scarlett and Thomas seemed generally interested in everything they had to say. They were both great parents and Cassie just hoped that one day she would be the same. When everyone was finished eating, Thomas offered to clear the table, leaving the kids, Scarlett, and Cassie alone. “Mommy, can Lily spend the night? Pleaseeee...” Bethany replied, giving her mom a big smile.

  “Honey, you know that it's a school night. How about Saturday night?”

  Bethany looked disappointed, but nodded. “I better get going Beth. Thanks for supper Mrs. Jensen

  “Anytime Lily, tell your Mom and Dad I said hi.” Lily nodded and headed out of the room. “Bethany, why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed.”

  “It's still early,” Bethany replied, looking shocked that she had to go away so soon.

  “You don't have to go to bed. Just brush your teeth, take a bath, and get dressed for bed. Aunt Cassie and I will be up later to say goodnight. Take Kari up with you too. Thank you, I love you.”

  “I love you too Mommy.” She turned to Cassie, “Promise you won't leave without saying goodbye?”

  “I wouldn't dream of it,” Cassie laughed as Kari and Bethany ran out of the room. “All your kids seem to get along really well.”

  “They do, I have been blessed with that. Sure they sometimes bicker, but it's to be expected.” As Scarlett picked up Frankie, Thomas walked back into the room. “Dishes are in the dishwasher. Let me take Frankie for you. I'll get her ready for bed and give her a bottle. I'll also check on Joey and see if he needs changed or is ready for his bottle. It will give you two some time for girl talk.”

  “Thanks,” she gave him a kiss as she handed Frankie over. “Good night Frankie, sleep tight.”

  Cassie walked over and brushed a kiss on Frankie's head. “Nice to meet you Frankie. I'll be seeing you around.”

  “Do you want some coffee?” Scarlett asked as Thomas left with the little girl.

  “Sure, that would be great.” She went out to the kitchen while Scarlett put on a pot of coffee. “I am impressed with how smoothly everything runs in your house.”

  Scarlett laughed, “It has its moments. What you don't know is I threatened them that if they weren't on their best behavior they would have to sleep outside. It's getting colder, so they knew they had no choice.”

  Cassie smiled; she could tell her friend was teasing. “I am sure you did. Seriously though, tonight was great and I didn't realize how much I needed it.” She could feel a tear fall, so she quickly brushed it away.

  “Hey...Cassie, what's wrong?”

  Cassie shook her head, “It's nothing. I'm just feeling sorry for myself.”

  “Sorry for yourself? I'm not following.”

  “I don't know Scarlett, I guess I see your life and how it has turned out and I get a little envious.”

  Scarlett grabbed a couple of cups from the cupboard and then turned to look at her. “You're envious? I wouldn't expect to hear you say that. You wanted a life in New York City and you went out and grabbed it, leaving everyone behind because you knew you had a dream and this was your chance. Cassie, I don't know how to break it to you, but...I'm the one that is jealous of you.”

  “Why?” Cassie grabbed the cup of steaming coffee that Scarlett handed her.

  “Let's go in the living room.”

  She followed her in the room and they took a seat. “How could you possibly be envious of me, when you have always wanted a family and you got that?”

  “You're right and I wouldn't change my life for anything, but sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to leave Texas and never look back. This is a small town and everyone knows everyone and we all know each other’s business...sometimes it's too much. You know what I'm saying?”

  Cassie nodded, one of the reasons she left Avery was because she felt closed in. She didn't like everyone knowing everything about what she did or didn't do. “I just never realized I would want a family. Seeing yours has really enforced the fact that I'm not getting any younger. I just don't want it to be too late.”

  “Too late? You sound like your ancient. You are only 28, you have plenty of years to get married and start a family. Don't rush it. I love being a wife and a mother, don't get me wrong. However, at times it can be hard being grown up. The only reason Thomas is home tonight is because this week is his vacation. We never see him anymore and that's because we have to fight to keep this house.”

  “I didn't realize,” Cassie replied quietly. “I figured you guys are always are able to spend lots of time together. I mean, you are always...”

  Cassie shrugged and Scarlett laughed. “Pregnant?” Cassie nodded; she hoped Scarlett didn't get the wrong idea. “That's why I'm always pregnant. The times we do see each other, we have to make the best of those moments.”

  “Okay...moving on.” Cassie replied with a nervous giggle, it was too much information in her book. “I see how happy you are and it makes me want it too.”

  “Cassie, I am happy and I am as in love with Thomas as I was 10 years ago. It just doesn't change the fact that I wish we could go away and get more time together, as a family. This isn't about me; it's about you and chasing your dreams so that you weren't stuck in one place. Besides, last I knew you had a great guy back home. You brought him here last time. Couldn't he get away?”

  Cassie looked away; she didn't want to lie to Scarlett. They always could tell each other everything and she wanted that to continue. She knew what she had to do. “Chad and I...we're not exactly a couple right now.”

  “Really...I didn't expect you to say that. You both seemed very happy and even though you had only been dating a couple of months, I thought it seemed real.”

  “Well, everything isn't always the way it seems. Remember, you told me that?” Cassie replied and Scarlett's expression softened. I just found out that he's been cheating on me. I mean, it's not like we're married, but I just assumed we were exclusive.”

  “As you should. How long has that been going on?”

  “5 months and I know that I should drop him and run away and never look back and every bit of me wants to do that. I just...I just...”

  “You love him and you wanted it to work, so it's hard to let that go. I get it.”

  “You do? I don't think Courtney understands and I know my parents wouldn't.”

  “Listen, Cassie...Thomas has never cheated on me, but sometimes things can get tough between us too. When you love someone it should be worth it, all fights aside.”

  Cassie snickered, “I guess, I've never thought of it that way. I am hoping this time apart from him, helps me to understand what I need to do.”

  “I'm sure it will. I probably should go upstairs and say goodnight to the kids. Want to come?�

  “I do.” She was glad she told Scarlett. She was feeling better already. They stopped in Bethany's room first.

  “Are you all ready for bed?”

  “Yes Mommy. Aunt Cassie will you come back again?”

  “Of course sweetie,” she pulled Bethany into a hug. “I had a wonderful night tonight.”

  “Good, I'm glad. I had a good time too.” Cassie smiled at her, “I'll see you soon.”

  “Okay, have a good night’s sleep.” Cassie left the room and watched as her friend tucked her daughter in bed.

  “Sweet dreams Bethany,” she kissed her on the forehead and then turned out the lights. Turning to Cassie, she gave her confused expression. “What's that look for?”

  “I don't know its sweet being able to see you put your kids to bed.”

  “A mother's job is never done,” she laughed as they went into Kari's bed. The light was on, but Kari was lying in bed her eyes closed. “She fell asleep waiting for us.”

  They walked over to her bed and Cassie laid a kiss on Kari's cheek. “Aunt Cassie,” she replied sleepily as she opened her eyes. “Are you leaving?”

  “I am sweet girl. I'll see you later. Sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite.”

  “Daddy always says that to me.”

  “He's a very smart man,” Cassie chuckled.

  “Night sweetie.” Scarlett kissed Kari and pulled the covers over her.

  “Night Mommy.”

  “One more room to go,” she whispered, just as Thomas was coming out of the baby's room.

  “Well, they're both changed and both have had a bottle. Joey fell right back to sleep, it took some time for Frankie, but she finally let sleep take over.”

  “Thank you; we'll just peek in.”

  “I'll see you guys downstairs.”

  Cassie looked in their room and smiled at the two cribs. “They really are both adorable.” She pulled away from the door and sighed heavily. “I will be going back to New York at the end of 2 weeks, and then I'll be back for Courtney's wedding. I will definitely have to make sure I come back more frequently. I don't want to miss out on your kids growing up.”

  Scarlett smiled, “I am happy to hear that, I know that they would all love to see you more often.”

  Thomas was in the living room when they had gotten downstairs. “Thank you both for tonight. I had a great time and the food was delicious.”

  “Let me know when you have another free day this trip, we can try to get together another time.”

  “That would be nice, I will.” Thomas came over and met them in the foyer. “It was good seeing you again Thomas.” They hugged and then she turned to Scarlett. “I'll be seeing you soon.”

  Scarlett hugged her for a little longer than before. “Remember, love is hard work...but it's worth it.”

  Cassie nodded, “I will.” She waved goodbye and was out the door. It was something to remember.

  Chapter 8

  Cassie was lying in front of the fireplace reading a book, when Courtney came walking in the room. “So, did you have a good time last night at Scarlett and Thomas' house? You came late, I was already asleep.”

  Cassie nodded, “Yeah, I had a really great time; I drove around after leaving their house. I needed time to think. Those kids, they amaze me, especially Bethany...she seems so grown up.”

  “I'm glad you had a good time. Um...” she shrugged her shoulders and turned away.

  “Did you need something?”

  Courtney paused for a moment, and then slowly nodded. “I want you to come with me.”

  “Okay,” Cassie put down her book and stood up. “Where are we going?”

  “My ring, I took it to the jewelry store a couple of weeks ago. It has to be re-sized...I just got a call and it's done.”

  Cassie laughed and sat down, “Good luck with that. I'll see you when you get back.”

  “Oh, come on.”

  “Courtney, unless they have built another jewelry store in town...I'm not going anywhere.”

  “You know that Seth isn't in town. You saw him in Dallas just a couple of days ago, so you won't have to worry about running into him.”

  “Court, he's not the only one I don't want to run into. I haven't seen his parents in 10 years either, so do you honestly believe I would be welcome at their store.”

  “They don't hold any grudges towards you Cass. They are always asking about you and I know that they would love to see you. Wouldn't it be nice to see them? After all when you broke up with Seth you didn't break up with them.”

  “First of all, I am not the one to break up with him. I would have been willing to do the long distance relationship, but he didn't want to.”

  “Fine, whatever, but I would like you to come with me.”

  “I don't need to hold your hand.”

  “Maybe not, but for your own sake I think that it would do you some good to see them.”

  Cassie didn't know if she believed that, but she decided to get over it and agreed to go. Cassie got in Courtney's car and they drove the 5 blocks to the shop. Before getting out of the car, Cassie looked at the building and realized that she was more nervous than she had been moving to New York City by herself. It was silly, but Cassie was terrified that his parents would throw her out and not want to see her.

  “Are you coming?” Courtney asked impatiently staring at Cassie, who was still gawking at the tiny store.

  She got out of the car and stayed behind Courtney and before Courtney could open the door, she stopped her. “Are you sure about this?”

  “You have nothing to be afraid of. They still care about you and you will see that I'm right.”

  Cassie nodded and followed her sister into the store. She looked around the room and didn't see his parents anywhere and she hoped that maybe their part-time helper was the one on duty. As soon as she had gotten that thought out of her brain, she saw Mrs. Callahan come around the corner. When she spotted Courtney she smiled and then her attention turned to Cassie. “! I didn't expect to see you Cassie.” She moved closer to them and Cassie was surprised when she threw her arms around her and pulled her into a hug. “It has been forever. How are you doing?”

  “I'm doing pretty well Mrs. Callahan”

  “Silly girl, we were almost family...remember, call me Sandy.”

  Cassie smiled, “Sandy, how have you guys been?”

  “We've been holding up. Richard and I are thinking about retiring at the end of this year. We could enjoy some time off, while we're still able to do some things. Right now it's just a dream; we would have to make sure we found a good buyer that would take care of the place.” Cassie looked around the shop; she couldn't imagine them ever deciding to sell. She didn't remember a time that they didn't own it. “Courtney we have your ring right over here. I am so glad you decided to bring Cassie with you. This was a pleasant surprise.” Cassie spotted Courtney looking at her and she just nodded, acknowledging the fact that she admits she was wrong. “Hey Richard, come look who's here.”

  As Richard came through the opening, he first didn't look Cassie's way. “Dear, Seth is...”

  “Richard, look its Cassie.” He looked over at Cassie and his eyes got big. Cassie wanted to ask what he was about to say about Seth, but she just smiled She could feel her eyes were turning moist as he walked over to her to give her a hug.

  “Cassie, my dear. You are a sight for sore eyes. I have missed you.”

  “I've missed you guys too.” When she pulled away she swallowed hard, “I have to admit, I was afraid you guys wouldn't want to see me. I almost didn't come.”

  Sandy shook her head, “It's all in the past and despite what you may think...we understand.”

  Cassie looked at Courtney, “We probably should be going. It was great seeing you both. Courtney is the ring alright?”

  Courtney didn't act like she even heard her, she was looking between Sandy and Richard and an expectant expression on her face. “Oh...yeah, I guess Cassie's right we s
hould be going.”

  “I'll see you guys again, I'm staying till a week from this Saturday. Then of course, I'll be back for the wedding.”

  “Sounds good. Before you go, did you want to see...” Sandy's voice trailed off as Courtney turned and saw Seth walking out from the other room.

  “Hey you have any extra links to go in this watch?” Courtney was staring at Cassie, when their eyes locked. who was now staring at her.

  When their eyes connected, Cassie could feel the awkwardness in the room. She hoped that Courtney would break the silence, but Courtney just focused on Cassie and no one said a word. Finally after an eternity, a smile crossed over Seth's face. “Cassie?” His voice was a bit on the shaky side. They slowly walked towards each other and without thinking Cassie threw her arms around his neck. She was relieved that he didn't pull away, but instead he held her tighter. “Cassie, it is so good to see you.” He replied, his breath warm against her ear.

  “It's good to see you too Seth,” she whispered.

  When they pulled away from each other, she could sense her face was getting red and she was embarrassed to have lost control in that way. Her sister and his parents were just staring at them. He turned to Courtney and smiled. “When I called you about the ring, I didn't expect you to come over within the hour.” He then smiled at Cassie, “She didn't tell me you were back in town.”

  Courtney laughed nervously and shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I was anxious to get the ring back.”

  Cassie stared at Courtney, but Courtney looked away and Cassie knew that it was a setup. “So, how long are you staying Cass?”

  “I'll be here for about a week and a half.”

  “I would like to catch up, if that would be alright with you?”

  “Of course Seth, I would like that.”

  “Great! I can call you in a couple of days and we'll set up a time, which will work.”

  “Okay, I'll look forward to the call. We better go. It was really nice to see you all again and Seth...I'll talk to you soon.”

  He nodded, “Until then...”

  Cassie waved goodbye and then followed Courtney out the door. They were just about to reach the car when Cassie stopped. “So, what was that about?”


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