Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) Page 8

by Persons, Cheryl

  “I told you everyone would be happy to see you again and that you had nothing to worry about. I was right.”

  “Don't play coy with me, that's not what I meant and you know it. Courtney Marie Jamison, you set me up.”

  “Moi? Cassie, you are paranoid.”

  “I don't think so. You told me that Seth wasn't in town and yet I learn that he is the one that called you. What are you trying to do? He is getting married and I'm...”

  “What are you Cassie? Are you going to go back to Chad or are you single?”

  “I don't know, I have plenty of time to decide, but that's not the point. He's not available.”

  “What if he was? I didn't see Rebecca there.”

  “He's not available, there's no point in speculating. I saw them on Saturday together; besides, you wouldn't want me to come between your fiancée’s sister and Seth, would you? Not that I could.” She looked back at the store, still thinking about his reaction to their hug. She quickly shook the thought away and turned back to Courtney.

  Courtney frowned, “I suppose you're right.”

  “Not to mention, Seth has moved on and if he's happy then I'm happy for him. I'm truly okay Courtney; I'm not pining over my first love.”

  “Okay, I'm sorry I deceived you today. I'll leave things be.”

  Cassie let out a sigh and shook her head. “Don't be sorry, if you would have told me the truth I would never have agreed to go. I'm happy I did and it will be good to get together and talk with him.” As they went to get in the car, she had a thought. It was weird that Seth was here when just a couple days earlier he was in Dallas with his fiancée. She then scolded herself for thinking what she was thinking. Seth and Rebecca were happily in love and even if Cassie wanted things to be back to normal, there was no getting past that it was too late.


  Cassie stood in the kitchen and stirred the chili she was making. She knew it wasn't a gourmet meal, but after agreeing she would make the supper, she decided that the cold weather called for something hot and steamy. “Do you need any help?”

  She looked up and saw Christopher entering the room, she laughed, “Since when are you willing to help with the cooking?”

  “I've changed sis, your baby brother is growing up.”

  Cassie shook her head, “You're only 15, don't grow up too fast. You want to help? How about chopping up the onions?”

  “Okay. I can do that.” He grabbed out a couple of onions and she turned to look at him. “What?” He asked as he began to work on the onions.

  “I don't know, I just thought maybe you would want to play video games.”

  “I still play video games, but we don't have a lot of time together. So, I need to make the most of it.” She took a step back and watched him for a moment. She didn't know whether to hug him or just start crying. He turned to look at her, “I know that it's only been a few days, but it's been nice...having you at home.”

  Cassie smiled, “You know Christopher, you are growing up into a wonderful young man.”

  “Don't get all mushy with me.” He shook his head and went back to work.

  Cassie laughed, that was more like the Christopher she knew. “I'm just saying, maybe next summer you should come to New York for a week or two.”

  “You mean it?” His smile widened, “That would be so cool.”

  “Mom and Dad will have to agree, but you're old enough.”

  “I'd like that,” he replied with a grin. He then stopped and turned to her, “Thanks Cassie.”

  “Thanks for what?”

  “For realizing that I'm not a kid anymore and wanting me to come. It means a lot to me.”

  “You're welcome. Now, we better finish up here before everyone starts complaining about being hungry.”

  She didn't expect the bonding time with Christopher, but she wasn't going to take it for granted. “There, I'm all done. Do you need help with anything else?”

  “Actually, why don't you go tell everyone we're ready to eat.”

  He ran to get the rest of the family and as Cassie moved the food into the dining room, she heard the doorbell ring. She walked to the door and opened it to find Seth standing on the porch. “Hello, Cassie.”

  “Seth...this is a surprise. Come in.” When he got in the foyer she looked at him, she hoped she didn't appear as shocked as she was. “Did you need something?”

  He laughed and she knew that was a silly question, obviously, why else would he be there? “,” he held the book up in his hand as if it was an explanation. “My mom borrowed this book from Courtney, she asked me to return it.”

  “Oh,” Cassie grabbed the book from him and smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Seth...” Cassie saw Courtney eagerly descending the stairs. “What brings you this way?”

  Cassie gave her a stern look and then handed her the book. “Seth's mom is returning your book.”

  Courtney looked down at the book and then smiled. “Thanks, you didn't have to bring it over here. It could have waited.”

  “It's no problem. Well, I guess I better get going. It was good seeing you again Cass.”

  Cassie watched as he opened the door and stepped outside. She looked at Courtney, who was clearly letting her know that she should stop him. “Seth...wait!” He quickly turned around and she almost wished she had let him go, but it was too late to turn back. “You came all this way to drop off the book; do you want to stay for supper?” He looked around nervously and she bit her lower lip. “You know, I understand if you already have plans. Some other time.” She stepped back into the house and turned away.

  “I have no other plans. I would like to stay. I mean, I haven't eaten yet and that sounds nice.”

  Cassie nodded, “Alright then. We better go, before the food gets cold.”

  “Hey Seth, I'll take your coat.” Seth handed Courtney his jacket and then followed Cassie into the dining room where everyone was seated.

  Cassie's mother looked up and smiled. “I'll go grab another bowl. Seth, you can sit down right next to Cassie.” Cassie could feel her face turn red and to add even more confusion he pulled out her seat.

  “Thank you,” she replied quietly as she sat down.

  “Old habits die hard,” he whispered.

  When everyone was back seated, they grabbed hands and her Father said the prayer. Cassie bit her lower lip hard, hoping that she wouldn't draw blood. She could feel the heat from his grasp creep up her arm. It was as if 10 years hadn't passed and the fact was she was thankful when the prayer was over. Her heart was beating a little faster than before as the family held polite conversation and she tried her hardest to keep her eyes off of him. Time had definitely been good to him. “So Seth, what brings you to Avery?” She asked hoping he didn't sense her nervousness.

  “I decided I could use a few days away.”

  “How's the Bed and Breakfast doing?” Cassie asked quietly, keeping her eyes focused on eating and not the man beside her.

  “It's doing well; there have been a lot of changes. Megan is looking after it this week. It's been a challenge,'s been worth it.”

  Cassie looked at him, his expression was kind and he didn't seem to have any hard feelings towards her. “Did Rebecca come with you?” Cassie heard her father's voice and was thankful that someone had finally asked the question.

  Seth and Cassie's stare broke and he turned to look at her Dad. “ couldn't get away.”

  Cassie shot him a glance; she hoped he wouldn't regret eating supper over there after bringing up Rebecca's name. He didn't appear to want to flee the situation, so that was a good sign. “What does Rebecca do in Dallas?” Cassie asked looking down at her soup as if it was going to do something entertaining.

  “She's a teacher.” He replied quietly and Cassie could sense he was getting uncomfortable. “So, Courtney where's Brad tonight?”

  “He had a meeting for work, he's coming over afterward.”

  “Tell him I said

  “I will.”

  He took the last bite of his chili and then looked at Cassie's mother. “The chili was great, thanks.”

  “You're welcome, but I can't take the credit for it. Cassie made the supper.”

  He turned to Cassie and smiled, “Well then, thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  “I probably should get going. Where should I put the dirty dishes?”

  “Don't be silly Seth, I'll get them.” Cassie replied quietly, confused why the sudden urge to leave. Was he that uncomfortable about talking about his fiancée in front of her? “I'll walk you out.”

  “You don't have to do that,” he spoke as he reached out and touched her hand. She looked down at their hands and he quickly pulled away. “I know my way.”

  “It's no problem at all.” She got up, despite his urgent expression telling her not to.

  He waved goodbye and they walked in silence to the door. When he opened the door she followed him onto the porch. “I wanted to tell you, but I didn't get a chance to at the jewelry store. I like the new look.”

  “What?” Cassie asked surprised by his remark.

  “The color and style. I haven't seen it on you before and I just wanted you to know that I think you look nice.”

  “Thanks Seth,” she didn't know how to feel about that. Chad didn't even mention the makeover and for Seth to notice and mention it after 10 years, just proved what an observant guy he was.

  “You're welcome and thanks again for supper.”

  “I'm glad you could stay.” He turned away from her and began to walk towards the driveway. “Seth, wait!” He stopped for a moment and she waited for him to look at her. “You don't have to be quiet about Rebecca. I'm happy that you moved on. I mean after all I...”

  He nodded, “I know...Chad.”

  “Oh,” she looked away when she saw the pain behind his eyes and suddenly she didn't know what to think. “I didn't...I mean, I didn't know that you knew about him.”

  He laughed; “I'm not stupid Cass, this is a small town.”

  “I didn't say you were stupid Seth. We're going to be family soon, with Brad marrying Courtney and you marrying Rebecca, Brad's sister.”

  “Courtney told you? I promise I wasn't meddling when I got them together, I...”

  “Seth, its fine. The point is we're all happy, and that's what matters. However, if it's uncomfortable to be around me...I would understand if you wouldn't want to go out together.”

  “Cass, there's nothing I would like better. Actually, if I'm being honest with myself...I haven't been able to stop thinking about seeing you again at the jewelry store last night.”

  Cassie blushed, “I know what you mean. It's been too long.”

  “It sure has; so how about Friday night?”

  “Okay, that sounds good to me.”

  “Okay...pick you up at 6:30?”

  “I'll see you then.” As she started to turn away, she saw that he wasn't moving. “Is there something else?”

  “About Rebecca...”

  Cassie stared at him, worried about what he was trying to say. “What about Rebecca?” At that moment she noticed Brad's car pull up into the driveway. When he got out and headed their way he gave an awkward glance towards Seth. “Hi Brad,” Cassie replied trying to ignore the look Brad was giving Seth.

  “Hey Cassie...Seth, how are you doing this evening.”

  “Hey Brad, I'm doing well. Thanks. I was just leaving.”

  “Brad, everyone's inside. We have leftover chili, help yourself to a bowl.”

  “Thanks Cassie.” He then turned back to Seth, “I'll see you later Seth.” The words were dry, and Seth just nodded.

  “What was that all about?” Cassie asked once Brad had disappeared.

  “Nothing. I better get going. Thanks again for tonight.” He headed to his truck, bringing Cassie back to the moment.

  “Wait a minute Seth.” She rushed to the truck, just as he got in. “You were going to say something about Rebecca?”

  “You know...never-mind...we'll talk Friday. I'll see you then.” He started the truck and drove away, leaving Cassie to stare after him. It was a bazaar turn of events, but Cassie just shrugged it off and headed back into the house.”

  The dishes were already cleared and everyone had gone about doing what they wanted, all except her mother who was looking at her. “It almost seemed like no time had passed by.”

  “What?” Cassie asked, almost not hearing her mother speak.

  “I don't know Seth just seems to click with this family.”

  Cassie looked at her mom and tried to smile. “Well, soon he will be a part of this family.”

  “Cassie, it's not the same and you know it.”

  “Mom, what do you want me to say? I've moved on, he's moved on...too much time has passed.”

  “Has it?”

  “What?” Cassie stared at her mom, wondering where this was coming from.

  “If things were going so smoothly between Rebecca and Seth, would he be here? Would he leave his fiancée home alone?”

  “Mom, keep your voice down. Where are Courtney and Brad? Remember, you're talking about Brad's sister, after all.”

  “They're up in Courtney's room. He can't hear us.”

  “Alone? Mom, you're softening.” Cassie laughed trying to change the subject.

  “They're getting married and I know they sometimes need alone time. Don't try to get me off topic. The point is...Rebecca's not here and you are. Maybe he needed time away from her, ever think of that?”

  “Couples are allowed to take separate vacations, look at Chad and myself.”

  “Exactly. Think about it.” Cassie watched her mom pass her and go up the stairs. Her mom was wrong, she was sure of it. Seth came back to Avery because he had time off. There was no reason to believe he wasn't anything less than happy. She looked up the stairs, where her mother had disappeared. Right?

  Chapter 9

  Cassie stared at her reflection in the mirror, she had been in that same position for an hour now and she didn't even know what she was hoping to accomplish. “This is stupid, we're just friends.” She spoke to herself.

  “What are you doing?”

  Cassie looked over and saw Courtney staring at her, a hint of a smile was present on her face. “Nothing, I'm just getting ready for tonight. I always put makeup on when I go out.”

  “Do you always talk to yourself in the mirror too?” Cassie gave her a dirty look and Courtney laughed. “Cassie, I think it's cute. After all these years you still want to make a good impression with him.”

  “You always were the hopeless romantic Courtney. You're wrong in this case; just because I don't want to be a doesn't mean I have high hopes for us. I'm realistic, not stupid. Besides, I have done some thinking since we planned this...” she paused for a moment she didn't know what she really wanted to call it.

  “Date...” Courtney finished for her and Cassie could feel her face flush.

  “Friendly get together is more like it.” Courtney rolled her eyes and Cassie continued. “Anyway, I have thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that we're not the same two people that we were in high school. Time has changed both of us and to go back would be dumb, even if we were both single. So, I am going to say it is what it is and just enjoy his friendship. Maybe when I go back to New York City we can truly continue being friends, something that I wish we would have done all that time ago.”

  “Why didn't you?”

  Cassie shrugged, truthfully she didn't know. “I guess things just got away from us and neither one of us were willing to work at it.”

  “That's not exactly true, now is it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Cass, I know what happened when you came back to Texas after your graduation.”

  “Oh...I didn't realize you were a spy and sneak too. How did you find out?”

  “The day after graduation, you had just gotten back into town. You
seemed off and I was worried about you. I remember you asked me how Seth was doing and back then things were tense between him and the family. I feel he was still missing you, even though 4 years had passed. So, when you left the house...I followed you.”

  “All the way to Dallas?”

  Courtney nodded, “I considered trying to get your attention, so that you knew you weren't in this alone. Yet, every time I was going to make a move to flag you down something happened that caused me to change my mind. When you got to the Bed and Breakfast, I saw you get out and head up to the door...that's when I left?”

  “Why didn't you stay to see what happened?”

  “It was your time and I really was praying that after you talked to him, you would realize that you two belonged together. So, that didn't happen and you ended up getting home...not too long after I did. So, what happened?”

  “You know what happened...things didn't work out for us. End of story.”

  “Not quite. What did you and Seth talk about?”

  “We didn't.” Cassie saw the shock on Courtney's face and she turned away. “I was just about to open the door to the Bed and Breakfast when I heard Seth's voice. I went to the edge of the building and saw him with a woman. They were whispering and laughing with one another and so I left.”

  “Did you hear what they were saying?”

  Cassie shook her head, “No, but I wasn't going to stay to find out. It was embarrassing enough and I didn't want to be humiliated by being discovered.”

  “So, you left and their interaction could have been completely innocent?”

  “I saw them, it wasn't.”

  “Okay, so that's why you chose to move back to New York City, find a job, and buy a house? If you would have gone to Seth and told him that you were still in love with him and he would have said he was in love with you, would you have stayed?”

  Cassie bit her lip; she knew the answer to that question. She had gone over that scenario multiple times in her head and the answer was clear. She nodded her head slowly, “Courtney, I am glad that I went to school in New York and I am thankful for my job, but there is one thing I have discovered and that's that love is the most important thing. So, when I saw that it wasn't going to work out between us I decided that I needed to focus on my career and let it happen naturally. I truly felt that that's the way it happened with Chad.”


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