Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) Page 9

by Persons, Cheryl

  “I just don't want you to short change yourself. What happened back then, it could have been a misunderstanding and to realize that you took off without worries me.”

  Cassie smiled, “Everything is fine and I am happy with the way my life has turned out. So, don't you go worrying.”

  “Cassie, there's something that I have to tell you...Brad just told me that...”

  Cassie looked up when she heard a sound of the doorbell. “He's here. Can this wait?”

  Courtney looked upset, but just nodded. “Have a good time.”

  Cassie grabbed her purse and ran down the stairs, she took a slow breath before she opened the door, and she didn't want to appear too eager. “Hey Seth,” she replied. Surprised at how calm she sounded.

  “Hi, are you ready to go?”

  “I am,” she replied with a smile as she closed the door and headed to his vehicle. So far so good, Cassie just hoped that the evening wasn't a mistake and that afterward they could be friends again.


  Seth had to keep telling himself that it wasn't a date. Seeing her next to him in the passenger seat, he couldn't help but imagine that nothing had ever changed between them. He had to fight the urge to hug her when he picked her up; she totally threw him by surprise at the jewelry store. When she hugged him, he suddenly realized he longed for her arms around him. Yet this wasn't a date, she was seriously involved with someone in New York and as far as she knew he was still seeing Rebecca. Nothing was going to happen, but two friends getting caught up on each other’s lives. “Are you cold?” Seth asked when he saw Cassie pull her shawl tighter around her shoulders. “I could turn the heater on?”

  She looked at him and smiled that smile that he would never forget. He had to look away so she didn't see how much she still had a pull on his emotions. “I'm fine, but if you're cold...”

  “No, just concerned about you.” She laughed and he gave her a confused look. “What's so funny?”

  “Seth, we haven't seen each other for 10 years, but we shouldn't make this difficult. I mean, time doesn't change the fact that we used to be so natural with each other. Please, let's try to be as carefree as we would have been all of those years ago.”

  Seth didn't know if that would even be possible. “We were so young back then. I don't know that we can get back the time we lost.”

  Cassie turned her head and faced the window; he thought he saw a tear glistening in her eye. He instinctively reached out and grabbed her hand. She shot him a look, causing him to pull away. “Don't do that.”

  “I...I'm sorry.” He looked away, surprised at how sharp her words were. He didn't realize that a simple touch would cause her to overreact, but he didn't want to press the issue. The rest of the ride was quiet and Seth thought about trying to say something else, but he was worried that Cassie was going to get upset with him again. It also made him question whether the night was going to be a good idea, but it was too late to worry about that.

  As the car turned into the parking lot of the restaurant he saw Cassie turn to him. “We're eating here?”

  He nodded, “Is that alright?”

  She turned and looked out the window and he figured she was remembering the good times they enjoyed at Billy's Steak House. “Sure, it's fine.”

  When the car was parked, he was going to go around to open her door but she was quick to get to it first. He lagged behind as Cassie seemed to quickly walk to the front door. He wondered what had bothered her so much; the fact that he touched her in the car...or maybe it was the whole agreeing to go out with him in the first place. He stopped when he got inside the restaurant and was relieved to see it wasn't very busy. “Two please.” He spoke quietly and then turned to Cassie, she wasn't looking at him so he turned back to the waitress. “Do you have an opening in the garden room?”

  The hostess nodded, “Right this way Mr. Callahan.”

  He waited for Cassie to get in front of him and they followed the hostess down the aisles until they reached the small room. Cassie turned to the hostess and shook her head. “Could we please have another table?”

  “But...” the lady looked at Seth and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Its fine, thanks Veronica.”

  She reluctantly laid the menus down and left them alone. “Seth...” Cassie began as he pulled out a chair for her to sit down.

  “Cassie, you're the one that said we shouldn't make tonight awkward. Why the change of heart?”

  “'s just...” Cassie looked around the room and he noticed her smile lightly brushed across her lips. “It's still here.”

  He nodded as she walked over to the tree that they had planted in their sophomore years. “What did you think; they would chop it down after we graduated?”

  Cassie laughed, “I don't know, I guess I figured it would be forgotten about. It meant a lot to us because it was our class project.” She looked around the empty room.

  “It's more private, we can talk without having to talk over people.”

  “Okay, I guess you're right.”

  He smiled to himself, relieved that Cassie didn't bolt as he went back to holding out the chair for her to take a seat. He acted like he was looking in the menu, instead he was watching her. He had eaten there many times that he didn't need to read a menu to know what he wanted to order. When she looked up, her face turned red and he realized he had been caught staring at her. “You ready?” He asked as he quickly looked down. She nodded as the waitress came to take their order.

  “Are you both ready to order?”

  Seth nodded and pointed to Cassie, so that she could order first. “I'll have the Cowboy Sirloin, well done with a baked potato. I'll just drink water, thanks.”

  “I'll have the same, thanks.” Seth replied as the waitress grabbed the menus and left the table. “Have you been back here since you left Avery?”

  “No, so it's been awhile since I had one of their steaks.”

  “They haven't changed any, Billy still works hard here and he makes sure the chefs all put their heart into this place.”

  Cassie smiled, but then looked away. He wondered if her nerves were settling in, because he was a little nervous himself. “Thanks for bringing me here; I didn't realize how much I've missed seeing some of the familiar places.”

  “It's my pleasure,” he had to take a drink to try to dissolve the knot in his throat.

  “I'm sorry about earlier,” the words came out in a whisper and Seth nearly missed what she was saying. She looked into his eyes and he saw the familiar person he fell in love with all those years.

  “You don't have to apologize about anything Cassie.”

  “Yes...yes, I do. You see, I was telling you to be relaxed when yet I was far from it. I shouldn't have snapped at you, you were only trying to practice what I preach. So, for that, I apologize.”

  “Apology not needed, but accepted. The truth is you were right. I wanted to do tonight because I thought maybe we could have a little fun before you have to leave again. All those years ago, we said we would remain friends and yet...”

  “I know, I guess it was harder than I thought it would be. I want that to change and I would like to make an effort to work on it. If, it's what you want.”

  Seth smiled, he was glad to hear Cassie say that she wanted to go back to being friends. He missed just talking to her. This would be a great start to repairing what they lost. “It's a deal.”

  Cassie smiled, “, what have you been up to?”

  “I guess the big thing is remodeling the Bed and Breakfast. We've done a lot of changes. Some things that you probably wouldn't recognize, but it's all for the better. The place is hopping with visitors and I think that Aunt Sally would be proud of its progress.”

  “I would like to come see it before I leave, if that would be alright?”

  “Of course. Courtney and Bradley are coming out next week to look the place over for their wedding. When I go back to Dallas next week you could
come with me and they could take you back home. Or, I could bring you back's only two hours.”

  “So, you're going back to Dallas soon?”

  “My sister has been working hard, but it's time for me to go back. I was planning on leaving today, but...”

  “I'm glad you decided to stay a couple more days. I just hope that Rebecca doesn't mind.” Cassie surprised him by speaking those words.

  He closed his eyes, wishing she would stop bringing up Rebecca in their conversations. “Rebecca's fine with it.” He was glad to stay for her, but he didn't want to scare her off and tell her that. “So, tell me about your life.”

  Cassie waited to speak as the waitress came back in and gave them their food. When she left she took a long drink of water and he felt she was either biding time or really thirsty. Finally she put the glass down and then smiled. “Things are going well. When I graduated I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I was offered a job at one of the top Advertising agencies in New York City. I have been there almost 6 years and I love my job. Last week I was offered a promotion, my boss is retiring and he gave me the job.”

  “Good for you Cass, I knew that you were always going to succeed.”

  “Thank you, but it's also been tough being away from my family and the ones I love.”

  Seth bit his lip and he just nodded, “Sometimes its worth it though, right?”

  “I guess so.”

  He was certain he heard sadness, or a longing, in her voice. He almost said something about it, but he was worried of her response. “Well, from what I've heard you're happy, must be all worth it. Right?”

  Cassie looked at him and he wished he could crawl in a hole. “Yeah, I'm happy. I still miss my family.”

  Seth wished he hadn't said anything, but he was trying to change to a happier subject. “Of course, I just meant...” he looked down at his food and tried to ignore the elephant in the room.

  “New York has given me a lot of opportunities.”

  Seth wanted to show her that he has never stopped caring about her, but she wouldn't understand. “So, you're glad you left?”

  The room turned edgy and he could feel the dread she was giving him, from her expressions. “I don't think I could have had all of the possibilities without leaving.”

  “Then, it was a good move. That's what matters most.”

  Cassie nodded, “Something that needed to be done.”

  He felt a knife through his chest, the same one he had felt when she told him she was leaving. “I didn't think you were making the right decision, but I can see that I was wrong. Clearly New York suits you.” He tried to put a hopeful smile on his face, but he saw her surprised expression. “What?” He asked as he took a drink, to clear his dry throat.

  “I don't know, I guess I never thought I would hear you say that.”

  “Well Cassie, let's face it...when we both moved on it was clear that we didn't really belong together. It would have never worked out, so in a way it was a blessing.” Seth saw Cassie look down at her plate and he wondered if he had gone too far.

  She finally faced him, “I agree. It worked out even better than I could have imagined.”

  “Good.” He went back to eating; he could tell that she was getting annoyed with him. Most importantly, he was getting annoyed with himself. He didn't know why he was acting like what they had all that time ago didn't matter, when clearly that was a lie. “So, tell me about Chad. Where did you meet?”

  Cassie looked at him, “You really want to know?”

  “Of course, unless you don't want to tell me.”

  “No, he's a lawyer. The law office represented a client of ours and when we were finalizing the deals we met. It was two years ago and we have been seeing each other ever since.”

  “Is it serious?”

  “I suppose it is.” She replied quietly as she glanced away from him. When their eyes connected she smiled, “It's a different relationship than what we had.”

  “That's a good thing, because ours didn't last and I just want you happy.

  “Well, mission accomplished. I'm happy, so you don't have fret about that.” He sensed agitation that was growing each word she spoke. “So, your turn. Tell me about must be serious if you're going to marry her.”

  In light of what had happened he didn't think it was the best time to discuss his relationship status, but he had to tell her something. “As I said before, she's a teacher. We met when her family wanted to have a reunion at the Bed and Breakfast. I wasn't looking to find someone, but it just happened.”

  “Sometimes that's when things work out the best, when it's unexpected. I can't wait to meet her. Maybe when I come to Dallas next week. She could help with the preparations too.”

  “Right,” he replied enthusiastically. He didn't even think about what would happen if they were to meet one another. “I'm sure you will both get along great.” They continued to eat as they shared memories of the days they were in high school. Seth forgot how nice it was to hear her laugh. “What?” She asked as she covered her mouth, stifling a giggle.

  “It's nice to hear you laugh.”

  “You've heard me laugh lots of times Seth.”

  “Not recently,” he pointed out.

  “You're right. We'll have to change that.” She smiled and he was taken aback by her grin. After getting past the initial awkwardness, the night began to shape up nicely.

  He put down his napkin and got up from his chair. “Dance with me!” It wasn't a question, but a statement. He didn't want to give her the option to say no.

  “I don't know it's been awhile.” She replied quietly as she took a long drink of water. “I don't want to step on your toes.”

  “I'm tough, I can handle it.” He replied with a chuckle. “Dance with me.” He spoke once again as she nodded and slowly stood up. As he took her hand into his, he could feel her sweaty palms. He thought it was cute, how nervous she could be when they used to be so easy with each other. He pulled her close, trying to assure her that there was no reason to be worried.

  “Awhile since you danced or since we danced together?”

  “Both.” She replied with a smile as they both swayed to the faint music that was playing. He didn't want to hold her too close, it would scare her away. Especially, since he was supposed to be happily engaged.

  “That's okay, we'll take it slow.” His hand rested on her waist as they glided to the music, he almost forgot that they were no longer together.


  Cassie looked into Seth's eyes, she was painfully aware that their bodies were only inches apart. In that moment she forgot that she was supposed to be with Chad and Seth was going to marry another woman. Her arms snaked around his neck as Seth's hands were gently touching her waist. “You surely can't tell it's been awhile.” Seth replied quietly, his warm breath was beating up against her skin.

  “I guess you never really forget when the music's playing.”

  “Cassie, there's something that I do have to tell you.” His voice was shaky and their bodies were still pressed together, but the look in his eyes was focused on hers. “Rebecca...I...we...”

  “I heard you were here and I had to come to see for myself.”

  Cassie turned away from Seth and opened her mouth in shock when she saw who was there. “Billy?” She looked at Seth and then quickly stepped away from him, her hand was placed on his chest and she could feel his heart beating rapidly. She swallowed hard and then turned back to the man that had just entered the room. She walked over and hugged him. “Seth said you are always here. You better not work yourself too hard, you're not getting any younger,” she teased.

  “Are you calling me old?”

  Cassie giggled, “What was I thinking? What are you...70, 71?”

  He laughed, “75, but who's counting?”

  Cassie smiled, “You don't look a day over 35.”

  “You flatterer you,” he laughed. He turned and looked at Seth and then b
ack to Cassie. “I didn't know you guys were...”

  Cassie put up her hand to stop him. She turned to Seth and smiled. “We're just friends. Seth is getting married.”

  Billy's eyes shone, “Well, I guess congratulations is in store for you Seth.”

  Seth walked over and shook the man's hand. “Thank you Billy. I have to say, I'm a little hurt that I've never seen you here when it was just me.”

  He laughed, “What can I say? I've always had a soft spot for Cassie.”

  Cassie smiled, “Likewise Billy.”

  “So, what brings you two out tonight?”

  “Catching up on each other’s lives. It's been awhile.” Cassie replied as she turned to Seth. She still couldn't get past her feelings she felt when they danced and she had a feeling Seth was feeling the same thing. “You really do look great Billy.”

  “Thank you my dear, so do you.”

  She smiled, “Thank you.”

  “I have to get back to the kitchen, but it was great seeing you both. I'll tell the cashier that the bill's on me.”

  “Billy, you don't have to...”

  “Billy, don't do that. I've got it.” Seth broke into Cassie's sentence.

  “Are you sure? You don't have to. It was great seeing my two favorite high school students back in my restaurant.” Billy tried to argue, but Seth obviously wasn't listening.

  “Its fine, but thanks for the offer.”

  Billy nodded, “I hope to see you guys around.”

  “See you later Billy, thanks for coming in to say hello.”

  “You both take care.”

  He left the room and Cassie turned to look at Seth. “What do you mean, you have it? You're not paying my tab.”

  “Uh...yes I am.” He picked up the bill from the table and Cassie snatched it from him. “Give that back, why do you have to be so stubborn?”

  “You can't pay my bill.”



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