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Inside, Pt. 1

Page 6

by Kyra Anderson

  “Who’s the hottie?” he asked.

  “I am!” Taylor pouted playfully.

  “I know,” Todd laughed, kissing her forehead. “Who’s this hottie?” He pointed at me.

  “This is Lily Sandover,” Becca introduced. “Lily this is Todd Douglas.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Lily’s new here,” Jill explained. “So be nice to her.”

  “I’m always nice!” Todd defended with a smile. He turned to me. “Well, Lily, I guess I better introduce you to these weirdos over here.” He turned to the two boys behind him. “This is Devon,” he introduced the taller one. “And that’s Clark,” he jerked his thumb to the shorter boy.

  Devon was very handsome and looked older than seventeen. He had dark brown hair and light green eyes. He was tall and well-built for his age and had a perfect smile. Clark, on the other hand, was small and feeble-looking with dark hair and eyes. He wore thick glasses and looked as nervous as I felt. He didn’t make eye contact with me, though I could feel him looking over me when I turned away.

  “C’mon, Clark!” Todd laughed, grabbing the smaller one’s shoulder and pulling him closer. “Be social! Say hello to the ladies.”

  “Hello,” he whispered.

  “How are you doing, Clark?” Becca asked gently, smiling at the nervous teen.

  “I-I’m alright, thank you, Becca. How are you?”

  “I’m alright.”

  “Do you wanna dance?” she asked, walking toward Clark. He immediately became nervous again.

  “N-no, thank you,” he said quickly. “I actually…I need to go…”

  “Aw, c’mon, one dance!” Becca insisted, grabbing his hand and leading him to the floor as another song started. I watched them leave before turning to the rest of the group.

  “Is he okay?”

  “Clark? Oh, yeah, he’s fine,” Todd answered before kissing Taylor again.

  “Clark is a Commish Kid,” Devon explained, his voice strong and very fitting to his disposition. I, admittedly, found myself getting interested in him, which was a new feeling for me. “Most Commish Kids are like that around us common folk,” he teased.

  “You’re friends with a Commish Kid?” I asked as he sat in Becca’s seat.

  “He’s a good guy,” Devon said. “We’ve had honors classes together for years, so we became friends. The guy was always alone in the back of the class. I just wanted to make sure he had a friend.”

  “If he’s a Commish Kid, why is he down here? Shouldn’t he be up there?” I motioned to the balcony above.

  “It’s a system they have worked out,” Jill explained. “The Commish Kids have rounds. A few will come down at a time and will circle the room to pick up gossip.”

  “That’s creepy…”

  “Yeah, but that’s the way it is.”

  “Do you girls want anything?” Devon asked, standing. “I’ll get us some drinks.”

  “I’d love an iced tea,” Jill chimed. Devon reached across the table, smacking Todd in the shoulder.

  “Hey, will you stop eating her face for a second?” he teased. “Do you two want anything to drink?”

  “No thanks,” they both said before resuming their previous task. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

  “What about you, Lily?” Devon asked gently.

  “I didn’t bring any money…”

  “That’s okay,” Devon assured. “It’s free.”

  “Just water, please,” I murmured.

  “Alright, I’ll be right back.” Devon walked to the bar and I couldn’t help but watch him until he returned and set the glass in front of me and the tea in front of Jill, resuming his seat with his own iced tea.

  “So, Lily, who do you have in Central?”

  “My dad,” I answered. “He’s the Official Regulator for the Western Region.”

  “Impressive,” he said. “The biggest region.” He smiled. “So, what are you interested in? Do you want to do what your dad does?”

  “Not really,” I admitted slowly.

  “Yeah, I don’t blame you there. I’m the same way,” Devon laughed. He turned to look at the dance floor and nodded to Becca and Clark. “That’s why I feel bad for Clark. He doesn’t have a choice even though he doesn’t want to be in the government.”

  “What do you mean he doesn’t have a choice?”

  “Well, once you’re in the Commission, that’s it,” Jill said. “You don’t get out. Clark has it really tough. He grew up a Commish Kid. His mom is head advisor to Dana Christenson.”

  “No way,” I hissed

  “Oh yeah,” Taylor interjected. “Mr. Christenson already has his sights set on Clark to take over as advisor one day. At least, that’s what Clark’s mom says.”

  “I thought they weren’t allowed to talk about what happens in the Commission,” I said.

  “Not what goes on inside the Commission,” Todd agreed. “But they have to release information about who is taking over, and when you have someone like Dana Christenson saying that your child has potential, wouldn’t you brag?”

  “Man, it seems like the Commission runs everything…” I murmured.

  “No,” Jill laughed. “Leader Simon is technically the head of the Commission of the People and Mr. Christenson’s boss.”

  Becca reappeared at the table as the song ended, smiling at Devon.

  “You are in my seat!” she declared, playfully pushing him.

  “That’s what happens when you leave it unattended,” he teased.

  “Fine!” She sat on his legs, wiggling her hips. “I hope my bony ass doesn’t hurt too much.”

  Becca picked up Devon’s drink, taking large gulps of iced tea with a smug glint in her eyes.

  “Hey! Stop that, I just got it!” he laughed, trying to snatch the drink back. “You’re going to drink all of it!”

  “That’s the idea!” Becca smiled triumphantly when she pulled the almost-empty glass away from her mouth.

  “Thanks, Becca…” he groaned through his smile. “Would you like a refill?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Yes, please!” she beamed. She got off of his lap as he grabbed the glass and walked back to the bar. When he was gone, Becca resumed her seat victoriously.

  I looked around the club, my senses overwhelmed. I knew a few of the songs, I had never heard some before but, regardless, the noise reverberated in my chest and rattled my eardrums. The flashing lights made me dizzy, and while part of it was unpleasant, another part was thrilling.

  Devon’s return with the drinks brought my attention back to the table. He had brought another iced tea for Becca and one for himself, but when he saw that Becca had taken his seat, he pouted.

  “Well…where am I supposed to sit?”

  “You’re not,” Jill laughed. “Stand like a gentleman and let the ladies sit.”

  “How about…” he turned to me, “I take you out to the dance floor, instead?”

  “No,” I shook my head quickly. “I don’t know how…”

  “You don’t have to know anything fancy here,” he chuckled. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my chair. I somewhat-willingly followed. Becca winked, giving me a thumbs-up.

  We made our way into the mass of people. I bounced by bending my knees, but I was so nervous about dancing that it was the only movement I could manage.

  “You need to relax,” Devon chuckled.

  “I don’t know how to do this…” I said with a broken chuckle.

  “It’s easy,” he assured. “Just relax and feel the music.”

  “I don’t know how…”

  “No, you’re just nervous,” he corrected. “Just feel it and move however you want. It’s nothing special.”

  I took a deep breath and tried to relax, which was impossible. For one thing, I was way out of my element, and secondly, I did not want to screw up. The last thing I wanted too was to fall down and make a fool of myself.

  I bounced a little more,
trying to rock my upper body as Devon moved with the crowd, naturally one with the ocean of people.

  “You are trying way too hard,” he teased. “Okay, come here,” he motioned me closer. Nervously, I stepped forward.

  Devon took a hold of my shoulders.

  “Take a deep breath.”

  I smiled awkwardly, but did so, feeling silly at having to be coached in how to relax.

  “Good, now let it out.”

  I chuckled nervously as I did and shook my head.

  “I’m sorry, I’m really no good at all this…”

  The song slowly meshed with the beginning of the next song. The teens around me cheered and began dancing enthusiastically. A smile crept across Devon’s face.

  “This is a good song,” he nodded. “Okay, turn around.”


  “Just do it.”

  I slowly turned, though I kept looking over my shoulder at him. When I was facing the other direction, Devon walked up and placed his hands on my arms, leaning to my ear.

  “Close your eyes…” he whispered. I tried to suppress the shiver that ran down my spine, but it was something I could not control. My eyes slid shut, my attention focused on three things: his hands on my arms, his voice in my ear, and the beat of that resonated through my chest.

  “Do you feel it?” he asked. One of his hands moved and rested on the skin just below my collarbone. I jumped, startled, but his hand did not move. “Just relax,” he smiled at my ear. “Close your eyes again.”

  I obeyed.

  “Good. Do you feel the music here?” he asked. “Feel the beat rattle your chest?”

  I nodded.

  “Do you feel it here?” His hand move to my abdomen, resting against my exposed stomach. I nodded again with a smile, managing to keep my eyes closed. “Very good.” Both of his hands rested just above my hipbones. “Keep your eyes closed, and move with the music.”

  My body began to sway, my hips acting of their own accord. I felt Devon’s hands on my skin, felt his presence behind me, and smiled, moving, my eyes never opening.

  “That’s it…” Devon smiled.

  I continued to move, his hands never leaving my hips, his mouth always close to my ear, his breath on my neck. Before I knew it, I was dancing.

  But I was not dancing only to the feel of the music, I was dancing to Devon. He was moving behind me, keeping me in rhythm. I knew I was smiling. I must have looked ridiculous with my eyes closed and a huge grin.

  The song ended too soon. The next song started and I took a deep breath, finally opening my eyes to the dancing teenagers and flashing lights. I laughed and turned to Devon, who was also smiling.

  “I told you you could do it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You need to loosen up more,” he teased.

  “Yeah, I’ll work on that…” I said.

  Before I could help myself, I hugged Devon, feeling his arms wrap around my waist.

  “Thanks,” I whispered sincerely.

  When I pulled away, I headed back to the table only to see that Becca and Jill had been watching me with knowing smiles the entire time. Taylor and Todd had slipped away. Becca was smiling, beaming like a proud parent. Jill, on the other hand, had a very different smile that put a different light to her eyes, and it was a look that only girls could spot easily. It was jealousy and anger…

  …because she liked Devon.

  That was when I realized I was already getting into rocky territory with my new friends.

  * *** *

  I didn’t dance again, though Devon continuously asked. I turned him down, saying that I had had enough for one night and ‘maybe next time.’ I suggested that Devon dance with Jill, which he did several times while I watched.

  I decided that a boy was not worth losing one of the friends who would help me survive my new school.

  I remained at the table for the rest of the evening, bobbing my head to the music. Taylor and Todd eventually returned, apparently having committed some intimate act elsewhere.

  Eventually, the club began to empty. Announcements came over the speakers several times, stating that the first bus would be leaving at ten-twenty followed by the second bus at ten-thirty. The final bus would leave at ten-forty.

  Deciding we were done, we caught the first bus. We sat together in the back, waiting for the bus to fill as everyone talked excitedly, ears still ringing. Becca turned to me.

  “So, what did you think?”

  “Well…” I started slowly. “It was an experience…”

  “That’s the spirit!” Todd laughed.

  “Where’s Clark?” I asked.

  “He’ll catch a later bus,” Devon said. “He always does.”

  “You looked like you had fun,” Taylor noted.

  “You did,” Jill agreed. “You can keep the top, by the way,” she assured with a wink.

  “Oh, no,” I said. “I’ll give it back on Monday.”

  “No, I won’t wear it,” she insisted. “It doesn’t look as good on me as it does on you. Seriously, keep it.”

  “And you can keep the pants, too,” Becca added.

  “I can’t wear this every week.”

  “We’ll go shopping next weekend,” Taylor declared. “We can get you some makeup and hair stuff, and some clothes for the club. Trust me, you’ll be able to pull off just about everything.”

  “I don’t know about that…” I said nervously.

  The bus jolted into motion, taking the kids to the various stops that had been designated on the route back from the club. My stops was one of the last, so I had to say goodnight to my friends first, after asking them which stop I wanted. I felt a little nervous about saying goodbye to Devon, worried that it would look like I was flirting and cause tension with Jill. But, I was lucky, and Jill’s stop was closer than his, which meant that she was off the bus when I told him goodnight.

  “Thanks, again,” I told him as he stood.

  “I’ll dance with you whenever you want to loosen up,” he assured with a gentle smile. He walked off the bus with several other students as Becca turned to me.

  “You two looked pretty good on the dance floor,” she leered.

  “No…not really…”

  Becca got off the bus two stops before me, making my stop the last in my group of friends. I quickly navigated my way home and used the secret key under the mailbox to open the door.

  “Lily, is that you?” my father’s voice called.

  “Yeah, it’s me.” I walked into the kitchen where my father sat at the table in the breakfast nook. He smiled when he saw me, though his eyes did go wide.

  “Well…you look…”

  “I know…” I groaned. “I was a science project for my friends.”

  My father laughed and motioned me closer. I leaned down, hugging him tightly.

  “I was going to say that you look beautiful,” he said. “Did you have fun?”

  “Eh.” I shrugged, breaking our hug. “I don’t know…it was a little overwhelming.”

  “Yeah, I remember being your age.” He grinned. “It may have been long ago, but I remember getting out on the dance floor, too.”


  “Your old man was pretty wild, back in the day,” he chuckled. His eyes softened. “I’m glad you had an alright time.”

  “I did.”

  “Meet any boys?” he asked with an expectant eyebrow.

  “No, Dad. No boys.”

  “Good, because boys are nothing but trouble.”

  “You used to be one.”

  “How do you think I know so well?” He patted me on the arm and nodded. “Go on, now. You must be tired.”

  “I am…” I chuckled brokenly. “Where’s Mom?”

  “She went to bed,” he answered. “Oh, right, she told me to tell you to wash the makeup off your face, wash your hair, and soak your feet in warm water before you go to bed.”

  I laughed, rolling my eyes.

/>   “I’m just relaying the message.” He raised his hands peacefully. “I don’t know anything about this girl stuff.”

  “You know as much as I do.” I kissed him on the cheek before walking away. “Love you, Dad. Don’t stay up too late.”

  “Love you, too, honey.”

  I left my father to his work, walking up the stairs to my room. When the door was closed behind me, I took off my shoes, suddenly realizing my exhaustion. I carelessly threw my shoes to the side before walking to my bathroom, tenderly running my fingers over Dex, who was sleeping at the foot of my bed, waiting for me to come home.

  I stepped into the shower, lazily leaving my clothes all over the bathroom floor. I tried to wash myself as quickly as possible, knowing there was a good chance of the heat of the water causing me to fall asleep. I stepped out and wiped down a mirror only to see that the makeup around my eyes had smudged rather than come off. I groaned and washed my face vigorously, though it seemed impossible to remove all traces of black eyeliner.

  My first task the following day would be to go to the store for makeup remover.

  Once I had given up on the black smudges around my eyes, I brushed my teeth, then my hair, finally pulling on my pajamas and crawling into bed.

  My intention had been to stay up after I got home from Archangel to do some of my homework but I could not bring myself to stay awake. I was unsure what had made me so tired. Maybe it had been all the loud music and flashing lights, or maybe it had been the intense crowd of people, or just the overwhelming feeling I had about the entire ordeal. Either way, my homework could wait.

  Chapter Eight

  I was in a daze for the rest of the weekend. My senses had been overloaded and I was exhausted from the experience at Archangel. Because of my exhaustion, it took me a lot longer to read the assigned chapter of An Angel Without Wings than it normally would have.

  Therefore, the dinner with one of my father’s new colleagues seem like a harrowing task.

  I managed to complete my homework and doodle the Sunday away until my mother hurriedly reminded me we were having a politician over for dinner and I needed to look my best.


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